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How to run on DD WRT with lighttpd

jtbr edited this page Mar 26, 2017 · 6 revisions

This guide is written for a Kong build of DD-WRT, but should work with any that has access to lighttpd. You will need a JFFS partition and need to use command line tools via ssh/telnet.

  1. Install opkg and get CA certificates. To install opkg, you need a /opt partition. The easiest way (and totally adequate for the goal of running lighttpd) is to mount /opt from a jffs partition, which is what we do here. First, enable JFFS from Administration->Management. The first time you use it you'll want to check the box to Clean internal flash storage. Once it's running (you may need to reboot), use a terminal to mkdir /jffs/opt, and mount it to the /opt directory using mount --bind /jffs/opt /opt. This line will also need to go into your startup script under Administration->Commands. Second, install opkg by running bootstrap. Third, install CA certificates which permit use of HTTPS from DD-WRT. Run opkg update; opkg install ca-certificates. Certificates are installed into /opt/etc/ssl/certs.

  2. Install onto the JFFS. Somewhat arbitrarily, I chose to put it, and related configuration, in /jffs/usr/ssl. To do this:

    mkdir /jffs/usr/ssl
    cd /jffs/usr/ssl
    curl --capath /opt/etc/ssl/certs >
    chmod a+x

    Note that curl is using your newly installed root certificates to get, as will do to get your TLS certificates.

  3. Get a trusted certificate issued from for your domain(s). In order to do this they need to authenticate that you control the domain in question. The simplest general way at present is to use a TLS service run by There are many other possible approaches, but some may not work easily on DD-WRT, either due to lack of support, or the fact that the DD-WRT web GUI normally uses the default HTTP port. DNS approaches could be good if your DNS provider is supported. Finally, lighttpd authentication may be supported in future. Refer to the documentation for other approaches or more complicated domain setups.

    To issue yourself a certificate for the domain assigned to dd-wrt:

    ./ --issue --tls -d [ddwrtdomain] \
              --home /jffs/usr/ssl --ca-path /opt/etc/ssl/certs \
              --pre-hook "stopservice lighttpd" --post-hook "startservice lighttpd"

    Note: Be sure to replace [ddwrtdomain] with your domain name. To test your configuration, always add the --test parameter, to avoid being locked out by letsencrypt. Finally, note that letsencrypt will not issue certificates for certain "public domains" which are not registered as such. In particular, this currently precludes the 85,000 domains served by from being issued certificates.

  4. Configure lighttpd to use the certificates provided by acme/letsencrypt. To do this you will need to modify the default lighttpd.conf used by DD-WRT. The simplest way to do this is to copy the default configuration to /jffs/etc (mkdir /jffs/etc; cp /tmp/lighttpd.conf /jffs/etc), and then modify it (placed in that directory, it will override the default settings). Then modify /jffs/etc/lighttpd.conf (using vi), so that the SSL section looks like this:

    $SERVER["socket"] == ":443" {
    ssl.engine	= "enable"
    ssl.pemfile	= "/jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/hostkey.pem"	= "/jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/fullchain.crt"

    If you want to just run an HTTPS server, without any HTTP server, you can simply put a # in front of the first and last lines there and change the server.port line to server.port = 443. Do not remove your HTTP port from the web GUI, as this will cause lighttpd to malfunction.

  5. Install your new certificates to the place lighttpd will find them.

    ./ --install-cert -d [ddwrtdomain] --home /jffs/usr/ssl \
              --cert-file /jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/host.crt \
              --key-file  /jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/host.key \
              --fullchain-file /jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/fullchain.crt \
              --reloadcmd  "cat /jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/host.crt /jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/host.key > /jffs/etc/lighttpd_ssl/hostkey.pem"
    #restart the service to load the new configuration and certificates
    stopservice lighttpd; startservice lighttpd

    Lighttpd wants the SSL certificate and key in the same file; we use the reloadcmd to place them there. We use pre- and post- hooks to actually restart the service; this is necessary so that they will function properly when run from cron.

  6. Set up a cron job to update certificate automatically before it expires. Under Administration/Management, add a line under Additional Cron Jobs:

    # sundays @4:05am, renew/install SSL certificates if necessary (restarting lighttpd)
    5 4 * * 0 root /jffs/usr/ssl/ --cron --home /jffs/usr/ssl >>/jffs/usr/ssl/cron.log 2>&1

    It will only stop/restart lighttpd if a certificate may need to be re-issued, and will automatically issue and install it according to the settings you used in steps 3 and 5 above. LetsEncrypt recommends running daily although this script only runs weekly (since LetsEncrypt certs currently last 90 days and will renew at most every 60, I don't see why it needs to run daily).

Voila! Your server is using a trusted certificate that will auto-renew.

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