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Bruno Garcia edited this page Jul 22, 2013 · 20 revisions

This guide will walk you through installing and setting up Flambe.


  • Haxe 3 or higher.

  • NodeJS 0.8 or higher, Flambe's build tool is written in Node. On Windows, you may need to reboot after this step.


Download and setup Flambe by running:

(sudo) npm install -g flambe
flambe update

Don't forget to pass -g to npm install.


At this point, you can create a new project by running flambe new <directory>. To build it, run flambe build html flash --debug. Then flambe serve to start a webserver, and open http://localhost:5000 in your web browser. The Flash or HTML5 build will run depending on what your browser best supports.

After making a change, you can use flambe run html --debug (or flash) to rebuild and refresh your web browser in a single step.

To test Android, flambe run android --debug. You'll need the AIR SDK installed.

The Project.hxml generated by flambe new can be opened in FlashDevelop. To easily change the platform FlashDevelop builds, open flambe.yaml and edit the default_platform. Note that to debug from within FlashDevelop, your browser needs the Flash debug player.

When you're ready to distribute your game, do a release build by omitting the --debug param. Release builds are smaller and faster, but are slower to build and harder to debug.

Compiling and hacking the demos is a great way to learn by example. There will later be a tutorial for a gentle introduction to Flambe.

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