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Download and Dependencies

  1. Download

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies

    npm i

Environment Variables

  1. Create in a .env file in the root of your project

  2. Insert your key/value pairs

    MY_BOT_DISCORD_TOKEN: Available after creating the discord bot

    MY_BOT_APPLICATION_ID: Available after creating the discord bot


    1. Open Discord in your browser
    2. Open DevTools(ctrl + shift + i)
    3. Click "Network" from the toolbar at the top
    4. Reload the page (F5)
    5. Type "/api" in the filter
    6. Click on the "library" request
    7. Click the "Headers" tab and search for "authorization"
    8. Copy and paste this to AUTHORIZATION


    1. Go to OpenAI API keys
    2. Click "Create new secret key" and give your key a name.
    3. Copy your token and past this to "OPENAI_API_KEY"

    ERROR_CHANNEL_ID: Available after creating the discord server


Create Discord Server & Bot

  1. Create a new Discord Server
    1. Click on"Advanced" in your Discord Settings and enable "Developer Mode".
    2. Click the "+" button on the left hand column
    3. Click "Create My Own"
    4. Name your server and click "Create"
    5. Create a new channel (error channel)
    6. Right click on your new channel and click "Copy Channel ID"
    7. Paste the channel id in your ".env" under "ERROR_CHANNEL_ID".
  2. Create a new Discord Bot
    1. Go to Developer Portal Applications
    2. Click on "New Application"
    3. Give your bot a name and then click on “Create”.
    4. Go to "General Information" and copy the "APPLICATION ID" then past this in your ".env" under "MY_BOT_APPLICATION_ID".
    5. Go to "Bot" and click on "Reset Token". Then copy your Bot Token and C
    6. Go to "OAuth2 URL Generator" and in the field "SCOPES" check the box "bot".
    7. In the field "BOT PERMISSIONS" check the boxes "Read Messages/View Channels", "Send Messages", "Manage Messages", "Use Slash Commands", "Read Message History".
    8. Copy the generated url and add your bot to your server.

Default Configs

The configurations can be changed using Slash Commands.

"midjourney": {
"limit": 200
"gpt": {
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"maxTokens": 4000,
"temperature": 1,
"topP": 1,
"frequencyPenalty": 0,
"presencePenalty": 0,
"promptRole": "Assume the role of a midjourney (image creation) prompt creator.",
"maxPrompts": 2,
"promptTopics": "Nature, Night, lake,"