The MyYoast Api
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"yoast/my-yoast-php-client": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new Yoast\MyYoastApiClient\Api\AccountsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$body = new \Yoast\MyYoastApiClient\Model\UsernameCheckRequestDto(); // \Yoast\MyYoastApiClient\Model\UsernameCheckRequestDto |
$xAccountAppSharedSecret = "xAccountAppSharedSecret_example"; // string | The API shared secret
try {
$result = $apiInstance->checkUsername($body, $xAccountAppSharedSecret);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->checkUsername: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
$apiInstance = new Yoast\MyYoastApiClient\Api\AccountsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$body = new \Yoast\MyYoastApiClient\Model\TOTPTwoFactorConfigDto(); // \Yoast\MyYoastApiClient\Model\TOTPTwoFactorConfigDto |
$xAccountAppSharedSecret = "xAccountAppSharedSecret_example"; // string | The API shared secret
$id = "38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->setTOTPTwoFactorConfig($body, $xAccountAppSharedSecret, $id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->setTOTPTwoFactorConfig: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to https://my.yoast.test
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountsApi | checkUsername | GET /api/accounts/checkUsername | Username availability check |
AccountsApi | setTOTPTwoFactorConfig | POST /api/accounts/{id}/TOTPTwoFactorConfig | |
AdmissionApi | changeStudent | PUT /api/Admissions/{id} | Update an admission |
AdmissionApi | getMany | GET /api/Admissions | Get admissions |
AdmissionApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/Admissions/paged | Get admissions |
AdmissionApi | getOne | GET /api/Admissions/{id} | Get an admission |
AdmissionApi | invite | POST /api/Admissions | Invite a customer |
AdmissionApi | transferAdmissions | POST /api/Admissions/transfer | Transfer admissions between customers |
AuthApi | getAccessTokenWithoutWordPress | POST /api/Customers/login | Log in a user on MyYoast. |
AuthApi | loginUser | POST /api/Customers/login-user | |
AuthApi | logoutUser | POST /api/Customers/logout-user | Logout the user on |
AuthApi | logoutWithoutWordPress | GET /logout | |
AuthApi | yoastComCallback | GET /auth/yoast/callback | |
AuthApi | yoastComLogin | GET /auth/yoast | |
AuthenticationApi | getAccessToken | GET /api/auth/{id}/getAccessToken | |
AuthenticationApi | getProfile | GET /api/profile | |
AuthenticationApi | impersonate | POST /api/auth/{id}/impersonate | |
AuthenticationApi | login | POST /api/auth/login | |
BlacklistApi | createOne | POST /api/Blacklist | Creates a blacklisted site |
BlacklistApi | deleteOne | DELETE /api/Blacklist/{id} | Remove a site from the blacklist |
BlacklistApi | getMany | GET /api/Blacklist | Gets blacklisted sites |
BlacklistApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/Blacklist/paged | Gets blacklisted sites |
CloudflareApi | purgeKVStore | POST /api/cloudflare/kv/registered-domains/purge | Purge kv pairs from the registered domains key value store in Cloudflare |
CloudflareApi | updateAll | POST /api/cloudflare/kv/registered-domains/update-all | Update sites in the registered domains key value store in Cloudflare |
ComposerTokenApi | disable | POST /api/ComposerTokens/{id}/delete | Disable a composer token |
ComposerTokenApi | generate | POST /api/ComposerTokens/generate | Generates a Composer token |
ComposerTokenApi | rename | POST /api/ComposerTokens/{id}/rename | Renames a Composer token |
CourseApi | fromAcademy | PUT /api/Courses/fromAcademy | Upserts a course |
CourseApi | getMany | GET /api/Courses | Get courses |
CourseApi | getOne | GET /api/Courses/{id} | |
CourseEnrollmentApi | bulkInvite | POST /api/CourseEnrollments/bulkInvite | Bulk invite for Course Enrollment. |
CourseEnrollmentApi | fromAcademy | PUT /api/CourseEnrollments/fromAcademy | Update a CourseEnrollment |
CourseEnrollmentApi | getLegacyExpiring | GET /api/CourseEnrollments/getLegacyExpiring | Get legacy course enrollments that expire between two given dates |
CourseEnrollmentApi | getMany | GET /api/CourseEnrollments | Get course enrollments |
CourseEnrollmentApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/CourseEnrollments/paged | Get customers |
CourseEnrollmentApi | getOne | GET /api/CourseEnrollments/{id} | Get a course enrollment |
CourseEnrollmentApi | invite | POST /api/CourseEnrollments/{id}/invite | Invite a customer |
CourseEnrollmentApi | transfer | POST /api/CourseEnrollments/transfer | Transfer course enrollments |
CustomerApi | activate | POST /api/Customers/activate | Activate the account of a user |
CustomerApi | addRole | POST /api/Customers/{id}/roleMapping | |
CustomerApi | cancelSubscription | POST /api/Customers/{customerId}/subscriptions/{id}/cancel | Cancel (part of) a subscription. |
CustomerApi | changePassword | PATCH /api/Customers/{id}/password | Update a customer's password in WordPress |
CustomerApi | createAccessToken | POST /api/Customers/{id}/accessTokens | Create an access token for a user |
CustomerApi | createAccount | POST /api/Customers/create-account | Creates an account for a customer on without the signup flow. |
CustomerApi | createSite | POST /api/Customers/{customerId}/sites | Create a site for a user |
CustomerApi | current | GET /api/Customers/current | Get the current customer |
CustomerApi | deleteCustomer | DELETE /api/Customers/{id}/gdpr-delete | Performs a "GDPR forget me" request. |
CustomerApi | deleteRole | DELETE /api/Customers/{id}/roleMapping | |
CustomerApi | downloadProfile | GET /api/Customers/{id}/download | Download profile. |
CustomerApi | enable | POST /api/Customers/{id}/enable | Enables the customer with the given ID |
CustomerApi | findRefunds | GET /api/Customers/{id}/findRefunds | Find refunds for user |
CustomerApi | getAll | GET /api/Customers/{id}/downloads | Get all latest downloadable releases |
CustomerApi | getAllRoles | GET /api/Customers/allroles | Get all existing roles with their ID. |
CustomerApi | getBuyerCourseEnrollments | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/buyerCourseEnrollments | Find Course Enrollments that a customer is buyer of |
CustomerApi | getCourseAccessList | GET /api/Customers/academyCourseAccessList/{sourceId} | Academy Course access |
CustomerApi | getCourseAccessListByCustomerId | GET /api/Customers/academyCourseAccessListByCustomerId/{customerId} | Academy Course access |
CustomerApi | getCourseEnrollments | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/courseEnrollments | Find Course Enrollments |
CustomerApi | getCustomersWithRole | GET /api/Customers/rolemapping-ids | Get the ids of all customers with at least one role. |
CustomerApi | getMany | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/composerTokens | Get composer tokens |
CustomerApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/Customers/paged | Get customers |
CustomerApi | getMany_0 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/subscriptions | Get subscriptions |
CustomerApi | getMany_1 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/sites | Get sites |
CustomerApi | getMany_2 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/orders | Get orders |
CustomerApi | getMany_3 | GET /api/Customers/{id}/roles | |
CustomerApi | getMany_4 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/identities | Get user identities |
CustomerApi | getMany_5 | GET /api/Customers | Get customers |
CustomerApi | getMany_6 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/licenses | Get licenses |
CustomerApi | getOne | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/composerTokens/{id} | Get a composer token |
CustomerApi | getOne_0 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/subscriptions/{id} | Get a subscriptions |
CustomerApi | getOne_1 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/sites/{id} | Get a site |
CustomerApi | getOne_2 | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/orders/{id} | Get a order |
CustomerApi | getOne_3 | GET /api/Customers/{id} | Get a customer |
CustomerApi | getStudentCourseEnrollments | GET /api/Customers/{customerId}/studentCourseEnrollments | Find Course Enrollments that a customer is student in |
CustomerApi | patchProfile | PATCH /api/Customers/{id}/profile | Update a customer to WordPress |
CustomerApi | profile | GET /api/Customers/{id}/profile | |
CustomerApi | resetPassword | PATCH /api/Customers/resetPassword | Reset the user's password. |
CustomerApi | sendResetPasswordEmail | POST /api/Customers/sendResetPasswordEmail | Send a reset password email to the user. |
CustomerApi | signup | POST /api/Customers/signup | Signup a customer on following the normal signup flow. |
CustomerApi | updateOne | PATCH /api/Customers/{id} | |
CustomerNoteApi | createOne | POST /api/CustomerNotes | |
CustomerNoteApi | deleteOne | DELETE /api/CustomerNotes/{id} | |
CustomerNoteApi | getMany | GET /api/CustomerNotes | Get customer notes |
CustomerNoteApi | getOne | GET /api/CustomerNotes/{id} | Get a customer note |
DefaultApi | checkHealth | POST /api/tmp | |
DefaultApi | getLicenseStatus | GET /api/v1/license-validation/{product_id} | |
DownloadApi | downloadFile | GET /api/downloads/file/{name} | Route to download a file |
DownloadApi | uploadFile | POST /api/downloads/file/{name} | Route to update a file. |
EDDApi | handleDelete | DELETE /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EDDApi | handleGet | GET /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EDDApi | handleHead | HEAD /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EDDApi | handleOptions | OPTIONS /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EDDApi | handlePatch | PATCH /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EDDApi | handlePost | POST /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EDDApi | handlePut | PUT /edd-sl-api | Sunset API for old EDD license checks |
EmailApi | sendEmails | POST /api/Emails/bulk-send | |
ExportOrdersApi | exportOrders | GET /export-orders/{year}/{month}/{type} | Creates an export for orders |
ExportOrdersApi | exportOrdersV2 | GET /export-orders/v2/{from}/{to}/{type} | Creates an export for orders |
FromWooCommerceApi | customerFromWooCommerce | PUT /api/Customers/fromWooCommerce | Update or create a customer |
FromWooCommerceApi | orderFromWooCommerce | PUT /api/Orders/fromWooCommerce | Sync orders to MyYoast. |
FromWooCommerceApi | productFromWooCommerce | PUT /api/Products/fromWooCommerce | Sync products to MyYoast. |
FromWooCommerceApi | productGroupFromWooCommerce | PUT /api/ProductGroups/fromWooCommerce | Sync products to MyYoast. |
GDPRApi | deleteCustomer | DELETE /api/Customers/{id}/gdpr-delete | Performs a "GDPR forget me" request. |
HelpscoutApi | helpscout | POST /helpscout | Get information about a customer |
LicensingApi | getMany | GET /api/licenses | Gets licenses |
LicensingApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/licenses/paged | Gets licenses |
LicensingApi | getValidity | GET /api/licenses/{id}/validity | Gets the current status of a license |
LicensingApi | processEvent | POST /api/licensing/events | |
MailingListApi | checkGetRoute | GET /api/Mailing-list/newsletter/tZhjyjwsYFUMPzNNhJaVADZZIrixRSbXOFgptZJyyK | |
MailingListApi | getStatus | GET /api/Mailing-list/status | Get the subscription status. |
MailingListApi | isSubscribedToNewsletter | GET /api/Mailing-list/isSubscribedToNewsletter | Get the subscription status. |
MailingListApi | mailChimpWebhook | POST /api/Mailing-list/newsletter/tZhjyjwsYFUMPzNNhJaVADZZIrixRSbXOFgptZJyyK | Entry point for the mailchimp webhooks |
MailingListApi | mailblueWebhook | POST /api/Mailing-list/newsletter/wALazNYUBfqZIeUDiqyzETbLdbkODeTCjKokMKcbJV | Entry point for the mailblue webhooks |
MailingListApi | removeContactCustomField | DELETE /api/Mailing-list/fieldValue | Delete contact tags and/or fields. |
MailingListApi | setContactCustomField | POST /api/Mailing-list/fieldValue | Update contact tags and/or fields. |
MailingListApi | setContactTag | POST /api/Mailing-list/contactTag | Update contact tags and/or fields. |
MailingListApi | subscribe | POST /api/Mailing-list/subscribe | Subscribe contact to a mailing list. |
MailingListApi | subscribeToNewsletter | POST /api/Mailing-list/subscribeToNewsletter | Subscribe contact to the newsletter. |
MailingListApi | unsubscribe | POST /api/Mailing-list/unsubscribe | Unsubscribe to a mailing list. |
MailingListApi | unsubscribeFromNewsletter | POST /api/Mailing-list/unsubscribeFromNewsletter | Unsubscribe to a mailing list. |
OrderApi | export | GET /api/Orders/export | Get orders |
OrderApi | getAutoRenewalCount | GET /api/Orders/auto-renewal-count | |
OrderApi | getDownloads | GET /api/Orders/{invoiceNumber}/downloads | Get downloads |
OrderApi | getMany | GET /api/Orders | Get orders |
OrderApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/Orders/paged | Get orders |
OrderApi | getOne | GET /api/Orders/{id} | Get a order |
OrderApi | getOneByInvoice | GET /api/Orders/InvoiceNumber/{invoiceNumber} | Get a order by invoiceNumber |
OrderApi | getProductGroupsByInvoice | GET /api/Orders/productGroups/{invoiceNumber} | Get productGroups by invoiceNumber |
OrderApi | invoice | GET /api/Orders/{id}/invoice | Create invoice |
OrderApi | refundInvoice | GET /api/Orders/{id}/refunds/{refundId}/invoice | Creates a credit note |
PackagesApi | serveArchiveZIP | GET /packages/dist/{org}/{name}/{archive}.zip | Serves an .zip of the plugin. |
PackagesApi | servePackagesJSON | GET /packages/packages.json | Serves the general packages.json file. |
PackagesApi | serveProvider2JSON | GET /packages/p2/{org}/{name}.json | Serves the requested provider.json |
PackagesApi | serveProviderJSON | GET /packages/p/{org}/{nameAndHash}.json | Serves the requested provider.json |
ProductApi | deleteOne | DELETE /api/Products/{productId} | |
ProductApi | getMany | GET /api/Products | Get products |
ProductApi | getOne | GET /api/Products/{id} | Get a product |
ProductApi | pluginVersionDetails | GET /api/Products/wordpressPluginVersionDetails | |
ProductGroupApi | getMany | GET /api/ProductGroups | Get productgroups |
ProductGroupApi | getReleaseDetails | GET /api/ProductGroups/releaseDetails | |
ProductGroupApi | updateDownload | PATCH /api/ProductGroups/updateDownload | Update the download |
ProductSwitchApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/ProductSwitches/paged | Get product switches |
ProductSwitchApi | invoice | GET /api/ProductSwitches/{id}/invoice | Create invoice |
ProductSwitchApi | invoice_0 | GET /api/ProductSwitch/{id}/invoice | Create invoice |
ProductSwitchApi | revert | GET /api/ProductSwitches/{id}/revert | Create invoice |
ProductSwitchApi | revert_0 | GET /api/ProductSwitch/{id}/revert | Create invoice |
ProvisionerApi | getMany | GET /api/ProvisionerData | Get provisioner data |
ProvisionerApi | getOne | GET /api/ProvisionerData/{id} | Get provisioner data |
ProvisioningAccountApi | setSiteForSubscription | POST /api/provisioning/account/regenerate-token | Generate a new auth token |
ProvisioningDownloadsApi | currentVersion | GET /api/provisioning/downloads/currentVersion | Retrieve the current version for the productCode for the provisioner. |
ProvisioningDownloadsApi | currentZip | GET /api/provisioning/downloads/currentZip | Redirect to the current zip for the productCode. |
ProvisioningUsersApi | scheduleDelete | POST /api/provisioning/user/schedule-delete | Schedule a delete for a subscription |
RefundApi | export | GET /api/Refunds/export | Get refunds |
RefundApi | getMany | GET /api/Refunds | Get refunds |
RefundApi | getOne | GET /api/Refunds/{id} | Get a refund |
RobotsApi | serveRobots | GET /robots.txt | |
ServerCheckApi | checkHealth | GET /server-check | Server health check |
SiteApi | addSubscription | PUT /api/Sites/{id}/subscriptions | Adds a subscription to a site |
SiteApi | current | GET /api/Sites/current | Get the current connected site for an access token. |
SiteApi | currentClone | GET /api/Sites/info | Get the current connected site for a URL. |
SiteApi | deleteOne | DELETE /api/Sites/{id} | |
SiteApi | getMany | GET /api/Sites | Get sites |
SiteApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/Sites/paged | Get sites |
SiteApi | getOne | GET /api/Sites/{id} | Get a site |
SiteApi | index | POST /api/Sites/index | |
SiteApi | removeSubscription | DELETE /api/Sites/{id}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Removes a subscription from a site |
SiteApi | switchSubscription | POST /api/Sites/switchSubscription | Switches the subscription for a number of times. |
SiteApi | switchSubscriptionNumberOfTimes | POST /api/Sites/switchSubscriptionNumberOfTimes | Switches the subscription for a number of times. |
SiteApi | updateOne | PATCH /api/Sites/{id} | |
SiteApi | updateSiteUrl | PATCH /api/Sites/{id}/url | |
SubscriptionApi | calculateExpansionPrice | GET /api/Subscriptions/calculateExpansionPrice/{id}/{subscriptionNumber} | Calculate expansion price |
SubscriptionApi | deleteOne | DELETE /api/Subscriptions/{id} | Delete a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | ensureAdmissionScript | GET /api/Subscriptions/ensureAdmissions | Ensure Admission for subscriptions script |
SubscriptionApi | forceCancel | POST /api/Subscriptions/{id}/force-cancel | Forcefully cancel a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getDetails | GET /api/Subscriptions/{id}/details | |
SubscriptionApi | getExpiringSubscriptions | GET /api/Subscriptions/expiring | |
SubscriptionApi | getMany | GET /api/Subscriptions | Get subscriptions |
SubscriptionApi | getManyPaged | GET /api/Subscriptions/paged | Get subscriptions |
SubscriptionApi | getMutations | GET /api/Subscriptions/{id}/mutations | Get all subscription mutation events |
SubscriptionApi | getOne | GET /api/Subscriptions/{id} | Get a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getOneAsEntity | GET /api/Subscriptions/{id}/asEntity | Get a subscription |
SubscriptionApi | getProductSwitchOptions | GET /api/Subscriptions/{id}/product-switch-options | Fetch product switch options |
SubscriptionApi | linkSite | POST /api/Subscriptions/link-site | Link a subscription to provided site URL |
SubscriptionApi | recalculateSubscriptionCount | POST /api/Subscriptions/{id}/recalculateSubscriptionCount | Recalculate SubscriptionCount. |
SubscriptionApi | renew | GET /api/Subscriptions/renew/{subscriptionNumber}/{secretKey} | Renew subscriptions |
SubscriptionApi | setExpiryDate | POST /api/Subscriptions/setExpiryDate | Set Date. |
SubscriptionApi | switchPaymentMethod | GET /api/Subscriptions/switchPaymentMethod/{id}/{subscriptionNumber} | |
SubscriptionApi | switchProduct | POST /api/Subscriptions/{id}/switch-product | Switch to another product |
SubscriptionApi | switchToAutomatic | GET /api/Subscriptions/enable-automatic-billing/{id}/{subscriptionNumber} | |
SubscriptionApi | transferOwnership | POST /api/Subscriptions/transfer | Transfer subscription ownership |
SubscriptionApi | upgrade | GET /api/Subscriptions/upgrade/{subscriptionNumber}/{secretKey} | Upgrade subscriptions |
SubscriptionProvisioningApi | cancelSubscription | POST /api/provisioning/subscriptions/{id}/cancel | Cancel a single subscription |
SubscriptionProvisioningApi | create | POST /api/provisioning/subscriptions/create | Create a subscription |
SubscriptionProvisioningApi | getOne | GET /api/provisioning/subscriptions/{id} | Get a subscription |
SubscriptionProvisioningApi | refundSubscription | POST /api/provisioning/subscriptions/{id}/refund | Refund a single subscription |
SubscriptionProvisioningApi | renewSubscription | POST /api/provisioning/subscriptions/{id}/renew | Renew a subscription |
SubscriptionProvisioningApi | setSiteForSubscription | POST /api/provisioning/subscriptions/{id}/set-site | Link a subscription to a site |
WorkerApi | addJob | POST /api/Worker/job | |
WorkerApi | getJob | GET /api/Worker/job/{id} | |
WorkerApi | getRecurringJobs | GET /api/Worker/getRecurringJobs | |
WorkerApi | getRecurringJobsInfo | GET /api/Worker/getRecurringJobs/{name} | |
WorkerApi | getScheduledJobs | GET /api/Worker/getScheduledJobs/{name} | |
WorkerApi | removeAllJobsWithName | DELETE /api/Worker/jobsByName/{name} | |
WorkerApi | removeJob | DELETE /api/Worker/job/{id} | |
WorkerApi | replaceJob | POST /api/Worker/job/replace |
- AcademyCourseAccessListDto
- AccessTokenResponse
- ActivateAccountDto
- ActivateAccountResponseDto
- AddJobDto
- AddSubscriptionDto
- Admission
- AutoRenewalCountResponseDto
- BillingDto
- Blacklist
- BulkInviteDto
- BulkSendEmailDto
- CancelProvisionedSubscriptionDto
- CancelSubscriptionBodyDto
- ChangePasswordDto
- ComposerToken
- CouponLineDto
- Course
- CourseDataDto
- CourseEnrollment
- CourseEnrollmentFromAcademyDto
- CreateAccountDto
- CreateBlacklistSiteDto
- CreateCustomerNoteDto
- CreateDto
- CreateProvisionedSubscriptionDto
- CreateSiteBodyDto
- Customer
- CustomerData
- CustomerDetails
- CustomerFromWooDto
- CustomerNote
- DownloadDto
- EventDto
- ExtraCourseDataDto
- ExtraOrderData
- ExtraProductData
- FeeLineDto
- FieldValueDto
- FromAcademyDto
- GenerateDto
- HelpScoutDto
- InviteDto
- JSZip
- JobOptionsDto
- License
- LicenseDTO
- LineItemDto
- LineItemTax
- LinkSiteDto
- LoginAccountDto
- LoginDto
- LoginUserDto
- MetaDataDto
- Order
- OrderData
- OrderFromWooDto
- OrderRefundDto
- ProductCategory
- ProductData
- ProductDownload
- ProductDto
- ProductFromWooDto
- ProductGroup
- ProductGroupFromWooDto
- ProductImage
- ProductOffering
- ProductSwitchOptionDto
- ProgressData
- ProvisionerData
- PurgeKVRequestDto
- Refund
- RefundDataDto
- RegenerateTokenResponseDto
- ReleaseDetailsDto
- RenameBodyDto
- ResetPasswordDto
- RoleIDDto
- ScheduleDeleteUserDto
- SendResetPasswordEmailDto
- SetExpiryDateDto
- SetProvisionedSiteDto
- ShippingDto
- SignupAccountDto
- Site
- SubscribeDto
- Subscription
- SubscriptionMutation
- SubscriptionProvisioningResponseDto
- SwitchSubscriptionNumberOfTimesDto
- TOTPTwoFactorConfigDto
- TagDto
- TaxLineItem
- Transaction
- TransactionDataDto
- TransferAdmissionDto
- TransferDto
- TransferOwnershipDto
- TransferSiteDto
- TwoFactorConfigDto
- UnspecifiedResponseDto
- UnsubscribeDto
- UpdateAllKVRequestDto
- UpdateDownloadDto
- UpdateDto
- UpdateFileDto
- UpdateSiteDto
- UpdateSiteUrlDto
- UpdateUserDto
- UpdateUserToWordpressDto
- UserIdentity
- UsernameCheckRequestDto
- UsernameCheckResponseDto
- Type: HTTP bearer authentication