Recently, I needed to use Chrome extensions to fulfill a requirement. During that period, I conducted some research on userscripts and browser extensions. At that time, I had a decent userscript named TKScript, so I was quite familiar with the capabilities of script managers. I anticipated that the userscript might not be able to meet the requirements. Therefore, I took the opportunity to learn more about browser extension development. As the development progressed, I found similarities between the capabilities provided by a script manager and a browser extension. This sparked my curiosity about how script managers are implemented. In reality, a script manager is essentially a type of browser extension, and the browser does not provide any backdoors for script managers to access specific capabilities. This raised three intriguing questions for me:
- How can a script manager run before the
on a page? - How does a script manager access the
object of a page? - How can a script manager bypass the browser's same-origin policy to initiate cross-origin requests?
Therefore, after researching the development capabilities of browser extensions, I summarized the core functionalities of script managers. This also addressed the three questions that puzzled me.
Have you ever used a userscript like Tampermonkey? The overall architecture of browser-level extensions is quite complex. Even though there are unified standards now, the specific implementations vary across different browsers. Moreover, becoming a developer and publishing an extension in the Chrome Web Store requires a registration fee of $5. If the aim is to write lightweight scripts within a web page and there are no special requirements, implementing lightweight scripts at the browser level can be a better choice.
After gaining a basic understanding of browser extension development, let's revisit the three questions posed at the beginning. In reality, these three questions are interrelated rather than independent. To clarify, let's break them down individually. For instance, when answering the third question regarding cross-origin requests, we need to assume that the script actually runs in the Inject
environment. If the script were running in the Background
, discussing cross-origin wouldn't make much sense.
In a userscript manager like Tampermonkey, there is a crucial feature called @run-at: document-start/document-end/document-idle
, especially document-start
. Imagine if we could execute our desired JS
code as soon as the page begins loading, we would have tremendous control over the page. Although we cannot directly intercept the literal creation of functions, we can still call browser-provided APIs. By intercepting function calls – for example,
– we can hijack the function's execution and obtain the desired data. This interception function needs to be supported first in the entire page to be effective; otherwise, if the function has already been called, intercepting it serves no purpose.
The implementation of such code may seem obscure at first glance. Let's consider a practical scenario: suppose a document library renders all text using canvas
, making it impossible to directly copy the document's content from the DOM
. One feasible solution is to intercept document.createElement
, so when a canvas
element is created, we can preemptively access the canvas object and then the ctx
. Since writing text ultimately involves calling context2DPrototype.fillText
, intercepting this method allows us to extract the text being drawn. Subsequently, we can create a DOM
element elsewhere for copying.
Returning to our implementation, the ability to ensure that a script executes first enables us to perform a wide range of actions at the language level, such as modifying the window
object, function hooking, prototype chain modifications, event prevention, and more. These abilities stem from browser extensions. The challenge for script managers is how to expose these extension capabilities to web pages. Assuming that user scripts run as Inject Scripts
in the browser page rather than Content Scripts
, based on this assumption, we would likely have implemented dynamic or asynchronous loading of JS
scripts, similar to the example below:
const loadScriptAsync = (url: string) => {
return new Promise<Event>((resolve, reject) => {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = url;
script.async = true;
script.onload = e => {
script.onerror = e => {
So, now there is an obvious problem. If we load the script only after the body
tag is constructed, around the DOMContentLoaded
event, we definitely won't achieve the goal of document-start
. Even processing it after the head
tag is not suitable since many websites include some JS
resources in the head, loading at that point is already too late. The main issue here is the entire process being asynchronous; there is already a lot of JS
code executing before the external script is fully loaded, failing to accomplish the desired "execute first" scenario.
Let's delve into the specific implementation. Firstly, with the V2
extension, considering the whole page, the very first element that loads is the html
tag. Therefore, it becomes evident that by inserting the script at the html
tag level, the objective can be met. This can be achieved by employing the chrome.tabs.executeScript
dynamic code execution in the extension's background script, along with establishing communication with the injected tab
using the Content Script
with "run_at": "document_start"
. This method might seem simple, but addressing this seemingly straightforward issue took me quite some time to figure out.
// Content Script --> Background
// Background -> chrome.tabs.executeScript
chrome.tabs.executeScript(sender.tabId, {
frameId: sender.frameId,
code: `(function(){
let temp = document.createElementNS("", "script");
temp.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
temp.innerHTML = "${script.code}";
temp.className = "injected-js";
This implementation may seem adequate since it can mostly achieve document-start
. However, as it is mentioned to be merely basic, it indicates that some scenarios may still pose problems. If we closely analyze this code, we can observe a communication step taking place, which is Content Script --> Background
. As this involves communication, it signifies an asynchronous process. And when there is asynchrony, time gets consumed; if time is spent, there is a possibility that the user's page might have already executed a significant amount of code. Hence, this implementation might sometimes fail to achieve document-start
, resulting in script ineffectiveness.
So, how can we address this issue? In V2
, it is clear that Content Script
is entirely controllable at document-start
, but it is not an Inject Script
and lacks access to the page's window
object. Thus, it cannot effectively hijack the page's functions. The problem may seem complex at first glance, but once understood, the solution is rather simple. We can introduce another Content Script
, alongside the original Content Script
, which essentially mirrors the Inject Script
code but is attached to the window
, achieving access to it. This task can be facilitated with the help of bundling tools.
compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync("WrapperCodePlugin", (compilation, done) => {
Object.keys(compilation.assets).forEach(key => {
if (!isChromium && key === process.env.INJECT_FILE + ".js") {
try {
const buffer = compilation.assets[key].source();
let code = buffer.toString("utf-8");
code = `window.${process.env.INJECT_FILE}=function(){${code}}`;
compilation.assets[key] = {
source() {
return code;
size() {
return this.source().length;
} catch (error) {
console.log("Parse Inject File Error", error);
This code snippet shows that we attach a randomly generated key
to the same window
object of the Content Script
, and the content is the actual script we want to inject into the page. However, even though we now have this function, how can we execute it on the user's page? Here, we actually use the same document.documentElement.appendChild
method to create the script, but the implementation here is very clever. We obtain the string by combining two Content Scripts
with the toString
method and directly inject it into the page as code, achieving a true document-start
const fn = window[process.env.INJECT_FILE as unknown as number] as unknown as () => void;
if (fn) {
const script = document.createElementNS("", "script");
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
script.innerText = `;(${fn.toString()})();`;
script.onload = () => script.remove();
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
delete window[process.env.INJECT_FILE];
Moreover, you might wonder why both the script manager framework and user scripts use this injection method, but in the browser console's Sources
panel, you only see a userscript.html?name=xxxxxx.user.js
and cannot see the script manager's injected code. This is because the script manager injects a comment similar to //# sourceURL=chrome.runtime.getURL(xxx.user.js)
at the end of the user script. This sourceURL
specifies the URL in the comment as the script's source URL, and it is identified and displayed using that URL in the Sources
panel, which is very useful for debugging and code tracking, especially when loading dynamically generated or inline scripts.
window["xxxxxxxxxxxxx"] = function (context, GM_info) {
with (context)
return (() => {
// ==UserScript==
// @name TEST
// @description TEST
// @version 1.0.0
// @match http://*/*
// @match https://*/*
// ==/UserScript==
//# sourceURL=chrome-extension://xxxxxx/DEBUG.user.js
Due to the fact that Chrome
browser no longer allows submission of V2
extension programs, we can only submit V3
code. However, V3
code is subject to very strict CSP
content security policy restrictions, essentially prohibiting dynamic code execution. Therefore, the methods we mentioned above all become ineffective. Consequently, we are left with no choice but to write code similar to the following:
const script = document.createElementNS("", "script");
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
script.setAttribute("src", chrome.runtime.getURL("inject.js"));
script.onload = () => script.remove();
Although it may seem that we are immediately creating a Script
tag within the Content Script
and executing code, is this achieving our document-start
objective? Unfortunately, the answer is no. While it might work when the page is initially loaded, afterwards, because this script is essentially treated as an external script, Chrome
queues it along with other scripts on the page. Other scripts may have strong caching mechanisms, so the actual behavior may not guarantee which one executes first. This unpredictability is unacceptable as it fails to meet the document-start
objective. Looking solely from this perspective, V3
is not mature enough. It lacks adequate support for many capabilities. Therefore, official solutions have been devised to address this issue. However, since we cannot determine the browser version used by end-users, many compatibility methods still need to be addressed.
if (cross.scripting && cross.scripting.registerContentScripts) {"Register Inject Scripts By Scripting API");
matches: [...URL_MATCH],
runAt: "document_start",
world: "MAIN",
allFrames: true,
js: [process.env.INJECT_FILE + ".js"],
id: process.env.INJECT_FILE,
.catch(err => {
logger.warning("Register Inject Scripts Failed", err);
} else {"Register Inject Scripts By Tabs API");
cross.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((_, changeInfo, tab) => {
if (changeInfo.status == "loading") {
const tabId = tab &&;
const tabURL = tab && tab.url;
if (tabURL && !URL_MATCH.some(match => new RegExp(match).test(tabURL))) {
return void 0;
if (tabId && cross.scripting) {
target: { tabId: tabId, allFrames: true },
files: [process.env.INJECT_FILE + ".js"],
injectImmediately: true,
After Chrome V109
, chrome.scripting.registerContentScripts
was supported. Starting from Chrome 111
, scripts with world: 'MAIN'
can be declared directly in the Manifest
. However, compatibility still needs to be handled by developers. Particularly, if the browser does not support world: 'MAIN'
, then that script will be treated as a Content Script
. I find this aspect a bit challenging to manage.
Until high version browsers become more popular, we still need to determine whether to use a registered method or execute directly based on the actual situation of the user's page in the worker. However, performing in the worker means that we must request scripting
and host permissions
, which implies that our extension will have higher privileges. Usually, this triggers additional review steps in the extension marketplace.
if (cross.scripting && cross.scripting.registerContentScripts) {
.registerContentScripts([/* ... */]);
} else {
cross.tabs.onUpdated.addListener((_, changeInfo, tab) => {
if (changeInfo.status == "loading") {
cross.scripting.executeScript(/* ... */);
Moreover, in Firefox
, if the user's page has a CSP
policy, additional issues may arise. Website CSP
policies typically limit script-src
and unsafe-inline
, causing the strategy of injecting into Inject Script
mentioned above to fail. Also, directly using tabs.executeScript
injects into the Content Script
, so we cannot inject directly using this method either. It is worth mentioning that the compatibility of scripting.executeScript
with World: MAIN
in Chrome
is not entirely optimal.
Although the scripting.executeScript
method is available in Firefox
, it requires FF 128
to support World: MAIN
. In such cases, we may need to try bypassing the CSP
restrictions through some strategies or adopt fallback solutions to ensure the proper functioning of some features.
- Modifying the response headers through
to prevent the loading of theCSP
policy.- Since
does not support multiplenonce
declarations, but multiplesha-hash
configurations are allowed, we can addsha256-${CSP-HASH}
to the response headers and calculate and replace resources during compilation. However, mishandling may lead to issues. For example, while initially'self'
might be fine,'self'+'hash'
could cause leniency to strictness issues. - Although modifying response headers is effective, it is easily disrupted by other extensions. Common ad blockers often modify response headers, and when multiple extensions modifying
are active simultaneously, the browser tends to enforce stricter modes, ultimately leading to failed injections. - Complete removal during the actual call can avoid extension conflicts. Browser extensions such as Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, etc., when matching scripts to run, directly remove the
policy from the response headers, while Violentmonkey tries to read thenonce
situations to allow script execution.
- Since
- Reading the response headers through
and identifying the scripts loaded by theCSP
policy.- Typically,
allows the execution of certain scripts, such as thenonce
mentioned earlier. Since we cannot modify the response headers, we can simply read without blocking. Then based on features likenonce
, create script tags, and insert them into the page. - If no related features are ultimately matched, we can resort to executing directly in the
Content Script
. In theContent Script
, there are no restrictions from theCSP
policy, enabling the normal operation of some functionalities including DOM events and styles.
- Typically,
- Checking and fallback execution policies in the
Content Script
is a feature inFirefox
that allows access to theWindow
object in theInject Script
. If the script execution mentioned earlier fails and our idempotent execution lock is not mounted on thewindow
, we can infer that the script did not execute successfully.- Upon identifying unsuccessful script execution, we can construct a same-origin URL like
using theBlob
object andURL.createObjectURL
method, then load the script usingscript.src
. However, similar to the previous issue, this is asynchronous and cannot ensuredocument_start
completion. - If even after the script
, we are unable to verify successful execution, we can resort to executing the script in theContent Script
. This ensures the normal execution of DOM events and styles. Additionally, exporting functions to the page throughexportFunction
in theContent Script
is also an optional solution.
(res) => {
if (!res.responseHeaders) return void 0;
if (res.type !== "main_frame" && res.type !== "sub_frame") return void 0;
for (let i = 0; i < res.responseHeaders.length; i++) {
const responseHeaderName = res.responseHeaders[i].name.toLowerCase();
if (responseHeaderName !== "content-security-policy") continue;
const value = res.responseHeaders[i].value || "";
let code = /* ... */
const onUpdate = (_: number, changeInfo: chrome.tabs.TabChangeInfo) => {
if (changeInfo.status !== "loading") return void 0;
.executeScript(res.tabId, /* ... */)
cross.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(onUpdate, { tabId: res.tabId });
{ urls: URL_MATCH, types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame"] },
This issue is also a very interesting point that I once asked in the group, but did not get an answer at that time. Let's discuss it here. First and foremost, we need to understand that there are two window
objects in the script: window
and unsafeWindow
. The window
object is a secure and isolated window environment, while unsafeWindow
represents the window
object in the user's webpage.
For a long time, I believed that the window
object accessible in these plugins was actually provided by the browser's Content Scripts
, and unsafeWindow
represented the window
object in the user's page. I spent a considerable amount of time exploring how to directly access the user's window
object from the Content Scripts
of browser extensions, but all efforts ended in failure. An interesting attempt was made to escape the browser extension environment by utilizing the shared DOM
between Content Scripts
and Inject Scripts
. However, this approach has long been obsolete.
var unsafeWindow;
(function() {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.setAttribute("onclick", "return window");
unsafeWindow = div.onclick();
In addition, Firefox
provides a wrappedJSObject
to help access the page's window
object from Content Scripts
, but this feature might be removed in future versions due to security concerns. In fact, as for the escape method mentioned above, browsers are taking measures to prevent such practices, meaning it is clear that Content Scripts
cannot access the page's window
So, how can we eventually determine that these two window
objects actually refer to the same browser environment? The realization came when I needed to dynamically render React
components and suddenly became aware of this issue. Apart from reviewing the source code of open-source script managers, we can also verify the script in the browser using the following code snippet. As seen, modifications made to window
are actually synchronized with unsafeWindow
, proving that they share the same reference. = "111111";
console.log(window === unsafeWindow); // false
console.log(window); // Proxy {Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): 'Window'}
console.log(window.onblur); // null
unsafeWindow.onblur = () => 111;
console.log(unsafeWindow); // Window { ... }
console.log(,; // 111111 111111
console.log(window.onblur); // () => 111
const win = new Function("return this")();
console.log(win === unsafeWindow); // true
Actually, here we also use the escape of new Function
, so we can discover that these two are actually the same reference. Then the problem arises: since they are the same window
object, how does the script manager provide a clean window
object? Here we need to talk about a little story. Imagine if we fully trust the window
of the current user page, we may directly mount the API onto the window
object. This may sound like there is no problem, but consider this scenario: if a user visits a malicious page, and this webpage happens to match a rule like https://*/*
, then this page can access our script manager's related APIs
. This is equivalent to browser extension-level permissions, such as directly accessing the content of files in the user's disk, and being able to send the content to a malicious server across domains. In this case, our script manager becomes a security risk. For example, if the current page has been attacked by XSS, the attacker can use the script manager's GM.cookie.get
to retrieve HTTP Only
cookies, and even without enabling CORS
, they can easily send requests to the server. Obviously, we originally intended to use the script manager to Hook
web pages in the browser, but instead we are being accessed by more advanced functions. This is clearly unreasonable. Therefore, GreaseMonkey implements the XPCNativeWrappers
mechanism, which can be understood as a sandbox environment for the window
In the @grant none
scenario, the script manager considers the current environment safe, and there is no issue of unauthorized access. Therefore, in this case, accessing the window
will be the original window
object of the page. Additionally, as mentioned above, in the verification of the last two lines of code, we bypassed these sandbox limitations of extensions so that we could directly access unsafeWindow
without the @grant unsafeWindow
scenario. However, this is not a major issue because the script manager itself also provides access to unsafeWindow
, and if the CSP did not enable unsafe-eval
, this example would not work. Furthermore, we can also think of other solutions. For example, simply disabling the execution of the Function
and eval
functions might be a solution. But clearly, even if we directly disable access to the Function
object, it can still be accessed through constructor methods like (function(){}).constructor
. Therefore, the sandbox environment for the window
also needs continuous defense. For instance, mini-programs do not allow the use of Function
, eval
, setTimeout
, setInterval
to dynamically execute code. As a result, the community began to implement hand-written interpreters. In our scenario, we could even directly create an isolation environment by using an iframe
to create a about:blank
Following this, we can briefly discuss how to implement sandbox environment isolation. In fact, in the example above, we can see that directly printing window
outputs a Proxy
object. Here, we also use a Proxy
to implement a simple sandbox environment. What we need to achieve is to proxy the window
object. In this case, we want all operations to be performed on a new object without affecting the original object. When getting a value, it should first try to fetch from our new object, and if it's not there, then resort to the window
object. When setting a value, it will only operate on our new object. Here we also use the with
operator to set the code scope to a specific object - in this case, our created context
. In the final result, we can see that reading operations on the window
object are correct, and writing operations only affect the sandbox environment.
const context = Object.create(null);
const global = window;
const proxy = new Proxy(context, {
// The `Proxy` uses the `in` operator to check property existence
has: () => true,
// Writing properties will act on the `context`
set: (target, prop, value) => {
target[prop] = value;
return true;
// Special handling for specific properties and methods, reading properties involves checking `context` and `window`
get: (target, prop) => {
switch (prop) {
// Override special property references
case "globalThis":
case "window":
case "parent":
case "self":
return proxy;
if (prop in target) {
return target[prop];
const value = global[prop];
// Methods like `alert` and `setTimeout` must operate under `window` scope
if (typeof value === "function" && !value.prototype) {
return value.bind(global);
return value;
}); = "111";
with (proxy) {
console.log(; // 111 = "222";
console.log(name); // 222
console.log(; // 222
console.log(; // 111
console.log(context); // { name: '222' }
Furthermore, even though we have constructed a sandbox environment, we need to figure out how to pass this object to user scripts without exposing these variables to the website itself. The scripts run on the user's page, allowing access to the window
object. Next, let's discuss how to securely pass our advanced methods to user scripts. Looking at the source-map
, it is clear that we can utilize closures and with
to access variables. Pay attention to the this
context. When calling the function, use the following approach to pass the current scope's variables to the script execution.
script.apply(proxyContent, [ proxyContent, GM_info ]);
So far, we have successfully isolated the window
object using Proxy
. To recap, our goal is to create a clean window
sandbox environment where the website's actions do not affect our window
object. For instance, if the website attaches an $$
object to window
, we aim to prevent direct access to this object in developers' scripts. Our sandbox environment is completely isolated. On the other hand, the user script manager has a different goal. For example, if a user needs to attach an event to window
, we should mount that event handler on the original window
object. Therefore, we must differentiate whether a property being read or written belongs to the original window
or newly added to the Web
page. To achieve this, we need to record a copy of the original window
object's keys before executing user scripts, essentially managing the sandbox as a whitelist. Additionally, for a window
sandbox to work effectively, the extension's Inject Script
must be executed first, preferably at document-start
, to ensure no prior content has been mounted on the window
object, thereby avoiding contamination of the sandbox environment.
Lastly, let's discuss how the script manager accomplishes cross-origin requests. Since user scripts execute on the current browser page, they must overcome the same-origin policy issue. By declaring the domain of the requested URL in the script manager, it can bypass this restriction, making it quite a remarkable feat.
So, the way to solve this problem is quite simple. It's clear that the communication initiated here is not directly from the page's `window`, but from a browser extension. Therefore, we need to discuss how to enable communication between the user's page and the browser extension. The `DOM` and event flow in the `Content Script` are shared with the `Inject Script`. In practice, there are two ways to implement communication. The commonly used method is `window.addEventListener + window.postMessage`. However, a significant drawback of this approach is that messages can also be received in the web page. Even if we can generate some random tokens to verify the message source, this method can be easily intercepted by the page itself, which is not secure enough. That's why another method is typically used here, which is `document.addEventListener + document.dispatchEvent + CustomEvent` with custom events. It's important to note that the event name should be random. By generating a unique random event name in the background when injecting the framework and using this event name for communication between the `Content Script` and `Inject Script`, we can prevent users from intercepting the message calls.
// Content Script
document.addEventListener("xxxxxxxxxxxxx" + "content", e => {
console.log("From Inject Script", e.detail);
// Inject Script
document.addEventListener("xxxxxxxxxxxxx" + "inject", e => {
console.log("From Content Script", e.detail);
// Inject Script
new CustomEvent("xxxxxxxxxxxxx" + "content", {
detail: { message: "call api" },
// Content Script
new CustomEvent("xxxxxxxxxxxxx" + "inject", {
detail: { message: "return value" },
However, because this communication involves more complexity, sending messages to Background/Worker
through the Content Script
for final implementation can be somewhat challenging. It requires a well-designed approach to handle communication between different modules and event triggers.
In the end, we might have clarified some of the very hacky
capabilities of browser extensions. We may have also realized that browser extensions have extremely high permissions. In the V2
version, they could even access HTTP Only
cookies. In V3
, the restrictions have increased, but overall the permissions remain very high. Therefore, when choosing a browser extension, caution is advised. Either opt for widely used extensions or choose open-source ones. However, issues like the EDGE
extension events are still hard to avoid. Essentially, EDGE
opens extensions for use, and some malicious individuals encapsulate open-source extensions with advertising code and submit them to extension markets. As users of extensions, it's important to pay attention to these issues. Lastly, some script managers that can be useful for reference are provided for further learning.
- GreaseMonkey: Commonly known as Greasemonkey, the earliest user script manager providing extension capabilities for Firefox, under the MIT license.
- TamperMonkey: Commonly known as Tampermonkey, the most popular user script manager that offers extension capabilities for current mainstream browsers. The open-source version (before version 2.9) is licensed under GPL-3.0.
- ViolentMonkey: Commonly known as Violentmonkey, a completely open-source user script manager that provides extension capabilities for current mainstream browsers, under the MIT license.
- ScriptCat: Commonly known as ScriptCat, a fully open-source user script manager providing extension capabilities for current mainstream browsers, licensed under GPL-3.0.