Given an array of integers nums
without duplicates, return all possible subsets (the power set) of the array.
Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets.
Input: nums = [1,2,3]
* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number[][]}
var subsets = function(nums) {
var target = [[]];
var n = nums.length;
if(!n) return target;
var dfs = (cur, tmp ,deep, limit) => {
if (tmp.length + (n - cur + 1) < limit) return void 0;
if(limit === deep) {
return void 0;
for(let i=cur;i<n; ++i){
dfs(i+1, [...tmp, nums[i]], deep+1, limit);
nums.forEach((v,i) => dfs(0, [], 0, i+1));
return target;
dfs(i+1, [...tmp, nums[i]], deep+1, limit);
1 2 3
2 3 3
... ... ...
dfs(cur+1, [...tmp, nums[i]], deep+1, limit);
1 2 3
2 3 2 3 2 3
... ... ... ... ... ...
Essentially, this is a combination problem. Taking an array of length 4
like [1, 2, 3, 4]
and combining 2
values as an example, for every two elements, we can form an array like [1, 2]
, [1, 3]
, [1, 4]
, [2, 3]
, [2, 4]
, and [3, 4]
. Following this logic, we need to extract subsets of lengths 1
to length
from the given array. First, we define the target array which will include an empty array, signifying all arrays are subsets of themselves. We then calculate the length n
of the input array. If the length is 0
, we return the target array. We then define a recursive function to traverse the depths of the problem. First, we perform pruning. If the size of the current tmp
array is s
and the length of the undecided interval [cur,n]
is t
, if s + t < limit
, even if all t
elements are selected, it is impossible to construct a sequence of length limit
. Hence, there is no need to continue recursion in this case. We then check if the recursion depth equals limit
, and if so, we add the tmp
array to the target array and return. Next, we define a loop from cur
to n
, and pass a new array constructed from tmp
with cur
to the next recursion. Finally, we define a loop to get the length of the subset array to be obtained, start the recursion, initialize cur
as 0
, deep
as 0
, tmp
as an empty array, and limit
as i+1
. After the recursion is completed, the target array is returned.