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手动实现apply call

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92 lines (75 loc) · 7.5 KB

Manually Implementing apply, call, bind

Each Function object has apply(), call(), and bind() methods, which are used to call functions in a specific scope, effectively setting the value of the this object within the function body to extend the scope in which the function runs.


funct.apply(thisArg, [argsArray])
thisArg: Required, the value of this to be used when the funct function is running. this may not be the actual value seen by the method. If this function is in non-strict mode, specifying null or undefined will automatically be replaced by a reference to the global object and primitive values will be wrapped.
argsArray: Optional, pass an array-like object containing the arguments to be passed to the funct function. If the value of this parameter is null or undefined, it indicates that no arguments need to be passed.
The implementation approach is similar to Function.prototype.apply(), by attaching the _apply() method to the Function.prototype, allowing function objects to directly call it. When calling funct._apply(), the this within the _apply() method refers to the funct object. This funct object is assigned to a property of the object to be bound, and the funct is then called using the object to be bound, thus achieving the this pointer pointing to the object to be bound. For handling the arguments, the Spread operator from ES6 is used to expand the array and pass it as arguments.

window.a = 1; // Define a global variable
var obj = {a: 2}; // Define an object for binding
var funct = function(b, c) { console.log(this.a,b,c); return 1; }; // Define a function to execute

funct(1, 2); // 1 1 2  // Direct execution, equivalent to window.funct(1, 2), this is bound to window
funct.apply(obj, [1, 2]); // 2 1 2 // Using apply to bind this to the obj object

Function.prototype._apply = function(base, args) { // Extend the Function prototype
    base = base || window; // If the bound object is null or undefined, it will be directed to window
    base.fn = this; // When _apply is called, this refers to the caller, which is the function object, and the function object is assigned to a property of the base object
    var result = base.fn(...args); // When calling base.fn, the this pointer within fn points to base, and the Spread operator is used to expand the parameters
    delete base.fn; // Delete the fn property of the base object
    return result; // Return the result

funct._apply(obj, [1, 2]); // 2 1 2 // this is bound to the obj object

call[, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])
thisArg: Required, the value of this to be used when the funct function is running. this may not be the actual value seen by the method. If this function is in non-strict mode, specifying null or undefined will automatically be replaced by a reference to the global object and primitive values will be wrapped.
arg1, arg2, ...: Optional, the specified list of arguments.
The implementation approach is similar to, by attaching the _call() method to the Function.prototype, allowing function objects to directly call it. When calling funct._call(), the this within the _call() method refers to the funct object. This funct object is assigned to a property of the object to be bound, and the funct is then called using the object to be bound, thus achieving the this pointer pointing to the object to be bound. For handling the arguments, the Rest operator from ES6 is used to accept the remaining parameters, and the Spread operator from ES6 is used to expand the array as arguments.

window.a = 1; // Define a global variable
var obj = {a: 2}; // Define an object for binding
var funct = function(b, c) { console.log(this.a,b,c); return 1; }; // Define a function to execute

funct(1, 2); // 1 1 2  // Direct execution, equivalent to window.funct(1, 2), this is bound to window, 1, 2); // 2 1 2 // Using call to bind this to the obj object

Function.prototype._call = function(base, ...args) { // Extension of the Function prototype to accept rest parameters using the Rest operator
    base = base || window; // When the passed binding object is null or undefined, it points to window
    base.fn = this; // The 'this' when _call is invoked points to the caller, which is the function object, and assigns the function object to a property of the base object
    var result = base.fn(...args); // When calling base.fn, the this pointer in fn points to the base, and the Spread operator is used to spread the parameters
    delete base.fn; // Removes the fn property from the base object
    return result; // Returns the result

funct._call(obj, 1, 2); // 2 1 2 // 'this' is bound to the obj object


funct.bind(thisArg[, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])
thisArg: Required, the value passed as the this parameter when calling the bound function, ignored if the bound function is constructed using the new operator, when provided as a callback, any primitive value passed as thisArg will be converted to an object, if the parameter list of the bind function is empty, or thisArg is null or undefined, the this of the execution scope will be considered the thisArg of the new function.
arg1, arg2, ...: Optional, parameters that are preset into the parameter list of the bound function when the target function is called.
The implementation approach is similar to Function.prototype.bind(). Similarly, the _bind() method is mounted on Function.prototype, allowing function objects to be called directly. By leveraging the lexical binding of this value with arrow functions, it returns a function with a specified this. If arrow functions are not used, the this value can also be assigned to a closed variable to construct a closure, followed by an implementation similar to the apply method to bind this to the specified object.

window.a = 1; // Define a global variable
var obj = {a: 2} // Define an object for binding
var funct = function(b, c) { console.log(this.a,b,c); return 1; }; // Define a function for execution

funct(1, 2); // 1 1 2  // Direct execution, equivalent to window.funct(1, 2), 'this' is bound to window
var bindFunct = funct.bind(obj, 1, 2); // Use bind to bind 'this' to the obj object, the bind method returns a copy of the original function with the specified this value and initial parameters.
bindFunct(); // 2 1 2 

Function.prototype._bind = function(base, ...args1) { // Extension of the Function prototype to accept rest parameters using the Rest operator
    return (...args2) => { // An arrow function does not generate its own this in the lexical scope, it inherits the this from the previous layer of its own scope chain
        base = base || window; // When the passed binding object is null or undefined, it points to window
        base.fn = this; // The 'this' when invoking the arrow function points to the caller, which is the function object, and assigns the function object to a property of the base object
        var result = base.fn(...args1, ...args2); // When calling base.fn, the this pointer in fn points to the base, and the Spread operator is used to spread the parameters
        delete base.fn; // Removes the fn property from the base object
        return result; // Returns the result

var _bindFunct = funct._bind(obj, 1, 2); // Bind the object
_bindFunct(); // 2 1 2 

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