The Memo Pattern, also known as the Memento Pattern, is a type of object behavioral pattern that involves capturing and storing an object's current state so that it can be smoothly restored later without compromising encapsulation.
The Memo Pattern is a way of capturing and storing an object's current state so that it can be easily restored later.
- Provides a mechanism for restoring state, making it convenient for users to restore data to a specific historical state when needed.
- Encapsulates internal state, preventing other objects from accessing this state information except for the originating class.
- Simplifies the originating class, which no longer needs to manage and store various backups of its internal state; all state information is saved in a memento and managed by a caretaker, thus adhering to the single responsibility principle.
- Consumes a large amount of resources; if a large amount of internal state information needs to be saved or if saving occurs frequently, it can consume significant memory resources.
- Scenarios requiring the saving/restoring of related data states.
- Providing a rollback operation.
// Taking a text editor as an example, the editor periodically saves its state and can restore it as needed.
class EditorMemento { // The memento object can preserve the editor's state
constructor(content) {
this._content = content;
getContent() {
return this._content;
class Editor {
this._content = "";
type(words) {
this._content = `${this._content} ${words}`;
getContent() {
return this._content;
save() {
return new EditorMemento(this._content);
restore(memento) {
this._content = memento.getContent();
const editor = new Editor()
editor.type("This is the first sentence.");
editor.type("This is the second sentence.");
const saved =;
editor.type("And this is the third sentence.")
console.log(editor.getContent()); // This is the first sentence. This is the second sentence. And this is the third sentence.
console.log(editor.getContent()); // This is the first sentence. This is the second sentence.