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Currencies Task - TDD

In this project, you'll be building a laravel 5.8 application following the Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach, to fetch currencies from an external API and perform various operations according to the set of tasks described below.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Laravel 5.8
  • PHP 7
  • MySQL Server.
  • Any Preferred Workbench (Sequel Pro, MySQL Workbench) for SQL Databases.


Gitpod: Cloud/Web IDE

  1. Visit
  2. Wait until startup tasks finishes.
  3. Voila 🎉, Happy Coding!

Local Development:

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone
  2. Run composer install to Install Dependencies.
  3. Copy contents of .env.example file to a new file .env, If you're on Mac OSX just run: cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate an app encryption key: php artisan key:generate.
  5. create an empty database for the project.
  6. In the .env file, add database information by filling the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD options to match the credentials of the database you just created.
  7. Migrate the database: php artisan migrate.

Running Tests

  • Run a single testclass or test using the PHPUnit command:
phpunit --filter <name-of-test-class>
phpunit --filter <name-of-test>
  • Run a single testsuite using the PHPUnit command:
phpunit --testsuite <name-of-testsuite>
  • Run all PHPUnit tests available in the /tests directory:

External APIs

You'll be using The Free Currency Converter API throughout this project, specifically as following:

NOTE: Please try running the above external API(s) on Postman or in your browser beforehand, and see that you get valid responses. If you get an error message API Limit Reached, don't panic, no worries. Please go to and GET your own Free API key and replace it in the URL(s), also have a quick look on the limits they define back in their website.


As mentioned earlier, this project targets TDD approach to be used, in a total of 4 Parts as following:

Part 1

In this part, you're asked to create a Currency eloquent model having the following attributes:

  • name: string
  • symbol: string
  • code: string
  • rate: float

After that, you should add any neccery implementation to handle specifically two HTTP Requests:

  • GET /api/v1/currencies - Returns Paginated JSON Response of Currencies in DB
  • GET /api/v1/currencies/{code} - Returns a JSON Response having Currency Model with the specified code attribute. NOTE: a locale could be passed as query string ?locale=ar to have currency name corresponding to specified locale.

Example Response

GET /api/v1/currencies/USD?locale=ar

"id": 9,
"code": "USD",
"symbol": "$",
"rate": null,
"created_at": "2019-05-23 13:49:08",
"updated_at": "2019-05-23 13:49:08",
"name": "دولار امريكي"

Finally, you need add an other Model Translation which will have the following specifications:

  • Translation model has the following attributes:

    • locale: string,
    • translation_text: string
  • Model will handle the way a name field is returned within the JSON response, depending on the Request's locale.

  • Assign an appropriate Eloquent Relationship between the Currency and Translation models.

  • Every Currency model persisted to database should have at least, the en-locale (English) recored in 'currency-translations' table.

PHPUnit test(s) for this part can be found under the directory /tests/Part1, tests whether Eloquent Model exists, in addition to a set of integrations tests for routes on Controller, with assertions on responses from HTTP Requests and validation for attributes. Run the tests using the command:

phpunit --testsuite Part1

Part 2

In this part, you're asked to add any necessary implementation/logic for creating a new artisan command: currencies:bootstrap which will handle fetching the currencies from the external API and persist them to your local database.

API Response - Partial Example


"ALL": {
"currencyName": "Albanian Lek",
"currencySymbol": "Lek",
"id": "ALL"
"XCD": {
"currencyName": "East Caribbean Dollar",
"currencySymbol": "$",
"id": "XCD"
"EUR": {
"currencyName": "Euro",
"currencySymbol": "",
"id": "EUR"

Next, you're required to extend the show($code) method's implementation on the Controller, to call the exchange rate API with specified $code against USD, and assign it to rate attribute of retrieved Currency model from DB.

This would be the JSON Response for HTTP Request:

GET /api/v1/currencies/EUR

"id": 3,
"code": "EUR",
"symbol": "",
"rate": 0.89676,
"created_at": "2019-05-23 13:49:08",
"updated_at": "2019-05-23 13:49:08",
"name": "Euro"

PHPUnit test(s) for this part can be found under the directory /tests/Part2, tests written for this part verifies the command exists and that running the artisan command loads the common currencies. You are required to add any necessary implementation to make all tests pass. Run the tests using the command:

phpunit --testsuite Part2

Part 3

Contract Pattern is one of the most important, highly used, design patters of Laravel framework. In this part, you'll be asked to apply this pattern. An Interface is already implemented to ease the communication, it can be found under app/Contracts/CurrencyExchangeContract.php


namespace App\Contracts;

interface CurrencyExchangeContract
     * fetch list of currencies from external API 
    public function listCurrencies() : array;

     * fetch exchange rate (against USD) for a currency using its code
    public function rate(string $code) : float;

You are required to create a Service implementing the contract, with the source of data being again the External APIs and modify any logic in your code calling the APIs directly to inject the Service and use listCurrencies() and rate($code) methods instead.

PHPUnit test(s) for this part can be found under the directory /tests/Part3, run the tests using the command:

phpunit --testsuite Part3

Part 4

In this part, you'll use Larave'ls built-in Cache to cache the exchange rate fetched from external API.

You are required to change the logic of the rate($code) method of the currency exchange Service implemented in Part3, to check if the required exchange rate is already Cached. If not, you need to cache the fetched exchange rate of currency with $code against USD, for a period of 60 minutes.

PHPUnit test(s) for this part can be found under the directory /tests/Part4, the test(s) verifies Cache is accessed on show() method of Controller and that it has correct vaule, which will be the exchange rate of the requested currency. You are required to add any necessary implementation to make all tests pass. Run the tests using the command:

phpunit --testsuite Part4


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