1. Playlist Converter
a. Taking music/playlist shared within imessage to be seamlessly converted and implemented into the streaming service of the users choosing
2. Readings
a. Apple forums- https://forums.developer.apple.com/welcome
b. Swift forums
3. Tools to make this
a. UI -
i. https://material.io/design/ - web layout themes
ii. https://unsplash.com/ - for free pictures
b. Github - https://youtu.be/Loav1kbA640
c. Xcode
i. Intro to xcode -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIZxSZJMU2Y
ii. Xcode and git hub- iOS Tutorial: How to use git with Xcode
d. Swift 4
i. Swift for beginners-Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners (Full Tutorial)
e. Streaming service Api
i. What is a API - What is an API
ii. Spotify- https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/quick-start
iii. Apple doesn’t have one
iv. Soundcloud
v. Other?
4. Useful tutorial links
a. https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/ios-11-fundamentals - Design Patterns in Swift: Behavioral By Karoly Nyisztor; ios funamentals
b. https://www.toptal.com/developers/blog
c. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/swift_4_online_training/swift_4_andndash_introduction.asp
d. https://www.youtube.com
5. Cool Project techniques and helpful tips
a. Agile method
b. How to start a large project -How to Start a Big Programming Project without Getting Lost
6. Brainstorm ideas
a. What is the MVP
b. What other functionalities do you want on this app
c. Add shazam on it as well?
7. Last thoughts
a. PLSSSSS research on your own time the more the better
b. Pre planning is everything
c. Talk each other