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Exploring webpack plugin development

webpack makes its usage more flexible through the plugin mechanism to adapt to various application scenarios. Of course, this greatly increases the complexity of webpack. During the lifecycle of webpack, many events will be broadcast, and plugin can hook into these events to change the output results in the processing process through the APIs provided by webpack at the appropriate time.


webpack is a modern static module bundler for JavaScript applications. When webpack processes an application, it recursively builds a dependency graph containing every module the application needs, and then bundles all of these modules into one or more bundles.
Using webpack as a front-end build tool can usually achieve the following:

  • Code transformation: compiling TypeScript to JavaScript, compiling SCSS to CSS, and so on.
  • File optimization: compressing JavaScript, CSS, HTML code, compressing and merging images, and so on.
  • Code splitting: extracting common code from multiple pages, extracting code that does not need to be executed on the initial screen for asynchronous loading.
  • Module merging: in a modular project, there are many modules and files that need to be categorized and merged into one file.
  • Auto refresh: listening to changes in local source code, automatically rebuilding, refreshing the browser page, usually called hot module replacement (HMR).
  • Code validation: before the code is submitted to the repository, it needs to be validated against coding standards and pass unit tests.
  • Auto publishing: after updating the code, automatically build the production code and transfer it to the publishing system.

In a webpack application, there are two core components:

  • Module transformer, used to transform the original content of a module into new content as needed, and to load non-js modules.
  • Extension plugins, which inject extension logic at specific times in the webpack build process to change the build result or do what you want.

This article is about writing a simple webpack plugin. Imagine a simple scenario: if we have implemented a multi-page Vue application, each packed page will share a common header and footer, which are the top navigation bar and bottom footer. Since frameworks like Vue load the header and footer at runtime, this part of the code can actually be developed as a standalone common sub-project, without the need to reference the component on every page of the multi-page application for the framework to parse the component. Additionally, when navigating between pages of a multi-page application, if a header component is written to be referenced within each page component, it is easy to experience navbar flashing due to the longer time needed to load and parse the JS.
To address the issues mentioned above, one solution is to use static page fragments. During the webpack packing process, we can inject the header and footer of the pages into the html pages to be packed. This approach not only saves some JS overhead for framework parsing of components, but also improves SEO performance. Although it's only a header and footer with not much information, in a large amount of repeated CPU tasks in an SSR scenario, even a small improvement can have a significant impact overall, just like the line drawing algorithm in computer graphics, which can't stand too many computational iterations. Furthermore, this approach effectively solves the problem of component header flashing because it is returned with the HTML and can be immediately rendered on the page without the need for JS loading and parsing. Similarly, this approach can also be used for loading the skeleton screen. All the code mentioned in this article is available at


Setting up the environment

To explore webpack, let's start by setting up a simple webpack environment. First, initialize and install dependencies.

$ yarn init -y
$ yarn add -D webpack webpack-cli cross-env

You can first try packaging with webpack. webpack can be packaged with zero configuration. The directory structure is as follows:

├── package.json
├── src
│ ├── index.js
│ └── sum.js
└── yarn.lock
// src/sum.js
export const add = (a, b) => a + b;
// src/index.js
import { add } from "./sum";
console.log(add(1, 1));

Then, add a packaging command.

// package.json
    // ...
    "scripts": {
        "build": "webpack"
    // ...

Run npm run build, which will call the webpack command under node_modules/.bin by default. Internally, webpack-cli will parse user parameters for packaging, and by default, it will use src/index.js as the entry file.

$ npm run build

After the execution is completed, a warning will appear, reminding us that the default mode is production. At this point, you can see the appearance of the dist folder, which is the final packaged result. Inside, there is a main.js file. Webpack will perform some syntax analysis and optimization, and you can see the structure of the completed package.

// src/main.js 
(() => {
    "use strict";

Configuring Webpack

Of course, we generally don't use zero configurations for packaging, so we first create a file webpack.config.js. Since webpack says the default mode is production, let's solve this issue by configuring it. Because it's just a simple webpack environment, we won't differentiate between and for configuration. Simply use process.env.NODE_ENV to differentiate in webpack.config.js. Here, we mainly care about the files after the dist package. We won't handle the dev environment or set up webpack-dev-server here. cross-env is a plugin used to configure environment variables.

// package.json
    // ...
    "scripts": {
        "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack --config webpack.config.js"
    // ...
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
    mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,
    entry:  "./src/index.js",
    output: {
        filename: "index.js",
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist")

However, according to the above requirements, we not only need to handle js files but also need to handle html files, for which we need to use the html-webpack-plugin plugin.

$ yarn add -D html-webpack-plugin

Then configure it in webpack.config.js, simply configure the relevant input/output and compression information. Additionally, if you want to delete the dist folder every time you package, you can consider using the clean-webpack-plugin plugin.

const path = require("path");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
    mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,
    entry: "./src/index.js",
    output: {
        filename: "index.js",
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist")
    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            title: "Webpack Template", 
            filename: "index.html", 
            template: path.resolve("./public/index.html"),
            hash: true, 
            minify: {
                collapseWhitespace: true,
                removeAttributeQuotes: true,
                minifyCSS: true,
                minifyJS: true,
            inject: "body", 
            scriptLoading: "blocking" 

Writing a Plugin

Next, when it comes to the main body, we need to write a plugin to handle the requirements mentioned earlier. Specifically, what we need to do is first leave a comment tag similar to <!-- inject:name="head" --> in the html. Then after webpack bundles the html file, we need to perform a regular match to replace the information related to the comment with a page slice, distinguishing which page slice to load by the name. Additionally, personally, when actually writing webpack plugins, it's best to first refer to the implementations of webpack plugins written by others. It's a bit costly to go through the documents and look up various hooks on your own.

For this plugin, we will directly create a static-page-slice.js in the root directory. The plugin is instantiated by a constructor function, and the constructor function defines the apply method. When webpack processes the plugin, the apply method will be called once by the webpack compiler. The apply method can receive a reference to the webpack compiler object, so that we can access the compiler object in the callback function. The structure of the most basic Plugin is similar to the following:

class BasicPlugin{
    // Obtain the configuration passed in by the user in the constructor
        this.options = options || {};
    // `Webpack` will call the `apply` method of the `BasicPlugin` instance to pass the `compiler` object to the plugin instance
        compiler.hooks.someHook.tap("BasicPlugin", (params) => {
            /* ... */
// Export the Plugin
module.exports = BasicPlugin;

When developing a plugin, the two most commonly used objects are compiler and compilation. They are the bridge between the plugin and webpack. The meanings of compiler and compilation are as follows:

  • The compiler object contains all the configuration information of the webpack environment, including options, loaders, and plugins. This object is instantiated when webpack is started and is globally unique. It can be simply understood as the webpack instance.
  • The compilation object contains the current module resources, compiled generated resources, and changed files. When webpack is running in development mode, each time a file change is detected, a new compilation will be created. The compilation object also provides many event callbacks for plugins to extend, and the compiler object can also be read through the compilation.

The difference between compiler and compilation is that compiler represents the entire life cycle of webpack from start to finish, while compilation only represents a new compilation. The related information can be referred to at Webpack is like a production line. The source files must go through a series of processing before they can be converted into output results. The responsibilities of each processing step on this production line are single, and there are dependencies between multiple steps. Only after the current processing is completed can it be handed over to the next step for processing. Plugins are like features inserted into the production line, processing resources on the production line at specific times. Webpack organizes this complex production line through tapeable at

Here, we choose to process resource files during the emit period of the compiler hook, which means executing before outputting the asset to the output directory. At this time, it is important to note that emit is an AsyncSeriesHook, which means it is an asynchronous hook, so we need to use tapAsync or tapPromise from Tapeable. If a synchronous hook is chosen, tap can be used instead.

class StaticPageSlice {
    constructor(options) {
        this.options = options || {};
    apply(compiler) {
        compiler.hooks.emit.tapPromise("StaticPageSlice", compilation => {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                console.log("StaticPageSlice is being called")

module.exports = StaticPageSlice;

Next, let's officially start processing the logic. First, we need to determine the type of this file. We only need to handle html files, so we need to check if it's an html file. Then it's a process of regular expression matching. After matching the comment information, we will replace it with a page fragment. We will directly simulate an asynchronous process using Promise here for the page fragment. After that, we can reference it in webpack and successfully bundle it.

// static-page-slice.js
const simulateRemoteData = key => {
    const data = {
        header: "<div>HEADER</div>",
        footer: "<div>FOOTER</div>",
    return Promise.resolve(data[key]);
class StaticPageSlice {
    constructor(options) {
        this.options = options || {}; // Parameters passed in
    apply(compiler) {
        compiler.hooks.emit.tapPromise("StaticPageSlice", compilation => {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const cache = {};
                const assetKeys = Object.keys(compilation.assets);
                for (const key of assetKeys) {
                    const isLastAsset = key === assetKeys[assetKeys.length - 1];
                    if (!/.*\.html$/.test(key)) {
                        if (isLastAsset) resolve();
                    let target = compilation.assets[key].source();
                    const matchedValues = target.matchAll(/<!-- inject:name="(\S*?)" -->/g); // `matchAll` function requires `Node v12.0.0` or higher
                    const tags = [];
                    for (const item of matchedValues) {
                        const [tag, name] = item;
                            data: cache[name] ? cache[name] : simulateRemoteData(name),
                    Promise.all( =>
                        .then(res => {
                            res.forEach((data, index) => {
                                const tag = tags[index].tag;
                                const name = tags[index].name;
                                if (!cache[name]) cache[name] = data;
                                target = target.replace(tag, data);
                        .then(() => {
                            compilation.assets[key] = {
                                source() {
                                    return target;
                                size() {
                                    return this.source().length;
                        .then(() => {
                            if (isLastAsset) resolve();
module.exports = StaticPageSlice;
// webpack.config.js
const path = require("path");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const StaticPageSlice = require("./static-page-slice");

module.exports = {
    mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,
    entry: "./src/index.js",
    output: {
        filename: "index.js",
        path:path.resolve(__dirname, "dist")
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            title: "Webpack Template", 
            filename: "index.html", // File name after packaging, the root path is `module.exports.output.path`
            template: path.resolve("./public/index.html"),
            hash: true, // Add `hash` at the end of the referenced resource
            minify: {
                collapseWhitespace: true,
                removeAttributeQuotes: true,
                minifyCSS: true,
                minifyJS: true,
            inject: "body", // `head`, `body`, `true`, `false`
            scriptLoading: "blocking" // `blocking`, `defer`
        new StaticPageSlice({
            url: ""

You can then see the difference between the html files before and after packaging.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
    <title><%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %></title>
    <!-- inject:name="header" -->
    <div id="app"></div>
    <!-- inject:name="footer" -->
    <!-- built files will be auto injected -->
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en><head><meta charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content="IE=edge"><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><title>Webpack Template</title></head><body><div>HEADER</div><div id=app></div><div>FOOTER</div><!-- built files will be auto injected --><script src=index.js?7e2c7994f2e0891ec351></script></body></html>

Webpack5 has made an update to the hooks. Using the plugin above will prompt:

(node:5760) [DEP_WEBPACK_COMPILATION_ASSETS] DeprecationWarning: Compilation.assets will be frozen in future, all modifications are deprecated.
BREAKING CHANGE: No more changes should happen to Compilation.assets after sealing the Compilation.
        Do changes to assets earlier, e. g. in Compilation.hooks.processAssets.
        Make sure to select an appropriate stage from Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_*.

Therefore, we can process the resources in advance according to its prompt to achieve the same effect.

// static-page-slice.js
const simulateRemoteData = key => {
    const data = {
        header: "<div>HEADER</div>",
        footer: "<div>FOOTER</div>",
    return Promise.resolve(data[key]);

class StaticPageSlice {
    constructor(options) {
        this.options = options || {}; // Passing parameters
    apply(compiler) {
        compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap("StaticPageSlice", compilation => {
                    name: "StaticPageSlice",
                    stage: compilation.constructor.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS,
                    additionalAssets: true,
                assets => this.replaceAssets(assets, compilation)
replaceAssets(assets, compilation) {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            const cache = {};
            const assetKeys = Object.keys(assets);
            for (const key of assetKeys) {
                const isLastAsset = key === assetKeys[assetKeys.length - 1];
                if (!/.*\.html$/.test(key)) {
                    if (isLastAsset) resolve();
                let target = assets[key].source();
                const matchedValues = target.matchAll(/<!-- inject:name="(\S*?)" -->/g); // The `matchAll` function requires `Node v12.0.0` or above
                const tags = [];
                for (const item of matchedValues) {
                    const [tag, name] = item;
                        data: cache[name] ? cache[name] : simulateRemoteData(name),
                Promise.all( =>
                    .then(res => {
                        res.forEach((data, index) => {
                            const tag = tags[index].tag;
                            const name = tags[index].name;
                            if (!cache[name]) cache[name] = data;
                            target = target.replace(tag, data);
                    .then(() => {
                        compilation.assets[key] = {
                            source() {
                                return target;
                            size() {
                                return this.source().length;
                    .then(() => {
                        if (isLastAsset) resolve();

module.exports = StaticPageSlice;

Daily Challenge
