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a mobx state tree example based on the ionic2 todo app written in angularjs

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Mobx-State-Tree Ionic Framework

This has been updated to the latest versions of Ionic, mobx and mobx-state-tree as of April 2018

The above lists the source materials for the example, I am just pulling it all together here. There is no overview of the todo app here at all, see the referenced blog post for those materials. We will be starting with the assumption you have that application functioning on your own

Installation Requirements for The Mobx State Tree

npm install --save mobx-angular mobx mobx-state-tree
npm install --save-dev mobx-devtools-mst   // dev tools

This next requirement is because the normal npm package has not been updated yet to support the latest version of mobx so we need to use the fork at this time

npm install --save-dev mobx-remotedev@git+ssh://[email protected]/crayonzx/mobx-remotedev.git

Starting The Mobx State Tree

Look into quokka for testing out state tree before integrating it into the application

Starting with this code to layout the fields for the Todo object that we are using

import { types, onSnapshot } from "mobx-state-tree"

const Todo = types.model("Todo", {
    title: types.string,
    description: types.string,
    when : types.string
}).actions(self => ({


// create the object
let x = Todo.create({})

Errors are generated becuase we are trying to create the object without the required fields

[mobx-state-tree] Error while converting `{}` to `Todo`:​​
​​at path "/title" value `undefined` is not assignable to type: `string` (Value is not a string).​​
​​at path "/description" value `undefined` is not assignable to type: `string` (Value is not a string).​​
​​at path "/when" value `undefined` is not assignable to type: `string` (Value is not a string).​​
let x1 = Todo.create({
    title: "Aaron",
    description: "Test Description",
    when: new Date() + ""


will get the correct output

  title: 'Aaron',​​​​​
  description: 'Test Description',​​​​​
  when: 'Tue Jan 02 2018 22:20:02 GMT-0500 (EST)'

But we need something to actually hold the Todo Items so we will create a store to hold them

const TodoStore = types.model("TodoStore", {
    todos : types.array(Todo)
}).actions(self => ({


// will generate the same error..
let theStore = TodoStore.create({})

lets intoduce types.maybe

const TodoStore = types.model("TodoStore", {
    todos : types.maybe(types.array(Todo))
}).actions(self => ({


// will generate the same error.. without the maybe
let theStore = TodoStore.create({})

we can fix the problem using the types.optional with a default value for the array which you can see in the code.

 // will throw error when creating the object
todos : types.maybe(types.array(Todo)) 

// will default to an empty array when creating the object
todos : types.optional(types.array(Todo),[]) 

We will add the first function to add items to the todoStore that was created; notice the type of the Todo object to ensure that we get the type checking when attempting to create the object

const TodoStore = types.model("TodoStore", {
   todos : types.optional(types.array(Todo),[])
}).actions(self => ({
   addItem(_value) {

// 1) create the store
let theStore = TodoStore.create({})

// 2) create a todo
   title: "Aaron",
   description: "Test Description",
   when: new Date() + ""

Add the Mobx State Tree store to the angular application

Paste the following code in the beginning of home.ts file. This is a temporary solution to show the integration of the store. We will eventually create a provider and inject the store using DI

import { types, onSnapshot, getSnapshot } from "mobx-state-tree"

const Todo = types.model("Todo", {
 title: types.string,
 description: types.string,
 when: types.string
}).actions(self => ({


const TodoStore = types.model("TodoStore", {
 todos: types.optional(types.array(Todo), [])
}).actions(self => ({
 addItem(_value) {

Modify constructor by adding the following lines of code to the home.ts file

let items = [
  { title: 'hi1', description: 'test1', when: "2018-01-03T02:12:12.766Z" },
  { title: 'hi2', description: 'test2', when: "2018-01-02T02:52:12.766Z" },
  { title: 'hi3', description: 'test3', when: "2018-01-01T01:52:12.766Z" }

// create the store with a default set of items
this.todoStore = TodoStore.create({ todos: items })

Modify properties for the page by adding the following lines of code to the home.ts file

import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core'; // <== NEW LINE - ChangeDetectionStrategy

  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, // <== NEW LINE
  selector: 'page-home',
  templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {

  public items;
  public todoStore: typeof TodoStore.Type // <== NEW LINE

finally open up the home.html and add the *mobxAutorun directive to the page to allow the page to detect the changes in the mobx-state-tree.

also notice where we are accessing the list of todos directly from the todoStore.todos property

See mobx-angular documentation for more information on *mobxAutorun directive ->

<ion-list *mobxAutorun>
        *ngFor="let item of todoStore.todos"
        <div>{{item.when | date: "medium" }}</div>

At this point the application should run and you should see the items appearing in the list again.

Move store to seperate file and make it a provider

see the store code in mst-store.ts; no changes other than thos covered below to make it work as an Injectable provider

To get the mobx-state-tree to act as a provider, I needed to do the following in the store file I created

// normal reqirement for a provider on angular2

// code so that you can used the redux-dev-tools
@remotedev({ name: 'TodoStore-aks', global: true, onlyActions: true })

// we need to create a class that can be exported that represents the store..
export default class Store {
    constructor() {
        // create an instance of the store...
        let myStore = TodoStore.create({})
        // this allows the mst-dev-tool to inspect the store
        // return the actual store as the object which can be injected into
        // you angular components
        return myStore as ITodoStoreType

Access the store from your components

define a property on your component to hold the injected store, we are defining the type so we can get the code completion functionality from your editor

public todoStore: ITodoStoreType

Next use the store as you would any other provider

    public navCtrl: NavController,
    public modalCtrl: ModalController,
    public _todoStore: TodoStore) {

    this.todoStore = _todoStore as ITodoStore


Add the item to the store

Just use the same code as before, we are just using the store that was injected into the component instead of creating one locally

if (item) {
  item.when = new Date() + ""

  • [TODO] Connect the deleteItem function to the todoStore
  • [TODO] Add list-item-swipe to list to implement deleteItem
  • [TODO] Connect delete action in UI to delete in todoStore
  • [TODO] Connect angularfire2