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function spikes = spike_train(drive, sr, recfun, nfibers)% spikes=spike_train(drive,sr,recfun,N) - simulate auditory-nerve spike generation%% spikes: vector of spike times (s)% % drive: (spikes/s) time-varying rate% sr: sampling rate (Hz)% recfun: refractory function (or dead time)% N: number of fibers to simulate%% Spike times are double precision floats (no sampling involved). Spike % generation is efficient.%% Spikes are generated in three steps:% 1 - A spike train is generated by a _homogenous_ Poisson process% with a rate equal to the peak instantaneous rate of the driving function.% Spike times are derived from interspike intervals that follow an % exponential distribution. The first spike is supposed to occur at 0 (not included).% 2 - The spike train is "thinned" probabilistically. The probability % of survival of a spike is equal to the instantaneous rate (at spike time)% normalized by its max.% 3 - The spike train is further thinned probabilistically to simulate % refractory effects.if nargin==0; test_code; return; endif nargin<4||isempty(nfibers); nfibers=1; endif nargin < 3||isempty(recfun); recfun = 0; end % no refractory effectsif nargin < 2; error('!'); return; enddrive=drive(:);if min(drive) < 0 error ('instantaneous rate must be non-negative');endif nfibers>1 % run repeatedly, merge spikes spikes=[]; for iFiber=1:nfibers spikes=[spikes;spike_train(drive,sr,recfun,1)]; end spikes=sort(spikes); return;end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% First step: generate enough spikes to cover the duration of the driving functionmax_rate = max(drive); % peak instantaneous ratedrive = drive/max_rate; % normalizenspikes=numel(drive)/sr * max_rate * 1.1;% request a bit moreisis = spike_poisson(nspikes, max_rate); spikes = cumsum(isis);spikes(spikes*sr > numel(drive)-1) = []; % trim to duration of input% Second step: thin based on instantaneous ratedraw = rand(numel(spikes),1);idxSpikes = fix(spikes .* sr) + 1; % spike times expressed in sampleskeep = draw < drive(idxSpikes);spikes = keep .* spikes;spikes=nonzeros(spikes);if numel(spikes) < 1; warning('no spikes produced (rate too small?)'); end% Third step: thin again based on interspike intervalif isa(recfun, 'function_handle') || recfun~=0 spikes = spike_refractory(spikes, recfun);end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%if nargout==0 disp('spike_train: no output requested, plot AC histogram'); spike_ach(spikes); % expects spike times disp(['rate (spikes/s): ',num2str(spike_rate(spikes))]) clear spikesendend % spike_train% test/example codefunction test_code disp('spike_train test code'); disp('100 Hz HWR sine, max_rate 1000 spikes/s, 1 ms dead time'); max_rate=1000; % spikes/s sr=44100; % Hz, sampling rate of driving function f=100; % Hz D=10; % s drive=max(0,sin(2*pi*(1:round(sr*D)')/sr*f))*max_rate; recfun=0.001; nfibers=1; tic; spikes=spike_train(drive,sr,recfun,nfibers); toc; figure(1); clf subplot 221 plot(linspace(0,D,numel(drive)),drive); xlim([0 0.02]); xlabel('time (s)'); ylabel('rate (spikes/s)'); title ('instantaneous rate'); subplot 222 binwidth=0.0001; spike_psth(spikes,binwidth,1/f); subplot 223 spike_isih(spikes,binwidth); subplot 224 spike_ach(spikes,binwidth,0.02);end % function