Shared-everything dynamic linking refers to the ability to create a component
out of multiple Core WebAssembly modules so that common modules can be shared
with other components. This provides an alternative to static linking which
forces common code to be copied into each component. This type of linking
should be able to leverage off existing support for native dynamic linking (of
s or .so
s) with a single shared linear memory (hence
shared-everything dynamic linking).
Shared-everything dynamic linking should be complementary to the shared-nothing dynamic linking of components described in the explainer. In particular, dynamically-linked modules must not share linear memory across component instance boundaries. For example, we want the static dependency graph on the left to produce the runtime instance graph on the right:
Here, libc
defines and exports a linear memory that is imported by the other
module instances contained within the same component instance. Thus, at
runtime, the composite application creates three instances of the libc
module (creating three linear memories) yet contains only one copy of the
code. This use case is tricky to implement in many module systems where
sharing module code implies sharing module instance state.
As with native dynamic linking, shared-everything dynamic linking requires
toolchain conventions that are followed by all the toolchains producing the
participating modules. Here, as in most conventions, libc
serves a special
role and is assumed to be bundled with the compiler. As part of this special
role, libc
defines and exports linear memory, with the convention that
every other module imports memory from libc
;; libc.wat
(memory (export "memory") 1)
(func (export "malloc") (param i32) (result i32) ...impl)
Our compiler will also bundle standard library headers which contain
declarations compatible with libc
. First, though, we first need some helper
macros, which we'll place in stddef.h
/* stddef.h */
#define WASM_IMPORT(module,name) __attribute__((import_module(#module), import_name(#name))) name
#define WASM_EXPORT(name) __attribute__((export_name(#name))) name
These macros use the clang-specific attributes import_module
, import_name
and export_name
to ensure that the annotated C functions produce the
correct wasm import or export definitions. Other compilers would use their own
magic syntax to achieve the same effect. Using these macros, we can declare
in stdlib.h
/* stdlib.h */
#include <stddef.h>
#define LIBC(name) WASM_IMPORT(libc, name)
void* LIBC(malloc)(size_t n);
With these annotations, C programs that include and call this function will be compiled to contain the following import:
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
The interface exposed by libzip
to its clients is a header file:
/* libzip.h */
#include <stddef.h>
#define LIBZIP(name) WASM_IMPORT(libzip, name)
void* LIBZIP(zip)(void* in, size_t in_size, size_t* out_size);
which can be implemented by the following source file:
/* libzip.c */
#include <stdlib.h>
void* WASM_EXPORT(zip)(void* in, size_t in_size, size_t* out_size) {
void *p = malloc(n);
Note that libzip.h
annotates the zip
declaration with an import attribute
so that client modules generate proper wasm import definitions while libzip.c
annotates the zip
definition with an export attribute so that this function
generates a proper export definition in the compiled module. Compiling with
clang -shared libzip.c
produces a module shaped like:
;; libzip.wat
(import "libc" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(func (export "zip") (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
The main module of the zipper
component is implemented by the following
source file:
/* zipper.c */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libzip.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
void *in = malloc(n);
void *out = zip(in, n, &out_size);
When compiled by a (future) component-aware clang
, the resulting component
would look like:
;; zipper.wat
(import "libc" (core module $Libc
(export "memory" (memory 1))
(export "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "libzip" (core module $Libzip
(import "libc" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(export "zip" (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(core module $Main
(import "libc" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "libzip" "zip" (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(func (export "zip") (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)
(core instance $libc (instantiate (module $Libc)))
(core instance $libzip (instantiate (module $Libzip))
(with "libc" (instance $libc))
(core instance $main (instantiate (module $Main)
(with "libc" (instance $libc))
(with "libzip" (instance $libzip))
(func $zip (param (list u8)) (result (list u8)) (canon lift
(core func $main "zip")
(memory (core memory $libc "memory")) (realloc (func $libc "realloc"))
(export "zip" (func $zip))
Here, zipper
links its own private module code ($Main
) with the shareable
and libzip
module code, ensuring that each new instance of zipper
gets a fresh, private instance of libc
and libzip
Next we create a shared module libimg
that depends on libzip
/* libimg.h */
#include <stddef.h>
#define LIBIMG(name) WASM_IMPORT(libimg, name)
void* LIBIMG(compress)(void* in, size_t in_size, size_t* out_size);
/* libimg.c */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libzip.h"
void* WASM_EXPORT(compress)(void* in, size_t in_size, size_t* out_size) {
void *out = zip(in, in_size, &out_size);
Compiling with clang -shared libimg.c
produces a libimg
;; libimg.wat
(import "libc" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "libzip" "zip" (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(func (export "compress") (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
The main module of the imgmgk
component is implemented by including
, libzip.h
and libimg.h
. When compiled by a (future)
component-aware clang
, the resulting component would look like:
;; imgmgk.wat
(component $Imgmgk
(import "libc" (core module $Libc ...))
(import "libzip" (core module $Libzip ...))
(import "libimg" (core module $Libimg ...))
(core module $Main
(import "libc" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "libimg" "compress" (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(func (export "transform") (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)
(core instance $libc (instantiate (module $Libc)))
(core instance $libzip (instantiate (module $Libzip)
(with "libc" (instance $libc))
(core instance $libimg (instantiate (module $Libimg)
(with "libc" (instance $libc))
(with "libzip" (instance $libzip))
(core instance $main (instantiate (module $Main)
(with "libc" (instance $libc))
(with "libimg" (instance $libimg))
(func $transform (param (list u8)) (result (list u8)) (canon lift
(core func $main "transform")
(memory (core memory $libc "memory")) (realloc (func $libc "realloc"))
(export "transform" (func $transform))
Here, we see the general pattern emerging of the dependency DAG between
dynamically-linked modules expressed through instance
Finally, we can create the app
component by composing the zipper
and imgmgk
components. The resulting component could look like:
;; app.wat
(import "libc" (core module $Libc ...))
(import "libzip" (core module $Libzip ...))
(import "libimg" (core module $Libimg ...))
(import "zipper" (component $Zipper ...))
(import "imgmgk" (component $Imgmgk ...))
(core module $Main
(import "libc" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "libc" "malloc" (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "zipper" "zip" (func (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)))
(import "imgmgk" "transform" (func (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)))
(func (export "run") (param i32 i32) (result i32 i32)
(instance $zipper (instantiate (component $Zipper)
(with "libc" (module $Libc))
(with "libzip" (module $Libzip))
(instance $imgmgk (instantiate (component $Imgmgk)
(with "libc" (module $Libc))
(with "libzip" (module $Libzip))
(with "libimg" (module $Libimg))
(core instance $libc (instantiate (module $Libc)))
(core func $zip (canon lower
(func $zipper "zip")
(memory (core memory $libc "memory")) (realloc (func $libc "realloc"))
(core func $transform (canon lower
(func $imgmgk "transform")
(memory (core memory $libc "memory")) (realloc (func $libc "realloc"))
(core instance $main (instantiate (module $Main)
(with "libc" (instance $libc))
(with "zipper" (instance (export "zip" (func $zipper "zip"))))
(with "imgmgk" (instance (export "transform" (func $imgmgk "transform"))))
(func $run (param string) (result string) (canon lift
(core func $main "run")
(memory (core memory $libc "memory")) (realloc (func $libc "realloc"))
(export "run" (func $run))
Note here that $Libc
is passed to the nested zipper
and imgmgk
as an (uninstantiated) module before app
creates its own private instance
of libc
linked with its private $Main
module instance. Thus, the three
components share libc
code without sharing libc
state, realizing the
instance diagram at the beginning.
If cyclic dependencies are necessary, such cycles can be broken by:
- identifying a spanning DAG over the module dependency graph;
- keeping the calls along the spanning DAG's edges as normal function imports and direct calls (as shown above); then
- converting calls along "back edges" into indirect calls (
) of an imported(global i32)
containing the index in the function table.
For example, a cycle between modules $A
and $B
could be broken by arbitrarily
saying that $B
gets to directly import $A
and then routing $A
's imports
through a shared mutable funcref
table via call_indirect
(module $A
;; A imports indirectly via table+index
(import "linkage" "table" (table funcref))
(import "linkage" "bar-index" (global $bar-index (mut i32)))
(type $FooType (func))
(func $some_use
(call_indirect $FooType (global.get $bar-index))
;; A exports directly to B
(func (export "foo")
(module $B
;; B directly imports
(import "a" "foo" (func $a_foo)) ;; B gets to directly import A
;; B indirectly exports to A
(func $bar ...)
(import "linkage" "table" (table $ftbl funcref))
(import "linkage" "bar-index" (global $bar-index (mut i32)))
(elem (table $ftbl) (offset (i32.const 0)) $bar)
(func $start (global.set $bar-index (i32.const 0)))
(start $start)
Lastly, a toolchain can link these together into a whole program by emitting
a wrapper adapter module that supplies both $A
and $B
with a shared
function table and bar-index
mutable global.
(import "A" (core module $A ...))
(import "B" (core module $B ...))
(core module $Linkage
(global (export "bar-index") (mut i32))
(table (export "table") funcref 1)
(core instance $linkage (instantiate (module $Linkage)))
(core instance $a (instantiate (module $A)
(with "linkage" (instance $linkage))
(core instance $b (instantiate (module $B)
(import "a" (instance $a))
(with "linkage" (instance $linkage))
To ensure C function pointer identity across shared libraries, for each exported
function, a shared library will need to export both the func
definition and a
(global (mut i32))
containing that func
's index in the global funcref
Because a shared library can't know the absolute offset in the global funcref
table for all of its exported functions, the table slots' offsets must be
dynamic. One way this could be achieved is by the shared library calling into a
export of libc
(analogous to malloc
, but for allocating from the
global funcref
table) from the shared library's start
function. Elements could
then be written into the table at the allocated offset and their indices
written into the exported (global (mut i32))
(In theory, more efficient schemes are possible when the main program has more static knowledge of its shared libraries.)
To implement address-taken local variables, varargs, and other corner cases,
wasm compilers maintain a stack in linear memory that is maintained in
lock-step with the native WebAssembly stack. The pointer to the top of the
linear-memory stack is usually maintained in a single (global (mut i32))
variable that must be shared by all linked instances. Following the above
linking scheme, this global would naturally be exported by libc
with linear memory.
The general case of runtime dynamic linking in the style of dlopen
, where an
a priori unknown module is linked into the program at runtime, is not possible
to do purely within wasm with this proposal. Additional host-provided APIs are
required for:
- compiling files or bytes into a module;
- reading the import strings of a module;
- dynamically instantiating a module given a list of import values; and
- dynamically extracting the exports of an instance.
Such APIs could be standardized as part of WASI. Moreover, the JS API possesses all the above capabilities allowing the WASI APIs to be prototyped and implemented in the browser.