- A sample app made with Swift on iOS8 that utilizes Facebook Graph API to fetch user's group data and shows it on the UITableViewController.
- It uses CoreData and NSFetchedResultsController to display data on table views.
: Follow instruction at Facebook API Documentation One needs to add values for keys :CFBundleURLTypes
FBGroups utilizes , and Facebook SDK libraries. In order to build with CocoaPod, type in the Terminal
pod install
, and in order to open the project, openFBGroups.xcworkspace
instead ofFBGroups.xcodeproj
. More information on using CocoaPod at http://cocoapods.org/.
- Check out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18746929/using-auto-layout-in-uitableview-for-dynamic-cell-layouts-variable-row-heights to learn about dynamic height
- Got rid of 'PureLayout' because it prevents me from utilizing Storyboard features such as Segue. Also, for the purpose of my app, the AutoLayout feature allows me to achieve the same functionality.