The main methods for traversing objects in JavaScript are for in
, Object.keys()
, Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
, Reflect.ownKeys()
, and Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()
The for in
statement iterates over the enumerable properties of an object in any order, including enumerable properties on the prototype chain, but excluding Symbol
var obj = {
2: "11",
1: "1",
b: "1111",
a: "111",
[Symbol()]: "11111"
Object.prototype.c = "111111"; // Adds an enumerable property to the prototype chain
Object.defineProperty(obj, "d", {value:"1111111", enumerable:false}); // Adds a non-enumerable property to obj
console.log(obj); // {1: "1", 2: "11", b: "1111", a: "111", d: "1111111", Symbol(): "11111"}
for( let unit in obj ){
console.log(unit, obj[unit]);
1 1
2 11
b 1111
a 111
c 111111
For the iteration order:
1. If the property name is of type Number, the iteration order is based on the keys in ascending order.
2. If the property name is of type String, the iteration order is based on the order the properties were created.
3. If the property name is of type Symbol, it follows the same logic as String.
The Object.keys()
method returns an array of an object's own enumerable properties, in the same order as they are returned when traversing the object using a
loop. Similarly, the Object.entries()
method returns an array of key-value pairs for an object's own enumerable properties, and the Object.values()
method returns an array of an object's own enumerable property values.
var obj = {
2: "11",
1: "1",
b: "1111",
a: "111",
[Symbol()]: "11111"
Object.prototype.c = "111111"; // Adds an enumerable property to the prototype chain
Object.defineProperty(obj, "d", {value:"1111111", enumerable:false}); // Adds a non-enumerable property to obj
console.log(obj); // {1: "1", 2: "11", b: "1111", a: "111", d: "1111111", Symbol(): "11111"}
var propertyArr = Object.keys(obj);
for( let unit of propertyArr ){
console.log(unit, obj[unit]);
1 1
2 11
b 1111
a 111
console.log(Object.entries(obj)); // [["1", "1"],["2", "11"],["b", "1111"],["a", "111"]]
console.log(Object.values(obj)); // ["1", "11", "1111", "111"]
The Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
method returns an array of all the own property names of the specified object, including non-enumerable properties, but excluding properties with names that are Symbol
var obj = {
2: "11",
1: "1",
b: "1111",
a: "111",
[Symbol()]: "11111"
Object.prototype.c = "111111"; // Adds an enumerable property to the prototype chain
Object.defineProperty(obj, "d", {value:"1111111", enumerable:false}); // Adds a non-enumerable property to obj
console.log(obj); // {1: "1", 2: "11", b: "1111", a: "111", d: "1111111", Symbol(): "11111"}
var propertyArr = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for( let unit of propertyArr ){
console.log(unit, obj[unit]);
1 1
2 11
b 1111
a 111
d 1111111
The Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()
method returns an array of all the Symbol
properties of the specified object.
var obj = {
2: "11",
1: "1",
b: "1111",
a: "111",
[Symbol()]: "11111"
Object.prototype.c = "111111"; // Adds an enumerable property to the prototype chain
Object.defineProperty(obj, "d", {value:"1111111", enumerable:false}); // Adds a non-enumerable property to obj
console.log(obj); // {1: "1", 2: "11", b: "1111", a: "111", d: "1111111", Symbol(): "11111"}
var propertyArr = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj);
for( let unit of propertyArr ){
console.log(unit, obj[unit]);
Symbol() "11111"
The Reflect.ownKeys
method returns an array of the specified object's own property keys, including non-enumerable properties and Symbol
properties. Its return value is equivalent to Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target))
var obj = {
2: "11",
1: "1",
b: "1111",
a: "111",
[Symbol()]: "11111"
Object.prototype.c = "111111"; // Add an enumerable property to the prototype chain
Object.defineProperty(obj, "d", {value:"1111111", enumerable:false}); // Add a non-enumerable property to obj
console.log(obj); // {1: "1", 2: "11", b: "1111", a: "111", d: "1111111", Symbol(): "11111"}
var propertyArr = Reflect.ownKeys(obj);
for( let unit of propertyArr ){
console.log(unit, obj[unit]);
1 1
2 11
b 1111
a 111
d 1111111
Symbol() "11111"