A Biologically Inspired Hair Aging Model
Interactive Exploration of Tension-compression Mixed Shells(Mechanics) 力学
Fluidic Topology Optimization with an Anisotropic Mixture Model
A Monte Carlo Method for Fluid Simulation(Modeling and simulation)
ElastoMonolith: A Monolithic Optimization-based Liquid Solver for Contact-Aware Elastic-Solid Coupling(基于物理的仿真)
Curl-Flow: Pointwise Incompressible Velocity Interpolation for Grid-Based Fluids
Assemble Them All: Physics-Based Planning for Generalizable Assembly by Disassembly
Position-based Surface Tension Flow
Progressive Simulation for Cloth Quasistatics
- Differentiable rendering using RGBXY derivatives and optimal transport
- Look-Ahead Training with Learned Reflectance Loss for Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation
- Efficient Differentiation of Pixel Reconstruction Filters for Path-Space Differentiable Rendering
- Neural Parameterization for Dynamic Human Head Editing
QuadStream: A Quad-Based Scene Streaming Architecture for Novel Viewpoint Reconstruction
Differentiable Rendering of Neural SDFs through Reparameterization
Lightweight Neural Basis Functions for All-Frequency Shading
Neural James-Stein Combiner for Unbiased and Biased Renderings
Scalable multi-class sampling via filtered sliced optimal transport
Learning-based Inverse Rendering of Complex Indoor Scenes with Differentiable Monte Carlo Raytracing
Unbiased Caustics Rendering Guided by Representative Specular Paths
- Neural Point Catacaustics for Novel-View Synthesis of Reflection
- Differentiable Point-Based Radiance Fields for Efficient View Synthesis
- VIINTER: View Interpolation with Implicit Neural Representations of Image
- Metappearance: Meta-Learning for Visual Appearance Reproduction
Dressing Avatars: Deep Photorealistic Appearance for Physically Simulated Clothing
Fast Dynamic Radiance Fields with Time-Aware Neural Voxels code video
DISCO: Disentangled Image Colorization via Global Anchors AI,图像着色
NeuralMarker: A Framework for Learning General Marker Correspondence
DynaGAN: Dynamic Few-shot Adaptation of GANs to Multiple Domains
[Dr.3D: Adapting 3D GANs to Artistic Drawings] code
- Production-Ready Face Re-Aging for Visual Effects
- Pivotal Tuning for Latent-based Editing of Real Images
- UniColor: A Unified Framework for Multi-Modal Colorization with Transformer
- Computing Medial Axis Transform with Feature Preservation via Restricted Power Diagram
- NH-Rep: Neural Halfspace Representations for Implicit Conversion of B-Rep Solids (THU)
- Globally Injective Flattening via a Reduced Harmonic Subspace
- CLIP-Mesh: Generating textured meshes from text using pretrained image-text models
- Fast Editing of Singularities in Field-Aligned Stripe Patterns
- Augmented Paths and Reodesics for Topologically-Stable Matching
- Neural Wavelet-domain Diffusion for 3D Shape Generation
An Implicit Parametric Morphable Dental Model
Planar panels and planar supporting beams in architectural structures
Declarative Specification for Unstructured Mesh Editing Algorithms code
DeepJoin: Learning a Joint Occupancy, Signed Distance, and Normal Field Function for Shape Repair
Reconstructing Personalized Semantic Facial NeRF Models From Monocular Video 3D重建 NeRF(ECCV) 广泛应用
3QNet: 3D Point Cloud Geometry Quantization Compression Network
LaplacianFusion: Detailed 3D Clothed-Human Body Reconstruction
Asynchronous Collaborative Autoscanning with Mode Switching for Multi-Robot Scene Reconstruction
[NeuralRoom: Geometry-Constrained Neural Implicit Surfaces for Indoor Scene Reconstruction}(https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.06853.pdf)
FDNeRF: Few-shot Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields for Face Reconstruction and Expression Editing
- Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans code
- Make Your Own Sprites: Aliasing-Aware and Cell-Controllable Pixelization
Affordable Spectral Measurements of Translucent Materials
Motion In-betweening via Two-stage Transformers 生成目标帧
Scene Synthesis from Human Motion
Pupil-aware Holography
Neural Photo-Finishing (CV+AI)
TileGen: Tileable, Controllable Material Generation and Capture(GAN,TILE)
Color-Perception-Guided Display Power Reduction for Virtual Reality VR设备省电
Garment Avatars: Realistic Cloth Driving using Pattern Registration
Rhythmic Gesticulator: Rhythm-Aware Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis with Hierarchical Neural Embeddings
SCULPTOR: Skeleton-Consistent Face Creation Using a Learned Parametric Generator
Text2Light: Zero-Shot Text-Driven HDR Panorama Generation code
NeRFFaceEditing: Disentangled Face Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
Masked Lip-Sync Prediction by Audio-Visual Contextual Exploitation in Transformers
- VideoReTalking: Audio-based Lip Synchronization for Talking Head Video Editing In the Wild
- Stitch it in Time: GAN-Based Facial Editing of Real Videos
- QuestSim: Human Motion Tracking from Sparse Sensors with Simulated Avatars
- Video-driven Neural Physically-based Facial Asset for Production
- Transformer Inertial Poser: Real-time Human Motion Reconstruction from Sparse IMUs with Simultaneous Terrain
- Morig: Motion-aware rigging of character meshes from point clouds
DifferSketching: How Differently Do People Sketch 3D Objects? code
Neural Brushstroke Engine: Learning a Latent Style Space of Interactive Drawing Tools