The Onceler listens to your secrets and shares them exactly once.
You won't see the Once-ler.
Don't knock at his door.
He stays in his Lerkim on top of his store.
He lurks in his Lerkim, cold under the roof,
where he makes his own clothes
out of miff-muffered moof.
And on special dank midnights in August,
he peeks
out of the shutters
and sometimes he speaks
and tells how the Lorax was lifted away.
He'll tell you, perhaps....
if you're willing to pay.
Since Onceler stores secrets in volatile memory, it has no external dependencies and no database. This extreme simplicity makes it very portable and easy to deploy anywhere, but it also means that you can run only one app process at a time. So Onceler is not appropriate for high traffic use.
Onceler is written in Ruby. It requires Ruby >= 3.0. All Ruby library dependencies are listed in the Gemfile.
Rbenv provides a convenient way to manage installations of multiple Ruby versions.
Install ruby, either via rbenv or a system package manager.
Then install gem dependencies:
bundle install
Start the application:
# Usage: serve [BIND_ADDR] [BIND_PORT]
# Listen only on localhost
# Listen on all network interfaces