A 📦 tiny, 🚀 fast, 🎨 customizable password generator of javascript implement.
Default run as chrome builtin password generator.
[English / 中文]
- 🚀 Run fast (~1m ops/s by default, ~1.3m ops/s without shuffle [MacBook Air (M1, 2020) 16G])
- 🛡 Strong password have over 88 bits of entropy and fully tested
- 🎨 Fully customizable and readability (no similar chars or sequences of -/_)
- 📦 Tiny and tree shaking support
- 🌎 Support web, Node and worker with esm, cjs amd umd
npm i z-generate-password
import generatePassword from 'z-generate-password';
// yacpVZuF3TSQAjZn
- Must have lowercase char
- Must have uppercase char
- Must have digit
- No sequences of -/_
// exclude `l`, `o`
const DefaultLowerCaseChars = 'abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz';
// exclude 'I', 'O'
const DefaultUpperCaseChars = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ';
// exclude '1'
const DefaultDigits = '23456789';
// symbols
const DefaultSymbols = '-_.:!';
Removed chars (for readability)
- l (lowercase letter L)
- I (capital letter i)
- 1 (digit one)
- O (capital letter o)
- 0 (digit zero)
- o (lowercase letter O)
/** length of the password, pass a [min, max] as length range */
length?: number | [number, number] | undefined;
/** custom your symbol collection */
symbols?: string | true | undefined;
/** custom your digit collection */
digits?: string | undefined;
/** custom your lowercase char collection */
lowerCaseChars?: string | undefined;
/** custom your uppercase char collection */
upperCaseChars?: string | undefined;
/** add your own char collection */
customChars?: string | undefined;
const newPassword = generatePassword({
length: [10, 20]
// EN3RBGJ3kG2A59SThy
- custom password length
with fixed length
const newPassword = generatePassword({
length: 18
// dJmFRniJ7gvWBq3vZp
with length range
const newPassword = generatePassword({
length: [10, 20]
// EN3RBGJ3kG2A59SThy
- custom symbols
with default symbols
const newPassword = generatePassword({
symbols: true
// MS2_!U9ni.4QHaMk
with custom symbols
const newPassword = generatePassword({
symbols: '@&*^'
// q2V^ppADRVEC3BVb
- custom lowerCaseChars/upperCaseChars/digits
null to disabled some chars
const newPassword = generatePassword({
digits: null
// fcQDHXaPWgsTtdUD
custom chars
const newPassword = generatePassword({
lowerCaseChars: 'abc'
// aTZc9FC2T292Q24b
- add custom chars
const newPassword = generatePassword({
customChars: '我是中国人'
// RVg59M6CKP中i国4zT