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165 lines (111 loc) · 4.65 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (111 loc) · 4.65 KB


Project for logging test results and viewing history. Should be abstract enough for any build to log results to and present results in a personalized dashboard.


Code formatter

Local run/development steps

Execute the following commands after installing Node + npm + mongoDB and cloning the repository:

  • start MongoDB
cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin
  • start TestResultSummaryService
cd to TestResultSummaryService folder
npm ci
npm start
  • start react client
cd to test-result-summary-client folder
npm ci
npm start

User can navigate at http://localhost:3000 Note:

  • Dashboard can be configured using DashboardBuildInfo.json
  • Database needs to be populated before any data can be displayed on the side menu
  • Optional: database GUI client (i.e., Robo 3T) can be installed to view data in database

For swagger API docs, please check http://localhost:3001/api-docs

Optional: import sample data

If you do not have Jenkins access or you do not want to monior Jenkins server, you can import our sample data

  • turn off TestResultSummaryService if it is running

  • import sample data

mongorestore --archive=./data/sampleData.gz --db exampleDb --gzip
  • start TestResultSummaryService
cd to TestResultSummaryService folder
npm install
npm start

Production server

Deployment Instructions

  • run the deployment scripts/
cd TestResultSummaryService/scripts
  • log message can be found by using the following cmd
tail -f /var/log/TRSSFrontend.log
tail -f /var/log/TRSSBackend.log

Configure File

Credentials maybe needed for the server access (i.e., database, Jenkins, etc). In this case, please provide a --configFile=<path to config json file> when starting the server. The default value is --configFile=./trssConf.json when using npm start.

Config file example:

	"": {
		"user" : "[email protected]",
		"password" : "123"   <=== the value can be token
	"": {
		"user" : "[email protected]",
		"password" : "456"
	"DB": {
		"user" : "abc",
		"password" : "789"

If any server name matches with url in DashboardBuildInfo.json or domain in build monitoring list, credentials will be used when querying these servers.

##Build Status

A build can have the following status in database:

  • NotDone - The inital state. The build is created in the database, but not all information is processed and stored.
  • Streaming - Special state. When enabled, the build will be processed while it is still running.
  • CurrentBuildDone - The current build is processed and all informaiton is stored in the database, but its child builds may not be done.
  • Done - The build and its child builds are processed and stored.


Plugins can be added. Please refer Plugins ReadMe for implementation detail.

Configure Crontab on server

  • step 1: run command env, copy the field SHELL and PATH

  • step 2: run command crontab -e to install a cron job, using SHELL and PATH value from step1

    example cron job:

    0 8 * * 5 <path>/openjdk-test-tools/

    This cron job will run once every week at Saturday 8am

  • step 3: run command sudo chmod u+x to grant cron access to shell scipt

Docker Compose

Go to top directory, run command npm run docker or run with the sample data npm run docker-data, TRSS will be up at http://localhost:4000

To shut it down, run command npm run docker-down.

Using Docker is a good way to test and development locally. For more details, please see a recorded demonstration of running TRSS locally in Docker.


  • We are using Cypress for testing. To run UI testing, start TRSS server and client, then:
cd /home/jenkins/openjdk-test-tools/test-result-summary-client
npm run cy