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Deploying and testing your Adapt course

Brian Quinn edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 8 revisions

Deploying and testing your Adapt course

Developing a course takes place in the adapt_framework/src/course folder. When you want to test or release your creation, there are a few simple commands you should be aware of.

In a Node.js Command Prompt, navigate to the adapt_framework directory. From here there are several commands you can run:

If your course is intented to track SCORM within a LMS (like Moodle), you should run the following command to insert tracking identifiers:

grunt tracking-insert

Now, to compile a developer friendly version of your course, run:

grunt dev

To compile a production ready/minified version of your course, run:

grunt build

To use launch a stand-alone Node.JS web server and launch your default web browser to preview your course content.

grunt server-scorm

##Creating the SCORM package After running the 'grunt dev' or 'grunt build' taks, a /build folder will be created. Provided that no errors have occured, the contents of this folder can simply be zipped up to create a valid SCORM package.

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