- [ ] Build an endpoint for Admin
- [ ] Make functions for assembly line
- [ ] Build an endpoint for assembly line
- [ ] Generate Line Matrices
- [ ] Insert Report info
- [ ] Make report
//editUserInfo(); // Assembly line //createResourceTable() //registerResource() //viewRegisterResource()
//registerAssemblyLine() //setLayout() //useResource() //removeResource() //getLayout()
function getUserIdForUser(username){
const sql_query = "select userid from user where username='"+username+"';";
connection.query(sql_query, (err, results, fields)=>{
if(err) throw err;
sharedData["userid"] = results[0].userid;
return 1;
- [ ] Deploy the nmf
- [ ] Make an endpoint for it
- [ ] Run a js that runs once every second and knocks the python endpoint with an image, asking if its congestion or not.
get photo from camera send photo to model return result
client –> get info for workstation id = 3 backend –> return boolean result from an array that stores the result Array: Update it every minute
- send get request to fastAPI to return array of congestion states, given machineId list
FastAPI: accept an array, return correspoing result array
Processing: Fast API Accepts the array. loads image for each machine. (The folders are renamed with machine Id.) sends the image to nmf code one by one
- [X] Find a proper dataset, if none exists, make one. [clothstackdetectionvariablestack.mp4]
- [X] Train
- [X] Make some folders
- [X] Validate request
- [ ] Update array every one minute
- [ ] congestion reason, video upload , view image of congestion
- [ ] notification is clickable
- [ ] different productions at the same time
- Profile image
- Users should be able to change their information through profile