Basic operations on HTML
nodes include adding nodes, replacing nodes, deleting nodes, binding events, accessing child nodes, accessing parent nodes, and accessing sibling nodes.
The Document Object Model (DOM
), recommended by the W3C
organization, is a standard programming interface for handling Extensible Markup Language (XML
), and is a platform and language-independent application programming interface (API
According to the W3C
HTML DOM standard, all content in an HTML document is considered a node: the entire document is a document node, each HTML element is an element node, the text within an HTML element is a text node, each HTML attribute is an attribute node, and comments are comment nodes. The HTML DOM views the HTML document as a tree structure. This structure is referred to as a node tree: an instance of the HTML DOM Tree.
<div id="t1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var d1 = document.createElement("div"); // Create a node = "blue"; // Set the color
d1.setAttribute("id","d1"); // Set an attribute
d1.innerText="innerText"; // innerText replaces all content at once
var tn1=document.createTextNode(" CreateTextNode"); // createTextNode allows for dynamic addition
d1.appendChild(tn1); // Append the text node
var node = document.getElementById("t1").appendChild(d1); // Append the d1 node after the t1 node
var b1 = document.createElement("div");
b1.innerText="Added before d1";
document.getElementById("t1").insertBefore(b1,document.getElementById("d1")); // Add the b1 node before the d1 node within the t1 node
<div id="t2">
<div>Node to be replaced</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var d2 = document.createElement("div"); = "green";
d2.innerText="Replaced by me";
document.getElementById("t2").replaceChild(d2,document.querySelector("#t2 > div:first-child")); // The first parameter is the node to be replaced, and the second parameter is the node to be replaced
<div id="t3">
<div>The sibling below has been deleted</div>
<div>I am going to be deleted</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("t3").removeChild(document.querySelector("#t3 > div:nth-child(2)"));
<div id="t4" style="color: red;">Click me</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("t4").addEventListener('click',(e) => {
alert("Click event");
<!-- See event flow model at -->
<div id="t5" style="color: grey;">
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").childNodes); // Get all child nodes // Note that each line break will also have a #text text node
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").childElementCount); // Get the number of child nodes
console.log( document.getElementById("t5").firstChild); // Get the first child node, note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").firstElementChild); // Get the first child node
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").lastChild); // Get the last child node, note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").lastElementChild); // Get the last child node
<div style="color: yellow;">
<div id="t6">1</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div style="color: brown;"><div>1</div><div id="t7">2</div><div>3</div></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").previousSibling); // Note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").previousElementSibling); // Does not match text nodes or comment nodes
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").nextSibling); // Note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").nextElementSibling); // Does not match text nodes or comment nodes
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Node Operations</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="t1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var d1 = document.createElement("div"); // Create a node = "blue"; // Set the color
d1.setAttribute("id","d1"); // Set an attribute
d1.innerText="innerText"; // innerText will replace all content at once
var tn1=document.createTextNode(" CreateTextNode"); // createTextNode can be used for dynamic addition
d1.appendChild(tn1); // Append the text node
var node = document.getElementById("t1").appendChild(d1); // Append the d1 node to the t1 node
var b1 = document.createElement("div");
b1.innerText="Added before d1";
document.getElementById("t1").insertBefore(b1,document.getElementById("d1")); // Add the b1 node before the d1 node inside the t1 node
<div id="t2">
<div>Node to be replaced</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var d2 = document.createElement("div"); = "green";
d2.innerText="Replaced by me";
document.getElementById("t2").replaceChild(d2,document.querySelector("#t2 > div:first-child")); // The first parameter is the node to be replaced, the second parameter is the node to be replaced
<div id="t3">
<div>The sibling below has been deleted</div>
<div>I am going to be deleted</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("t3").removeChild(document.querySelector("#t3 > div:nth-child(2)"));
<div id="t4" style="color: red;">Click me</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("t4").addEventListener('click',(e) => {
alert("Click event");
<!-- See event flow model at -->
<div id="t5" style="color: grey;">
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").childNodes); // Get all child nodes // Note that each line break will also have a #text text node
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").childElementCount); // Get the number of child nodes
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").firstChild); // Get the first child node, note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").firstElementChild); // Get the first child node
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").lastChild); // Get the last child node, note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t5").lastElementChild); // Get the last child node
<div style="color: yellow;">
<div id="t6">1</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div style="color: brown;">
<div id="t7">2</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").previousSibling); // Note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").previousElementSibling); // Does not match text nodes or comment nodes
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").nextSibling); // Note that it will also match #text
console.log(document.getElementById("t7").nextElementSibling); // Does not match text nodes or comment nodes