- Nothing changed yet.
- Explicitly include necessary zcml dependencies to avoid having to explictly doing that in tests. plone.app.testing disables z3c.autoinclude. [thet]
- Add upgrade step for changes in 2.1 + register missing upgrade steps for Plone 5 migration. [thet]
- Use
from theplone.patternslib
package. This should give an out-of-the-box leaflet integration. [thet]
- Make geolocation formwidget work with
. [thet] - Support for Plone 5 only, using plone.patternslib and providing an own bundle. [thet]
- Leaflet: After searching, bind new marker to update lat/lng input field and remove MarkerClusterGroup. Fix annoying 'Uncaught Error: Couldn't autodetect L.Icon.Default.imagePath, set it manually.' [thet]
- Update Leaflet dependencies. [thet]
- Add Leaflet as mapping widget. Use bower/grunt managed resources. [thet]
- Remove the
elements. Instead, render the list of geolocation points as JSON value on adata-geopoints
attrbute on the map element. [thet] - Reintroduce package level imports and avoid circular import by moving out the message factory. [thet]
- Remove the
id attrbute on the map element and use instead amap
css class. [thet]
- Avoid circular imports by removing the package level imports. [thet]
- PEP8. [thet]
- Simplify templates and cleanup Google Map leftovers. [thet]
- Convert default locations strings from Products.Maps to tuples with floats. [thet]
- Improve handling of non-required geolocation fields with missing values. [davisagli]
- Fix display template markup to be compatible with recent versions of Products.Maps. [davisagli]
- Add supermodel import/export handler. [davisagli]
- Fix declaration of exported names. [davisagli]
- Remove dependency on Products.Maps. Don't fail, if default_location is not set or maps_configuration adapter not found. [thet]
- Initial release