All-in-one mixed multi-GPU (nVidia, AMD, Intel) & CPU miner solves proof of work to mine supported EIP918 tokens in a single instance (with API).
Current latest public release version: 1.2.0
Runs on Windows x64
Built with .NET 5.0, VC++ 19.28.29914, nVidia CUDA SDK 10.2 64-bit, and AMD APP SDK v3.0.130.135 (OpenCL)
.NET Core 5.0 can be downloaded from
VC++ 2019 can be downloaded from (
CUDA 9.2 requires a minimum nVidia driver version of 396 []
If you are looking for a GUI version, refer to this link []
Releases can be found here.
BNBTCminer is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Libraries are included in the Software under the following license terms:
libkeccak-tiny []
Nethereum []
Json.NET []
Common Infrastructure Libraries for .NET []
Bouncy Castle []
ETH (or any ERC 20/918 tokens) : 0x9172ff7884CEFED19327aDaCe9C470eF1796105c
BTC : 3GS5J5hcG6Qcu9xHWGmJaV5ftWLmZuR255
LTC : LbFkAto1qYt8RdTFHL871H4djendcHyCyB
Usage: BNBTCminer [OPTIONS]
help Display this help text and exit
allowCPU Allow to use CPU, may slow down system (default: false)
cpuAffinity Comma separated list of CPU affinity ID to use (default: all odd number logical processors)
allowIntel Allow to use Intel GPU (OpenCL) (default: true)
allowAMD Allow to use AMD GPU (OpenCL) (default: true)
allowCUDA Allow to use Nvidia GPU (CUDA) (default: true)
intelIntensity GPU (Intel OpenCL) intensity (default: 17, decimals allowed)
listAmdDevices List of all AMD (OpenCL) devices in this system and exit (device ID: GPU name)
amdDevice Comma separated list of AMD (OpenCL) devices to use (default: all devices)
amdIntensity GPU (AMD OpenCL) intensity (default: 24.056, decimals allowed)
listCudaDevices List of all CUDA devices in this system (device ID: GPU name)
cudaDevice Comma separated list of CUDA devices to use (default: all devices)
cudaIntensity GPU (CUDA) intensity (default: auto, decimals allowed)
minerJsonAPI 'http://IP:port/' for the miner JSON-API (default: [0 disabled])
minerCcminerAPI 'IP:port' for the ccminer-style API (default: [0 disabled])
overrideMaxTarget (Pool only) Use maximum target and skips query from web3
customDifficulty (Pool only) Set custom difficulity (check with your pool operator)
maxScanRetry Number of retries to scan for new work (default: 3)
pauseOnFailedScans Pauses mining after number of connection fails, including secondary and retries (default: 3)
submitStale Submit stale jobs, may create more rejected shares (default: false)
abiFile Token abi in a file (default: 'BNBTC.abi' in the same folder as this miner)
web3api User-defined web3 provider URL (default: Infura mainnet provider [dev account, for TESTING PURPOSE only])
contract Token contract address (default: 0xbtc contract address)
hashrateUpdateInterval Interval (miliseconds) for GPU hashrate logs (default: 30000)
networkUpdateInterval Interval (miliseconds) to scan for new work (default: 15000)
masterMode Enable Master mode that virtually acts as a \"pool\" for slave miners connecting to it (default: false [requires admin/sudo mode])
masterURL Master instance IP:port, slave mode if 'masterMode' is false (default: none [if 'masterMode' is true, default: http://{localIP}:4080/])
slaveUpdateInterval (Slave only)Interval (miliseconds) to scan for new work (default: 5000)
kingAddress Add MiningKing address to nonce, only CPU mining supported (default: none)
address (Pool only) Miner's ethereum address (default: developer's address)
privateKey (Solo only) Miner's private key
gasToMine (Solo only) Gas price to mine in GWei (default: 5, decimals allowed; note: will override lower dynamic gas price)
gasLimit (Solo only) Gas limit to submit proof of work (default: 1704624))
gasApiURL (Solo only) Get dynamic gas price to mine from this JSON API URL (note: leave empty to disable)
gasApiPath (Solo only) JSON path expression to retrieve dynamic gas price value from 'gasApiURL'
gasApiMultiplier (Solo only) Multiplier to dynamic gas price value from 'gasApiURL' => 'gasApiPath' (note: use 0.1 for EthGasStation API)
gasApiOffset (Solo only) Offset to dynamic gas price value from 'gasApiURL' => 'gasApiPath' (after 'gasApiMultiplier', decimals allowed)
gasApiMax (Solo only) Maximum gas price to mine in GWei from API (default: 5, decimals allowed)
pool (Pool only) URL of pool mining server (default:
secondaryPool (Optional) URL of failover pool mining server
logFile Enables logging of console output to '{appPath}\\Log\\{yyyy-MM-dd}.log' (default: false)
devFee Set developer fee in percentage (default: 2.0%)
Do refer to GuideForPoolMining.txt on how to get started.
Configuration is based on CLI (similar to ccminer), except ".abi" files are required for new tokens (You can manually create one and copy from -> Contract -> Code -> Contract ABI).
Note that there is a configuration file "SoliditySHA3Miner.conf" that saves previous CLI parameters/settings, delete it prior to changing CLI parameters.
You will have to supply your own Ethereum address (or Private key if you solo mine). It is your own responsibility to mine to the correct address/account.
It is recommended to use your own web3api (e.g. Infura / Geth / Parity) if you solo mine, default value is for TESTING PURPOSE ONLY.
There is a default of 2.0% dev fee (Once every 50th nonce: starting from 11th if Pool mine, or starting from 50th if Solo mine).
(the formula is "(nonce mod (100 / devFee)) = 0").
Dev fee in solo mining is by sending the current reward amount after the successful minted block, using the same gas fee as provided in 'gasToMine'.
In the case if the compute load for your GPU is not >= 99%, you can adjust the intensity via (amdIntensity/cudaIntensity/intelIntensity).
Please feedback your results and suggestions so that I can improve the miner. You can either add an issue in the repository, or find me in discord (Amano7). Thanks for trying out this miner!
Donations are encouraged to help support further development of this miner!
Many thanks to the following developers and testers in the 0xBitcoin discord :
Infernal Toast