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Requirements for build environment

  1. Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset, 5.0.0 or later
  2. Install "Windows SDK for Desktop C++ amd64 Apps" feature from Windows SDK 10 for building multi-lingual setups.
  3. Digital signature service if the MSI should be signed (optional). If you plan to sign the MSI, you need to install the Windows SDK 10 feature "Windows SDK Signing Tools for Desktops Apps".
  4. For reviewing the MSI setup or creating custom MST transforms you can install feature "MSI Tools" from Windows SDK 10 (optional).

How to upgrade to a new OpenJDK version

  1. Download latest OpenJDK zip to the SourceDir directory.

  2. Extract the content and setup the expected file structure:

call powershell.exe ./CreateSourceFolder.AdoptOpenJDK.ps1

If your file structure/names are different than expected, we now support user-input regexes:

  • Note: the wix_version should be set to whichever version of wix is available on the buld machine
  • default values shown below. Note: -jvm flag also available, used in place of -jvm_regex result
call powershell.exe ./CreateSourceFolder.AdoptOpenJDK.ps1 ^
  -openjdk_filename_regex "^OpenJDK(?<major>\d*)" ^
  -platform_regex "(?<platform>x86-32|x64|aarch64)" ^
  -jvm_regex "(?<jvm>hotspot|openj9|dragonwell)" ^
  -wix_version "5.0.0"
  1. Export the following environment variables:


SET ARCH=x64|x86-32|x86|arm64 or all "x64 x86-32 arm64"
SET JVM=hotspot|openj9|dragonwell or both JVM=hotspot openj9
SET PRODUCT_CATEGORY=jre|jdk (only one at a time)
SET WIX_VERSION=5.0.0 (make sure this is the same version that is installed on the build machine)

To customize branding information you can export the following environment variables to override the default values. The default values are listed below:

set VENDOR=Eclipse Adoptium
set VENDOR_BRANDING=Eclipse Temurin
set VENDOR_BRANDING_LOGO=$(var.SetupResourcesDir)\logo.ico
set VENDOR_BRANDING_BANNER=$(var.SetupResourcesDir)\wix-banner.png
set VENDOR_BRANDING_DIALOG=$(var.SetupResourcesDir)\wix-dialog.png

Build.OpenJDK_generic.cmd statically depends on this SDK version (edit if needed):

  1. Run Build.OpenJDK_generic.cmd to create the MSI setup in "ReleaseDir":
call Build.OpenJDK_generic.cmd

Custom end-user license agreement behavior

If a vendor would like to implement custom end-user license agreement behavior for a hotspot JVM:

Note: default behavior is to use the GPLv2 license and to skip past the license agreement page. This license does not affect end users, only software redistribution.
  1. If using a new license agreement, copy the desired plaintext license into the wix/Resources folder (with the .rtf file extension).

  2. Go to wix/Includes/OpenJDK.Variables.wxi.template and find the line <?elseif $(var.JVM)="hotspot" ?>.

    a. Create an inner <?if $(env.VENDOR)="<INSERT_VENDOR_HERE>"?> statement.

    b. Set <?define license=... to be the name of your license agreement file.

    c. Set <?define license_shown=... to be 1 if the user needs to read and agree to this license before installing (most licenses require this), set 0 if this is not desired (ex: this is optional for GPLv2).

Deploy via Active Directory GPO

Installation optional parameters:


  • 1 = (Add to PATH + Associate jar)
  • 2 = (Add to PATH + Associate jar) + define JAVA_HOME + JavaSoft reg keys

usage sample:

msiexec /i OpenJDK8-jdk_xxx.msi INSTALLLEVEL=1
msiexec /i OpenJDK8-jdk_xxx.msi INSTALLLEVEL=2

Features available

  • FeatureMain (Required) Install Adoptium files ( To use with property : INSTALLDIR to set directory where to install for unattended install )
  • FeatureEnvironment (PATH)
  • FeatureJavaHome (JAVA_HOME)
  • FeatureJarFileRunWith (associate .jar)
  • FeatureOracleJavaSoft (Registry keys HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft) (break Oracle java start launch from PATH when Adoptium is uninstalled, reinstall Oracle if needed to restore Oracle registry keys) (Only available for admin users / machine setup ( normal users can't write to HKLM ))
  • FeatureIcedTeaWeb (Install IcedTea-Web)
  • FeatureJNLPFileRunWith (associate .jnlp with IcedTea-Web javaws.exe)

usage sample:

msiexec /i OpenJDK8-jdk_xxx.msi ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureJavaHome,FeatureJarFileRunWith INSTALLDIR=D:\testAdopt

Embedded transform for language

see list for full/partial language translation available here (Feel free to make pull request to add/complete translation).

Set property TRANSFORMS with :<code> where <code> is the ID available in LanguageList.config.

msiexec /i OpenJDK8-jdk_xxx.msi ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureJavaHome,FeatureJarFileRunWith INSTALLDIR=D:\testAdopt TRANSFORMS=:1036

Language with GPO

You must keep only the language you want use in the MSI. Use ORCA and remove all except one language : under view --> Summary Information go to the Languages input field and remove all but one. Okay and save.

Per user install


  • FeatureOracleJavaSoft can't and must not be used per user install as it only write to HKLM. (see details
  • Machine PATH is always loaded before User PATH (FeatureEnvironment) ( If another java is installed per machine it will be the default one when using the PATH )

See Details

Windows 7 and later : use MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1

msiexec /i OpenJDK8-jdk_xxx.msii INSTALLDIR=D:\testAdopt ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJavaHome,FeatureJarFileRunWith MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1

Reinstall option


usage sample:

msiexec /i OpenJDK11-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot- REINSTALL=ALL /quiet
msiexec /i OpenJDK11-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot- REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=amus /quiet

MSI upgrade limitation

Upgradable MSI work only for first 3 digit from the build number (due to MSI limitation) : Details

  • Upgradable : -> Yes
  • Upgradable : -> No ( You must uninstall previous msi and install new one )
  • Upgradable : -> Yes
  • Upgradable : -> No ( Adoptium does not provide upgrade for different major version ( jdk 8 -> jdk 11 ) (You can keep both or uninstall older jdk yourself )


Log files created by msiexec.exe help diagnosing problems with our MSI installers.

If you are installing an Adoptium MSI using the command line, pass /l*v %temp%\Adoptium-MSI.log to write a log to %temp%\Adoptium-MSI.log. Example command:

C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe /i "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_11.0.6_10.msi" MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 INSTALLDIR="C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Adoptium" ADDLOCAL=FeatureJavaHome,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJarFileRunWith /passive /l*v %temp%\Adoptium-MSI.log

If you have trouble with the GUI installer, changes to the registry are needed to enable logging (copy into cmd.exe):

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer" /v Debug /t REG_DWORD /d 7 /f
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer" /v Logging /t REG_SZ /d voicewarmupx! /f

The log files are written to %temp%\msi*.log (* denotes a randomly generated string consisting of letters and numbers).

To undo the changes to the registry:

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer" /v Debug /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer" /v Logging /f