Releases: abbruzze/kernal64
Releases · abbruzze/kernal64
- Added drives 10 and 11: 8 to 11 are the available disk drives. The old local (not true drive) 10 has been moved to 12.
- Removed drive's progress bar to optimize GUI space
- New local filesystem mode: the user can attach a local directory to a disk (8 - 11). The files will be loaded into a virtual D64 (if there's space for all) that will be written back to the source directory when closed.
- Added --prg-as-disk option: if checked every PRG file will be loaded as if it was a disk
- Added --fullscreen --vdc-fullscreen options
- Added --ignore-config-file option: if activated the emulator will not load any configuration file at start up.
- Added Single Frame Mode for VIC & VDC : when in Single Frame Mode the user can advance in the emulation frame by frame.
- Added cassette's controls over cassette's panel. Added forward & rewind controls.
- Added Reset (CTRL+ALT+R) command that restores the last PRG file
- Added Hard Reset
- Fixed LAX_I constant to 0xEE always
- Fixed handling of G64 disk: now it's possible to write on empty tracks
- Fixed CRT Comal80
- Fixed ULTIMAX mode: writings to roms don't affect underlying ram.
- Fixed testcart when screeshot is requested: must wait at least 1 frame. When IO is not active now testcart is disabled.
- Fixed CPU 6510: must set I on reset
- Added display effects: mirroring and flipping
- Added tape counter
- Improved tap handling: user can select in the preview panel which entry to run. Added tap counter on GUI
- Modified border handling: removed check on cycle 63 in checkVertical
- Added under various VIC menù the possibility to hide VIC's borders
- VIC's new colodor Palette
- Fixed SID's mute setting: after reset mute setting is preserved
- Added support for NTSC
- New brand Assembler (inspired by KickAssembler) with breakpoints, macros, high level statements, etc. see
- Added EasyFlash support for flashing roms. Added EasyFlash jumper on GUI settings.
- Added ROM reloading to change rom content without restarting emulator.
- Added Settings panel on Help menu.
- Added Cart Info panel on Cartridge menu.
- Added new options for roms: --kernal, --charrom, --basic, etc.
- Changed process exit code when a bad line argument is encountered: from 1 to 100 (for testbench)
- Support for BeamRacer card (
- Fixed function rom handling: if rom's size < 16K the mid rom is copied in the high rom. Now TurboAssembler128 works.
- VDC: added on the VDC window the possibility to handle or not the automatic resolution adaptation of the monitor. Needed to run properly VDC-MCD demo (
- VDC: added handling of reg 27 > 0 to attributes processing in case of bitmap mode
- Fixed testcart: when IO is not active now testcart is disabled
- C128
- VDC: Fixed handling of rowCounterY & currentCharScanLine. Removed 0x1F anding. Now Volley For Two runs properly.
- Fixed C128 48/80 & CAPS-LOCK key handling.
- General
- Fixed problem with disk inserting introduced on 1.6.2_b5. Some demos stop working when it comes to wait disk changing
- General
- added CSDB service provider. New entry under Games menù
- general keyboard handling improvements: added support for italian, german and english layout. Now the emulator will start with a default keyboard settings according to local layout.
- Fixed a bug on keyboard editor: when the user changed a key mapping it takes place immediately, but if the user re-opens the editor the new mapping was lost.
- Added state saving support for CRT.
- Fixed keyboard control port: it didn't recognize key mapping modification. Restart was needed.
- Now TCPRS232 has the same configuration string of Telnet one, so it can be possible to specify host:port later in order to use at commands.
- Fixed error when keyboard layout (according to locale) is not found
- 1541/1571 drives
- Fixed handling of acknowledge data line when DDR is not set to output. Now NeoHabitat ( works properly.
- C128
- Added grey dot emulation for 8565 C128 only.
v1.6.1 scpu
- CMD SuperCPU support
- Added new kscpu64 scripts to run the emulator with SCPU attached
- Emulation of WD65816 is not cycle exact: most of SCPU software run properly except some timing accurate demos
- Emulation of BA signal from VIC partially supported
- Emulation of SIMM memory: up to 16M
- Emulation of 1Mhz mode during I/O access partially supported
- Shipped with VICE's SCPU rom. CMD's rom 2.04 also supported
- New leds on the bottom: native (65816 in native mode), 20Mhz (turbo mode on), clickable JIFFYDOS (jiffy dos enabled), clickable SPEED (master speed selector), SIMM usage (% of SIMM usage)
- Added command line options to configure simm size and jiffydos
- General
- Fixed cartridge type 5 banks handling
- Fixed a bug when the user change the drive type
- New GIF Recorder utility: now you can create an animated GIF from what you see on the emulator (ALT-F)
- Fixed CP/M cart with SCPU
- Fixed cart type 19
- When user load a saved state, the drivers' type are automatically set according to what it's stored on state.
- Added --trace option to start emulation in trace mode
- 128
- Fixed internal/external ROM configuration saving
- Fixed bug on Z80 IRQ handling introduced during refactoring that prevents CP/M keyboard to work properly
- Fixed handling of double char mode. Now Bucket Wars (Dual) 1.3 +2 ONSLAUGHT intro works fine
- General
- General code refactoring
- GeoRAM cart supported: added --geo-ram command line option
- PageFox cart supported
- New implementation of CIAs
- Added --cia-model command line option in order to choose new or old CIA
- VIA implementation fixed
- SID emulation: added --sid-cycle-exact command line option (see also in GUI's settings) in order to improve the SID emulation
- Debugger: added cycle step by step debugging
- CPU: fixed illegals ANE,SHS,SHY,SHX,SHA for RDY signal and ADC in decimal mode
- Mouse : now the mouse emulation takes into account the delta T in order to slow down the movement
- Drive emulation: 42 track D64 now supported
- Added --cpujam-continue command line option for testbench
- Added --screen-dim command line option for testbench
- Added --screenshot command line option for testbench
- Testbench
- Added support for Vice's testbench (see testbench directory)
- C128
- registers 34 & 35 now are implemented
- --vdc-enabled command line option changed in --vdc-disabled
- Fixed handling of diverted pages in case of 256K
- removed slider to select video size. Now the video resize is automatic!
- Fixed char displaying when visible width < char width
- Added xscroll table that following instructions of 128 Programmers Reference Guide : now Soci test 9 is almost there
- Halved line cycles per row in case of interlace & text mode
- Fixed calculation of total screen height (missing a + 1 for regs(4))
- Fixed caching of chars & attr: added 1 position (for scrolling)
- Added bound check for bitmap array to avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException when screen height is adjusting
- Introduced graphics & attributes buffers per row.
- emulated the maximum number of chars displayable: 82 chars. For positions > 82 the chars starting from 42th position are corrupted
- Improved busy-flag emulation
- Fixed attribute offset on reg(9) = 0
- Little adjustment to busyFlagClearCycle delay in case of writing on reg(31)
- On copyfill operation now the delay depends on copy or fill operation
- Added handling of forced vsync if vsync is out of screen
- CurrentCharScanLine & rowCounterY are now limited to 31
- Fixed restoring of VDC state when interlace mode was selected
- New vertical handling: now VDC101 is fully supported
- Fixed bug that prevents G64 floppy to run properly on 1571 drive.
- New 2.13 Scala libraries.
- Cart rom handling fix for unordered rom's index sequence
- New command line option: --cpm64-enabled
- Fixed VDC color palette
- Fixed sprite handling for "Krestage 3" 50 pixels wide sprites
- When JAM opcodes are executed the user can choose if continue or open debugger
- Improved disk change recognition: Now the R/W disk head will read an empty disk for a while while user is changing disk
- New command line option: --run-file. Can be used to run the specific file (on the attached disk) at startup
- Fixed track allocation table for .D64 modified for .D71 support.
- Removed disk insertion emulation when user is dragging a disk
- D64: added last sector gap
- Added directory/bam support for G64 format: now G64 can be previewed
- Minor fixes to pass more CIA's tests
- Added support for Zaxxon & Mach 5 carts
- VDC: New screen size selection from VDC main screen. Useful to display images larger than PAL dimensions.
- CPU: Fixed RTI, CLI, SEI and PLP; RTI: executes irq immediately if after restoring flags I = 0 and irq is pending; CLI,SEI,PLP: execute next instruction even if irq condition is satisfied
- VIC: general improvements for sprites and gfx
- CIA major bug fixed that prevented ComaLand to work properly
- Color memory now handles the most significant nibble as the last nibble written by VIC: dadb (openio) test now works properly.
- Fixed sprite idle cycle read.
- Now it's possible to choose among 3 differente VIC palette
- Fixed a veeery old bug about irq/nmi timings. The bug caused some irq stable interrupt handling to malfunctioning cause of an additional random cycle. In some demo the bug is visible when an unexpected flickering appears.
- Normal Mode -> Warp Mode -> Normal Mode fixed. Fixed warp mode handling causing a delay to SID output. When resetting emulator or using warp mode and then normal mode SID emits output with a short initial delay.
- VIC: fixed den bit handling: now on $30 it's checked on every cycles
- VIC: fixed sprite idle cycle, now display internal bus
- REU: fixed transfer timings.
- Now, demo Bottom (REU) works fine ( Fixed also Treu Love, now works fine for 80% (
- Game pad controller: changes thresholds, now PS4 gamepad works properly
- VICII 2Mhz mode partial support added. Now Risen From Oblivion for VIC has been improved and the moving image is shown. Cannot show the first image yet.
- New ROMs panel. Removed rom environment variable. Now the roms configuration can be saved as other settings.
- New drives settings panel. Now it's possible to change drives settings and load floppy from a floating window. Removed all drive settings from menu'
- The keyboard layout can be changed and the user can take effects immediately without restart.
- New warp mode on loading
- New RS-232 handling. New GUI panel to configure rs-232 and to monitor signals. RS-232 general improvements. New Hayes Modem class to handle AT commands.
- Z80 cycle counting more accurate
- Added VDC interlace mode user option. Now the user can choose between normal interlace mode (with flickering) and automatic de-interlace mode (default).