SQLite sample application shows example of using secure SQLite DB instance in React Native application.
Open the sample app directory in Terminal window:
$ cd <path>/SampleApplications/SQLite
Install dependencies:
$ yarn
NOTE: SQLite sample is based on
version of React Native. There is a possibility to upgrade to0.63.x
by running following command:$ react-native upgrade 0.63.x
for example:$ react-native upgrade 0.63.3
Generate ios and android directories:
$ react-native eject
There are some dependencies that need to installed before using BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base
module. More information can be found here.
$ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base
Integrates Dynamics based on your current identifiers - iOS Bundle ID and Android Package Name.
$ yarn set-bundle-id (Optional step, but required for sample applications)
Allows to update an identifier (required) and name (optional) for your application. This identifier is your iOS Bundle ID or Android Package Name. It will also be used as the Entitlement ID for entitling and activating your application with the BlackBerry UEM management console.
$ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage
$ cd ios
$ pod install
$ cd ..
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native run-android
$ cd <path>/SampleApplications/SQLite
$ yarn
$ react-native eject
$ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base
$ yarn set-bundle-id
$ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage
For iOS:
$ cd ios
$ pod install
$ cd ..
$ react-native run-ios
For Android:
$ react-native run-android
$ cd <path>/SampleApplications/SQLite
$ yarn
$ cd .. ; git init ; cd SQLite
$ react-native upgrade 0.63.3
$ react-native eject
$ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base
$ yarn set-bundle-id
$ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage
For iOS:
$ cd ios
$ pod install
$ cd ..
$ react-native run-ios
For Android:
$ react-native run-android