Vim Goto-Header is a plugin I made to quickly jump to header files with vim/neovim.
It can also be used to jump back and forth between .c/.h or .cpp/.hpp.
It can be use for both c or cpp.
Goto-Header uses fd (a find alternative) to look for headers.
To install it on your system see :
Plug 'Yohannfra/Vim-Goto-Header'
git clone ~/.vim/plugin/
By default the file you open will be in the same tab.
If you want to open the file in a new tab put this in your .vimrc
let g:goto_header_open_in_new_tab = 1
By default the script will look in these directories (in this order):
- .
- /usr/include
- ..
- ~
To change the directories or the order add this in your .vimrc
let g:goto_header_includes_dirs = ["DIR1", "DIR2", "DIR3.", "DIR4"]
" example:
let g:goto_header_includes_dirs = [".", "/usr/include", "..", "~"]
If you want to exclude directories from the search path.
Put this in your .vimrc
let g:goto_header_excludes_dirs = ["DIR1", "DIR2", "DIR3", "DIR4"]
" example
" It uses the exclude feature of fd, dont put full path , just the directory name.
" Good
let g:goto_header_excludes_dirs = ["Music", "Logiciels", "Pictures", "Downloads"]
" Bad
let g:goto_header_excludes_dirs = ["~/Music", "~/Logiciels", "~/Pictures", "~/Downloads"]
fd uses -L flag (follow symlink). You can't change it using the following lines, it must stay.
You can customize other fd flags by putting this in your .vimrc
let g:goto_header_fd_command = "-t f -s" " Use any flag you want except -L
If you want to print a shorter path in the prompt (usefull if your have a small terminal window)
g:goto_header_use_shorter_path = 1
The default configuration is the following one:
let g:goto_header_includes_dirs = [".", "/usr/include", "..", "~"]
let g:goto_header_search_flags = "-t f -s"
let g:goto_header_excludes_dirs = []
let g:goto_header_open_in_new_tab = 0
let g:goto_header_use_shorter_path = 0
Put the following lines in your .vimrc to map F12 to search header under the cursor
nnoremap <F12> :GotoHeader <CR>
imap <F12> <Esc>:GotoHeader <CR>
Put the following lines in your .vimrc to map gh to switch between .c/.h or .cpp/.hpp
nnoremap gh :GotoHeaderSwitch <CR>
If you need to switch between a ".cpp" file and a ".h" file (like in #2) add this to your .vimrc
let g:goto_header_associate_cpp_h = 1
Now you'll just need to press F12 on a line like one of those and it will open the corresponding file in a new tab
#include <stdio.h>
#include "my_header.hpp"
If Vim Goto-Header finds more than one header it will show you a little prompt and you'll have to chose which one.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.