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File metadata and controls

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Table of contents

Getting started

To get a development version of, do:

git clone
opam install --deps-only .

Building and testing

To test the code, run make test. To generate a coverage report, run make coverage. There are several other kinds of testing:

  • make performance-test measures time for to parse some XML and HTML files. You should have ocamlnet and xmlm installed. Those libraries will also be measured, for comparison.
  • make js-test checks that Markup_lwt can be linked into a js_of_ocaml program, i.e. that it is not accidentally pulling in any Unix dependencies.
  • make dependency-test pins and installs using opam, then builds some small programs that depend on This tests correct installation and that no dependencies are missing.

Code overview

Common concepts

The library is internally written entirely in continuation-passing style (CPS), i.e., roughly speaking, using callbacks. Except for really trivial helpers, most internal functions in take two continuations (callbacks): one to call if the function succeeds, and one to call if it fails with an exception. So, for a function f we would think of as taking as one int argument, and returning a string, the type signature would look like this:

val f : int -> (exn -> unit) -> (string -> unit) -> unit

The code will call it on 1337 as f 1337 throw k. If f succeeds, say with result "foo", it will call k "foo". If it fails, say with Exit, it will call throw Exit.

The point of all this is that f doesn't have to return right away: it can, perhaps transitively, trigger some I/O, and call throw or k only later, when the I/O completes.

Due to pervasive use of CPS, there are two useful type aliases defined in Markup.Common:

type 'a cont = 'a -> unit
type 'a cps = exn cont -> 'a cont -> unit

With these aliases, the signature of f can be abbreviated as:

val f : int -> string cps

which is much more legible.

The other important internal type in is the continuation-passing style stream, or kstream (k being the traditional meta-variable for a continuation). The fundamental operation on a stream is getting the next element, and for kstreams this looks like: : 'a Kstream.t -> exn cont -> unit cont -> 'a cont -> unit

When you call next kstream on_exn on_empty k, next eventually calls:

  • on_exn exn if trying to retrieve the next element resulted in exception exn,
  • on_empty () if the stream ended, or
  • k v in the remaining case, when the stream has a next value v.

Each of the parsers and serializers in is a chain of stream processors, tied together by these kstreams. For example, the HTML and XML parsers both...

  • take a stream of bytes,
  • transform it into a stream of Unicode characters paired with locations,
  • transform that into a stream of language tokens, like "start tag,"
  • and transform that into a stream of parsing signals, like "start element."

The synchronous default API of, seen in the README, is a thin wrapper over this internal implementation. What makes it synchronous is that the underlying I/O functions guarantee that each call to a CPS function f will call one of its continuations (callbacks) before f returns.

Likewise, the Lwt API is another thin wrapper, which translates between CPS and Lwt promises. What makes this API asynchronous is that underlying I/O functions might not call their continuations until long after the functions have returned, and this delay is propagated to the continuations nearest to the surface API.


As for how the stream processors are chained together, The HTML specification strongly suggests a structure for the parser in the section 8.2.1 Overview of the parsing model, from where the following diagram is taken:

The XML parser follows the same structure, even though it is not explicitly suggested by the XML specification.

The modules can be arranged in the following categories. Where a module directly implements a box from the diagram, the box name is indicated in boldface.

Until the modules dealing with Lwt, only Markup.Stream_io does I/O. The rest of the modules are pure with respect to I/O.

Almost everything is based directly on specifications. Most functions are commented with the HTML or XML specification section number they are implementing. It may also be useful to see the conformance status – these are all the known deviations by from the specifications.


  • Markup.Common – shared definitions, compiler compatibility, etc.
  • Markup.Error – parsing and serialization error type. does not throw exceptions, because all errors are recoverable.
  • Markup.Namespace – namespace URI to prefix conversion and back.
  • Markup.Entities – checked-in auto-generated HTML5 entity list. The source for this file is src/entities.json, and the generator is src/ Neither of these latter two files is part of the built, nor of the build process.
  • Markup.Trie – trie for incrementally searching the entity list.
  • Markup.Kstream – above-mentioned CPS streams.
  • Markup.Text – some utilities for Markup.Html_tokenizer and Markup.Xml_tokenizer; see below.


  • Markup.Stream_io – make byte streams from files, strings, etc., write byte streams to strings, etc. – the first stage of parsing and the last stage of serialization (Network in the diagram). This uses the I/O functions in Pervasives.


  • Markup.Encoding – byte streams to Unicode character streams (Byte Stream Decoder in the diagram). For UTF-8, this is a wrapper around uutf.
  • Markup.Detect – prescans byte streams to detect encodings.
  • Markup.Input – Unicode streams to "preprocessed" Unicode streams – in HTML5 parlance, this just means normalizing CR-LF to CR, and attaching locations (Input Stream Preprocessor in the diagram).

HTML parsing

  • Markup.Html_tokenizer – preprocessed Unicode streams to HTML lexeme streams (Tokenizer in the diagram). HTML lexemes are things like start tags, end tags, and runs of text.
  • Markup.Html_parser – HTML lexeme streams to HTML signal streams (Tree Construction in the diagram). Signal streams are things like "start an element," "start another element as its child," "now end the child," "now end the root element." They are basically a left-to-right traversal of a DOM tree, without the DOM tree actually being in memory.

XML parsing

HTML writing

XML writing

User-friendly APIs