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Accessibility v4 → v5

kirsty-hames edited this page Nov 4, 2024 · 31 revisions

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New built-in behaviours


Adopted relative unit measurement (rem) instead of fixed (px)

Rem units allow for dynamic scaling based on a single root font size and adjust proportionally. Giving greater flexibility over pixels. This is particularly beneficial for users who adjust their browser settings for larger text, as these units scale according to user-defined preferences.

Reference: WCAG 2.2 SC 1.4.4 Resize Text


Automated heading levels

Aria levels are calculated dynamically, based upon the existence of a title on the defined parent and the offset through the tree. For example, if a component has no article or block title, its aria level will be calculated relative to the page heading level 1, this is as the block and article offsets are not applied.

See: Automated aria levels

Reference: Headings


Navigation button order

Button order was introduced to ensure the DOM order matches the visual order of the navigation bar. This also gives flexibility in the visual display of the navigation bar. The sorting order can be configured per course.

See: Navigation sorting order on the wiki

Reference: Making the DOM order match the visual order

Navigation button labels

As part of the navigation button API, button labels were introduced to provide a text label based upon the button aria-label. Icons are a helpful tool to improve perception, but they aren't a replacement for text. Adding a visible text label makes the button’s purpose obvious.

See: Navigation Button API on the wiki

Reference: Making the DOM order match the visual order

Skip to main content

Added the ability to skip to menu or page main content bypassing the navigation bar. Focus is directed to the main content with the first focusable element typically being the menu or page title.

Reference: Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area

ariaQuestion field introduced across question components

When focusing on a question group or radiogroup, reading the component displayTitle, body & instruction in reference to the question options is too verbose. The ariaQuestion field provides the option to specify a succinct aria-label for the question with the original aria-labelledby as a fallback.

See: Adds ariaQuestion field to JSON default settings

Support user preference for motion

Some users experience distraction or nausea from animated content. For example, if scrolling a page causes elements to move such as content transitioning into the page. When _isPrefersReducedMotionEnabled is enabled and prefers-reduced-motion is set in the browser (user preference) an is-prefers-reduced-motion class is appended to the html tag.

See: Animations in theme should use reduced motion media queries

Reference: Using the CSS reduce-motion query to prevent motion

Support for semantic quotes

It's important to ensure that the HTML used in Adapt is semantically correct to ensure the content is accessible to as many users as possible. Representing quotes with CSS styling alone is not identified by assistive tech. The text will read as any other body text on the page regardless how different the visual styling is. Adapt styling for <blockquote> and <q> was introduced to Vanilla and a brief explanation of some common HTML elements has been detailed on the wiki.

See: Making quotes semantic to encourage inclusive design, Semantic HTML Quotation on the wiki

Reference: Using semantic markup to mark emphasized or special text

Updated and improved built-in behaviours

Heading attribute helper

The heading attribute helper {{a11y_attrs_heading}} was deprecated in favour of {{a11y_aria_level}} as it's clearer for the handlebars. The helper produces the role and default heading level attribute for an element. The default heading level is taken from the map in config.json: _accessibility._ariaLevels. An absolute value would be "1" or "2" etc. A relative increment would be "@page+1" or "@block+1" (as per Automated heading levels above). They are calculated from ancestor values, respecting both _ariaLevel overrides and not incrementing for missing displayTitle values.

See: heading.hbs example

Visible focus

Rather than relying on keyboard detection, :focus-visible is used instead. The :focus pseudo-class always matches the currently-focused element and displays a visible focus ring, which some consider obtrusive. The :focus-visible pseudo-class only matches the focused element if the user needs to be informed where the focus currently is. The :focus-visible pseudo-class respects user agents' selective focus indication behaviour while still allowing focus indicator customisation.

See: MDN :focus vs :focus-visible, Updated focus to focus-visible

Disabled buttons

Using aria-disabled improves discoverability as buttons will not be removed from the focus order of the page. Instead, it signals to assistive tech that a button is disabled whilst reading any associated label, for example “Submit button, unavailable”. Disabled buttons using the disabled attribute are typically ignored by assistive tech meaning a user won't be aware a button exists until it becomes available whilst the button is visually available to a sighted user. Note, developers will still need to use JavaScript to fully disable the functionality of the element while also changing the appearance of the element so sighted users know it is disabled via the .is-disabled class.

See: Switch from disabled to aria-disabled for ButtonsView


Tab wrapping

When a modal popup, such as Notify or Drawer, is displayed, tabbing should work the same as it does for pages, in that the focus should circle around the browser UI when you leave the bottom of the content. tabindex="0" was added to {{{a11y_wrap_focus}}} to return focus to the first focusable element within the modal popup.

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