The TFP backend is still work in progress, and currently supports only a small subset of the Stan langauge.
The following distributions are currently supported:
- Binary:
- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli (logit parameterization)
- Bounded discrete
- Binomial
- Binomial (logit parameterization)
- Unounded discrete
- Poisson
- Poisson (log parameterization)
- Continuous:
- Normal
- Student-T
- Cauchy
- Laplace
- Gumbel
- Positive Continuous:
- Lognormal
- Chi-2
- Exponential
- Gamma
- Inverse Gamma
- Positive Lower-Bounded:
- Pareto
- Continuos [0,1]:
- Beta
- Unbounded Vectors:
- Multivariate Normal (Cholesky parameterization)