Example app, featuring the usage of tagger function for message mapping in view composition.
The term is originated from official docs, where a function with type signature of a -> msg
is defined as tagger
It is also often referred as Translator pattern.
The key takeaway of this example is that you can use the second argument of Html.App.map to have more control over the message flow in your top-level update
The idea, introduced in the article, improves on tagger
formula and might be used as an inspiration for generic APIs.
Please consider this example:
import Child
type Msg
= SomeMsg
| ToChild Child.Msg
-- Tagger function, for better control over the message flow.
tagger : Child.Msg -> Msg
tagger msg =
case msg of
Child.SomeMsg ->
_ ->
ToChild msg
-- Top-level view
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
Cmd.map tagger (Child.view model.childState)
$ elm-package install -y
$ elm-make Main.elm