In this tutorial we learn how to install Klamp't, step by step.
Difficulty: easy
Time: 10-30 minutes
For Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7, you should be able to simply run
pip install klampt
To run a visualization, you will need PyOpenGL and PyQt5, as well as some example programs:
pip install PyOpenGL
pip install PyQt5
git clone
(this is needed to run example programs)cd Klampt-examples/Python/demos
Compiled binary packages are not yet available for Klampt 0.8.0.
The following commands will install Klamp't onto your system from source. This will ensure that you have the latest updates.
Make sure you have CMake, GLPK, and Qt5 (or Qt4) on your system. On systems with apt-get, the following command will do the trick:
sudo apt-get install g++ cmake git libglpk-dev python-dev python-opengl libxmu-dev libxi-dev qt5-default
(recommended) Download and install Assimp using the following command line:
sudo apt-get install libassimp-dev
or install it from source at:
Clone the Klamp't git repository:
git clone
Make the Klamp't dependencies (KrisLibrary, TinyXML, ODE, GLEW, GLUI):
cd Klampt/Cpp/Dependencies; make unpack-deps; make deps
If this step fails, some system-dependent configuration may need to be performed. Please consult the Installation section of the Klamp't manual for help on resolving these issues.
(A hint: if you have a multiprocessor, KrisLibrary can be built faster by running "make -j 8" where you can replace 8 with your total number of cores. Just modify the corresponding line in the Makefile under dep-KrisLibrary to do so.)
Configure Klamp't via CMake:
cd ../../ cmake .
If this step gives warnings, then some of your paths may be incorrect, and you will need to manually adjust them using the cmake-gui program. Note that if you are doing extensive development in Klamp't then you may wish to compile with debugging information instead, using the command
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
Compile the Klamp't static library
make Klampt
Make the apps
make apps
Make and install the Klamp't Python bindings
make python sudo make python-install
Optionally, if your system does not already have it, install ffmpeg to save MPEG movies. On Ubuntu systems you may use
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
You're done!
Now download the examples and try running the SimTest app
git clone
bin/SimTest Klampt-examples/data/athlete_fractal_1.xml
Or run a simulation from the Python API:
cd Klampt-examples/Python/demos
python ../../data/tx90roll.xml