From bcaa88f92ef318c971869e0bbfb487bf712301d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sam Clegg Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 15:30:27 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] WasmBinaryReader: Consistent internal naming For defined functions/globals/tables/memories use `f1`, `t2`, `m3` etc. This matches the longer names used for imports such as `fimport$1`, but keeps the names nice and short by avoiding the embedded dollar sign. --- src/parser/context-decls.cpp | 15 +- src/wasm/wasm-binary.cpp | 8 +- test/br_to_exit.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/br_to_try.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/break-to-return.wasm.fromBinary | 6 +- test/break-within-catch.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/consume-stacky.wasm.fromBinary | 4 +- test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call.wast.out | 6 +- test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call2.wast.out | 6 +- test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call3.wast.out | 6 +- test/ctor-eval/basics-flatten.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/basics.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/ignore-external-input.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/imported-global-2.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/imported-global.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/indirect-call3.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/just_some.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/partial-locals-tee.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/partial-locals.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast.out | 4 +- test/ctor-eval/partial.wast.out | 2 +- test/ctor-eval/unsafe_call.wast.out | 2 +- test/dylib.wasm.fromBinary | 60 +- test/elided-br.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/example/c-api-unused-mem.txt | 4 +- test/fib-dbg.wasm.fromBinary | 74 +- ...fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/lit/basic/atomics-unshared.wast | 9 +- test/lit/basic/atomics.wast | 13 +- test/lit/basic/atomics64.wast | 13 +- test/lit/basic/complexTextNames.wast | 6 +- test/lit/basic/duplicate_types.wast | 17 +- test/lit/basic/empty_imported_table.wast | 6 +- test/lit/basic/empty_table.wast | 7 +- test/lit/basic/exception-handling-legacy.wast | 84 +- test/lit/basic/exception-handling.wast | 34 +- test/lit/basic/extended-names.wast | 4 +- .../lit/basic/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wast | 4 +- test/lit/basic/grow_memory.wast | 29 +- test/lit/basic/hello_world.wat | 11 +- test/lit/basic/kitchen_sink.wast | 5 +- test/lit/basic/memory-import.wast | 2 +- test/lit/basic/memory-import64.wast | 2 +- test/lit/basic/memory-shared.wast | 2 +- test/lit/basic/min.wast | 60 +- test/lit/basic/multi-memories-atomics64.wast | 132 +-- test/lit/basic/multi-memories-basics.wast | 60 +- test/lit/basic/multi-memories-simd.wast | 232 ++--- test/lit/basic/multi-table.wast | 65 +- test/lit/basic/mutable-global.wast | 2 +- test/lit/basic/newsyntax.wast | 4 +- test/lit/basic/polymorphic_stack.wast | 18 +- test/lit/basic/reference-types.wast | 250 ++--- test/lit/basic/reg_switch.wast | 27 +- test/lit/basic/relaxed-simd.wast | 44 +- test/lit/basic/segment-overlap.wast | 3 +- test/lit/basic/signext.wast | 2 +- test/lit/basic/simd.wast | 494 +++++----- test/lit/basic/simd64.wast | 32 +- test/lit/basic/subtypes.wast | 10 +- test/lit/basic/table-import.wast | 19 +- test/lit/basic/table-operations.wast | 40 +- test/lit/basic/typed_continuations.wast | 4 +- .../basic/typed_continuations_contbind.wast | 4 +- .../basic/typed_continuations_contnew.wast | 8 +- .../lit/basic/typed_continuations_resume.wast | 2 +- .../basic/typed_continuations_suspend.wast | 2 +- test/lit/basic/types-function-references.wast | 34 +- test/lit/basic/unit.wat | 104 +- test/lit/basic/unreachable-code.wast | 20 +- test/lit/basic/unreachable-instr-type.wast | 6 +- test/lit/basic/untaken-br_if.wast | 2 +- test/lit/blocktype.wast | 2 +- test/lit/cast-and-recast-tuple.wast | 20 +- test/lit/cast-and-recast.wast | 6 +- test/lit/cast-to-basic.wast | 8 +- test/lit/downgrade-reftypes.wast | 4 +- test/lit/empty-elem.wast | 4 +- test/lit/gc-eh-legacy.wast | 6 +- test/lit/gc-read-write-effects.wast | 6 +- test/lit/heap-types.wast | 22 +- test/lit/if-then-else.wast | 4 +- test/lit/isorecursive-good.wast | 16 +- test/lit/isorecursive-output-ordering.wast | 8 +- test/lit/isorecursive-singleton-group.wast | 2 +- test/lit/isorecursive-whole-group.wast | 2 +- test/lit/memory64-ops.wast | 4 +- test/lit/merge/names.wat | 40 +- test/lit/merge/sourcemap.wat | 8 +- test/lit/metadce/sourcemap.wat | 4 +- test/lit/multivalue-stack-ir.wast | 4 +- test/lit/multivalue.wast | 26 +- test/lit/parse-double-unreachable.wast | 4 +- test/lit/reftypes-without-gc.wast | 6 +- test/lit/stdin-stdout.wast | 4 +- test/lit/string.as_wtf16.wast | 20 +- test/lit/strings.wast | 2 +- test/lit/structref.wast | 4 +- test/lit/subtype-chain.wast | 4 +- test/lit/subtypes.wast | 14 +- test/lit/table-first-special.wast | 6 +- test/lit/tail-call.wast | 2 +- test/lit/wasm-split/instrument-funcs.wast | 4 +- .../lit/wasm-split/jspi-secondary-export.wast | 10 +- test/lit/wasm-split/jspi.wast | 10 +- test/lit/wasm-split/no-active-segment.wast | 8 +- test/lit/wasm-split/passive.wast | 12 +- test/lit/wasm-split/ref.func.wast | 22 +- test/lld/duplicate_imports.wat.out | 2 +- test/lld/em_asm_pthread.wasm.out | 664 ++++++------- test/lld/shared_add_to_table.wasm.out | 8 +- test/metadatas.wasm.fromBinary | 4 +- test/metadce/segments.wast.dced | 2 +- test/metadce/spanning_cycle.wast.dced | 2 +- test/mutable-global.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/passes/O.bin.txt | 24 +- test/passes/converge_O3_metrics.bin.txt | 4 +- .../dce_vacuum_remove-unused-names.bin.txt | 10 +- ...-function-elimination_optimize-level=1.txt | 154 +-- ...-function-elimination_optimize-level=2.txt | 154 +-- test/passes/duplicate-import-elimination.txt | 2 +- test/passes/dwarf-local-order.bin.txt | 56 +- test/passes/dwarf_with_exceptions.bin.txt | 8 +- test/passes/dwarfdump.bin.txt | 8 +- .../dwarfdump_roundtrip_dwarfdump.bin.txt | 8 +- test/passes/fannkuch0_dwarf.bin.txt | 24 +- test/passes/fannkuch3_dwarf.bin.txt | 12 +- test/passes/fannkuch3_manyopts_dwarf.bin.txt | 12 +- test/passes/fib2_dwarf.bin.txt | 6 +- test/passes/fib2_emptylocspan_dwarf.bin.txt | 6 +- test/passes/fib_nonzero-low-pc_dwarf.bin.txt | 4 +- test/passes/flatten.bin.txt | 40 +- .../fpcast-emu_pass-arg=max-func-params@5.txt | 2 +- test/passes/func-metrics.txt | 4 +- test/passes/ignore_missing_func_dwarf.bin.txt | 28 +- test/passes/inlined_to_start_dwarf.bin.txt | 18 +- test/passes/licm.txt | 2 +- .../limit-segments_disable-bulk-memory.txt | 2 +- test/passes/metrics_all-features.txt | 4 +- .../metrics_strip-debug_metrics.bin.txt | 4 +- .../metrics_strip-producers_metrics.bin.txt | 4 +- test/passes/multi_line_table_dwarf.bin.txt | 4 +- test/passes/nm.txt | 2 +- ...-constants-propagate_low-memory-unused.txt | 2 +- ...mize-added-constants_low-memory-unused.txt | 2 +- test/passes/pick-load-signs.txt | 2 +- test/passes/post-emscripten.txt | 12 +- .../precompute-propagate_all-features.txt | 2 +- test/passes/print.bin.txt | 28 +- test/passes/print_g.bin.txt | 28 +- test/passes/print_g_metrics.bin.txt | 12 +- test/passes/print_g_strip-dwarf.bin.txt | 28 +- test/passes/remove-imports.txt | 2 +- test/passes/remove-non-js-ops.txt | 2 +- .../remove-unused-brs_enable-multivalue.txt | 2 +- .../remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1.txt | 2 +- ...s_shrink-level=1_ignore-implicit-traps.txt | 2 +- test/passes/remove-unused-names.txt | 2 +- ...unused-names_merge-blocks_all-features.txt | 12 +- ...nfunction-module-elements_all-features.txt | 28 +- ...function-module-elements_all-features.wast | 2 +- test/passes/reorder-functions.txt | 2 +- test/passes/reorder-locals.txt | 2 +- test/passes/reverse_dwarf_abbrevs.bin.txt | 130 +-- test/passes/roundtrip.txt | 4 +- test/passes/roundtrip_signed.bin.txt | 16 +- test/passes/safe-heap_disable-simd.txt | 6 +- .../safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt | 4 +- | 4 +- ...mory-unused_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt | 4 +- test/passes/safe-heap_start-function.txt | 2 +- test/passes/simplify-locals-nostructure.txt | 2 +- test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features.txt | 6 +- ...ll-features_disable-exception-handling.txt | 6 +- test/passes/sparse_matrix_liveness.bin.txt | 4 +- test/passes/spill-pointers.txt | 8 +- test/passes/ssa-nomerge_enable-simd.txt | 2 +- test/passes/ssa_fuzz-exec_enable-threads.txt | 2 +- test/passes/strip-debug.bin.txt | 2 +- test/passes/strip-dwarf.bin.txt | 8 +- test/passes/strip-producers.bin.txt | 2 +- test/passes/vacuum_ignore-implicit-traps.txt | 2 +- test/reduce/atomics-and-bulk-memory.wast.txt | 6 +- test/reduce/destructive.wast.txt | 4 +- test/reduce/imports.wast.txt | 4 +- test/reduce/memory_table.wast.txt | 26 +- test/reduce/simple.wast.txt | 4 +- test/stacky.wasm.fromBinary | 6 +- test/try-delegate.wasm.fromBinary | 4 +- test/unreachable-pops.wasm.fromBinary | 2 +- test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js | 4 +- test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js.opt | 4 +- test/wasm2js/br.2asm.js | 638 ++++++------ test/wasm2js/br_table.2asm.js | 846 ++++++++-------- test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js | 742 +++++++------- test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js.opt | 200 ++-- test/wasm2js/break-drop.2asm.js | 12 +- test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js | 70 +- test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js.opt | 66 +- test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js | 406 ++++---- test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js.opt | 96 +- test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js | 4 +- test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js.opt | 4 +- test/wasm2js/endianness.2asm.js | 346 +++---- test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js | 4 +- test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js.opt | 4 +- test/wasm2js/f32.2asm.js | 44 +- test/wasm2js/f32_cmp.2asm.js | 24 +- test/wasm2js/f64_cmp.2asm.js | 24 +- test/wasm2js/fac.2asm.js | 156 +-- test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js | 568 +++++------ test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js.opt | 428 ++++---- test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js | 720 +++++++------- .../float_literals-modified.2asm.js.opt | 300 +++--- test/wasm2js/float_misc.2asm.js | 122 +-- test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js | 8 +- test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js.opt | 8 +- test/wasm2js/func_ptrs.2asm.js | 28 +- test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js | 16 +- test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js.opt | 4 +- test/wasm2js/get_local.2asm.js | 186 ++-- test/wasm2js/i32.2asm.js | 122 +-- test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js | 48 +- test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js.opt | 8 +- test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js | 424 ++++---- test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js.opt | 40 +- test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js | 44 +- test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js.opt | 8 +- test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js | 48 +- test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js.opt | 8 +- test/wasm2js/int_exprs.2asm.js | 828 ++++++++-------- test/wasm2js/labels.2asm.js | 196 ++-- test/wasm2js/left-to-right.2asm.js | 916 +++++++++--------- test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js | 8 +- test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js.opt | 8 +- test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js | 30 +- test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js.opt | 14 +- test/wasm2js/set_local.2asm.js | 144 +-- test/wasm2js/switch.2asm.js | 34 +- test/wasm2js/tee_local.2asm.js | 222 ++--- test/wasm2js/traps.2asm.js | 240 ++--- test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js | 152 +-- test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js.opt | 54 +- test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js | 218 ++--- test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js.opt | 106 +- test/wasm2js/wasm2js.asserts.js | 12 +- test/wasm2js/wasm2js.traps.js | 12 +- 248 files changed, 7202 insertions(+), 7041 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/parser/context-decls.cpp b/src/parser/context-decls.cpp index 8e9638ae7b3..fc63e1f1240 100644 --- a/src/parser/context-decls.cpp +++ b/src/parser/context-decls.cpp @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ namespace wasm::WATParser { namespace { +Name makeName(std::string prefix, size_t counter) { + return Name(prefix + std::to_string(counter)); +} + void applyImportNames(Importable& item, ImportNames* names) { if (names) { item.module = names->mod; @@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ ParseDeclsCtx::addFuncDecl(Index pos, Name name, ImportNames* importNames) { } f->setExplicitName(name); } else { - name = (importNames ? "fimport$" : "") + std::to_string(funcCounter++); + name = makeName(importNames ? "fimport$" : "f", funcCounter++); name = Names::getValidFunctionName(wasm, name); f->name = name; } @@ -95,7 +99,7 @@ Result ParseDeclsCtx::addTableDecl(Index pos, } t->setExplicitName(name); } else { - name = (importNames ? "timport$" : "") + std::to_string(tableCounter++); + name = makeName(importNames ? "timport$" : "t", tableCounter++); name = Names::getValidTableName(wasm, name); t->name = name; } @@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ Result ParseDeclsCtx::addMemoryDecl(Index pos, } m->setExplicitName(name); } else { - name = (importNames ? "mimport$" : "") + std::to_string(memoryCounter++); + name = makeName(importNames ? "mimport$" : "m", memoryCounter++); name = Names::getValidMemoryName(wasm, name); m->name = name; } @@ -196,8 +200,7 @@ ParseDeclsCtx::addGlobalDecl(Index pos, Name name, ImportNames* importNames) { } g->setExplicitName(name); } else { - name = - (importNames ? "gimport$" : "global$") + std::to_string(globalCounter++); + name = makeName(importNames ? "gimport$" : "g", globalCounter++); name = Names::getValidGlobalName(wasm, name); g->name = name; } @@ -277,7 +280,7 @@ ParseDeclsCtx::addTagDecl(Index pos, Name name, ImportNames* importNames) { } t->setExplicitName(name); } else { - name = (importNames ? "eimport$" : "tag$") + std::to_string(tagCounter++); + name = makeName(importNames ? "eimport$" : "tag$", tagCounter++); name = Names::getValidTagName(wasm, name); t->name = name; } diff --git a/src/wasm/wasm-binary.cpp b/src/wasm/wasm-binary.cpp index 779f1fd6f30..2fdb3a03176 100644 --- a/src/wasm/wasm-binary.cpp +++ b/src/wasm/wasm-binary.cpp @@ -2249,7 +2249,7 @@ void WasmBinaryReader::readMemories() { BYN_TRACE("num: " << num << std::endl); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { BYN_TRACE("read one\n"); - auto memory = Builder::makeMemory(makeName("", i)); + auto memory = Builder::makeMemory(makeName("m", i)); getResizableLimits(memory->initial, memory->max, memory->shared, @@ -2689,7 +2689,7 @@ void WasmBinaryReader::readFunctions() { endOfFunction = pos + size; auto func = std::make_unique(); - func->name = makeName("", i); + func->name = makeName("f", i); func->type = getTypeByFunctionIndex(numImports + i); currFunction = func.get(); @@ -3047,7 +3047,7 @@ void WasmBinaryReader::readGlobals() { } auto* init = readExpression(); wasm.addGlobal( - Builder::makeGlobal(makeName("global$", i), + Builder::makeGlobal(makeName("g", i), type, init, mutable_ ? Builder::Mutable : Builder::Immutable)); @@ -3367,7 +3367,7 @@ void WasmBinaryReader::readTableDeclarations() { if (!elemType.isRef()) { throwError("Table type must be a reference type"); } - auto table = Builder::makeTable(makeName("", i), elemType); + auto table = Builder::makeTable(makeName("t", i), elemType); bool is_shared; getResizableLimits(table->initial, table->max, diff --git a/test/br_to_exit.wasm.fromBinary b/test/br_to_exit.wasm.fromBinary index faee4e21b23..14f1e8a8610 100644 --- a/test/br_to_exit.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/br_to_exit.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (func $0 + (func $f0 (block $label$0 (br $label$0) ) diff --git a/test/br_to_try.wasm.fromBinary b/test/br_to_try.wasm.fromBinary index 4a1f7be3772..743cab28971 100644 --- a/test/br_to_try.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/br_to_try.wasm.fromBinary @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (param i32))) (type $1 (func)) (tag $tag$0 (param i32)) - (func $0 + (func $f0 (try $label$3 (do (block $label$1 diff --git a/test/break-to-return.wasm.fromBinary b/test/break-to-return.wasm.fromBinary index d9c1f4fddef..21299cdf26a 100644 --- a/test/break-to-return.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/break-to-return.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ (module (type $0 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) - (export "add" (func $0)) - (func $0 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (export "add" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (block $label$0 (result i32) (br $label$0 (i32.add diff --git a/test/break-within-catch.wasm.fromBinary b/test/break-within-catch.wasm.fromBinary index 3fe738104b6..18732d218b6 100644 --- a/test/break-within-catch.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/break-within-catch.wasm.fromBinary @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (param i32))) (type $1 (func)) (tag $tag$0 (param i32)) - (func $0 + (func $f0 (block $label$2 (try $label$3 (do diff --git a/test/consume-stacky.wasm.fromBinary b/test/consume-stacky.wasm.fromBinary index 25cc9a54130..c507be5d4ce 100644 --- a/test/consume-stacky.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/consume-stacky.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 1 1) - (func $0 (result i32) + (memory $m0 1 1) + (func $f0 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (local.set $0 (i32.const 1) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call.wast.out index f474c9ad14a..01a6419606e 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call.wast.out @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ (module (type $v (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "waka waka waka waka waka") - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $call-indirect) (export "test1" (func $test1)) (func $test1 (type $v) - (call_indirect $0 (type $v) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $v) (i32.const 1) ) (i32.store8 diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call2.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call2.wast.out index fbf74868e0d..98aad619451 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call2.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call2.wast.out @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ (module (type $v (func)) (import "env" "_abort" (func $_abort (type $v))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "waka waka waka waka waka") - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $_abort $call-indirect) (export "test1" (func $test1)) (func $test1 (type $v) - (call_indirect $0 (type $v) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $v) (i32.const 0) ) (i32.store8 diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call3.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call3.wast.out index 1d67f071525..197504e0c1a 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call3.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/bad-indirect-call3.wast.out @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ (type $0 (func (param externref))) (type $1 (func)) (type $funcref_=>_none (func (param funcref))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "waka waka waka waka waka") - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (elem $implicit-elem (i32.const 0) $callee) (export "sig_mismatch" (func $sig_mismatch)) (func $callee (type $0) (param $0 externref) @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ) ) (func $sig_mismatch (type $1) - (call_indirect $0 (type $funcref_=>_none) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $funcref_=>_none) (ref.null nofunc) (i32.const 0) ) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/basics-flatten.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/basics-flatten.wast.out index 69c857733bb..653eab1fc8c 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/basics-flatten.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/basics-flatten.wast.out @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $v (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "nas\00\00\00aka\00yzkx waka wakm\00\00\00\00\00\00C") (func $call-indirect (type $v) (i32.store8 diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/basics.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/basics.wast.out index 1b2c7405089..8f5c7cca3e5 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/basics.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/basics.wast.out @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $v (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "nas\00\00\00aka yzkx waka wakm\00\00\00\00\00\00C") (func $call-indirect (type $v) (i32.store8 diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/ignore-external-input.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/ignore-external-input.wast.out index a557ec99e29..5a2977646af 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/ignore-external-input.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/ignore-external-input.wast.out @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (result i32))) (type $1 (func)) (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "something_else" (func $wasi_something_else (type $0) (result i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 28) "aaaa") (export "test3" (func $test3)) (func $test3 (type $1) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/imported-global-2.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/imported-global-2.wast.out index bc276175e2a..0e92f612dee 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/imported-global-2.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/imported-global-2.wast.out @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) (import "env" "imported" (global $imported i32)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (export "test1" (func $test1)) (export "keepalive" (func $keepalive)) (func $test1 (type $0) (result i32) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/imported-global.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/imported-global.wast.out index 48f60185cb6..d792e5c9bfb 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/imported-global.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/imported-global.wast.out @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "waka waka waka waka waka") (export "test1" (func $test1)) (func $test1 (type $0) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/indirect-call3.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/indirect-call3.wast.out index 19e8d9499ec..54012140cd3 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/indirect-call3.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/indirect-call3.wast.out @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $v (func)) (import "env" "_abort" (func $_abort (type $v))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "waka waka xaka waka waka\00\00\00\00\00\00C") (func $call-indirect (type $v) (i32.store8 diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/just_some.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/just_some.wast.out index e7b9a72ad07..83117f95343 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/just_some.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/just_some.wast.out @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "wasa waka waka waka waka") (export "test2" (func $test2)) (export "test3" (func $test3)) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals-tee.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals-tee.wast.out index 63983cc293c..621615a20a1 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals-tee.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals-tee.wast.out @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (param i32 i32))) (type $1 (func)) (import "import" "import" (func $import (type $0) (param i32 i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "__s______________") (export "test1" (func $test1_2)) (func $test1_2 (type $1) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals.wast.out index a51d389b00f..f1c26edcd2c 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/partial-locals.wast.out @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func)) (import "import" "import" (func $import (type $0))) (global $sp (mut i32) (i32.const 104)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "__s______________") (export "test1" (func $test1_2)) (func $test1_2 (type $0) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast b/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast index 95529ea173d..0cc5638752c 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast +++ b/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ (data (i32.const 10) "_________________") (export "test1" (func $test1)) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (export "memory" (memory 0)) (func $test1 ;; A safe store, should alter memory diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast.out index eafb0502dbc..052e5baab06 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/partial-return.wast.out @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ (module - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "__s______________") - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) ) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/partial.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/partial.wast.out index 160ba71d65e..3e754c94c8e 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/partial.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/partial.wast.out @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (import "import" "import" (func $import (type $0))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "__s______________") (export "test1" (func $test1_2)) (export "keepalive" (func $test1)) diff --git a/test/ctor-eval/unsafe_call.wast.out b/test/ctor-eval/unsafe_call.wast.out index b23a3235361..372f056fbdc 100644 --- a/test/ctor-eval/unsafe_call.wast.out +++ b/test/ctor-eval/unsafe_call.wast.out @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 10) "waka waka waka waka waka") (export "test1" (func $test1)) (func $test1 (type $0) diff --git a/test/dylib.wasm.fromBinary b/test/dylib.wasm.fromBinary index ecf5b7c579c..da2afe46fed 100644 --- a/test/dylib.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/dylib.wasm.fromBinary @@ -9,72 +9,72 @@ (import "env" "g$waka_others" (func $fimport$1 (result i32))) (import "env" "fp$_Z16waka_func_theirsi$ii" (func $fimport$2 (result i32))) (import "env" "fp$_Z14waka_func_minei$ii" (func $fimport$3 (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$1 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$2 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$3 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$4 i32 (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$5 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g1 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g2 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g3 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g4 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g5 i32 (i32.const 0)) (data $0 (global.get $gimport$0) "*\00\00\00") - (export "__wasm_apply_relocs" (func $0)) - (export "_Z14waka_func_minei" (func $1)) - (export "__original_main" (func $2)) - (export "waka_mine" (global $global$4)) - (export "main" (func $3)) - (export "__dso_handle" (global $global$5)) - (export "__post_instantiate" (func $4)) - (func $0 + (export "__wasm_apply_relocs" (func $f0)) + (export "_Z14waka_func_minei" (func $f1)) + (export "__original_main" (func $f2)) + (export "waka_mine" (global $g4)) + (export "main" (func $f3)) + (export "__dso_handle" (global $g5)) + (export "__post_instantiate" (func $f4)) + (func $f0 (nop) ) - (func $1 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f1 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 1) ) ) - (func $2 (result i32) + (func $f2 (result i32) (i32.add (i32.load - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) ) (i32.add (i32.load - (global.get $global$2) + (global.get $g2) ) (i32.add - (global.get $global$0) - (global.get $global$1) + (global.get $g0) + (global.get $g1) ) ) ) ) - (func $3 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f3 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (i32.add (i32.load - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) ) (i32.add (i32.load - (global.get $global$2) + (global.get $g2) ) (i32.add - (global.get $global$0) - (global.get $global$1) + (global.get $g0) + (global.get $g1) ) ) ) ) - (func $4 - (global.set $global$2 + (func $f4 + (global.set $g2 (call $fimport$0) ) - (global.set $global$3 + (global.set $g3 (call $fimport$1) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (call $fimport$2) ) - (global.set $global$1 + (global.set $g1 (call $fimport$3) ) ) diff --git a/test/elided-br.wasm.fromBinary b/test/elided-br.wasm.fromBinary index 04ec30dfb6e..4ba71c80b6b 100644 --- a/test/elided-br.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/elided-br.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (func $0 + (func $f0 (block $label$1 (unreachable) ) diff --git a/test/example/c-api-unused-mem.txt b/test/example/c-api-unused-mem.txt index 36d0a9a6b34..d80b70b40ae 100644 --- a/test/example/c-api-unused-mem.txt +++ b/test/example/c-api-unused-mem.txt @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ 133 (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 1024 1024) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (memory $m0 1024 1024) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (export "main" (func $main)) (export "rust_entry" (func $__wasm_start)) (func $main diff --git a/test/fib-dbg.wasm.fromBinary b/test/fib-dbg.wasm.fromBinary index f1b263234d0..d7ede7b3c92 100644 --- a/test/fib-dbg.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/fib-dbg.wasm.fromBinary @@ -17,30 +17,30 @@ (import "global" "Infinity" (global $gimport$8 f64)) (import "env" "memoryBase" (global $gimport$9 i32)) (import "env" "tableBase" (global $gimport$10 i32)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$0)) - (global $global$1 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$1)) - (global $global$2 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$2)) - (global $global$3 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$3)) - (global $global$4 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$4)) - (global $global$5 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$5)) - (global $global$6 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$6)) - (global $global$7 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$8 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$9 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$10 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$11 (mut f64) (global.get $gimport$7)) - (global $global$12 (mut f64) (global.get $gimport$8)) - (global $global$13 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$14 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$15 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$16 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$17 (mut f64) (f64.const 0)) - (global $global$18 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$19 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$20 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$21 (mut f64) (f64.const 0)) - (global $global$22 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$23 (mut f64) (f64.const 0)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$0)) + (global $g1 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$1)) + (global $g2 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$2)) + (global $g3 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$3)) + (global $g4 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$4)) + (global $g5 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$5)) + (global $g6 (mut i32) (global.get $gimport$6)) + (global $g7 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g8 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g9 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g10 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g11 (mut f64) (global.get $gimport$7)) + (global $g12 (mut f64) (global.get $gimport$8)) + (global $g13 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g14 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g15 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g16 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g17 (mut f64) (f64.const 0)) + (global $g18 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g19 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g20 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g21 (mut f64) (f64.const 0)) + (global $g22 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g23 (mut f64) (f64.const 0)) (export "setThrew" (func $setThrew)) (export "runPostSets" (func $runPostSets)) (export "establishStackSpace" (func $establishStackSpace)) @@ -52,18 +52,18 @@ (local $1 i32) (block $label$1 (local.set $1 - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) ) - (global.set $global$3 + (global.set $g3 (i32.add - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) (local.get $0) ) ) - (global.set $global$3 + (global.set $g3 (i32.and (i32.add - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) (i32.const 15) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -76,20 +76,20 @@ ) (func $stackSave (result i32) (return - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) ) ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) - (global.set $global$3 + (global.set $g3 (local.get $0) ) ) (func $establishStackSpace (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (block $label$1 - (global.set $global$3 + (global.set $g3 (local.get $0) ) - (global.set $global$4 + (global.set $g4 (local.get $1) ) ) @@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ (func $setThrew (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (if (i32.eq - (global.get $global$7) + (global.get $g7) (i32.const 0) ) (then - (global.set $global$7 + (global.set $g7 (local.get $0) ) - (global.set $global$8 + (global.set $g8 (local.get $1) ) ) @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ (local $11 i32) (block $label$1 (local.set $11 - (global.get $global$3) + (global.get $g3) ) ;;@ fib.c:3:0 (local.set $6 diff --git a/test/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wasm.fromBinary b/test/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wasm.fromBinary index ff96a6a4717..0adcf1930b6 100644 --- a/test/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) ;;@ src.cpp:1:1 - (func $0 + (func $f0 (nop) ;;@ src.cpp:2:1 (block $label$1 diff --git a/test/lit/basic/atomics-unshared.wast b/test/lit/basic/atomics-unshared.wast index 3a2196bb34b..2a9283a8eba 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/atomics-unshared.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/atomics-unshared.wast @@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $0 (func)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 1 1) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) - - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 1) (memory $0 1 1) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $foo (type $0) @@ -47,7 +44,11 @@ )) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 1) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/atomics.wast b/test/lit/basic/atomics.wast index 44786b31d60..6cb2e8af88f 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/atomics.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/atomics.wast @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ (type $0 (func)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 23 256 shared) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 23 256 shared) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 23 256 shared) (memory $0 23 256 shared) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $atomic-loadstore (type $0) @@ -564,7 +563,9 @@ (atomic.fence) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 23 256 shared) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -700,7 +701,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -745,6 +746,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (atomic.fence) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/atomics64.wast b/test/lit/basic/atomics64.wast index 016515a910c..2c1fe112dd2 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/atomics64.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/atomics64.wast @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ (type $0 (func)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 i64 23 256 shared) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 i64 23 256 shared) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 i64 23 256 shared) (memory $0 i64 23 256 shared) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $atomic-loadstore (type $0) @@ -576,7 +575,9 @@ (atomic.fence) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 i64 23 256 shared) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) @@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) @@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) @@ -715,7 +716,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) @@ -761,6 +762,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (atomic.fence) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/complexTextNames.wast b/test/lit/basic/complexTextNames.wast index 88240e038d8..e8f1116e388 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/complexTextNames.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/complexTextNames.wast @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/duplicate_types.wast b/test/lit/basic/duplicate_types.wast index 244d97bc9fe..6b1fe222ef7 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/duplicate_types.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/duplicate_types.wast @@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $1 (func (param i32) (result i32))) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) (func $f0 (param i32)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $f1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) @@ -40,16 +45,10 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $f1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) (func $f1 (param i32) (result i32) (i32.const 0) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $1 (func (param i32) (result i32))) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/empty_imported_table.wast b/test/lit/basic/empty_imported_table.wast index 5cc6d178ca0..eb322698844 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/empty_imported_table.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/empty_imported_table.wast @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 0 0 funcref)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 0 0 funcref)) - - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 0) (memory $0 0) ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 0 0 funcref)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 0) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/empty_table.wast b/test/lit/basic/empty_table.wast index 06e06edacf5..9e96a124290 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/empty_table.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/empty_table.wast @@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ (table 0 0 funcref) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 0) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 0) (memory $0 0) ) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (table $0 0 0 funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN: (table $0 0 0 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN: (table $t0 0 0 funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $0 0 0 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 0) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t0 0 0 funcref) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/exception-handling-legacy.wast b/test/lit/basic/exception-handling-legacy.wast index 6d6c82e83eb..4b5d4e91b55 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/exception-handling-legacy.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/exception-handling-legacy.wast @@ -1350,15 +1350,15 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (tag $tag$4) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw $tag$0 @@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 (tuple i32 i64)) @@ -1411,7 +1411,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do @@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) @@ -1440,23 +1440,23 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (pop i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw $tag$0 @@ -1476,7 +1476,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw $tag$0 @@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw $tag$0 @@ -1507,13 +1507,13 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch_all -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$9 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$4 @@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw $tag$0 @@ -1567,19 +1567,19 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$9 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (delegate $label$9) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$7 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (delegate $label$9) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$10 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do @@ -1621,13 +1621,13 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $14 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f14 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$6 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (delegate $label$6) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $15 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f15 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) @@ -1648,10 +1648,10 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $16 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f16 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -1665,11 +1665,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $17 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f17 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -1684,15 +1684,15 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $18 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f18 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$6 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch_all ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$5 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -1708,15 +1708,15 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $19 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f19 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$7 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch_all ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$6 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -1734,10 +1734,10 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $20 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f20 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$6 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch_all ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$5 @@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$12 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch_all ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$11 @@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $21 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f21 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$5 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) @@ -1788,7 +1788,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $22 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f22 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) @@ -1801,7 +1801,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $23 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f23 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$6 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 @@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $24 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f24 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/exception-handling.wast b/test/lit/basic/exception-handling.wast index 05e7c0e31f3..10c68c353a1 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/exception-handling.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/exception-handling.wast @@ -752,11 +752,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (tag $tag$4) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $3) (result exnref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $3) (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 nullexnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if (result exnref) @@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $4) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $4) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table (catch $tag$0 $label$1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw $tag$0 @@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw_ref ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table (catch_all_ref $label$1) @@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 (tuple i32 i64)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 (tuple i32 i64 exnref)) @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -883,8 +883,8 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw_ref ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$5 (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table (catch $tag$4 $label$2) (catch_ref $tag$4 $label$3) (catch_all $label$4) (catch_all_ref $label$5) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br $label$1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 (tuple i32 exnref)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 @@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw_ref ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$5 (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table (catch $tag$0 $label$2) (catch_ref $tag$0 $label$3) (catch_all $label$4) (catch_all_ref $label$5) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br $label$1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 (tuple i32 i64 exnref)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) @@ -956,8 +956,8 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (throw_ref ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$5 (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table (catch $tag$2 $label$2) (catch_ref $tag$2 $label$3) (catch_all $label$4) (catch_all_ref $label$5) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br $label$1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $4) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $4) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try_table (result i32) (catch $tag$0 $label$1) @@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $3) (result exnref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $3) (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result exnref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 (result i32) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/extended-names.wast b/test/lit/basic/extended-names.wast index 7c398860aae..c7dabc99162 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/extended-names.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/extended-names.wast @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ (data $passive_data "b") (data "c") ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $0 (i32.const 0) "a") @@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $2 "c") -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $0 1 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t0 1 funcref) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wast b/test/lit/basic/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wast index 636c3346e9b..64367ab490a 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/fn_prolog_epilog.debugInfo.wast @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $0 (func)) -;; CHECK-BIN: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (block $label$2 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 diff --git a/test/lit/basic/grow_memory.wast b/test/lit/basic/grow_memory.wast index 2a8c45ece93..f9a11ca6082 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/grow_memory.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/grow_memory.wast @@ -20,19 +20,15 @@ (type $1 (func (result i32))) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 1) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 1) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1) (memory $0 1) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (export "memory" (memory $0)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (export "memory" (memory $0)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "memory" (memory $0)) (export "memory" (memory $0)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (export "grow" (func $0)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (export "grow" (func $0)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "grow" (func $0)) (export "grow" (func $0)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (export "current" (func $1)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (export "current" (func $1)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "current" (func $1)) (export "current" (func $1)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $0 (type $0) (param $var$0 i32) (result i32) @@ -45,11 +41,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $var$0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result i32) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.grow - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) (func $0 (; 0 ;) (type $0) (param $var$0 i32) (result i32) (memory.grow (local.get $var$0) @@ -62,10 +53,24 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $1 (type $1) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (memory.size) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $1) (result i32) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.size) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) (func $1 (; 1 ;) (type $1) (result i32) (memory.size) ) ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "memory" (memory $m0)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "grow" (func $f0)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "current" (func $f1)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.grow +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $1) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.size) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/hello_world.wat b/test/lit/basic/hello_world.wat index 1ba2f901285..a366c474439 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/hello_world.wat +++ b/test/lit/basic/hello_world.wat @@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ (type $i32_i32_=>_i32 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 256 256) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 256 256) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) - - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 256 256) (memory $0 256 256) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (export "add" (func $add)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (export "add" (func $add)) @@ -41,9 +38,13 @@ ) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "add" (func $0)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 256 256) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "add" (func $f0)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/kitchen_sink.wast b/test/lit/basic/kitchen_sink.wast index ca20996e71b..2e146d78665 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/kitchen_sink.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/kitchen_sink.wast @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ (type $0 (func (result i32))) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 4096 4096) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 4096 4096) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 4096 4096) (memory $0 4096 4096) (data (i32.const 1026) "\14\00") @@ -2129,9 +2128,11 @@ ) ) ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 4096 4096) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $0 (i32.const 1026) "\14\00") -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 10) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/memory-import.wast b/test/lit/basic/memory-import.wast index ce761653ddd..afb16cf4a84 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/memory-import.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/memory-import.wast @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 1 1)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load offset=13 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 37) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/memory-import64.wast b/test/lit/basic/memory-import64.wast index 38362d6b2d1..0064974f12f 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/memory-import64.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/memory-import64.wast @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 i64 1 1)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load offset=13 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.const 37) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/memory-shared.wast b/test/lit/basic/memory-shared.wast index fe15c20e714..f14cbb66e5d 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/memory-shared.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/memory-shared.wast @@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ (module ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 23 256 shared) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 23 256 shared) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 23 256 shared) (memory $0 23 256 shared) ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 23 256 shared) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/min.wast b/test/lit/basic/min.wast index 44928cd832f..2738ac75419 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/min.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/min.wast @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ (type $3 (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 256 256) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 256 256) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 256 256) (memory $0 256 256) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (export "floats" (func $floats)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (export "floats" (func $floats)) @@ -176,40 +175,41 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $f1 (type $3) (param $i1 i32) (param $i2 i32) (param $i3 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $i3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 256 256) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "floats" (func $f0)) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 f32) (result f32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 f32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.add + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result f32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 f32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.tee $2 + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.neg + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result f32) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.load + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) (func $f1 (type $3) (param $i1 i32) (param $i2 i32) (param $i3 i32) (result i32) (block $topmost (result i32) (local.get $i3) ) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "floats" (func $0)) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 f32) (result f32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 f32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.add -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result f32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 f32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.tee $2 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.neg -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result f32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.load -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$3 @@ -230,6 +230,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $3) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $3) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-atomics64.wast b/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-atomics64.wast index 0795d10ad74..b841c110125 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-atomics64.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-atomics64.wast @@ -1064,265 +1064,265 @@ (atomic.fence) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 i64 23 256 shared) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 i64 23 256 shared) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $1 i64 23 256 shared) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m1 i64 23 256 shared) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $2 i64 23 256 shared) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m2 i64 23 256 shared) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load8_u $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load8_u $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load8_u $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load8_u $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load16_u $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load16_u $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load16_u $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load16_u $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.load $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load8_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load8_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load8_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load8_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load16_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load16_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load16_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load16_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load32_u $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load32_u $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load32_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load32_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.load $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store8 $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store8 $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store8 $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store8 $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store16 $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store16 $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store16 $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.store16 $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store8 $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store8 $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store8 $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store8 $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store16 $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store16 $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store16 $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store16 $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store32 $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store32 $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store32 $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.store32 $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.add $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.add $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.add $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.add $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.add_u $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.add_u $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.add_u $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.add_u $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw16.and_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw16.and_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw16.and_u $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw16.and_u $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.or_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.or_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.or_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.or_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.xchg_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.xchg_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.xchg_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.xchg_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.cmpxchg_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.cmpxchg_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.cmpxchg_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.atomic.rmw8.cmpxchg_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $1 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg $m1 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.cmpxchg_u $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.cmpxchg_u $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.cmpxchg_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.atomic.rmw32.cmpxchg_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -1330,85 +1330,85 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $0 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $m0 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $2 offset=4 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait32 $m2 offset=4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $0 offset=24 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $m0 offset=24 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $1 offset=24 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.notify $m1 offset=24 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $0 offset=16 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $m0 offset=16 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $0 offset=16 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.atomic.wait64 $m0 offset=16 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -1416,6 +1416,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (atomic.fence) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-basics.wast b/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-basics.wast index 3f023079d78..39284aadbfb 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-basics.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-basics.wast @@ -368,111 +368,111 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 1 1)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 500) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 500) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $1 1 800) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m1 1 800) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $2 1 400) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m2 1 400) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $0 (i32.const 0) "abcd") -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.fill $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.fill $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.copy $1 $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.copy $m1 $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 512) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.init $0 $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.init $m0 $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 45) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $1) (result i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.grow $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $1) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.grow $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 10) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $1) (result i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.size $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $1) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (memory.size $m2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_s $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_s $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_s $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_s $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_s $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_s $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_s $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_s $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load16_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.load8_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 115) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 12) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 115) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.store16 $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.store16 $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 20) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 31353) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -480,11 +480,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 20) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 31353) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.store8 $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.store8 $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 23) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 120) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.store8 $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.store8 $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 23) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 120) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-simd.wast b/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-simd.wast index edc2bb8745a..8d94e6b7d7e 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-simd.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/multi-memories-simd.wast @@ -1024,376 +1024,376 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $2 (func (param i32 v128) (result v128))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $1 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m1 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $2 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m2 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $3 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m3 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_s $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_s $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_s $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_s $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_u $3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_u $m3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_u $3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_u $m3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_s $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_s $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_s $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_s $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_u $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_u $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_s $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_s $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_s $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_s $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_u $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_u $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_u $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_u $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $14 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_splat $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f14 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_splat $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $15 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_splat $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f15 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_splat $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $16 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_splat $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f16 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_splat $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $17 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_splat $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f17 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_splat $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $18 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_splat $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f18 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_splat $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $19 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_splat $3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f19 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_splat $m3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $20 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_splat $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f20 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_splat $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $21 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_splat $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f21 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_splat $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $22 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f22 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $23 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f23 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $24 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_lane $0 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f24 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_lane $m0 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $25 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f25 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $26 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f26 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $27 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_lane $3 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f27 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_lane $m3 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $28 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_lane $0 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f28 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_lane $m0 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $29 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f29 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $30 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $3 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f30 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m3 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $31 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f31 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $32 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $0 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f32 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m0 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $33 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $1 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f33 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m1 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $34 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $2 offset=32 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f34 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m2 offset=32 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $35 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $1 offset=32 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f35 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m1 offset=32 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $36 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $0 offset=32 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f36 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m0 offset=32 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $37 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $3 offset=32 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f37 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane $m3 offset=32 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $38 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store8_lane $0 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f38 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store8_lane $m0 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $39 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store8_lane $3 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f39 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store8_lane $m3 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $40 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store16_lane $0 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f40 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store16_lane $m0 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $41 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store16_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f41 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store16_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $42 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store32_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f42 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store32_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $43 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store32_lane $2 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f43 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store32_lane $m2 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $44 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $2 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f44 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m2 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $45 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f45 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $46 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $1 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f46 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m1 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $47 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $0 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f47 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m0 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $48 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $3 offset=32 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f48 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m3 offset=32 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $49 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $0 offset=32 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f49 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m0 offset=32 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $50 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $1 offset=32 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f50 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m1 offset=32 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $51 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $3 offset=32 align=1 0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f51 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane $m3 offset=32 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $52 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_zero $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f52 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_zero $m0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $53 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_zero $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f53 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_zero $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $54 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_zero $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f54 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_zero $m1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $55 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_zero $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f55 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_zero $m2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/multi-table.wast b/test/lit/basic/multi-table.wast index 71dd275aa72..860cf4bdeca 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/multi-table.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/multi-table.wast @@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ ;; CHECK-TEXT: (global $g1 (ref null $none_=>_none) (ref.func $f)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (global $g1 (ref null $none_=>_none) (ref.func $f)) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "a" "b" (table $timport$0 1 10 funcref)) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g0 (ref null $0) (ref.func $f0)) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 0)) (global $g1 (ref null $none_=>_none) (ref.func $f)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (global $g2 i32 (i32.const 0)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (global $g2 i32 (i32.const 0)) @@ -27,9 +34,15 @@ ;; CHECK-TEXT: (table $t2 3 3 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $t2 3 3 funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t0 3 3 funcref) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t1 4 4 funcref) + + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t2 0 externref) (table $t2 3 3 funcref) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (table $t3 4 4 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $t3 4 4 funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t3 5 5 (ref null $0)) (table $t3 4 4 funcref) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (table $textern 0 externref) ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $textern 0 externref) @@ -50,18 +63,18 @@ ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $1 (table $t2) (i32.const 0) func $f) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $activeNonZeroOffset (table $t2) (i32.const 1) func $f $g) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $0 (table $t1) (i32.const 0) func $f) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $0 (table $tspecial) (i32.const 0) func $f) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $1 (table $t2) (i32.const 0) func $f) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $1 (table $textern) (i32.const 0) func $f) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $activeNonZeroOffset (table $t2) (i32.const 1) func $f $g) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $activeNonZeroOffset (table $textern) (i32.const 1) func $f $g) (elem $activeNonZeroOffset (table $t2) (offset (i32.const 1)) func $f $g) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $e3-1 (table $t3) (global.get $g2) funcref (item (ref.func $f)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $e3-1 (table $t3) (global.get $g2) funcref (item (ref.func $f)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $e3-1 (table $tspecial) (global.get $g2) funcref (item (ref.func $f)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) (elem $e3-1 (table $t3) (global.get $g2) funcref (ref.func $f) (ref.null func)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $e3-2 (table $t3) (i32.const 2) (ref null $none_=>_none) (item (ref.func $f)) (item (ref.func $g))) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $e3-2 (table $t3) (i32.const 2) (ref null $none_=>_none) (item (ref.func $f)) (item (ref.func $g))) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $e3-2 (table $tspecial) (i32.const 2) (ref null $none_=>_none) (item (ref.func $f)) (item (ref.func $g))) (elem $e3-2 (table $t3) (offset (i32.const 2)) (ref null $none_=>_none) (item ref.func $f) (item (ref.func $g))) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $passive-1 func $f $g) @@ -112,52 +125,36 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) (func $h) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "a" "b" (table $timport$0 1 10 funcref)) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$0 (ref null $0) (ref.func $0)) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 0)) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $0 3 3 funcref) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $1 4 4 funcref) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $2 0 externref) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $3 5 5 (ref null $0)) - -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $timport$0) (i32.const 0) func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $timport$0) (i32.const 0) func $f0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $1 (table $0) (i32.const 0) func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $1 (table $t0) (i32.const 0) func $f0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $2 (table $0) (i32.const 1) func $0 $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $2 (table $t0) (i32.const 1) func $f0 $f1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $3 (table $1) (global.get $global$1) funcref (item (ref.func $0)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $3 (table $t1) (global.get $g1) funcref (item (ref.func $f0)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $4 (table $1) (i32.const 2) (ref null $0) (item (ref.func $0)) (item (ref.func $1))) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $4 (table $t1) (i32.const 2) (ref null $0) (item (ref.func $f0)) (item (ref.func $f1))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $5 func $0 $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $5 func $f0 $f1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $6 funcref (item (ref.func $0)) (item (ref.func $1)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $6 funcref (item (ref.func $f0)) (item (ref.func $f1)) (item (ref.null nofunc))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $7 (ref null $0) (item (ref.func $0)) (item (ref.func $1)) (item (ref.null nofunc)) (item (global.get $global$0))) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $7 (ref null $0) (item (ref.func $f0)) (item (ref.func $f1)) (item (ref.null nofunc)) (item (global.get $g0))) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $8 func) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $9 (table $3) (i32.const 0) (ref null $0) (item (ref.func $0)) (item (ref.func $2))) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $9 (table $t3) (i32.const 0) (ref null $0) (item (ref.func $f0)) (item (ref.func $f2))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/mutable-global.wast b/test/lit/basic/mutable-global.wast index fff5d8d5b60..256f6c3679e 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/mutable-global.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/mutable-global.wast @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "global-mut" (global $gimport$0 (mut i32))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $gimport$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $gimport$0) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/newsyntax.wast b/test/lit/basic/newsyntax.wast index 33d805c3122..1faf74e2dda 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/newsyntax.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/newsyntax.wast @@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 9 9 funcref)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "call_indirect" (func $0)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "call_indirect" (func $f0)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $timport$0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 10) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/polymorphic_stack.wast b/test/lit/basic/polymorphic_stack.wast index fc743bf2aea..00fe98674b9 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/polymorphic_stack.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/polymorphic_stack.wast @@ -398,22 +398,22 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 9 9 funcref)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $3) (param $0 i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $3) (param $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 259) @@ -423,11 +423,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $1) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) @@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if diff --git a/test/lit/basic/reference-types.wast b/test/lit/basic/reference-types.wast index 7f9ba4219eb..c24bc9475f0 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/reference-types.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/reference-types.wast @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (global $global_anyref2 (mut anyref) (ref.null none)) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $0 3 3 funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $t0 3 3 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $take_eqref $take_funcref $take_anyref) @@ -156,21 +156,21 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "import_func" (func $fimport$0 (type $8) (param eqref) (result funcref))) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$0 (mut eqref) (ref.null none)) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g0 (mut eqref) (ref.null none)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$1 (mut funcref) (ref.null nofunc)) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g1 (mut funcref) (ref.null nofunc)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$2 (mut funcref) (ref.func $3)) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g2 (mut funcref) (ref.func $f3)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$3 (mut anyref) (ref.null none)) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g3 (mut anyref) (ref.null none)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $global$4 (mut anyref) (ref.null none)) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (global $g4 (mut anyref) (ref.null none)) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $0 3 3 funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t0 3 3 funcref) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $0 $1 $2) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $f0 $f1 $f2) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem declare func $23 $3) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem declare func $f23 $f3) (elem declare func $ref-taken-but-not-in-table) (export "export_func" (func $import_func)) @@ -843,55 +843,55 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call $take_anyref ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_eqref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $local_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_eqref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (global.get $global_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_eqref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $local_funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (global.get $global_funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (ref.func $foo) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_anyref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $local_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_anyref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (global.get $global_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_anyref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_anyref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $local_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_anyref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (global.get $global_eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $sig_anyref) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $sig_anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) @@ -1933,23 +1933,23 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "export_global" (global $gimport$0)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $5) (param $0 eqref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $5) (param $0 eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $2) (param $0 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $2) (param $0 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $1) (param $0 anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $1) (param $0 anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 anyref) @@ -1957,7 +1957,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) @@ -1966,19 +1966,19 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $2 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) @@ -1987,138 +1987,138 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $2 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$0 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$3 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$3 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $global$3 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.set $g3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $2 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $2 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $f2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $5) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $5) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $5) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $5) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $5) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $5) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $2) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $2) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 (result eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br_if $label$2 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$5 (result funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br_if $label$5 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2178,7 +2178,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$7 (result funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.cast (ref $3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br_if $label$7 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2195,7 +2195,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$9 (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br_if $label$9 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$14 (result eqref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$17 (result funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2262,7 +2262,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$19 (result funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$21 (result anyref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$24 (result anyref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2379,7 +2379,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (try $label$43 (result funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (do -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (catch $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.is_null -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2467,7 +2467,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.is_null -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2477,7 +2477,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.is_null -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2487,7 +2487,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.is_null -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2497,84 +2497,84 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $6) (result eqref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $6) (result eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $6) (result eqref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $6) (result eqref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $6) (result eqref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $6) (result eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $4) (result funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $4) (result funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $4) (result funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $4) (result funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $4) (result funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $4) (result funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $4) (result funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $4) (result funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $0) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $0) (result anyref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $14 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f14 (type $0) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $15 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f15 (type $0) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $16 (type $0) (result anyref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f16 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $17 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f17 (type $0) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null none) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $18 (type $6) (result eqref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f18 (type $6) (result eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $19 (type $4) (result funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f19 (type $4) (result funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $20 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f20 (type $0) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $21 (type $0) (result anyref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f21 (type $0) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 eqref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return @@ -2582,12 +2582,12 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $22 (type $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f22 (type $3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $23) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f23) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $23 (type $3) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f23 (type $3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/reg_switch.wast b/test/lit/basic/reg_switch.wast index db749451145..bfb40871163 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/reg_switch.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/reg_switch.wast @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ (type $0 (func)) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 0) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 0) (memory $0 0) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $0 (type $0) @@ -43,18 +42,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br_table $label$2 - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) (func $0 (type $0) (if (i32.const 0) @@ -68,3 +55,17 @@ ) ) ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 0) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br_table $label$2 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/relaxed-simd.wast b/test/lit/basic/relaxed-simd.wast index 0024d5b93ab..ec1570df6f7 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/relaxed-simd.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/relaxed-simd.wast @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $2 (func (param v128) (result v128))) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 1 1) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $m0 1 1) ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $i8x16.relaxed_swizzle (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i8x16.relaxed_swizzle @@ -429,40 +429,40 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $2 (func (param v128) (result v128))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.relaxed_swizzle ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f64x2_s_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $2) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.relaxed_trunc_f64x2_u_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.relaxed_fma ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.relaxed_fms ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.relaxed_fma ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.relaxed_fms ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.laneselect ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.laneselect ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.laneselect ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.laneselect ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -526,49 +526,49 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.relaxed_min ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $14 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f14 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.relaxed_max ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $15 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f15 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.relaxed_min ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $16 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f16 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.relaxed_max ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $17 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f17 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.relaxed_q15mulr_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $18 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f18 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.dot_i8x16_i7x16_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $19 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f19 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.dot_i8x16_i7x16_add_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/segment-overlap.wast b/test/lit/basic/segment-overlap.wast index a4d7e11cc4a..73d29bed7e4 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/segment-overlap.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/segment-overlap.wast @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ (module ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 10) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 10) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 10) (memory $0 10) (data (i32.const 100) "\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff") ;; overlaps with the next (data (i32.const 104) "\00\00\00\00") @@ -25,6 +24,8 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (data $1 (i32.const 104) "\00\00\00\00") +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 10) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $0 (i32.const 100) "\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff\ff") ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $1 (i32.const 104) "\00\00\00\00") diff --git a/test/lit/basic/signext.wast b/test/lit/basic/signext.wast index 495ef958a55..55a5258b66e 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/signext.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/signext.wast @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ (drop (i64.extend32_s (local.get $1))) ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop diff --git a/test/lit/basic/simd.wast b/test/lit/basic/simd.wast index af771e659db..7412e90c6b4 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/simd.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/simd.wast @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $16 (func (param v128 v128 v128) (result v128))) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 1 1) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $m0 1 1) ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $v128.load (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (v128.load @@ -4470,562 +4470,562 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $16 (func (param v128 v128 v128) (result v128))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $7) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $7) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.const i32x4 0x04030201 0x08070605 0x0c0b0a09 0x100f0e0d) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $7) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $7) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.const i32x4 0x00020001 0x00040003 0x00060005 0x00080007) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $14 (type $7) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f14 (type $7) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.const i32x4 0x00000001 0x00000002 0x00000003 0x00000004) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $15 (type $7) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f15 (type $7) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.const i32x4 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $16 (type $7) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f16 (type $7) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.const i32x4 0x3f800000 0x40000000 0x40400000 0x40800000) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $17 (type $7) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f17 (type $7) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.const i32x4 0x00000000 0x3ff00000 0x00000000 0x40000000) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $18 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f18 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.shuffle 0 17 2 19 4 21 6 23 8 25 10 27 12 29 14 31 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $19 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f19 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.swizzle ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $20 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f20 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $21 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f21 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $22 (type $8) (param $0 f32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f22 (type $8) (param $0 f32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $23 (type $9) (param $0 f64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f23 (type $9) (param $0 f64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $24 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f24 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.extract_lane_s 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $25 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f25 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.extract_lane_u 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $26 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f26 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.replace_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $27 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f27 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extract_lane_s 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $28 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f28 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extract_lane_u 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $29 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f29 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.replace_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $30 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f30 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extract_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $31 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f31 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.replace_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $32 (type $10) (param $0 v128) (result i64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f32 (type $10) (param $0 v128) (result i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extract_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $33 (type $11) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f33 (type $11) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.replace_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $34 (type $12) (param $0 v128) (result f32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f34 (type $12) (param $0 v128) (result f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.extract_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $35 (type $13) (param $0 v128) (param $1 f32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f35 (type $13) (param $0 v128) (param $1 f32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.replace_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $36 (type $14) (param $0 v128) (result f64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f36 (type $14) (param $0 v128) (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.extract_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $37 (type $15) (param $0 v128) (param $1 f64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f37 (type $15) (param $0 v128) (param $1 f64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.replace_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $38 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f38 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $39 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f39 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $40 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f40 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.lt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $41 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f41 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.lt_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $42 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f42 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.gt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $43 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f43 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.gt_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $44 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f44 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.le_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $45 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f45 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.le_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $46 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f46 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.ge_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $47 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f47 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.ge_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $48 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f48 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $49 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f49 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $50 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f50 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.lt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $51 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f51 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.lt_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $52 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f52 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.gt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $53 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f53 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.gt_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $54 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f54 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.le_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $55 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f55 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.le_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $56 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f56 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.ge_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $57 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f57 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.ge_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $58 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f58 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $59 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f59 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $60 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f60 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.lt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $61 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f61 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.lt_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $62 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f62 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.gt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $63 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f63 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.gt_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $64 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f64 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.le_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $65 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f65 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.le_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $66 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f66 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.ge_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $67 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f67 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.ge_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $68 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f68 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $69 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f69 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $70 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f70 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $71 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f71 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $72 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f72 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.le ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $73 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f73 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $74 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f74 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $75 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f75 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $76 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f76 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $77 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f77 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $78 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f78 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.le ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $79 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f79 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $80 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f80 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.not ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $81 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f81 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.and ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $82 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f82 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.andnot ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $83 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f83 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.or ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $84 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f84 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.xor ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $85 (type $16) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f85 (type $16) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (param $2 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.bitselect ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) @@ -5033,1054 +5033,1054 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $86 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f86 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.any_true ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $87 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f87 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $88 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f88 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $89 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f89 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $90 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f90 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $91 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f91 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $92 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f92 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane offset=32 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $93 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f93 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_lane offset=32 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $94 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f94 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store8_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $95 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f95 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store16_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $96 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f96 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store32_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $97 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f97 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $98 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f98 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $99 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f99 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane offset=32 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $100 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f100 (type $5) (param $0 i32) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.store64_lane offset=32 align=1 0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $101 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f101 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $102 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f102 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $103 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f103 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.demote_f64x2_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $104 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f104 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.promote_low_f32x4 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $105 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f105 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.abs ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $106 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f106 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $107 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f107 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.popcnt ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $108 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f108 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.all_true ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $109 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f109 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.bitmask ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $110 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f110 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.narrow_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $111 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f111 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.narrow_i16x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $112 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f112 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.ceil ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $113 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f113 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.floor ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $114 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f114 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.trunc ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $115 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f115 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.nearest ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $116 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f116 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.shl ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $117 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f117 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.shr_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $118 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f118 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.shr_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $119 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f119 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $120 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f120 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.add_sat_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $121 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f121 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.add_sat_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $122 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f122 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.sub ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $123 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f123 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.sub_sat_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $124 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f124 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.sub_sat_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $125 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f125 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.ceil ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $126 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f126 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.floor ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $127 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f127 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.min_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $128 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f128 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.min_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $129 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f129 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.max_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $130 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f130 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.max_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $131 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f131 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.trunc ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $132 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f132 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i8x16.avgr_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $133 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f133 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extadd_pairwise_i8x16_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $134 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f134 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extadd_pairwise_i8x16_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $135 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f135 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extadd_pairwise_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $136 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f136 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extadd_pairwise_i16x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $137 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f137 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.abs ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $138 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f138 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $139 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f139 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.q15mulr_sat_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $140 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f140 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.all_true ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $141 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f141 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.bitmask ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $142 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f142 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.narrow_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $143 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f143 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.narrow_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $144 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f144 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $145 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f145 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $146 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f146 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $147 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f147 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $148 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f148 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.shl ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $149 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f149 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.shr_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $150 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f150 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.shr_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $151 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f151 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $152 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f152 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.add_sat_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $153 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f153 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.add_sat_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $154 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f154 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.sub ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $155 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f155 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.sub_sat_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $156 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f156 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.sub_sat_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $157 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f157 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.nearest ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $158 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f158 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.mul ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $159 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f159 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.min_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $160 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f160 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.min_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $161 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f161 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.max_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $162 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f162 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.max_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $163 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f163 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.avgr_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $164 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f164 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extmul_low_i8x16_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $165 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f165 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extmul_high_i8x16_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $166 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f166 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extmul_low_i8x16_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $167 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f167 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i16x8.extmul_high_i8x16_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $168 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f168 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.abs ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $169 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f169 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $170 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f170 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.all_true ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $171 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f171 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.bitmask ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $172 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f172 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extend_low_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $173 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f173 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extend_high_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $174 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f174 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extend_low_i16x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $175 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f175 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extend_high_i16x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $176 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f176 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.shl ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $177 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f177 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.shr_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $178 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f178 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.shr_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $179 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f179 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $180 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f180 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.sub ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $181 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f181 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.mul ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $182 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f182 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.min_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $183 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f183 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.min_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $184 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f184 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.max_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $185 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f185 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.max_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $186 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f186 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.dot_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $187 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f187 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extmul_low_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $188 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f188 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extmul_high_i16x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $189 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f189 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extmul_low_i16x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $190 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f190 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.extmul_high_i16x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $191 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f191 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.abs ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $192 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f192 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $193 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f193 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.all_true ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $194 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f194 (type $4) (param $0 v128) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.bitmask ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $195 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f195 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extend_low_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $196 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f196 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extend_high_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $197 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f197 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extend_low_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $198 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f198 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extend_high_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $199 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f199 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.shl ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $200 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f200 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.shr_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $201 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f201 (type $3) (param $0 v128) (param $1 i32) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.shr_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $202 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f202 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $203 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f203 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.sub ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $204 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f204 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.mul ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $205 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f205 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $206 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f206 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $207 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f207 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.lt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $208 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f208 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.gt_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $209 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f209 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.le_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $210 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f210 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.ge_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $211 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f211 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extmul_low_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $212 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f212 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extmul_high_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $213 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f213 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extmul_low_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $214 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f214 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64x2.extmul_high_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $215 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f215 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.abs ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $216 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f216 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $217 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f217 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.sqrt ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $218 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f218 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $219 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f219 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.sub ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $220 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f220 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.mul ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $221 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f221 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.div ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $222 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f222 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.min ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $223 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f223 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.max ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $224 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f224 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.pmin ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $225 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f225 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.pmax ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $226 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f226 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.abs ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $227 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f227 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $228 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f228 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.sqrt ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $229 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f229 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $230 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f230 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.sub ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $231 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f231 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.mul ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $232 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f232 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.div ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $233 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f233 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.min ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $234 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f234 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.max ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $235 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f235 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.pmin ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $236 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f236 (type $0) (param $0 v128) (param $1 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.pmax ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $237 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f237 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $238 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f238 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $239 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f239 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.convert_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $240 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f240 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32x4.convert_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $241 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f241 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $242 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f242 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32x4.trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $243 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f243 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.convert_low_i32x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $244 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f244 (type $1) (param $0 v128) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64x2.convert_low_i32x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/simd64.wast b/test/lit/basic/simd64.wast index ed4350b6384..6ba73a06ab7 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/simd64.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/simd64.wast @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $1 (func (param i64 v128))) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 i64 1 1) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $m0 i64 1 1) ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $v128.load (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (v128.load @@ -255,88 +255,88 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $1 (func (param i64 v128))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 i64 1 1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 i64 1 1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $1) (param $0 i64) (param $1 v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $1) (param $0 i64) (param $1 v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_splat ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load8x8_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load16x4_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_s ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32x2_u ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load32_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $0) (param $0 i64) (result v128) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (v128.load64_zero ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/subtypes.wast b/test/lit/basic/subtypes.wast index d283ebefa34..680967b90cd 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/subtypes.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/subtypes.wast @@ -188,31 +188,31 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $12 (func (param (ref $0) (ref $1)))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $5) (param $0 (ref $2)) (param $1 (ref null $2)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $5) (param $0 (ref $2)) (param $1 (ref null $2)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $8) (param $0 (ref $7)) (param $1 (ref $6)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $8) (param $0 (ref $7)) (param $1 (ref $6)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $9) (param $0 (ref $4)) (param $1 (ref $3)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $9) (param $0 (ref $4)) (param $1 (ref $3)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $11) (param $0 (ref $4)) (param $1 (ref $10)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $11) (param $0 (ref $4)) (param $1 (ref $10)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $12) (param $0 (ref $0)) (param $1 (ref $1)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $12) (param $0 (ref $0)) (param $1 (ref $1)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/table-import.wast b/test/lit/basic/table-import.wast index 53c93e844c4..4c8e21bd880 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/table-import.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/table-import.wast @@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (import "env" "table3" (table $timport$2 1 1 (ref null $0))) ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 0) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 1 1 funcref)) - - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table2" (table $timport$1 1 1 anyref)) - - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table3" (table $timport$2 1 1 (ref null $0))) - - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 0) (memory $0 0) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $0 (table $timport$0) (i32.const 0) func $foo) @@ -56,8 +49,16 @@ ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $timport$0) (i32.const 0) func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 1 1 funcref)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table2" (table $timport$1 1 1 anyref)) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "table3" (table $timport$2 1 1 (ref null $0))) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 0) + +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $timport$0) (i32.const 0) func $f0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/table-operations.wast b/test/lit/basic/table-operations.wast index 4ccbe6c6a4a..41ede7cc9b0 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/table-operations.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/table-operations.wast @@ -211,64 +211,64 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $4 (func (param i32 i32 i32))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $0 1 1 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t0 1 1 funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $1 3 3 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t1 3 3 funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $0) (i32.const 0) func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $t0) (i32.const 0) func $f0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $1 (table $1) (i32.const 0) func $1 $1 $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $1 (table $t1) (i32.const 0) func $f1 $f1 $f1) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.get $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.get $t0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.get $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.get $t1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 100) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.set $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.set $t0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.get $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.get $t0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $1) (result i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.size $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $1) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.size $t0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.grow $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.grow $t0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $3) (param $0 i32) (param $1 funcref) (param $2 i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.fill $0 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $3) (param $0 i32) (param $1 funcref) (param $2 i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.fill $t0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $4) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.copy $0 $1 +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $4) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (table.copy $t0 $t1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $2) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations.wast b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations.wast index 1e024ca0b3e..6a54be19698 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations.wast @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $3 (func (param contref nullcontref (ref cont) (ref nocont)) (result contref))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $2) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result (ref $1)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $2) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result (ref $1)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $3) (param $0 contref) (param $1 nullcontref) (param $2 (ref cont)) (param $3 (ref nocont)) (result contref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $3) (param $0 contref) (param $1 nullcontref) (param $2 (ref cont)) (param $3 (ref nocont)) (result contref) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contbind.wast b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contbind.wast index 065d4a7962f..c8a0f52cbbf 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contbind.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contbind.wast @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $5 (func (param (ref $1)) (result (ref $1)))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $4) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result (ref $3)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $4) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result (ref $3)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (cont.bind $1 $3 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 123) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.const 456) @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $5) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result (ref $1)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $5) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result (ref $1)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (cont.bind $1 $1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contnew.wast b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contnew.wast index c0539cb9a73..dbfdc0410b7 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contnew.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_contnew.wast @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $2 (func (result (ref $1)))) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem declare func $0) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem declare func $f0) (elem declare func $g) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $h (type $2) (result (ref $ct)) @@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ ) ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 123) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $2) (result (ref $1)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $2) (result (ref $1)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ( $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_resume.wast b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_resume.wast index d2430e2a033..f5b89dcc0a3 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_resume.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_resume.wast @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (tag $tag$0 (param i32) (result i32)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $3) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $3) (param $0 (ref $1)) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 (tuple i32 (ref $1))) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $1 diff --git a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_suspend.wast b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_suspend.wast index 62a09c2133c..bc255c62514 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_suspend.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/typed_continuations_suspend.wast @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (tag $tag$0 (param i32) (result i64)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $1) (result i64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $1) (result i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (suspend $tag$0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 123) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/types-function-references.wast b/test/lit/basic/types-function-references.wast index b85e1f422ce..31d44d3c6f9 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/types-function-references.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/types-function-references.wast @@ -374,45 +374,45 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $10 (func (param (ref null $0)))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem declare func $0 $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem declare func $f0 $f2) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_ref $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return_call_ref $1 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $2) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_ref $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 42) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $4) (param $0 (ref $2)) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $4) (param $0 (ref $2)) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_ref $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 42) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $5) (param $0 (ref null $2)) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $5) (param $0 (ref null $2)) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_ref $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 42) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $6) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $6) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 (ref null $2)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.func $f2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_ref $2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 42) @@ -420,18 +420,18 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $8) (param $0 f64) (result (ref null $7)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $8) (param $0 f64) (result (ref null $7)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 (ref null $9)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 (tuple i32 (ref null $0) f64)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 (ref null $0)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i32) @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 (ref null $0)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 (ref null $0)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 anyref) @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i64) @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $10) (param $0 (ref null $0)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $10) (param $0 (ref null $0)) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $3 i64) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/unit.wat b/test/lit/basic/unit.wat index 5846febd55d..69c51cb6d37 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/unit.wat +++ b/test/lit/basic/unit.wat @@ -73,27 +73,27 @@ (import "asm2wasm" "f64-rem" (func $f64-rem (param f64 f64) (result f64))) (table 10 funcref) (elem (i32.const 0) $z $big_negative $z $z $w $w $importedDoubles $w $z $cneg) - ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $0 4096 4096) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 4096 4096) + ;; CHECK-TEXT: (memory $m0 4096 4096) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $m0 4096 4096) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "env" "_emscripten_asm_const_vi" (func $fimport$0 (type $1))) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "asm2wasm" "f64-to-int" (func $fimport$1 (type $5) (param f64) (result i32))) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (import "asm2wasm" "f64-rem" (func $fimport$2 (type $4) (param f64 f64) (result f64))) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 4096 4096) - (memory $0 4096 4096) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 4096 4096) + (memory $m0 4096 4096) (data (i32.const 1026) "\14\00") ;; CHECK-TEXT: (data $0 (i32.const 1026) "\14\00") - ;; CHECK-TEXT: (table $0 10 funcref) + ;; CHECK-TEXT: (table $t0 10 funcref) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $z $big_negative $z $z $w $w $importedDoubles $w $z $cneg) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (export "big_negative" (func $big_negative)) ;; CHECK-BIN: (data $0 (i32.const 1026) "\14\00") - ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $0 10 funcref) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (table $t0 10 funcref) ;; CHECK-BIN: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $z $big_negative $z $z $w $w $importedDoubles $w $z $cneg) @@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (local.get $x) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) + ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (local.get $x) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $x) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $x) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -1238,7 +1238,7 @@ ) ) ;; CHECK-TEXT: (func $cneg (type $FUNCSIG$vf) (param $x f32) - ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) + ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (local.get $x) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $cneg (type $FUNCSIG$vf) (param $x f32) - ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) + ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $FUNCSIG$vf) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (local.get $x) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -1843,13 +1843,13 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (data $0 (i32.const 1026) "\14\00") -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $0 10 funcref) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (table $t0 10 funcref) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $17 $0 $17 $17 $18 $18 $1 $18 $17 $15) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $f17 $f0 $f17 $f17 $f18 $f18 $f1 $f18 $f17 $f15) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "big_negative" (func $0)) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (export "big_negative" (func $f0)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64.const -2147483648) @@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $3) (result f64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $3) (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 @@ -1925,7 +1925,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $4) (param $0 f64) (param $1 f64) (result f64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $4) (param $0 f64) (param $1 f64) (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $3 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $4 i32) @@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.eq ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) @@ -1986,7 +1986,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add @@ -1998,7 +1998,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 @@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64.sub @@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $6) (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$3 @@ -2120,20 +2120,20 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (br $label$1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $3) (result f64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $3) (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call $fimport$2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64.const 5.5) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64.const 1.2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $10 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f10 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $11 (type $2) (param $0 f32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f11 (type $2) (param $0 f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop @@ -2172,11 +2172,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $12 (type $3) (result f64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f12 (type $3) (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f64.const -0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $13 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f13 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $1 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $2 f64) @@ -2211,14 +2211,14 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $14 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f14 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.set $0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (f32.neg ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -2230,8 +2230,8 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $15 (type $2) (param $0 f32) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $0 (type $2) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f15 (type $2) (param $0 f32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.add ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.and @@ -2243,7 +2243,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $16 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f16 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local $0 i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.gt_u @@ -2256,15 +2256,15 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $17 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f17 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $18 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f18 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $19 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f19 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -2274,7 +2274,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $20 (type $7) (param $0 f64) (result f64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f20 (type $7) (param $0 f64) (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$1 (result f64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) @@ -2283,24 +2283,24 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $21 (type $8) (result i64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f21 (type $8) (result i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.const -9218868437227405313) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $22 (type $9) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f22 (type $9) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i64.store32 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (local.get $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $23 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f23 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $24 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f24 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $25 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f25 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) @@ -2318,19 +2318,19 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $26 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f26 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $27 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f27 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 2) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $28 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f28 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -2340,7 +2340,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $29 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f29 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $30 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f30 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 3) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $31 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f31 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return @@ -2381,7 +2381,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $32 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f32 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -2389,7 +2389,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $33 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f33 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return @@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $34 (type $0) (result i32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f34 (type $0) (result i32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (loop $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (return ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -2406,11 +2406,11 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $35 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f35 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $36 (type $1) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f36 (type $1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then diff --git a/test/lit/basic/unreachable-code.wast b/test/lit/basic/unreachable-code.wast index 0dfb00c4022..d4064a91151 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/unreachable-code.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/unreachable-code.wast @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $2 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f2 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $3 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f3 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $5 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f5 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $6 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f6 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $7 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f7 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $8 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f8 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) @@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $9 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f9 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (block $label$2 diff --git a/test/lit/basic/unreachable-instr-type.wast b/test/lit/basic/unreachable-instr-type.wast index 494678a3272..1247ac5d9ed 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/unreachable-instr-type.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/unreachable-instr-type.wast @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ;; CHECK-TEXT-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $0 (func)) - ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $0 1 1 shared) + ;; CHECK-BIN: (memory $m0 1 1 shared) ;; CHECK-BIN: (func $test (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (unreachable) @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func)) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $0 1 1 shared) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (memory $m0 1 1 shared) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/basic/untaken-br_if.wast b/test/lit/basic/untaken-br_if.wast index bf2ad1ce3db..b0fa65f5573 100644 --- a/test/lit/basic/untaken-br_if.wast +++ b/test/lit/basic/untaken-br_if.wast @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ ) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func (result f32))) -;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (result f32) +;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (result f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (if (result f32) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; CHECK-BIN-NODEBUG-NEXT: (then diff --git a/test/lit/blocktype.wast b/test/lit/blocktype.wast index 0150f0a37c0..a1077bf02ee 100644 --- a/test/lit/blocktype.wast +++ b/test/lit/blocktype.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -g -S -o - | filecheck %s --check-prefix=RTRIP diff --git a/test/lit/cast-and-recast-tuple.wast b/test/lit/cast-and-recast-tuple.wast index 3febcbff7ef..982ca7b2843 100644 --- a/test/lit/cast-and-recast-tuple.wast +++ b/test/lit/cast-and-recast-tuple.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Part of cast-and-recast.wast, but containing tuples. This is split out ;; because we do not roundtrip tuple-containing code properly. We also use only @@ -16,6 +16,24 @@ (type $B (sub $A (struct))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $2 (func (result anyref i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $3 (func (result (ref $A) i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $4 (func (result i32 i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $5 (func (param (ref $B) i32) (result anyref i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $6 (func (result (ref $B) i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $7 (func (result i32 (ref $A) i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $8 (func (result i32 anyref i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $9 (func (param (ref $B) i32) (result i32 i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $10 (func (param (ref $B) i32) (result i32 anyref i32))) + ;; CHECK: (func $test-local-tuple-1 (type $5) (param $B (ref $B)) (param $x i32) (result anyref i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $2 (tuple (ref $B) i32)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $3 (ref $B)) diff --git a/test/lit/cast-and-recast.wast b/test/lit/cast-and-recast.wast index a2fe4371146..21abb8d1be7 100644 --- a/test/lit/cast-and-recast.wast +++ b/test/lit/cast-and-recast.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Test that our hack for br_if output types does not cause the binary to grow ;; linearly with each roundtrip (note the three roundtrips here). When we emit @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ (type $C (sub $B (struct))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $3 (func (param (ref $B) i32) (result anyref))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $4 (func (param (ref $A) i32) (result anyref))) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $3) (param $B (ref $B)) (param $x i32) (result anyref) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result (ref $A)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (ref.cast (ref $B) diff --git a/test/lit/cast-to-basic.wast b/test/lit/cast-to-basic.wast index 4c2e7c047a0..436bef47d58 100644 --- a/test/lit/cast-to-basic.wast +++ b/test/lit/cast-to-basic.wast @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Test that casts to basic types round trip properly. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (param anyref))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param structref) (result i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $2 (func (param structref))) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $1) (param $x structref) (result i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (ref.test (ref struct) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.get $x) diff --git a/test/lit/downgrade-reftypes.wast b/test/lit/downgrade-reftypes.wast index 76d8d99750f..cf820007310 100644 --- a/test/lit/downgrade-reftypes.wast +++ b/test/lit/downgrade-reftypes.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Write to a binary, lowering away refined GC types. ;; RUN: wasm-as %s -all --disable-gc -g -o %t.wasm @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ ;; CHECK: (type $f (func)) (type $f (func)) + ;; CHECK: (elem declare func $foo) + ;; CHECK: (func $foo (type $f) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result funcref) diff --git a/test/lit/empty-elem.wast b/test/lit/empty-elem.wast index 0dec887d64f..8d287b50ef5 100644 --- a/test/lit/empty-elem.wast +++ b/test/lit/empty-elem.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Regression test for a bug where empty passive segments were incorrectly @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ ;; CHECK: (type $array (sub (array (mut (ref null $struct))))) (type $array (sub (array (mut (ref null $struct))))) + ;; CHECK: (type $2 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (elem $e (ref null $struct)) (elem $e (ref null $struct)) diff --git a/test/lit/gc-eh-legacy.wast b/test/lit/gc-eh-legacy.wast index 2c12cec49d5..bf9f4ff69e2 100644 --- a/test/lit/gc-eh-legacy.wast +++ b/test/lit/gc-eh-legacy.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Check that pops of GC types work correctly. @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ (field (mut i32)) )) + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref $A)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $2 (func (result (ref null $A)))) + ;; CHECK: (tag $tagA (param (ref $A))) (tag $tagA (param (ref $A))) diff --git a/test/lit/gc-read-write-effects.wast b/test/lit/gc-read-write-effects.wast index 0f3f8d58afb..0253cb11cbd 100644 --- a/test/lit/gc-read-write-effects.wast +++ b/test/lit/gc-read-write-effects.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Check that writing a struct field is not reordered with reading the same ;; struct field. @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ ;; a.0 = 10 ;; return a.0 ;; + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref null $A)) (result i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (export "test" (func $test)) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $1) (param $x (ref null $A)) (result i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $y i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.set $y diff --git a/test/lit/heap-types.wast b/test/lit/heap-types.wast index 4613f4894fd..3d067cd80df 100644 --- a/test/lit/heap-types.wast +++ b/test/lit/heap-types.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Check that heap types are emitted properly in the binary format. This file ;; contains small modules that each use a single instruction with a heap type. @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ (module (type $struct.A (struct i32)) (type $struct.B (struct i32)) + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $0) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-NEXT: (ref.test (ref none) @@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ (module (type $struct.A (struct i32)) (type $struct.B (struct i32)) + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $0) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-NEXT: (ref.cast nullref @@ -44,6 +48,8 @@ ) (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (type $struct.A (struct (field i32))) (type $struct.A (struct i32)) ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $0) @@ -59,6 +65,8 @@ ) (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (type $vector (array (mut f64))) (type $vector (array (mut f64))) ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $0) @@ -80,6 +88,8 @@ ) (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (type $vector (array (mut f64))) (type $vector (array (mut f64))) ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $0) @@ -107,6 +117,8 @@ (module ;; CHECK: (type $vector (array (mut f64))) (type $vector (array (mut f64))) + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref $vector) i32 f64 i32))) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $1) (param $ref (ref $vector)) (param $index i32) (param $value f64) (param $size i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (array.fill $vector ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.get $ref) @@ -132,6 +144,10 @@ ;; CHECK: (type $vector (array (mut i32))) (type $vector (array (mut i32))) (data "") + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref $vector) i32 i32 i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (data $0 "") + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $1) (param $ref (ref $vector)) (param $index i32) (param $offset i32) (param $size i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (array.init_data $vector $0 ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.get $ref) @@ -157,6 +173,10 @@ ;; CHECK: (type $vector (array (mut funcref))) (type $vector (array (mut funcref))) (elem func) + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref $vector) i32 i32 i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (elem $0 func) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $1) (param $ref (ref $vector)) (param $index i32) (param $offset i32) (param $size i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (array.init_elem $vector $0 ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.get $ref) diff --git a/test/lit/if-then-else.wast b/test/lit/if-then-else.wast index c1247af96ec..b0b8253e9ad 100644 --- a/test/lit/if-then-else.wast +++ b/test/lit/if-then-else.wast @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Check that an empty then or else clause is allowed. (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (param i32) (result i32))) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (if ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.get $0) diff --git a/test/lit/isorecursive-good.wast b/test/lit/isorecursive-good.wast index 373f64ac600..b752a566bb8 100644 --- a/test/lit/isorecursive-good.wast +++ b/test/lit/isorecursive-good.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s @@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ ) (rec + ;; CHECK: (type $6 (func (result (ref $super-struct)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $7 (func (result (ref $final-struct)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $8 (func (result (ref $super-array)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $9 (func (result (ref $final-array)))) + ;; CHECK: (rec ;; CHECK-NEXT: (type $super-func (sub (func (param (ref $sub-array)) (result (ref $super-array))))) (type $super-func (sub (func (param (ref $sub-array)) (result (ref $super-array))))) @@ -34,9 +42,15 @@ (type $final-func (sub final $sub-func (func (param (ref $super-array)) (result (ref $final-array))))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $13 (func (result (ref $super-func)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $14 (func (result (ref $final-func)))) + ;; CHECK: (type $final-root (struct)) (type $final-root (sub final (struct))) + ;; CHECK: (type $16 (func (result (ref $final-root)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $make-super-struct (type $6) (result (ref $super-struct)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (call $make-final-struct) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/isorecursive-output-ordering.wast b/test/lit/isorecursive-output-ordering.wast index b8d0a1c8ea4..025f1543d65 100644 --- a/test/lit/isorecursive-output-ordering.wast +++ b/test/lit/isorecursive-output-ordering.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: foreach %s %t wasm-opt -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: foreach %s %t wasm-opt -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ (type $used-a-bit (sub (struct))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $8 (func (param (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot)) (result (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $use (type $8) (param $0 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $1 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $2 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $3 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $4 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $5 (ref $used-a-lot)) (result (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) @@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ (type $used-a-lot (sub $twig (struct))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $8 (func (param (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot) (ref $used-a-lot)) (result (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $use (type $8) (param $0 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $1 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $2 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $3 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $4 (ref $used-a-lot)) (param $5 (ref $used-a-lot)) (result (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit) (ref $used-a-bit)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $6 (ref null $used-a-ton)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $7 (ref null $used-a-ton)) @@ -103,6 +107,8 @@ (type $contains-basic (sub (struct (ref any)))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref $contains-basic)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $use (type $1) (param $0 (ref $contains-basic)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/isorecursive-singleton-group.wast b/test/lit/isorecursive-singleton-group.wast index d68ef394d5c..23a810210c3 100644 --- a/test/lit/isorecursive-singleton-group.wast +++ b/test/lit/isorecursive-singleton-group.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s diff --git a/test/lit/isorecursive-whole-group.wast b/test/lit/isorecursive-whole-group.wast index 6bc6c443796..a19f6538079 100644 --- a/test/lit/isorecursive-whole-group.wast +++ b/test/lit/isorecursive-whole-group.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s diff --git a/test/lit/memory64-ops.wast b/test/lit/memory64-ops.wast index 8ba6ede02ba..03d79139f6f 100644 --- a/test/lit/memory64-ops.wast +++ b/test/lit/memory64-ops.wast @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: foreach %s %t wasm-opt -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (result i64))) + ;; CHECK: (memory $mem i64 1) (memory $mem i64 1) diff --git a/test/lit/merge/names.wat b/test/lit/merge/names.wat index c4e81464960..fd0f9bd0239 100644 --- a/test/lit/merge/names.wat +++ b/test/lit/merge/names.wat @@ -14,27 +14,27 @@ ;; CHECK: (global $glob0 i32 (i32.const 0)) - ;; CHECK: (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 0)) + ;; CHECK: (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 0)) ;; CHECK: (global $glob2 i32 (i32.const 0)) - ;; CHECK: (global $global$3 i32 (i32.const 0)) + ;; CHECK: (global $g3 i32 (i32.const 0)) ;; CHECK: (memory $mem0 0) - ;; CHECK: (memory $1 0) + ;; CHECK: (memory $m1 0) ;; CHECK: (memory $mem2 0) - ;; CHECK: (memory $3 0) + ;; CHECK: (memory $m3 0) ;; CHECK: (table $table0 1 funcref) - ;; CHECK: (table $1 1 funcref) + ;; CHECK: (table $t1 1 funcref) ;; CHECK: (table $table2 1 funcref) - ;; CHECK: (table $3 1 funcref) + ;; CHECK: (table $t3 1 funcref) ;; CHECK: (tag $tag0) @@ -46,47 +46,47 @@ ;; CHECK: (export "f0" (func $func0)) - ;; CHECK: (export "f1" (func $1)) + ;; CHECK: (export "f1" (func $f1)) ;; CHECK: (export "t0" (table $table0)) - ;; CHECK: (export "t1" (table $1)) + ;; CHECK: (export "t1" (table $t1)) ;; CHECK: (export "g0" (global $glob0)) - ;; CHECK: (export "g1" (global $global$1)) + ;; CHECK: (export "g1" (global $g1)) ;; CHECK: (export "m0" (memory $mem0)) - ;; CHECK: (export "m1" (memory $1)) + ;; CHECK: (export "m1" (memory $m1)) ;; CHECK: (export "tag0" (tag $tag0)) ;; CHECK: (export "tag1" (tag $tag$1)) - ;; CHECK: (export "func" (func $2)) + ;; CHECK: (export "func" (func $f2)) ;; CHECK: (export "f2" (func $func2)) - ;; CHECK: (export "f3" (func $4)) + ;; CHECK: (export "f3" (func $f4)) ;; CHECK: (export "t2" (table $table2)) - ;; CHECK: (export "t3" (table $3)) + ;; CHECK: (export "t3" (table $t3)) ;; CHECK: (export "m2" (memory $mem2)) - ;; CHECK: (export "m3" (memory $3)) + ;; CHECK: (export "m3" (memory $m3)) ;; CHECK: (export "g2" (global $glob2)) - ;; CHECK: (export "g3" (global $global$3)) + ;; CHECK: (export "g3" (global $g3)) ;; CHECK: (export "tag2" (tag $tag2)) ;; CHECK: (export "tag3" (tag $tag$3)) - ;; CHECK: (export "func2" (func $5)) + ;; CHECK: (export "func2" (func $f5)) ;; CHECK: (func $func0 (type $0) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) @@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ (func (export "func") (param $x (ref $t))) ) -;; CHECK: (func $1 (type $0) +;; CHECK: (func $f1 (type $0) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK: (func $2 (type $2) (param $x (ref $t)) +;; CHECK: (func $f2 (type $2) (param $x (ref $t)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) @@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK: (func $4 (type $0) +;; CHECK: (func $f4 (type $0) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK: (func $5 (type $4) (param $0 (ref $u)) +;; CHECK: (func $f5 (type $4) (param $0 (ref $u)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/merge/sourcemap.wat b/test/lit/merge/sourcemap.wat index 8ccb373998d..19db0e5349f 100644 --- a/test/lit/merge/sourcemap.wat +++ b/test/lit/merge/sourcemap.wat @@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ ;; CHECK-BIN: (type $0 (func)) -;; CHECK-BIN: (export "f" (func $0)) +;; CHECK-BIN: (export "f" (func $f0)) -;; CHECK-BIN: (export "g" (func $1)) +;; CHECK-BIN: (export "g" (func $f1)) -;; CHECK-BIN: (func $0 +;; CHECK-BIN: (func $f0 ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ;;@ a:2:1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ;;@ a:3:1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ) -;; CHECK-BIN: (func $1 +;; CHECK-BIN: (func $f1 ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ;;@ b:2:2 ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-BIN-NEXT: ;;@ b:3:2 diff --git a/test/lit/metadce/sourcemap.wat b/test/lit/metadce/sourcemap.wat index 8a73a01da57..693d796bfb2 100644 --- a/test/lit/metadce/sourcemap.wat +++ b/test/lit/metadce/sourcemap.wat @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ ) ;; BIN: (type $0 (func)) -;; BIN: (export "f" (func $0)) +;; BIN: (export "f" (func $f0)) -;; BIN: (func $0 +;; BIN: (func $f0 ;; BIN-NEXT: ;;@ a:2:1 ;; BIN-NEXT: (nop) ;; BIN-NEXT: ;;@ a:3:1 diff --git a/test/lit/multivalue-stack-ir.wast b/test/lit/multivalue-stack-ir.wast index b4a394a05bc..6c12c4de0f9 100644 --- a/test/lit/multivalue-stack-ir.wast +++ b/test/lit/multivalue-stack-ir.wast @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --generate-stack-ir --optimize-stack-ir --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Test that Stack IR optimizations do not interact poorly with the ;; optimizations for extracts of gets of tuple locals in the binary writer. (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (type $0) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $pair f32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local $f32 f32) diff --git a/test/lit/multivalue.wast b/test/lit/multivalue.wast index 0cfafb2a989..17e6d877c06 100644 --- a/test/lit/multivalue.wast +++ b/test/lit/multivalue.wast @@ -1,10 +1,26 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Test basic lowering of tuple.make, tuple.extract, and tuple variables and ;; that they round trip through the binary format correctly. (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (result i32 i64))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func)) + + ;; CHECK: (type $2 (func (result i32 i64 externref))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $3 (func (result i64))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $4 (func (result f32 i64 i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $5 (func (result i32 i64 f32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $6 (func (result i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $7 (func (result f32))) + ;; CHECK: (import "env" "pair" (func $pair (type $0) (result i32 i64))) (import "env" "pair" (func $pair (result i32 i64))) ;; CHECK: (global $g1 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) @@ -12,6 +28,10 @@ ;; CHECK: (global $g2 (mut i64) (i64.const 0)) (global $g2 (tuple i32 i64) (tuple.make 2 (i32.const 0) (i64.const 0))) + ;; CHECK: (global $g2_2 i32 (i32.const 0)) + + ;; CHECK: (global $g3 i64 (i64.const 0)) + ;; CHECK: (func $triple (type $5) (result i32 i64 f32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (tuple.make 3 ;; CHECK-NEXT: (i32.const 42) @@ -242,8 +262,8 @@ ;; CHECK-NEXT: (global.get $g2) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (tuple.make 2 - ;; CHECK-NEXT: (global.get $global$2) - ;; CHECK-NEXT: (global.get $global$3) + ;; CHECK-NEXT: (global.get $g2_2) + ;; CHECK-NEXT: (global.get $g3) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) (func $global (result i32 i64) diff --git a/test/lit/parse-double-unreachable.wast b/test/lit/parse-double-unreachable.wast index b232a40fbdc..7d063b0923f 100644 --- a/test/lit/parse-double-unreachable.wast +++ b/test/lit/parse-double-unreachable.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ (type $array (array i8)) (type $func (func (result i32))) + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (param (ref $array)) (result i32))) + ;; CHECK: (func $double-unreachable (type $1) (param $x (ref $array)) (result i32) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (drop ;; CHECK-NEXT: (ref.null nofunc) diff --git a/test/lit/reftypes-without-gc.wast b/test/lit/reftypes-without-gc.wast index e71aa526919..af4bef79df7 100644 --- a/test/lit/reftypes-without-gc.wast +++ b/test/lit/reftypes-without-gc.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Test that we roundtrip br_if with a reference value properly if GC is not ;; enabled. We emit a ref.cast in such cases when GC is used, but if only @@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s --enable-reference-types --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (param i32) (result funcref))) + + ;; CHECK: (elem declare func $test) + ;; CHECK: (func $test (param $x i32) (result funcref) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (block $label$1 (result funcref) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (br_if $label$1 diff --git a/test/lit/stdin-stdout.wast b/test/lit/stdin-stdout.wast index e7281fef7a7..7f02fb3e067 100644 --- a/test/lit/stdin-stdout.wast +++ b/test/lit/stdin-stdout.wast @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt < %s - -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt < %s - -g -o - | wasm-opt - -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Test that file `-` is interpreted as stdin and stdout. (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (func $foo ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/string.as_wtf16.wast b/test/lit/string.as_wtf16.wast index 916e11d39a1..4404396ab97 100644 --- a/test/lit/string.as_wtf16.wast +++ b/test/lit/string.as_wtf16.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Check that string.as_wtf16 is accepted by the parser but is not translated ;; into any IR. @@ -8,11 +8,29 @@ ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --shrink-level=3 --roundtrip --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s --check-prefix=RRTRP (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (result stringref))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $1 (func (result i32))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $2 (func)) + ;; CHECK: (func $empty (type $2) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) + ;; RTRIP: (type $0 (func (result stringref))) + + ;; RTRIP: (type $1 (func (result i32))) + + ;; RTRIP: (type $2 (func)) + ;; RTRIP: (func $empty (type $2) ;; RTRIP-NEXT: ) + ;; RRTRP: (type $0 (func (result stringref))) + + ;; RRTRP: (type $1 (func (result i32))) + + ;; RRTRP: (type $2 (func)) + ;; RRTRP: (func $empty (type $2) ;; RRTRP-NEXT: ) (func $empty diff --git a/test/lit/strings.wast b/test/lit/strings.wast index 8c72ea7cc06..6111dc25f4d 100644 --- a/test/lit/strings.wast +++ b/test/lit/strings.wast @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ;; CHECK: (global $string-const stringref (string.const "string in a global \c2\a3_\e2\82\ac_\f0\90\8d\88 \01\00\t\t\n\n\r\r\"\"\'\'\\\\ ")) (global $string-const stringref (string.const "string in a global \C2\A3_\E2\82\AC_\F0\90\8D\88 \01\00\t\t\n\n\r\r\"\"\'\'\\\\ ")) - ;; CHECK: (memory $0 10 10) + ;; CHECK: (memory $m0 10 10) ;; CHECK: (func $string.const (type $3) (param $param (ref string)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (call $string.const diff --git a/test/lit/structref.wast b/test/lit/structref.wast index 19ef476a26e..9e8690420e2 100644 --- a/test/lit/structref.wast +++ b/test/lit/structref.wast @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt -all %s -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; Check that `struct` is correctly parsed as an alias for `data`. (module + ;; CHECK: (type $0 (func (param structref (ref struct)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $foo (type $0) (param $x structref) (param $y (ref struct)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (unreachable) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/subtype-chain.wast b/test/lit/subtype-chain.wast index ef6eacd66f4..b0198efa99b 100644 --- a/test/lit/subtype-chain.wast +++ b/test/lit/subtype-chain.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ ;; CHECK: (type $leaf (sub $twig (struct (field i32) (field i64) (field f32) (field f64)))) (type $leaf (sub $twig (struct i32 i64 f32 f64))) + ;; CHECK: (type $5 (func (param (ref $leaf)) (result (ref null $root)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $make-root (type $5) (param $leaf (ref $leaf)) (result (ref null $root)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (local.get $leaf) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/subtypes.wast b/test/lit/subtypes.wast index 62824693488..fad8d0b383c 100644 --- a/test/lit/subtypes.wast +++ b/test/lit/subtypes.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all -S -o - | filecheck %s ;; RUN: wasm-opt %s -all --roundtrip -S -o - | filecheck %s @@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ ) (rec + ;; CHECK: (type $4 (func (result (ref $super-struct)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $5 (func (result (ref $sub-struct)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $6 (func (result (ref $super-array)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $7 (func (result (ref $sub-array)))) + ;; CHECK: (rec ;; CHECK-NEXT: (type $super-func (sub (func (param (ref $sub-array)) (result (ref $super-array))))) (type $super-func (sub (func (param (ref $sub-array)) (result (ref $super-array))))) @@ -28,6 +36,10 @@ (type $sub-func (sub $super-func (func (param (ref $super-array)) (result (ref $sub-array))))) ) + ;; CHECK: (type $10 (func (result (ref $super-func)))) + + ;; CHECK: (type $11 (func (result (ref $sub-func)))) + ;; CHECK: (func $make-super-struct (type $4) (result (ref $super-struct)) ;; CHECK-NEXT: (call $make-sub-struct) ;; CHECK-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/table-first-special.wast b/test/lit/table-first-special.wast index 6867ab79b31..a246a20398f 100644 --- a/test/lit/table-first-special.wast +++ b/test/lit/table-first-special.wast @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ ) ;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (type $0 (func (param i32 i32))) -;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (table $0 10 10 (ref null $0)) +;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (table $t0 10 10 (ref null $0)) -;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $0) (i32.const 0) (ref null $0)) +;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (elem $0 (table $t0) (i32.const 0) (ref null $0)) -;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (func $0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) +;; CHECK-NODEBUG: (func $f0 (type $0) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) ;; CHECK-NODEBUG-NEXT: (nop) ;; CHECK-NODEBUG-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/tail-call.wast b/test/lit/tail-call.wast index 2830b08da9e..14df68e1c6a 100644 --- a/test/lit/tail-call.wast +++ b/test/lit/tail-call.wast @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by and should not be edited. +;; NOTE: Assertions have been generated by --all-items and should not be edited. ;; Check that tail calls are parsed, validated, and printed correctly diff --git a/test/lit/wasm-split/instrument-funcs.wast b/test/lit/wasm-split/instrument-funcs.wast index 2dbd578f30b..13d7b9631f1 100644 --- a/test/lit/wasm-split/instrument-funcs.wast +++ b/test/lit/wasm-split/instrument-funcs.wast @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ ;; CHECK: (global $baz_timestamp (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) ;; Check that a memory has been added -;; CHECK: (memory $0 1 1) +;; CHECK: (memory $m0 1 1) ;; And the profiling function is exported ;; CHECK: (export "__write_profile" (func $__write_profile)) ;; And the memory has been exported -;; CHECK: (export "profile-memory" (memory $0)) +;; CHECK: (export "profile-memory" (memory $m0)) ;; Check that the function instrumentation is correct diff --git a/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi-secondary-export.wast b/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi-secondary-export.wast index 553f0abd18a..d6e964d3f61 100644 --- a/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi-secondary-export.wast +++ b/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi-secondary-export.wast @@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ ;; PRIMARY: (import "placeholder" "0" (func $placeholder_0 (param i32) (result i32))) - ;; PRIMARY: (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + ;; PRIMARY: (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - ;; PRIMARY: (table $0 1 funcref) + ;; PRIMARY: (table $t0 1 funcref) ;; PRIMARY: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $placeholder_0) ;; PRIMARY: (export "foo" (func $foo)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) - ;; PRIMARY: (export "load_secondary_module_status" (global $global$0)) + ;; PRIMARY: (export "load_secondary_module_status" (global $g0)) - ;; PRIMARY: (export "%table" (table $0)) + ;; PRIMARY: (export "%table" (table $t0)) ;; PRIMARY: (func $foo (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (if ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (i32.eqz - ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) + ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (then ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call $fimport$0) diff --git a/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi.wast b/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi.wast index e7d6814b7b9..a885de7cfd1 100644 --- a/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi.wast +++ b/test/lit/wasm-split/jspi.wast @@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ ;; PRIMARY: (import "placeholder" "0" (func $placeholder_0 (param i32) (result i32))) - ;; PRIMARY: (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + ;; PRIMARY: (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - ;; PRIMARY: (table $0 1 funcref) + ;; PRIMARY: (table $t0 1 funcref) ;; PRIMARY: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $placeholder_0) ;; PRIMARY: (export "foo" (func $foo)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) - ;; PRIMARY: (export "load_secondary_module_status" (global $global$0)) + ;; PRIMARY: (export "load_secondary_module_status" (global $g0)) - ;; PRIMARY: (export "%table" (table $0)) + ;; PRIMARY: (export "%table" (table $t0)) ;; PRIMARY: (func $foo (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (if ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (i32.eqz - ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (global.get $global$0) + ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (global.get $g0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (then ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call $fimport$0) diff --git a/test/lit/wasm-split/no-active-segment.wast b/test/lit/wasm-split/no-active-segment.wast index ad83b0480a7..1222d321130 100644 --- a/test/lit/wasm-split/no-active-segment.wast +++ b/test/lit/wasm-split/no-active-segment.wast @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ ;; PRIMARY: (import "placeholder" "0" (func $placeholder_0)) -;; PRIMARY: (table $0 1 funcref) +;; PRIMARY: (table $t0 1 funcref) ;; PRIMARY: (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $placeholder_0) -;; PRIMARY: (export "foo" (func $0)) +;; PRIMARY: (export "foo" (func $f0)) -;; PRIMARY: (export "table" (table $0)) +;; PRIMARY: (export "table" (table $t0)) -;; PRIMARY: (func $0 +;; PRIMARY: (func $f0 ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect (type $0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/wasm-split/passive.wast b/test/lit/wasm-split/passive.wast index 322288201b6..f66015dc1d3 100644 --- a/test/lit/wasm-split/passive.wast +++ b/test/lit/wasm-split/passive.wast @@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ ;; PRIMARY: (table $table 3 funcref) (table $table 3 funcref) - ;; PRIMARY: (table $1 1 funcref) + ;; PRIMARY: (table $t1 1 funcref) - ;; PRIMARY: (elem $passive func $in-table $1) + ;; PRIMARY: (elem $passive func $in-table $f1) (elem $passive func $in-table $second-in-table) - ;; PRIMARY: (elem $1 (table $1) (i32.const 0) func $placeholder_0) + ;; PRIMARY: (elem $1 (table $t1) (i32.const 0) func $placeholder_0) ;; PRIMARY: (export "table" (table $table)) - ;; PRIMARY: (export "table_1" (table $1)) + ;; PRIMARY: (export "table_1" (table $t1)) ;; PRIMARY: (func $in-table (type $0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (nop) @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ ;; handle it by adding a trampoline from the segment as a new function "$1". ) ) -;; PRIMARY: (func $1 (type $0) -;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect $1 (type $0) +;; PRIMARY: (func $f1 (type $0) +;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect $t1 (type $0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lit/wasm-split/ref.func.wast b/test/lit/wasm-split/ref.func.wast index 39cce5dea82..5c0b1a7055c 100644 --- a/test/lit/wasm-split/ref.func.wast +++ b/test/lit/wasm-split/ref.func.wast @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ;; PRIMARY: (global $glob1 (ref func) (ref.func $prime)) - ;; PRIMARY: (global $glob2 (ref func) (ref.func $2)) + ;; PRIMARY: (global $glob2 (ref func) (ref.func $f2)) ;; PRIMARY: (table $table 1 1 funcref) (table $table 1 1 funcref) @@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ (global $glob2 (ref func) (ref.func $second)) - ;; PRIMARY: (table $1 2 funcref) + ;; PRIMARY: (table $t1 2 funcref) - ;; PRIMARY: (elem $elem (table $table) (i32.const 0) func $in-table $3) + ;; PRIMARY: (elem $elem (table $table) (i32.const 0) func $in-table $f3) (elem $elem (i32.const 0) $in-table $second-in-table) - ;; PRIMARY: (elem $1 (table $1) (i32.const 0) func $placeholder_0 $placeholder_1) + ;; PRIMARY: (elem $1 (table $t1) (i32.const 0) func $placeholder_0 $placeholder_1) - ;; PRIMARY: (elem declare func $2 $prime) + ;; PRIMARY: (elem declare func $f2 $prime) ;; PRIMARY: (export "prime" (func $prime)) ;; PRIMARY: (export "table" (table $table)) - ;; PRIMARY: (export "table_2" (table $1)) + ;; PRIMARY: (export "table_2" (table $t1)) ;; PRIMARY: (export "global" (global $glob1)) @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (ref.func $prime) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (drop - ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (ref.func $2) + ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (ref.func $f2) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) (func $prime @@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ ;; (but we will get a placeholder, as all split-out functions do). ) ) -;; PRIMARY: (func $2 (type $0) -;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect $1 (type $0) +;; PRIMARY: (func $f2 (type $0) +;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect $t1 (type $0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (i32.const 0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) -;; PRIMARY: (func $3 (type $0) -;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect $1 (type $0) +;; PRIMARY: (func $f3 (type $0) +;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (call_indirect $t1 (type $0) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: (i32.const 1) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) ;; PRIMARY-NEXT: ) diff --git a/test/lld/duplicate_imports.wat.out b/test/lld/duplicate_imports.wat.out index 7e49b393cc4..81e61a38243 100644 --- a/test/lld/duplicate_imports.wat.out +++ b/test/lld/duplicate_imports.wat.out @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ (global $global$2 i32 (i32.const 581)) (memory $0 2) (data $0 (i32.const 568) "Hello, world\00") - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (export "memory" (memory $0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) diff --git a/test/lld/em_asm_pthread.wasm.out b/test/lld/em_asm_pthread.wasm.out index 3b51b896ab7..91d55324dd8 100644 --- a/test/lld/em_asm_pthread.wasm.out +++ b/test/lld/em_asm_pthread.wasm.out @@ -58,76 +58,76 @@ (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "fd_write" (func $fimport$16 (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "initPthreadsJS" (func $fimport$17)) (import "env" "setTempRet0" (func $setTempRet0 (param i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5246928)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$2 i32 (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$3 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$4 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$5 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$6 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$7 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$8 i32 (i32.const 1588)) - (global $global$9 i32 (i32.const 1621)) - (global $global$10 i32 (i32.const 1432)) - (global $global$11 i32 (i32.const 1836)) - (global $global$12 i32 (i32.const 1658)) - (global $global$13 i32 (i32.const 1782)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5246928)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g2 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g3 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g4 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g5 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g6 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g7 (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) + (global $g8 i32 (i32.const 1588)) + (global $g9 i32 (i32.const 1621)) + (global $g10 i32 (i32.const 1432)) + (global $g11 i32 (i32.const 1836)) + (global $g12 i32 (i32.const 1658)) + (global $g13 i32 (i32.const 1782)) (data $0 "\00/home/azakai/Dev/emscripten/system/lib/pthread/library_pthread.c\00call\00_emscripten_do_dispatch_to_thread\00target_thread\00num_args+1 <= EM_QUEUED_JS_CALL_MAX_ARGS\00emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js\00q\00_emscripten_call_on_thread\00EM_FUNC_SIG_NUM_FUNC_ARGUMENTS(q->functionEnum) <= EM_QUEUED_CALL_MAX_ARGS\00_do_call\000 && \"Invalid Emscripten pthread _do_call opcode!\"\00target\00GetQueue\00em_queued_call_malloc\00") (data $1 "\01\00\00\00\d0\0fP\00\05\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\02\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\03\00\00\00\04\00\00\00x\t\00\00\00\04\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\01\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\n\ff\ff\ff\ff\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\a0\05\00\00") (data $2 "()<::>{ console.log(\"World.\"); }\00(void)<::>{ PThread.initRuntime(); }\00") (data $3 "{ console.log(\"Hello.\"); }\00throw \'Canceled!\'\00{ setTimeout(function() { __emscripten_do_dispatch_to_thread($0, $1); }, 0); }\00") (data $4 "\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\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- (table $0 5 5 funcref) - (elem $0 (i32.const 1) $6 $73 $72 $74) - (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $0)) - (export "main" (func $4)) - (export "__em_js__world" (global $global$8)) - (export "__indirect_function_table" (table $0)) - (export "emscripten_tls_init" (func $5)) - (export "emscripten_get_global_libc" (func $82)) - (export "__errno_location" (func $25)) - (export "fflush" (func $80)) - (export "__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor" (func $83)) - (export "__em_js__initPthreadsJS" (global $global$9)) - (export "pthread_self" (func $14)) - (export "__pthread_tsd_run_dtors" (func $84)) - (export "emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls" (func $31)) - (export "emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id" (func $36)) - (export "emscripten_main_browser_thread_id" (func $37)) - (export "_emscripten_do_dispatch_to_thread" (func $38)) - (export "emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2" (func $42)) - (export "emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4" (func $43)) - (export "emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls" (func $44)) - (export "_emscripten_allow_main_runtime_queued_calls" (global $global$10)) - (export "emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js" (func $45)) - (export "_emscripten_call_on_thread" (func $47)) - (export "_emscripten_main_thread_futex" (global $global$11)) - (export "_emscripten_thread_init" (func $8)) - (export "stackSave" (func $77)) - (export "stackRestore" (func $78)) - (export "stackAlloc" (func $79)) - (export "emscripten_stack_init" (func $26)) - (export "emscripten_stack_set_limits" (func $27)) - (export "emscripten_stack_get_free" (func $28)) - (export "emscripten_stack_get_end" (func $29)) - (export "malloc" (func $60)) - (export "free" (func $62)) - (export "memalign" (func $63)) - (export "__start_em_asm" (global $global$12)) - (export "__stop_em_asm" (global $global$13)) + (table $t0 5 5 funcref) + (elem $0 (i32.const 1) $f6 $f73 $f72 $f74) + (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $f0)) + (export "main" (func $f4)) + (export "__em_js__world" (global $g8)) + (export "__indirect_function_table" (table $t0)) + (export "emscripten_tls_init" (func $f5)) + (export "emscripten_get_global_libc" (func $f82)) + (export "__errno_location" (func $f25)) + (export "fflush" (func $f80)) + (export "__emscripten_pthread_data_constructor" (func $f83)) + (export "__em_js__initPthreadsJS" (global $g9)) + (export "pthread_self" (func $f14)) + (export "__pthread_tsd_run_dtors" (func $f84)) + (export "emscripten_current_thread_process_queued_calls" (func $f31)) + (export "emscripten_register_main_browser_thread_id" (func $f36)) + (export "emscripten_main_browser_thread_id" (func $f37)) + (export "_emscripten_do_dispatch_to_thread" (func $f38)) + (export "emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_2" (func $f42)) + (export "emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4" (func $f43)) + (export "emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls" (func $f44)) + (export "_emscripten_allow_main_runtime_queued_calls" (global $g10)) + (export "emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js" (func $f45)) + (export "_emscripten_call_on_thread" (func $f47)) + (export "_emscripten_main_thread_futex" (global $g11)) + (export "_emscripten_thread_init" (func $f8)) + (export "stackSave" (func $f77)) + (export "stackRestore" (func $f78)) + (export "stackAlloc" (func $f79)) + (export "emscripten_stack_init" (func $f26)) + (export "emscripten_stack_set_limits" (func $f27)) + (export "emscripten_stack_get_free" (func $f28)) + (export "emscripten_stack_get_end" (func $f29)) + (export "malloc" (func $f60)) + (export "free" (func $f62)) + (export "memalign" (func $f63)) + (export "__start_em_asm" (global $g12)) + (export "__stop_em_asm" (global $g13)) (export "dynCall_vi" (func $dynCall_vi)) (export "dynCall_ii" (func $dynCall_ii)) (export "dynCall_iiii" (func $dynCall_iiii)) (export "dynCall_jiji" (func $legalstub$dynCall_jiji)) - (start $2) - (func $0 - (call $26) - (call $83) - (call $5) + (start $f2) + (func $f0 + (call $f26) + (call $f83) + (call $f5) ) - (func $1 (param $0 i32) + (func $f1 (param $0 i32) ) - (func $2 + (func $f2 (if (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (i32.const 4032) @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ (data.drop $3) (data.drop $4) ) - (func $3 (result i32) + (func $f3 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ (local $8 i32) (local $9 i32) (local.set $0 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (local.set $1 (i32.const 16) @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.get $2) ) (local.set $3 @@ -251,36 +251,36 @@ (local.get $8) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.get $9) ) (return (local.get $7) ) ) - (func $4 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f4 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local.set $2 - (call $3) + (call $f3) ) (return (local.get $2) ) ) - (func $5 + (func $f5 (local $0 i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz (local.tee $0 - (global.get $global$1) + (global.get $g1) ) ) ) - (call $1 + (call $f1 (local.tee $0 - (call $63 - (global.get $global$2) + (call $f63 + (global.get $g2) (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -294,32 +294,32 @@ ) ) ) - (func $6 (param $0 i32) - (call $62 + (func $f6 (param $0 i32) + (call $f62 (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $7 (result i32) - (global.get $global$3) + (func $f7 (result i32) + (global.get $g3) ) - (func $8 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) - (global.set $global$3 + (func $f8 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) + (global.set $g3 (local.get $0) ) - (global.set $global$4 + (global.set $g4 (local.get $1) ) - (global.set $global$5 + (global.set $g5 (local.get $2) ) ) - (func $9 (result i32) - (global.get $global$5) + (func $f9 (result i32) + (global.get $g5) ) - (func $10 (result i32) - (global.get $global$4) + (func $f10 (result i32) + (global.get $g4) ) - (func $11 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f11 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ (local.set $3 (i32.load offset=40 (local.tee $2 - (call $7) + (call $f7) ) ) ) @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ ) (br_if $label$5 (i32.eq - (call $12 + (call $f12 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 4) @@ -576,14 +576,14 @@ ) (local.get $6) ) - (func $12 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f12 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (local.get $0) (local.get $1) (local.get $2) ) ) - (func $13 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f13 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.and @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ ) (return (i32.and - (call $12 + (call $f12 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 4) @@ -607,17 +607,17 @@ ) ) ) - (call $11 + (call $f11 (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $14 (result i32) - (call $7) + (func $f14 (result i32) + (call $f7) ) - (func $15 - (call $16) + (func $f15 + (call $f16) ) - (func $16 + (func $f16 (drop (i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=1792 (i32.const 0) @@ -625,11 +625,11 @@ ) ) ) - (func $17 + (func $f17 (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 ( - (call $18) + (call $f18) (i32.const 1) ) ) @@ -640,16 +640,16 @@ ) ) ) - (call $19) + (call $f19) ) ) - (func $18 (result i32) + (func $f18 (result i32) (i32.atomic.rmw.add offset=1792 (i32.const 0) (i32.const -1) ) ) - (func $19 + (func $f19 (drop (call $fimport$7 (i32.const 1792) @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $20 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f20 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ (br $label$2) ) (local.set $5 - (call $7) + (call $f7) ) (local.set $6 (i32.const 63) @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ (i32.const 16) ) ) - (call $15) + (call $f15) ) ( (local.tee $7 @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ ) ) (local.set $0 - (call $21 + (call $f21 (local.tee $7 (i32.add (local.get $0) @@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ ) (i32.const 0) ) - (call $17) + (call $f17) ) (local.set $6 (i32.const 0) @@ -842,20 +842,20 @@ ) ) ) - (call $22 + (call $f22 (local.get $7) (local.get $2) ) ) (local.get $6) ) - (func $21 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f21 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (i32.atomic.rmw.xchg (local.get $0) (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $22 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) + (func $f22 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (drop (call $fimport$7 (local.get $0) @@ -863,29 +863,29 @@ ) ) ) - (func $23 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f23 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.atomic.load (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $24 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f24 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) ( (local.get $0) (local.get $1) ) (local.get $1) ) - (func $25 (result i32) + (func $f25 (result i32) (i32.add - (call $7) + (call $f7) (i32.const 48) ) ) - (func $26 - (global.set $global$7 + (func $f26 + (global.set $g7 (i32.const 5246928) ) - (global.set $global$6 + (global.set $g6 (i32.and (i32.add (i32.const 4036) @@ -895,24 +895,24 @@ ) ) ) - (func $27 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) - (global.set $global$7 + (func $f27 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) + (global.set $g7 (local.get $0) ) - (global.set $global$6 + (global.set $g6 (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $28 (result i32) + (func $f28 (result i32) (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) - (global.get $global$6) + (global.get $g0) + (global.get $g6) ) ) - (func $29 (result i32) - (global.get $global$6) + (func $f29 (result i32) + (global.get $g6) ) - (func $30 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f30 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.eq (i32.load (local.get $0) @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ (i32.const 2) ) ) - (func $31 + (func $f31 (local $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) @@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ (block $label$2 (br_if $label$2 (i32.eqz - (call $10) + (call $f10) ) ) (br_if $label$1 @@ -943,26 +943,26 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 1804) ) ) (block $label$3 (br_if $label$3 (local.tee $0 - (call $32 - (call $14) + (call $f32 + (call $f14) ) ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 1804) ) ) (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz - (call $10) + (call $f10) ) ) (i32.store8 offset=1832 @@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ (br_if $label$4 (i32.eq (local.tee $2 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.tee $1 (i32.add (local.get $0) @@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ ) ) ) - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.tee $3 (i32.add (local.get $0) @@ -996,11 +996,11 @@ ) (loop $label$5 (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 1804) ) ) - (call $33 + (call $f33 (i32.load (i32.add (i32.load offset=4 @@ -1014,12 +1014,12 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 1804) ) ) (drop - (call $24 + (call $f24 (local.get $1) (local.tee $2 (i32.rem_s @@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ (br_if $label$5 ( (local.get $2) - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.get $3) ) ) @@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 1804) ) ) @@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@ ) (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz - (call $10) + (call $f10) ) ) (i32.store8 offset=1832 @@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $32 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f32 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 @@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ ) (unreachable) ) - (func $33 (param $0 i32) + (func $f33 (param $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (block $label$1 (block $label$2 @@ -2569,7 +2569,7 @@ ) ) ) - (call $34 + (call $f34 (local.get $0) ) (return) @@ -2588,30 +2588,30 @@ ) ) ) - (func $34 (param $0 i32) + (func $f34 (param $0 i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz (local.get $0) ) ) - (call $62 + (call $f62 (i32.load offset=184 (local.get $0) ) ) ) - (call $62 + (call $f62 (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $35 (param $0 i32) (param $1 f64) (result i32) + (func $f35 (param $0 i32) (param $1 f64) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 f64) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (local.tee $0 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.tee $2 (i32.add (local.get $0) @@ -2657,7 +2657,7 @@ ) ) (local.set $0 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.get $2) ) ) @@ -2685,18 +2685,18 @@ (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $36 (param $0 i32) + (func $f36 (param $0 i32) ( offset=1800 (i32.const 0) (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $37 (result i32) + (func $f37 (result i32) (i32.load offset=1800 (i32.const 0) ) ) - (func $38 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f38 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) @@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ (unreachable) ) (local.set $0 - (call $37) + (call $f37) ) ) (block $label$7 @@ -2741,11 +2741,11 @@ (br_if $label$7 ( (local.get $0) - (call $14) + (call $f14) ) ) ) - (call $33 + (call $f33 (local.get $1) ) (return @@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 1804) ) ) @@ -2761,7 +2761,7 @@ (br_if $label$9 (i32.load offset=4 (local.tee $2 - (call $39 + (call $f39 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -2769,7 +2769,7 @@ ) ( offset=4 (local.get $2) - (call $60 + (call $f60 (i32.const 512) ) ) @@ -2778,7 +2778,7 @@ (br_if $label$10 ( (local.tee $4 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.tee $3 (i32.add (local.get $2) @@ -2791,7 +2791,7 @@ (i32.rem_s (i32.add (local.tee $6 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.tee $5 (i32.add (local.get $2) @@ -2809,14 +2809,14 @@ ) (loop $label$11 (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 1804) ) ) (br_if $label$2 ( (local.get $0) - (call $37) + (call $f37) ) ) (drop @@ -2827,14 +2827,14 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 1804) ) ) (br_if $label$11 (i32.eq (local.tee $4 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.get $3) ) ) @@ -2842,7 +2842,7 @@ (i32.rem_s (i32.add (local.tee $6 - (call $23 + (call $f23 (local.get $5) ) ) @@ -2877,27 +2877,27 @@ (br_if $label$12 (call $fimport$10 (local.get $0) - (call $37) + (call $f37) ) ) - (call $34 + (call $f34 (local.get $1) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 1804) ) ) (br $label$1) ) (drop - (call $24 + (call $f24 (local.get $5) (local.get $7) ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 1804) ) ) @@ -2911,26 +2911,26 @@ ) (unreachable) ) - (call $34 + (call $f34 (local.get $1) ) ) (i32.const 0) ) - (func $39 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f39 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (local.tee $1 - (call $32 + (call $f32 (local.get $0) ) ) ) ( offset=12 align=4 (local.tee $1 - (call $60 + (call $f60 (i32.const 20) ) ) @@ -2983,31 +2983,31 @@ ) (local.get $1) ) - (func $40 (param $0 i32) + (func $f40 (param $0 i32) (drop - (call $38 - (call $37) + (call $f38 + (call $f37) (local.get $0) ) ) ) - (func $41 (param $0 i32) - (call $40 + (func $f41 (param $0 i32) + (call $f40 (local.get $0) ) (drop - (call $35 + (call $f35 (local.get $0) (f64.const inf) ) ) ) - (func $42 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f42 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $3 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 192) ) ) @@ -3036,7 +3036,7 @@ (local.get $3) (local.get $0) ) - (call $41 + (call $f41 (local.get $3) ) (local.set $0 @@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@ (local.get $3) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $3) (i32.const 192) @@ -3052,12 +3052,12 @@ ) (local.get $0) ) - (func $43 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) + (func $f43 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) (local $5 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $5 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 192) ) ) @@ -3100,7 +3100,7 @@ (local.get $5) (local.get $0) ) - (call $41 + (call $f41 (local.get $5) ) (local.set $0 @@ -3108,7 +3108,7 @@ (local.get $5) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $5) (i32.const 192) @@ -3116,11 +3116,11 @@ ) (local.get $0) ) - (func $44 + (func $f44 (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz - (call $9) + (call $f9) ) ) (br_if $label$1 @@ -3130,18 +3130,18 @@ ) ) ) - (call $31) + (call $f31) ) ) - (func $45 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (result f64) + (func $f45 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (result f64) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 f64) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $4 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 192) ) ) @@ -3167,7 +3167,7 @@ (br $label$1) ) (local.set $5 - (call $46) + (call $f46) ) ) ( offset=4 @@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@ (local.get $3) ) ) - (call $41 + (call $f41 (local.get $4) ) (local.set $7 @@ -3261,14 +3261,14 @@ ) (br $label$6) ) - (call $40 + (call $f40 (local.get $5) ) (local.set $7 (f64.const 0) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $4) (i32.const 192) @@ -3286,12 +3286,12 @@ ) (unreachable) ) - (func $46 (result i32) + (func $f46 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (local.tee $0 - (call $60 + (call $f60 (i32.const 192) ) ) @@ -3314,13 +3314,13 @@ ) (local.get $0) ) - (func $47 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32) (result i32) + (func $f47 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (param $5 i32) (result i32) (local $6 i32) (local $7 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $6 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 16) ) ) @@ -3329,7 +3329,7 @@ (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz (local.tee $7 - (call $46) + (call $f46) ) ) ) @@ -3578,13 +3578,13 @@ (br $label$9) ) (local.set $2 - (call $38 + (call $f38 (local.get $1) (local.get $7) ) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $6) (i32.const 16) @@ -3602,7 +3602,7 @@ ) (unreachable) ) - (func $48 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f48 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local.set $2 (i32.const 28) @@ -3615,7 +3615,7 @@ ) ) (local.set $2 - (call $7) + (call $f7) ) (block $label$2 (br_if $label$2 @@ -3640,15 +3640,15 @@ ) (local.get $2) ) - (func $49 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) + (func $f49 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) (local $5 i32) (local $6 f64) (local $7 i32) (local $8 f64) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $5 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 16) ) ) @@ -3765,13 +3765,13 @@ (block $label$8 (br_if $label$8 (local.tee $3 - (call $10) + (call $f10) ) ) (br_if $label$8 ( (i32.load offset=56 - (call $14) + (call $f14) ) (i32.const 1) ) @@ -3779,7 +3779,7 @@ (br_if $label$7 ( (i32.load offset=60 - (call $14) + (call $f14) ) (i32.const 1) ) @@ -3795,8 +3795,8 @@ (block $label$10 (br_if $label$10 (i32.eqz - (call $30 - (call $14) + (call $f30 + (call $f14) ) ) ) @@ -3811,7 +3811,7 @@ (local.get $3) ) ) - (call $44) + (call $f44) ) (br_if $label$2 (f64.le @@ -3896,7 +3896,7 @@ (i32.const 73) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $5) (i32.const 16) @@ -3904,18 +3904,18 @@ ) (local.get $7) ) - (func $50 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) + (func $f50 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) (local $5 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $5 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 16) ) ) ) (drop - (call $48 + (call $f48 (i32.const 1) (i32.add (local.get $5) @@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@ (i32.const 4) ) (local.set $0 - (call $49 + (call $f49 (local.get $0) (local.get $1) (local.get $2) @@ -3941,14 +3941,14 @@ (i32.const 1) ) (drop - (call $48 + (call $f48 (i32.load offset=12 (local.get $5) ) (i32.const 0) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $5) (i32.const 16) @@ -3956,7 +3956,7 @@ ) (local.get $0) ) - (func $51 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f51 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) @@ -3979,7 +3979,7 @@ ) (br_if $label$1 (i32.eqz - (call $52 + (call $f52 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 4) @@ -3998,7 +3998,7 @@ (br_if $label$1 ( (local.tee $3 - (call $13 + (call $f13 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -4061,7 +4061,7 @@ (br_if $label$1 ( (local.tee $3 - (call $13 + (call $f13 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -4117,7 +4117,7 @@ (i32.const 2147483647) ) (i32.load offset=40 - (call $7) + (call $f7) ) ) ) @@ -4125,11 +4125,11 @@ (i32.const 16) ) ) - (call $53 + (call $f53 (local.get $5) ) (drop - (call $52 + (call $f52 (local.get $2) (local.get $3) (local.tee $6 @@ -4141,7 +4141,7 @@ ) ) (local.set $3 - (call $50 + (call $f50 (local.get $2) (local.get $6) (i32.const 0) @@ -4149,7 +4149,7 @@ (local.get $4) ) ) - (call $54 + (call $f54 (local.get $5) ) (br_if $label$6 @@ -4167,7 +4167,7 @@ (br_if $label$5 (i32.eq (local.tee $3 - (call $13 + (call $f13 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -4178,14 +4178,14 @@ ) (local.get $3) ) - (func $52 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f52 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (local.get $0) (local.get $1) (local.get $2) ) ) - (func $53 (param $0 i32) + (func $f53 (param $0 i32) (drop (i32.atomic.rmw.add (local.get $0) @@ -4193,7 +4193,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $54 (param $0 i32) + (func $f54 (param $0 i32) (drop (i32.atomic.rmw.sub (local.get $0) @@ -4201,7 +4201,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $55 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f55 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.and @@ -4212,7 +4212,7 @@ ) ) (br_if $label$1 - (call $56 + (call $f56 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 4) @@ -4223,26 +4223,26 @@ (i32.const 0) ) ) - (call $51 + (call $f51 (local.get $0) (i32.const 0) ) ) - (func $56 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f56 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg (local.get $0) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 10) ) ) - (func $57 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f57 (param $0 i32) (result i32) ( (local.get $0) (i32.const 0) ) (i32.const 0) ) - (func $58 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f58 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) @@ -4252,7 +4252,7 @@ (i32.add (local.tee $2 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 32) ) ) @@ -4331,10 +4331,10 @@ ) (i32.const 0) ) - (func $59 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f59 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.const 0) ) - (func $60 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f60 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) @@ -4352,7 +4352,7 @@ (i32.const 0) ) ) - (call $61) + (call $f61) ) (block $label$2 (block $label$3 @@ -4370,7 +4370,7 @@ (i32.const 0) ) (br_if $label$2 - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2316) ) ) @@ -5883,7 +5883,7 @@ (i32.const 0) ) ) - (call $61) + (call $f61) ) (br_if $label$4 (i32.le_u @@ -6012,14 +6012,14 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2368) ) ) (br_if $label$9 (i32.eq (local.tee $5 - (call $66 + (call $f66 (i32.const 0) ) ) @@ -6128,7 +6128,7 @@ (br_if $label$50 ( (local.tee $0 - (call $66 + (call $f66 (local.get $2) ) ) @@ -6138,7 +6138,7 @@ (br $label$8) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2368) ) ) @@ -6174,7 +6174,7 @@ (br_if $label$10 (i32.eq (local.tee $5 - (call $66 + (call $f66 (local.get $2) ) ) @@ -6244,7 +6244,7 @@ (block $label$61 (br_if $label$61 (i32.eq - (call $66 + (call $f66 (local.get $1) ) (i32.const -1) @@ -6262,7 +6262,7 @@ (br $label$8) ) (drop - (call $66 + (call $f66 (i32.sub (i32.const 0) (local.get $2) @@ -6324,7 +6324,7 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 2368) ) ) @@ -6345,22 +6345,22 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2368) ) ) (local.set $5 - (call $66 + (call $f66 (local.get $7) ) ) (local.set $0 - (call $66 + (call $f66 (i32.const 0) ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 2368) ) ) @@ -8251,7 +8251,7 @@ (br $label$4) ) ( - (call $25) + (call $f25) (i32.const 48) ) (local.set $1 @@ -9047,25 +9047,25 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 2316) ) ) ) (local.get $1) ) - (func $61 + (func $f61 (local $0 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 16) ) ) ) (drop - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2368) ) ) @@ -9093,7 +9093,7 @@ ) (block $label$2 (br_if $label$2 - (call $57 + (call $f57 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 8) @@ -9101,7 +9101,7 @@ ) ) (br_if $label$2 - (call $58 + (call $f58 (i32.const 2316) (i32.add (local.get $0) @@ -9110,7 +9110,7 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $59 + (call $f59 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 8) @@ -9133,18 +9133,18 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 2368) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $0) (i32.const 16) ) ) ) - (func $62 (param $0 i32) + (func $f62 (param $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) @@ -9170,7 +9170,7 @@ ) ) (br_if $label$1 - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2316) ) ) @@ -10420,13 +10420,13 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 2316) ) ) ) ) - (func $63 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f63 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (i32.gt_u @@ -10435,17 +10435,17 @@ ) ) (return - (call $60 + (call $f60 (local.get $1) ) ) ) - (call $64 + (call $f64 (local.get $0) (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $64 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f64 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) @@ -10507,7 +10507,7 @@ ) ) ( - (call $25) + (call $f25) (i32.const 48) ) (return @@ -10517,7 +10517,7 @@ (block $label$5 (br_if $label$5 (local.tee $3 - (call $60 + (call $f60 (i32.add (i32.add (local.tee $1 @@ -10563,7 +10563,7 @@ ) ) (br_if $label$6 - (call $55 + (call $f55 (i32.const 2316) ) ) @@ -10725,7 +10725,7 @@ (i32.const 1) ) ) - (call $65 + (call $f65 (local.get $2) (local.get $3) ) @@ -10805,7 +10805,7 @@ (i32.const 1) ) ) - (call $65 + (call $f65 (local.get $0) (local.get $1) ) @@ -10827,14 +10827,14 @@ ) ) (drop - (call $20 + (call $f20 (i32.const 2316) ) ) ) (local.get $2) ) - (func $65 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) + (func $f65 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) @@ -12020,7 +12020,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $66 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f66 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) @@ -12095,27 +12095,27 @@ ) ) ( - (call $25) + (call $f25) (i32.const 48) ) (i32.const -1) ) - (func $67 (param $0 i32) + (func $f67 (param $0 i32) ) - (func $68 (param $0 i32) + (func $f68 (param $0 i32) ) - (func $69 (result i32) - (call $67 + (func $f69 (result i32) + (call $f67 (i32.const 2396) ) (i32.const 2404) ) - (func $70 - (call $68 + (func $f70 + (call $f68 (i32.const 2396) ) ) - (func $71 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f71 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (block $label$1 (br_if $label$1 (local.get $0) @@ -12125,12 +12125,12 @@ ) ) ( - (call $25) + (call $f25) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -1) ) - (func $72 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f72 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) @@ -12138,10 +12138,10 @@ (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) (local $9 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $3 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 32) ) ) @@ -12196,7 +12196,7 @@ (block $label$3 (block $label$4 (br_if $label$4 - (call $71 + (call $f71 (call $fimport$16 (i32.load offset=60 (local.get $0) @@ -12291,7 +12291,7 @@ ) (br_if $label$5 (i32.eqz - (call $71 + (call $f71 (call $fimport$16 (i32.load offset=60 (local.get $0) @@ -12390,7 +12390,7 @@ ) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.add (local.get $3) (i32.const 32) @@ -12398,33 +12398,33 @@ ) (local.get $4) ) - (func $73 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f73 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.const 0) ) - (func $74 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (result i64) + (func $f74 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (result i64) (i64.const 0) ) - (func $75 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f75 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.const 1) ) - (func $76 (param $0 i32) + (func $f76 (param $0 i32) ) - (func $77 (result i32) - (global.get $global$0) + (func $f77 (result i32) + (global.get $g0) ) - (func $78 (param $0 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (func $f78 (param $0 i32) + (global.set $g0 (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $79 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f79 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $1 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -12433,7 +12433,7 @@ ) (local.get $1) ) - (func $80 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f80 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (block $label$1 @@ -12453,18 +12453,18 @@ ) ) (return - (call $81 + (call $f81 (local.get $0) ) ) ) (local.set $1 - (call $75 + (call $f75 (local.get $0) ) ) (local.set $2 - (call $81 + (call $f81 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -12473,7 +12473,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (call $76 + (call $f76 (local.get $0) ) (return @@ -12492,7 +12492,7 @@ ) ) (local.set $2 - (call $80 + (call $f80 (i32.load offset=1584 (i32.const 0) ) @@ -12504,7 +12504,7 @@ (i32.eqz (local.tee $0 (i32.load - (call $69) + (call $f69) ) ) ) @@ -12523,7 +12523,7 @@ ) ) (local.set $1 - (call $75 + (call $f75 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -12541,7 +12541,7 @@ ) (local.set $2 (i32.or - (call $81 + (call $f81 (local.get $0) ) (local.get $2) @@ -12554,7 +12554,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (call $76 + (call $f76 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -12567,11 +12567,11 @@ ) ) ) - (call $70) + (call $f70) ) (local.get $2) ) - (func $81 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f81 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (block $label$1 @@ -12649,20 +12649,20 @@ ) (i32.const 0) ) - (func $82 (result i32) + (func $f82 (result i32) (i32.const 3448) ) - (func $83 + (func $f83 (call $fimport$17) ( offset=172 - (call $14) + (call $f14) (i32.add (i32.const 3448) (i32.const 40) ) ) ) - (func $84 + (func $f84 (local $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) @@ -12675,7 +12675,7 @@ (i32.eqz (i32.load offset=44 (local.tee $0 - (call $7) + (call $f7) ) ) ) diff --git a/test/lld/shared_add_to_table.wasm.out b/test/lld/shared_add_to_table.wasm.out index 556c162285f..e7195517f51 100644 --- a/test/lld/shared_add_to_table.wasm.out +++ b/test/lld/shared_add_to_table.wasm.out @@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ (import "GOT.mem" "waka_mine" (global $gimport$5 (mut i32))) (import "GOT.mem" "waka_others" (global $gimport$6 (mut i32))) (import "env" "_Z16waka_func_theirsi" (func $waka_func_theirs\28int\29 (param i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 i32 (i32.const 0)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g0 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 0)) (data $0 (global.get $gimport$1) "*\00\00\00") (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "__wasm_apply_relocs" (func $__wasm_apply_relocs)) (export "_Z14waka_func_minei" (func $waka_func_mine\28int\29)) (export "__original_main" (func $__original_main)) - (export "waka_mine" (global $global$0)) + (export "waka_mine" (global $g0)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__dso_handle" (global $global$1)) + (export "__dso_handle" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors (call $__wasm_apply_relocs) ) diff --git a/test/metadatas.wasm.fromBinary b/test/metadatas.wasm.fromBinary index 6fe72523eaf..c81b924441a 100644 --- a/test/metadatas.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/metadatas.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (export "a" (func $0)) - (func $0 + (export "a" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (nop) ) ;; custom section "emscripten_metadata", size 7 diff --git a/test/metadce/segments.wast.dced b/test/metadce/segments.wast.dced index a5694e863ac..756bd637b28 100644 --- a/test/metadce/segments.wast.dced +++ b/test/metadce/segments.wast.dced @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "g1" (global $g1 i32)) (import "env" "g2" (global $g2 i32)) - (memory $0 3) + (memory $m0 3) (data $0 (global.get $g2) "xxx") (table $tbl 1 funcref) (elem $0 (global.get $g1) $f) diff --git a/test/metadce/spanning_cycle.wast.dced b/test/metadce/spanning_cycle.wast.dced index 2341de82eea..9ecd7a29233 100644 --- a/test/metadce/spanning_cycle.wast.dced +++ b/test/metadce/spanning_cycle.wast.dced @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (import "env" "js_func" (func $a_js_func (type $0))) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (data $0 "Hello, datacount section!") (export "wasm_func_a" (func $a_wasm_func)) (func $a_wasm_func (type $0) diff --git a/test/mutable-global.wasm.fromBinary b/test/mutable-global.wasm.fromBinary index ab60a2dd97f..1cacedc572b 100644 --- a/test/mutable-global.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/mutable-global.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (import "env" "global-mut" (global $gimport$0 (mut i32))) - (func $0 + (func $f0 (global.set $gimport$0 (i32.add (global.get $gimport$0) diff --git a/test/passes/O.bin.txt b/test/passes/O.bin.txt index 3302ebcc710..9d76fcd7072 100644 --- a/test/passes/O.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/O.bin.txt @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ (module (type $0 (func (param i64) (result i64))) - (export "fac-rec" (func $0)) - (export "fac-rec-named" (func $1)) - (export "fac-iter" (func $2)) - (export "fac-iter-named" (func $3)) - (export "fac-opt" (func $4)) - (func $0 (param $0 i64) (result i64) + (export "fac-rec" (func $f0)) + (export "fac-rec-named" (func $f1)) + (export "fac-iter" (func $f2)) + (export "fac-iter-named" (func $f3)) + (export "fac-opt" (func $f4)) + (func $f0 (param $0 i64) (result i64) (if (result i64) (i64.eqz (local.get $0) @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ) (else (i64.mul - (call $0 + (call $f0 (i64.sub (local.get $0) (i64.const 1) @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $1 (param $0 i64) (result i64) + (func $f1 (param $0 i64) (result i64) (if (result i64) (i64.eqz (local.get $0) @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ) (else (i64.mul - (call $1 + (call $f1 (i64.sub (local.get $0) (i64.const 1) @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ ) ) ) - (func $2 (param $0 i64) (result i64) + (func $f2 (param $0 i64) (result i64) (unreachable) ) - (func $3 (param $0 i64) (result i64) + (func $f3 (param $0 i64) (result i64) (local $1 i64) (local.set $1 (i64.const 1) @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ) (local.get $1) ) - (func $4 (param $0 i64) (result i64) + (func $f4 (param $0 i64) (result i64) (local $1 i64) (local.set $1 (i64.const 1) diff --git a/test/passes/converge_O3_metrics.bin.txt b/test/passes/converge_O3_metrics.bin.txt index 712172cc794..3610b1d0fbf 100644 --- a/test/passes/converge_O3_metrics.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/converge_O3_metrics.bin.txt @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ total (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) (import "env" "table" (table $timport$0 478 478 funcref)) (import "env" "___syscall146" (func $import$0 (param i32 i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 1)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 1)) (data $0 (i32.const 2948) "\03") (data $1 (i32.const 6828) "\04") (data $2 (i32.const 7028) "\r\00\00\00\06") @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ total (i32.const 0) ) (func $___stdout_write (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.const 32) ) ( diff --git a/test/passes/dce_vacuum_remove-unused-names.bin.txt b/test/passes/dce_vacuum_remove-unused-names.bin.txt index 8a01d2ee58b..03eb79a0291 100644 --- a/test/passes/dce_vacuum_remove-unused-names.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/dce_vacuum_remove-unused-names.bin.txt @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ (module (type $0 (func (param f32 f32) (result f32))) (type $1 (func (param f64 f64) (result f64))) - (export "f32.compute_radix" (func $0)) - (export "f64.compute_radix" (func $1)) - (func $0 (param $0 f32) (param $1 f32) (result f32) + (export "f32.compute_radix" (func $f0)) + (export "f64.compute_radix" (func $f1)) + (func $f0 (param $0 f32) (param $1 f32) (result f32) (loop $label$2 (br_if $label$2 (f32.eq @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ) (block (drop - (call $0 + (call $f0 (f32.add (local.get $0) (local.tee $1 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ (unreachable) ) ) - (func $1 (param $0 f64) (param $1 f64) (result f64) + (func $f1 (param $0 f64) (param $1 f64) (result f64) (loop $label$2 (br_if $label$2 (f64.eq diff --git a/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=1.txt b/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=1.txt index a61abe7224f..e57adc06130 100644 --- a/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=1.txt +++ b/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=1.txt @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (nop) ) ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 3 3 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 3 3 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $keep2 $keep2 $caller) (export "keep2" (func $keep2)) (export "other" (func $keep2)) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2-after-two-passes (nop) ) @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep-4 (nop) ) @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ (type $2 (func)) (type $3 (func (param i32))) (type $T (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep4-similar-but-func-sig-differs (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ (module (type $1 (func (param i32))) (type $S (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2-similar-but-func-sig-differs (param $i i32) (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (nop) ) @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $block0 ) @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $block0 ) @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $block0 (nop) @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $block0 (nop) @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $block0 (nop) @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-since-block-names-do-not-matter (block $foo ) @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-since-block-names-do-not-matter (block $foo (br $foo) @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (block @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (br_if $foo @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $foo (br_if $foo @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (br_table $foo $foo @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (loop $bar (nop) @@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (block $foo (result i32) @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (block $bar @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $foo (block $bar @@ -348,14 +348,14 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (call $erase) ) ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2-but-in-theory-we-could-erase (call $keep2-but-in-theory-we-could-erase) ) @@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ (type $FUNCSIG$v (func)) (import "env" "i" (func $i)) (import "env" "j" (func $j)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (call $i) ) @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ (type $FUNCSIG$v (func)) (import "env" "i" (func $i)) (import "env" "j" (func $j)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (call $i) ) @@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ ) (module (type $T (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $erase $erase) (func $erase (call_indirect (type $T) @@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ ) (module (type $T (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $keep2 $other) (func $keep2 (call_indirect (type $T) @@ -413,8 +413,8 @@ ) (module (type $T (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $keep2 $keep2) (func $keep2 (call_indirect (type $T) @@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-even-locals-with-different-names (local $i i32) (drop @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (local $i i32) (drop @@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-even-locals-with-different-names (local $i i32) (local.set $i @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (local $i i32) (local.set $i @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (local $i i32) (local.set $i @@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $erase (drop (i32.load @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load offset=3 @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_s offset=3 @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_s @@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_s offset=3 @@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_u offset=3 @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $erase ( (i32.const 0) @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 ( offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 (i32.const 0) @@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i64.const 0) @@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.const 0.10000000149011612) @@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f64.const 0.1) @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (f32.abs @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.abs @@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.abs @@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (f32.add @@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.add @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.add @@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.add @@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (select @@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (select @@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (select @@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (select @@ -974,14 +974,14 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (return) ) ) (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (result i32) (return (i32.const 0) @@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (result i32) (return (i32.const 0) @@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (memory.size) @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (memory.grow @@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (memory.grow @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (memory.size) diff --git a/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=2.txt b/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=2.txt index 27ea0bffbbe..db8ea896158 100644 --- a/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=2.txt +++ b/test/passes/duplicate-function-elimination_optimize-level=2.txt @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (nop) ) ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 3 3 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 3 3 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $keep2 $keep2 $caller) (export "keep2" (func $keep2)) (export "other" (func $keep2)) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2-after-two-passes (nop) ) @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep-4 (nop) ) @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ (type $2 (func)) (type $3 (func (param i32))) (type $T (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep4-similar-but-func-sig-differs (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ (module (type $1 (func (param i32))) (type $S (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2-similar-but-func-sig-differs (param $i i32) (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (nop) ) @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $block0 ) @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $block0 ) @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $block0 (nop) @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $block0 (nop) @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $block0 (nop) @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-since-block-names-do-not-matter (block $foo ) @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-since-block-names-do-not-matter (block $foo (br $foo) @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (block @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (br_if $foo @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $foo (br_if $foo @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (br_table $foo $foo @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (loop $bar (nop) @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (block $foo (result i32) @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (block $foo (block $bar @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (block $foo (block $bar @@ -345,14 +345,14 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (call $erase) ) ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2-but-in-theory-we-could-erase (call $keep2-but-in-theory-we-could-erase) ) @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ (type $FUNCSIG$v (func)) (import "env" "i" (func $i)) (import "env" "j" (func $j)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (call $i) ) @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ (type $FUNCSIG$v (func)) (import "env" "i" (func $i)) (import "env" "j" (func $j)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (call $i) ) @@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ ) (module (type $T (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $erase $erase) (func $erase (call_indirect (type $T) @@ -394,8 +394,8 @@ ) (module (type $T (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $keep2 $other) (func $keep2 (call_indirect (type $T) @@ -410,8 +410,8 @@ ) (module (type $T (func)) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $keep2 $keep2) (func $keep2 (call_indirect (type $T) @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-even-locals-with-different-names (local $i i32) (drop @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (local $i i32) (drop @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase-even-locals-with-different-names (local $i i32) (local.set $i @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (local $i i32) (local.set $i @@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (local $i i32) (local.set $i @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $erase (drop (i32.load @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load offset=3 @@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_s offset=3 @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_s @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_s offset=3 @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.load16_u offset=3 @@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $erase ( (i32.const 0) @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 ( offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 (i32.const 0) @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 10) + (memory $m0 10) (func $keep2 (i32.store16 offset=3 (i32.const 0) @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i32.const 0) @@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (i64.const 0) @@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.const 0.10000000149011612) @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f64.const 0.1) @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (f32.abs @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.abs @@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.abs @@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (f32.add @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.add @@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.add @@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep2 (drop (f32.add @@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (select @@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (select @@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (select @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (select @@ -971,14 +971,14 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (return) ) ) (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (result i32) (return (i32.const 0) @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (result i32) (return (i32.const 0) @@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (memory.size) @@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $erase (drop (memory.grow @@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (memory.grow @@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $keep (drop (memory.size) diff --git a/test/passes/duplicate-import-elimination.txt b/test/passes/duplicate-import-elimination.txt index 4ea4c164433..37a7b8f7893 100644 --- a/test/passes/duplicate-import-elimination.txt +++ b/test/passes/duplicate-import-elimination.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ (type $1 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "waka" (func $foo)) (import "env" "waka" (func $wrong (param i32))) - (table $0 2 2 funcref) + (table $t0 2 2 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $foo $foo) (export "baz" (func $baz)) (start $foo) diff --git a/test/passes/dwarf-local-order.bin.txt b/test/passes/dwarf-local-order.bin.txt index f6b827702ba..7507cb4dece 100644 --- a/test/passes/dwarf-local-order.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/dwarf-local-order.bin.txt @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $foo (result i32) @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ (local $19 i32) (local $20 i32) (local.set $0 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (local.set $1 (i32.const 16) @@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $foo (result i32) @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ ;; code offset: 0x33 (local.set $0 ;; code offset: 0x31 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0x37 (local.set $1 @@ -394,14 +394,14 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $foo (result i32) @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ (local $19 f32) (local $20 f32) (local.set $0 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (local.set $1 (i32.const 16) @@ -549,14 +549,14 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $foo (result i32) @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ (local $19 f32) (local $20 f32) (local.set $0 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (local.set $1 (i32.const 16) diff --git a/test/passes/dwarf_with_exceptions.bin.txt b/test/passes/dwarf_with_exceptions.bin.txt index 8a70d511a33..8dd842f5be9 100644 --- a/test/passes/dwarf_with_exceptions.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/dwarf_with_exceptions.bin.txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ (import "env" "__cxa_end_catch" (func $__cxa_end_catch)) (import "env" "_ZSt9terminatev" (func $std::terminate\28\29)) (global $__stack_pointer (mut i32) (i32.const 66560)) - (memory $0 2) + (memory $m0 2) (tag $tag$0 (param i32)) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $dwarf_with_exceptions\28\29 @@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ file_names[ 1]: (import "env" "__cxa_end_catch" (func $__cxa_end_catch)) (import "env" "_ZSt9terminatev" (func $std::terminate\28\29)) (global $__stack_pointer (mut i32) (i32.const 66560)) - (memory $0 2) + (memory $m0 2) (tag $tag$0 (param i32)) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $dwarf_with_exceptions\28\29 diff --git a/test/passes/dwarfdump.bin.txt b/test/passes/dwarfdump.bin.txt index ddab8ad1ec2..514ec05fd68 100644 --- a/test/passes/dwarfdump.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/dwarfdump.bin.txt @@ -113,19 +113,19 @@ file_names[ 1]: (import "env" "stackAlloc" (func $fimport$5 (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "stackRestore" (func $fimport$6 (param i32))) (import "env" "__growWasmMemory" (func $fimport$7 (param i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 i32 (i32.const 1532)) + (global $g0 i32 (i32.const 1532)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $fimport$0)) (export "_Z3foov" (func $fimport$0)) - (export "__errno_location" (func $0)) + (export "__errno_location" (func $f0)) (export "setThrew" (func $fimport$3)) (export "malloc" (func $fimport$1)) (export "free" (func $fimport$2)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$0)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g0)) (export "stackSave" (func $fimport$4)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $fimport$5)) (export "stackRestore" (func $fimport$6)) (export "__growWasmMemory" (func $fimport$7)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (func $f0 (result i32) (i32.const 1024) ) ;; custom section "sourceMappingURL", size 15 diff --git a/test/passes/dwarfdump_roundtrip_dwarfdump.bin.txt b/test/passes/dwarfdump_roundtrip_dwarfdump.bin.txt index 8f88bbbffac..d26a603eca0 100644 --- a/test/passes/dwarfdump_roundtrip_dwarfdump.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/dwarfdump_roundtrip_dwarfdump.bin.txt @@ -201,19 +201,19 @@ file_names[ 1]: (import "env" "stackAlloc" (func $fimport$5 (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "stackRestore" (func $fimport$6 (param i32))) (import "env" "__growWasmMemory" (func $fimport$7 (param i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 i32 (i32.const 1532)) + (global $g0 i32 (i32.const 1532)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $fimport$0)) (export "_Z3foov" (func $fimport$0)) - (export "__errno_location" (func $0)) + (export "__errno_location" (func $f0)) (export "setThrew" (func $fimport$3)) (export "malloc" (func $fimport$1)) (export "free" (func $fimport$2)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$0)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g0)) (export "stackSave" (func $fimport$4)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $fimport$5)) (export "stackRestore" (func $fimport$6)) (export "__growWasmMemory" (func $fimport$7)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (func $f0 (result i32) (i32.const 1024) ) ;; custom section "sourceMappingURL", size 15 diff --git a/test/passes/fannkuch0_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/fannkuch0_dwarf.bin.txt index e761baf7009..f1300a0c728 100644 --- a/test/passes/fannkuch0_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/fannkuch0_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -5201,12 +5201,12 @@ file_names[ 3]: (import "env" "free" (func $free (param i32))) (import "env" "atoi" (func $atoi (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "printf" (func $printf (param i32 i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243952)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1069)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243952)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1069)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "Wrong argument.\n\00Pfannkuchen(%d) = %d.\n\00%d\00\n\00") (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $fannkuch_worker\28void*\29 (param $0 i32) (result i32) @@ -5457,7 +5457,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ;; code offset: 0x1f2 (local.set $1 ;; code offset: 0x1f0 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0x1f7 (local.set $2 @@ -5475,7 +5475,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x202 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x200 (local.get $3) ) @@ -7317,7 +7317,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x86e - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x86b (local.get $195) ) @@ -7829,7 +7829,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ;; code offset: 0xa9e (local.set $2 ;; code offset: 0xa9c - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0xaa2 (local.set $3 @@ -7847,7 +7847,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0xaad - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0xaab (local.get $4) ) @@ -8175,7 +8175,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0xbbf - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0xbbd (local.get $36) ) @@ -8368,7 +8368,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ;; code offset: 0xd31 (local.set $1 ;; code offset: 0xd2f - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0xd35 (local.set $2 @@ -8386,7 +8386,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0xd40 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0xd3e (local.get $3) ) @@ -10145,7 +10145,7 @@ file_names[ 3]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x1359 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x1356 (local.get $179) ) diff --git a/test/passes/fannkuch3_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/fannkuch3_dwarf.bin.txt index f58068ec384..5ca8c616d13 100644 --- a/test/passes/fannkuch3_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/fannkuch3_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -4804,12 +4804,12 @@ file_names[ 4]: (import "env" "puts" (func $puts (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "iprintf" (func $iprintf (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "putchar" (func $putchar (param i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243952)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1066)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243952)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1066)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "Pfannkuchen(%d) = %d.\n\00%d\00Wrong argument.\00") (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $fannkuch_worker\28void*\29 (param $0 i32) (result i32) @@ -6008,13 +6008,13 @@ file_names[ 4]: (local $7 i32) (local $8 i32) ;; code offset: 0x3bb - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x3b9 (local.tee $2 ;; code offset: 0x3b8 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x3b4 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x3b6 (i32.const 32) ) @@ -6981,7 +6981,7 @@ file_names[ 4]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x6a6 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x6a5 (i32.add ;; code offset: 0x6a1 diff --git a/test/passes/fannkuch3_manyopts_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/fannkuch3_manyopts_dwarf.bin.txt index fb6008541b2..cc434c4c931 100644 --- a/test/passes/fannkuch3_manyopts_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/fannkuch3_manyopts_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -4685,12 +4685,12 @@ file_names[ 4]: (import "env" "puts" (func $puts (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "iprintf" (func $iprintf (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "putchar" (func $putchar (param i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243952)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1066)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243952)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1066)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "Pfannkuchen(%d) = %d.\n\00%d\00Wrong argument.\00") (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $fannkuch_worker\28void*\29 (param $0 i32) (result i32) @@ -5872,13 +5872,13 @@ file_names[ 4]: (local $9 i32) (local $10 i32) ;; code offset: 0x399 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x397 (local.tee $8 ;; code offset: 0x396 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x392 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x394 (i32.const 32) ) @@ -6821,7 +6821,7 @@ file_names[ 4]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x65d - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x65c (i32.add ;; code offset: 0x658 diff --git a/test/passes/fib2_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/fib2_dwarf.bin.txt index 9d633f78b2d..5c914f3c527 100644 --- a/test/passes/fib2_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/fib2_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -619,11 +619,11 @@ file_names[ 1]: (type $3 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) (import "env" "__indirect_function_table" (table $timport$0 1 funcref)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $fib (param $0 i32) (result i32) diff --git a/test/passes/fib2_emptylocspan_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/fib2_emptylocspan_dwarf.bin.txt index 6d9078ccc08..d46ce6cf59c 100644 --- a/test/passes/fib2_emptylocspan_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/fib2_emptylocspan_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -619,11 +619,11 @@ file_names[ 1]: (type $3 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) (import "env" "__indirect_function_table" (table $timport$0 1 funcref)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $fib (param $0 i32) (result i32) diff --git a/test/passes/fib_nonzero-low-pc_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/fib_nonzero-low-pc_dwarf.bin.txt index 8d1c7faa89a..31bd903361f 100644 --- a/test/passes/fib_nonzero-low-pc_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/fib_nonzero-low-pc_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -516,11 +516,11 @@ file_names[ 1]: (import "env" "__stack_pointer" (global $gimport$0 (mut i32))) (import "env" "__memory_base" (global $gimport$1 i32)) (import "env" "__table_base" (global $gimport$2 i32)) - (global $global$0 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g0 i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "__wasm_apply_relocs" (func $__wasm_apply_relocs)) (export "fib" (func $fib)) - (export "__dso_handle" (global $global$0)) + (export "__dso_handle" (global $g0)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ;; code offset: 0x3 (call $__wasm_apply_relocs) diff --git a/test/passes/flatten.bin.txt b/test/passes/flatten.bin.txt index 53fbcc3977f..d0ed244d5a7 100644 --- a/test/passes/flatten.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/flatten.bin.txt @@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ (type $7 (func (param f64) (result f64))) (type $8 (func (param i64 f32 f64 i32 i32))) (type $9 (func (param i64 f32 f64 i32 i32) (result f64))) - (export "type-local-i32" (func $0)) - (export "type-local-i64" (func $1)) - (export "type-local-f32" (func $2)) - (export "type-local-f64" (func $3)) - (export "type-param-i32" (func $4)) - (export "type-param-i64" (func $5)) - (export "type-param-f32" (func $6)) - (export "type-param-f64" (func $7)) - (export "type-mixed" (func $8)) - (export "read" (func $9)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (export "type-local-i32" (func $f0)) + (export "type-local-i64" (func $f1)) + (export "type-local-f32" (func $f2)) + (export "type-local-f64" (func $f3)) + (export "type-param-i32" (func $f4)) + (export "type-param-i64" (func $f5)) + (export "type-param-f32" (func $f6)) + (export "type-param-f64" (func $f7)) + (export "type-mixed" (func $f8)) + (export "read" (func $f9)) + (func $f0 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (local $1 i32) (local.set $1 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $1 (result i64) + (func $f1 (result i64) (local $0 i64) (local $1 i64) (local.set $1 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $2 (result f32) + (func $f2 (result f32) (local $0 f32) (local $1 f32) (local.set $1 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $3 (result f64) + (func $f3 (result f64) (local $0 f64) (local $1 f64) (local.set $1 @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $4 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f4 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local.set $1 (local.get $0) @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $5 (param $0 i64) (result i64) + (func $f5 (param $0 i64) (result i64) (local $1 i64) (local.set $1 (local.get $0) @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $6 (param $0 f32) (result f32) + (func $f6 (param $0 f32) (result f32) (local $1 f32) (local.set $1 (local.get $0) @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $7 (param $0 f64) (result f64) + (func $f7 (param $0 f64) (result f64) (local $1 f64) (local.set $1 (local.get $0) @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $8 (param $0 i64) (param $1 f32) (param $2 f64) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) + (func $f8 (param $0 i64) (param $1 f32) (param $2 f64) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (local $5 i64) (local $6 i64) (local $7 f32) @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ ) (unreachable) ) - (func $9 (param $0 i64) (param $1 f32) (param $2 f64) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result f64) + (func $f9 (param $0 i64) (param $1 f32) (param $2 f64) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result f64) (local $5 i64) (local $6 i64) (local $7 f32) diff --git a/test/passes/fpcast-emu_pass-arg=max-func-params@5.txt b/test/passes/fpcast-emu_pass-arg=max-func-params@5.txt index 1a093dd1ea9..ab5fb098795 100644 --- a/test/passes/fpcast-emu_pass-arg=max-func-params@5.txt +++ b/test/passes/fpcast-emu_pass-arg=max-func-params@5.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (param i64 i64 i64 i64 i64) (result i64))) (type $vijfd (func (param i32 i64 f32 f64))) - (table $0 10 10 funcref) + (table $t0 10 10 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $byn$fpcast-emu$a) (func $a (param $x i32) (param $y i64) (param $z f32) (param $w f64) (drop diff --git a/test/passes/func-metrics.txt b/test/passes/func-metrics.txt index b61e8146ec9..eae0f52dc21 100644 --- a/test/passes/func-metrics.txt +++ b/test/passes/func-metrics.txt @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ func: ifs (type $1 (func)) (type $0 (func (param i32))) (global $glob i32 (i32.const 1337)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 0) "\ff\ef\0f\1f 0@P\99") - (table $0 256 256 funcref) + (table $t0 256 256 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $ifs $ifs $ifs) (func $empty (nop) diff --git a/test/passes/ignore_missing_func_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/ignore_missing_func_dwarf.bin.txt index 6cc13c97762..2348f086dca 100644 --- a/test/passes/ignore_missing_func_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/ignore_missing_func_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ (type $3 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) (import "env" "__indirect_function_table" (table $timport$0 1 funcref)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5244064)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1172)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5244064)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1172)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "\nvoid used(int x) {\n x++;\n x--;\n return x;\n}\n\nvoid unused(int x) {\n x >>= 1;\n x <<= 1;\n return x;\n}\n\nint main() {\n return used(42);\n}\n\00") (data $1 (i32.const 1168) "\00\04\00\00") (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $used\28int\29 (param $0 i32) (result i32) @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ;; code offset: 0xe (local.set $1 ;; code offset: 0x8 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0x12 (local.set $2 @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ ;; code offset: 0x69 (local.set $0 ;; code offset: 0x63 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0x6d (local.set $1 @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ ) ) ;; code offset: 0x78 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x76 (local.get $2) ) @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ ) ) ;; code offset: 0xba - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0xb8 (local.get $10) ) @@ -828,13 +828,13 @@ file_names[ 1]: (type $3 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) (import "env" "__indirect_function_table" (table $timport$0 1 funcref)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5244064)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1172)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5244064)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1172)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "\nvoid used(int x) {\n x++;\n x--;\n return x;\n}\n\nvoid unused(int x) {\n x >>= 1;\n x <<= 1;\n return x;\n}\n\nint main() {\n return used(42);\n}\n\00") (data $1 (i32.const 1168) "\00\04\00\00") (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $used\28int\29 (param $0 i32) (result i32) @@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x1c (local.set $1 ;; code offset: 0x1a - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0x20 (local.set $2 @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x87 (local.set $0 ;; code offset: 0x85 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) ;; code offset: 0x8b (local.set $1 @@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x96 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x94 (local.get $2) ) @@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0xcd - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0xcb (local.get $10) ) diff --git a/test/passes/inlined_to_start_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/inlined_to_start_dwarf.bin.txt index 16c68c2ca5e..8166890afd3 100644 --- a/test/passes/inlined_to_start_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/inlined_to_start_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -415,18 +415,18 @@ file_names[ 1]: (type $3 (func (param i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243920)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1028)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243920)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1028)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "\00\00\00\00") - (table $0 1 1 funcref) - (export "__indirect_function_table" (table $0)) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) + (export "__indirect_function_table" (table $t0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) (export "__errno_location" (func $__errno_location)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors ) (func $dsquare\28int\2c\20int\29 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) @@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) (func $stackSave (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x1d - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) ;; code offset: 0x24 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x22 (local.get $0) ) @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) ;; code offset: 0x37 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x35 (local.tee $1 ;; code offset: 0x34 @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x31 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x2d - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x2f (local.get $0) ) diff --git a/test/passes/licm.txt b/test/passes/licm.txt index 83edd78c3d2..496b8ca1817 100644 --- a/test/passes/licm.txt +++ b/test/passes/licm.txt @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ (type $4 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (global $glob (mut i32) (i32.const 1)) (global $glob-imm i32 (i32.const 1)) - (memory $0 1) + (memory $m0 1) (func $loop1 (drop (i32.const 10) diff --git a/test/passes/limit-segments_disable-bulk-memory.txt b/test/passes/limit-segments_disable-bulk-memory.txt index ed3388dc4a6..2fd50179534 100644 --- a/test/passes/limit-segments_disable-bulk-memory.txt +++ b/test/passes/limit-segments_disable-bulk-memory.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ (module - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 0) "a") (data $1 (i32.const 3) "a") (data $2 (i32.const 6) "a") diff --git a/test/passes/metrics_all-features.txt b/test/passes/metrics_all-features.txt index a5e80db455c..6378fbe26f0 100644 --- a/test/passes/metrics_all-features.txt +++ b/test/passes/metrics_all-features.txt @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ total (type $0 (func (param i32))) (type $1 (func (param i32 i32))) (global $glob i32 (i32.const 1337)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 (i32.const 0) "\ff\ef\0f\1f 0@P\99") - (table $0 256 256 funcref) + (table $t0 256 256 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $ifs $ifs $ifs) (tag $e0 (param i32)) (tag $e1 (param i32 i32)) diff --git a/test/passes/metrics_strip-debug_metrics.bin.txt b/test/passes/metrics_strip-debug_metrics.bin.txt index 848db9e32f6..d545d629b96 100644 --- a/test/passes/metrics_strip-debug_metrics.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/metrics_strip-debug_metrics.bin.txt @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ total Nop : 1 (module (type $0 (func)) - (export "a" (func $0)) - (func $0 + (export "a" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (nop) ) ;; custom section "emscripten_metadata", size 7 diff --git a/test/passes/metrics_strip-producers_metrics.bin.txt b/test/passes/metrics_strip-producers_metrics.bin.txt index 65d6bd6a80f..920506e6463 100644 --- a/test/passes/metrics_strip-producers_metrics.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/metrics_strip-producers_metrics.bin.txt @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ total Nop : 1 (module (type $0 (func)) - (export "a" (func $0)) - (func $0 + (export "a" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (nop) ) ;; custom section "emscripten_metadata", size 7 diff --git a/test/passes/multi_line_table_dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/multi_line_table_dwarf.bin.txt index 66b6eb226a6..eb9871a4304 100644 --- a/test/passes/multi_line_table_dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/multi_line_table_dwarf.bin.txt @@ -428,12 +428,12 @@ file_names[ 1]: (import "env" "__stack_pointer" (global $gimport$0 (mut i32))) (import "env" "__memory_base" (global $gimport$1 i32)) (import "env" "__table_base" (global $gimport$2 i32)) - (global $global$0 i32 (i32.const 0)) + (global $g0 i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "__wasm_apply_relocs" (func $__wasm_apply_relocs)) (export "sideg" (func $sideg)) (export "sidef" (func $sidef)) - (export "__dso_handle" (global $global$0)) + (export "__dso_handle" (global $g0)) (func $__wasm_call_ctors (type $0) ;; code offset: 0x3 (call $__wasm_apply_relocs) diff --git a/test/passes/nm.txt b/test/passes/nm.txt index 808bcb0e1fb..9a4e07361db 100644 --- a/test/passes/nm.txt +++ b/test/passes/nm.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ c : 13 (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 0) + (memory $m0 0) (func $a (nop) ) diff --git a/test/passes/optimize-added-constants-propagate_low-memory-unused.txt b/test/passes/optimize-added-constants-propagate_low-memory-unused.txt index 98169960325..ffb323625de 100644 --- a/test/passes/optimize-added-constants-propagate_low-memory-unused.txt +++ b/test/passes/optimize-added-constants-propagate_low-memory-unused.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (param i32))) (type $1 (func)) (type $2 (func (param i32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (func $consts (drop (i32.load diff --git a/test/passes/optimize-added-constants_low-memory-unused.txt b/test/passes/optimize-added-constants_low-memory-unused.txt index 9baf092af87..6f5c21bd81e 100644 --- a/test/passes/optimize-added-constants_low-memory-unused.txt +++ b/test/passes/optimize-added-constants_low-memory-unused.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (param i32))) (type $2 (func (param i32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (func $consts (drop (i32.load diff --git a/test/passes/pick-load-signs.txt b/test/passes/pick-load-signs.txt index 1f866a8f91f..5390b8d0058 100644 --- a/test/passes/pick-load-signs.txt +++ b/test/passes/pick-load-signs.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 1) + (memory $m0 1) (func $a (local $y i32) (local.set $y diff --git a/test/passes/post-emscripten.txt b/test/passes/post-emscripten.txt index 186cdeb7675..2c669e3d875 100644 --- a/test/passes/post-emscripten.txt +++ b/test/passes/post-emscripten.txt @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ (type $2 (func (param i32 i32 f32))) (type $3 (func)) (import "env" "invoke_vif" (func $invoke_vif (param i32 i32 f32))) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 7 7 funcref) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 7 7 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 1) $exc $other_safe $other_unsafe $deep_safe $deep_unsafe) (func $exc (call $other_safe @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ (type $3 (func (param i32 f32))) (import "env" "glob" (global $glob i32)) (import "env" "invoke_vif" (func $invoke_vif (param i32 i32 f32))) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 7 7 funcref) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 7 7 funcref) (elem $0 (global.get $glob) $other_safe) (func $exc (call $invoke_vif @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ (type $2 (func (param i32 f32))) (import "env" "glob" (global $glob i32)) (import "env" "invoke_vif" (func $invoke_vif (param i32 i32 f32))) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 7 7 funcref) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 7 7 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $other_safe) (func $exc (call $invoke_vif diff --git a/test/passes/precompute-propagate_all-features.txt b/test/passes/precompute-propagate_all-features.txt index 6f5a716f93b..f7dc0373c82 100644 --- a/test/passes/precompute-propagate_all-features.txt +++ b/test/passes/precompute-propagate_all-features.txt @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32 i64))) (type $4 (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $5 (func (result v128))) - (memory $0 10 10) + (memory $m0 10 10) (func $basic (type $0) (param $p i32) (local $x i32) (local.set $x diff --git a/test/passes/print.bin.txt b/test/passes/print.bin.txt index 25b2cc38720..8bcde317615 100644 --- a/test/passes/print.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/print.bin.txt @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackSave (result i32) - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) @@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackSave (result i32) - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.get $0) ) ) diff --git a/test/passes/print_g.bin.txt b/test/passes/print_g.bin.txt index 174230388c9..f3fa69a859a 100644 --- a/test/passes/print_g.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/print_g.bin.txt @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ ) (func $stackSave (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x37 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x46 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x44 (local.tee $0 ;; code offset: 0x43 @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ ;; code offset: 0x40 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x3c - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x3e (local.get $0) ) @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) ;; code offset: 0x4f - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x4d (local.get $0) ) @@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) @@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ ) (func $stackSave (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x37 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x46 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x44 (local.tee $0 ;; code offset: 0x43 @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ ;; code offset: 0x40 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x3c - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x3e (local.get $0) ) @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) ;; code offset: 0x4f - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x4d (local.get $0) ) diff --git a/test/passes/print_g_metrics.bin.txt b/test/passes/print_g_metrics.bin.txt index 2acec546f4a..099e262a430 100644 --- a/test/passes/print_g_metrics.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/print_g_metrics.bin.txt @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ (type $0 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $1 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $2 (func)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) (export "a" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "b" (func $main)) (export "c" (func $stackAlloc)) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ total (type $0 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $1 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (type $2 (func)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) (export "a" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "b" (func $main)) (export "c" (func $stackAlloc)) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) diff --git a/test/passes/print_g_strip-dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/print_g_strip-dwarf.bin.txt index 967e03f3d39..da9243ee33d 100644 --- a/test/passes/print_g_strip-dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/print_g_strip-dwarf.bin.txt @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackSave (result i32) - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.get $0) ) ) @@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ (type $3 (func (result i32))) (type $4 (func (param i32))) (import "env" "memory" (memory $mimport$0 256 256)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5243904)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 1024)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $__wasm_call_ctors)) (export "main" (func $main)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) (export "stackSave" (func $stackSave)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $stackAlloc)) (export "stackRestore" (func $stackRestore)) @@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackSave (result i32) - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (func $stackAlloc (param $0 i32) (result i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.tee $0 (i32.and (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (local.get $0) ) (i32.const -16) @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ (local.get $0) ) (func $stackRestore (param $0 i32) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (local.get $0) ) ) diff --git a/test/passes/remove-imports.txt b/test/passes/remove-imports.txt index 28a4db60f9b..86f7ff2875f 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-imports.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-imports.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ (import "env" "table" (table $table 1 1 funcref)) (import "env" "memBase" (global $gimport$0 i32)) (import "somewhere" "waka-sneaky" (func $waka-sneaky)) - (memory $0 1024 1024) + (memory $m0 1024 1024) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $waka-sneaky) (func $nada (nop) diff --git a/test/passes/remove-non-js-ops.txt b/test/passes/remove-non-js-ops.txt index a89c7af9410..3540ad0ae7a 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-non-js-ops.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-non-js-ops.txt @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ (import "env" "wasm2js_get_stashed_bits" (func $wasm2js_get_stashed_bits (result i32))) (import "env" "wasm2js_trap" (func $wasm2js_trap)) (global $__wasm-intrinsics-temp-i64 (mut i64) (i64.const 0)) - (memory $0 1) + (memory $m0 1) (func $copysign64 (param $0 f64) (param $1 f64) (result f64) (f64.reinterpret_i64 (i64.or diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_enable-multivalue.txt b/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_enable-multivalue.txt index f3c1b7d7733..267cfef4337 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_enable-multivalue.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_enable-multivalue.txt @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ (type $10 (func (result f32))) (type $11 (func (param i32) (result f32))) (type $12 (func (param i32 f64 i32 f64 f32 f32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $b0-yes (param $i1 i32) (block $topmost ) diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1.txt b/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1.txt index 24696cb8355..15e80355908 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $2 (func (result i32))) (type $1 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $b14 (result i32) (drop (select diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1_ignore-implicit-traps.txt b/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1_ignore-implicit-traps.txt index 82f76d359c7..5284024f472 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1_ignore-implicit-traps.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-brs_shrink-level=1_ignore-implicit-traps.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $2 (func (result i32))) (type $1 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $b14 (result i32) (drop (select diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-names.txt b/test/passes/remove-unused-names.txt index bba63259aaf..fad220fa06b 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-names.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-names.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $1 (func)) (type $0 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $2 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $b0 (param $i1 i32) (result i32) (i32.const 0) ) diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-names_merge-blocks_all-features.txt b/test/passes/remove-unused-names_merge-blocks_all-features.txt index c1c803af5dd..91f65e05328 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-names_merge-blocks_all-features.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-names_merge-blocks_all-features.txt @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ (type $ii (func (param i32 i32))) (type $iii (func (param i32 i32 i32))) (type $5 (func (result f64))) - (memory $0 256 256 shared) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (memory $m0 256 256 shared) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $call-i) (func $call-i (type $i) (param $0 i32) (nop) @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ (drop (i32.const 50) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $ii) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $ii) (i32.const 20) (i32.const 40) (i32.const 60) @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ (drop (i32.const 50) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $ii) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $ii) (unreachable) (i32.const 40) (i32.const 60) @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ (drop (i32.const 51) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $ii) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $ii) (i32.const 41) (unreachable) (i32.const 61) @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ (drop (i32.const 52) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $ii) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $ii) (i32.const 42) (i32.const 62) (unreachable) diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.txt b/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.txt index e125373d8d8..8614ceec350 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.txt +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.txt @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (param i32))) (type $2 (func (param i32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 0) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (memory $m0 0) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0) $called_indirect) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (export "memory" (memory $m0)) (export "exported" (func $exported)) (export "other1" (func $other1)) (export "other2" (func $other2)) @@ -51,40 +51,40 @@ (call $remove3) ) (func $other1 (type $1) (param $0 i32) - (call_indirect $0 (type $0) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $0) (i32.const 0) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $0) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $0) (i32.const 0) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $0) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $0) (i32.const 0) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $0) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $0) (i32.const 0) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $1) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) ) - (call_indirect $0 (type $1) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $1) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) ) (drop - (call_indirect $0 (type $2) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) ) ) (drop - (call_indirect $0 (type $2) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) ) ) (drop - (call_indirect $0 (type $2) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $2) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) ) @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func (param f64) (result f64))) - (table $0 6 6 funcref) + (table $t0 6 6 funcref) (func $0 (type $0) (param $var$0 f64) (result f64) (if (result f64) (f64.eq @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ (f64.const 1) ) (then - (call_indirect $0 (type $0) + (call_indirect $t0 (type $0) (f64.const 1) (i32.const 0) ) diff --git a/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.wast b/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.wast index dd37822c0a4..aa26ab846b7 100644 --- a/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.wast +++ b/test/passes/remove-unused-nonfunction-module-elements_all-features.wast @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ (type $2 (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $2-dupe (func (param i32) (result i32))) (type $2-thrupe (func (param i32) (result i32))) - (export "memory" (memory $0)) + (export "memory" (memory 0)) (export "exported" (func $exported)) (export "other1" (func $other1)) (export "other2" (func $other2)) diff --git a/test/passes/reorder-functions.txt b/test/passes/reorder-functions.txt index 985a90f57c8..1d24a902df5 100644 --- a/test/passes/reorder-functions.txt +++ b/test/passes/reorder-functions.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $c (call $c) (call $c) diff --git a/test/passes/reorder-locals.txt b/test/passes/reorder-locals.txt index b202dc33704..5cfa0874c84 100644 --- a/test/passes/reorder-locals.txt +++ b/test/passes/reorder-locals.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $1 (func)) (type $0 (func (param i32 i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $b0-yes (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (local $z i32) (local $y i32) diff --git a/test/passes/reverse_dwarf_abbrevs.bin.txt b/test/passes/reverse_dwarf_abbrevs.bin.txt index 2500b625b1b..fc2d9e2bfde 100644 --- a/test/passes/reverse_dwarf_abbrevs.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/reverse_dwarf_abbrevs.bin.txt @@ -125,33 +125,33 @@ file_names[ 1]: (import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "fd_write" (func $fimport$0 (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "emscripten_memcpy_big" (func $fimport$1 (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "setTempRet0" (func $fimport$2 (param i32))) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5245136)) - (global $global$1 i32 (i32.const 2248)) + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 5245136)) + (global $g1 i32 (i32.const 2248)) (data $0 (i32.const 1024) "hello, world!\00\00\00\18\04") (data $1 (i32.const 1048) "\05") (data $2 (i32.const 1060) "\01") (data $3 (i32.const 1084) "\02\00\00\00\03\00\00\00\c8\04\00\00\00\04") (data $4 (i32.const 1108) "\01") (data $5 (i32.const 1123) "\n\ff\ff\ff\ff") - (elem $0 (i32.const 1) $6 $5 $7) - (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $0)) - (export "main" (func $2)) - (export "__errno_location" (func $3)) - (export "stackSave" (func $18)) - (export "stackRestore" (func $19)) - (export "stackAlloc" (func $20)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$1)) - (export "dynCall_jiji" (func $22)) - (export "__growWasmMemory" (func $23)) - (func $0 + (elem $0 (i32.const 1) $f6 $f5 $f7) + (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $f0)) + (export "main" (func $f2)) + (export "__errno_location" (func $f3)) + (export "stackSave" (func $f18)) + (export "stackRestore" (func $f19)) + (export "stackAlloc" (func $f20)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g1)) + (export "dynCall_jiji" (func $f22)) + (export "__growWasmMemory" (func $f23)) + (func $f0 ;; code offset: 0x3 (nop) ) - (func $1 (result i32) + (func $f1 (result i32) ;; code offset: 0xc (drop ;; code offset: 0xa - (call $14 + (call $f14 ;; code offset: 0x7 (i32.const 1024) ) @@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0xd (i32.const 0) ) - (func $2 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f2 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x12 - (call $1) + (call $f1) ) - (func $3 (result i32) + (func $f3 (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x17 (i32.const 1200) ) - (func $4 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f4 (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x20 (if ;; code offset: 0x1f @@ -186,14 +186,14 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x2a ( ;; code offset: 0x26 - (call $3) + (call $f3) ;; code offset: 0x28 (local.get $0) ) ;; code offset: 0x2d (i32.const -1) ) - (func $5 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f5 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) @@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local $8 i32) (local $9 i32) ;; code offset: 0x48 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x46 (local.tee $3 ;; code offset: 0x45 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x41 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x43 (i32.const 32) ) @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0xa4 (i32.eqz ;; code offset: 0xa2 - (call $4 + (call $f4 ;; code offset: 0xa0 (call $fimport$0 ;; code offset: 0x91 @@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x124 (i32.eqz ;; code offset: 0x122 - (call $4 + (call $f4 ;; code offset: 0x120 (call $fimport$0 ;; code offset: 0x105 @@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x194 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x193 (i32.add ;; code offset: 0x18f @@ -638,15 +638,15 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x196 (local.get $4) ) - (func $6 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f6 (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x19b (i32.const 0) ) - (func $7 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (result i64) + (func $f7 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i64) (param $2 i32) (result i64) ;; code offset: 0x1a0 (i64.const 0) ) - (func $8 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f8 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) ;; code offset: 0x1b6 (i32.store8 offset=74 @@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x1fa (i32.const 0) ) - (func $9 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f9 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) @@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x402 (local.get $0) ) - (func $10 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) + (func $f10 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (result i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) @@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x422 (br_if $label$1 ;; code offset: 0x420 - (call $8 + (call $f8 ;; code offset: 0x41e (local.get $2) ) @@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x4af (drop ;; code offset: 0x4ad - (call $9 + (call $f9 ;; code offset: 0x4a7 (local.get $5) ;; code offset: 0x4a9 @@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x4c5 (local.get $4) ) - (func $11 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (result i32) + (func $f11 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (result i32) (local $4 i32) (local $5 i32) ;; code offset: 0x4d3 @@ -1650,7 +1650,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x4e9 (local.set $0 ;; code offset: 0x4e7 - (call $10 + (call $f10 ;; code offset: 0x4e1 (local.get $0) ;; code offset: 0x4e3 @@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x4f2 (local.set $5 ;; code offset: 0x4f0 - (call $15 + (call $f15 ;; code offset: 0x4ee (local.get $3) ) @@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x4fc (local.set $0 ;; code offset: 0x4fa - (call $10 + (call $f10 ;; code offset: 0x4f4 (local.get $0) ;; code offset: 0x4f6 @@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x505 - (call $16 + (call $f16 ;; code offset: 0x503 (local.get $3) ) @@ -1729,7 +1729,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local.get $1) ) ) - (func $12 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f12 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) ;; code offset: 0x537 (select @@ -1740,7 +1740,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x536 ( ;; code offset: 0x532 - (call $11 + (call $f11 ;; code offset: 0x526 (local.get $0) ;; code offset: 0x528 @@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x52e (local.tee $2 ;; code offset: 0x52c - (call $17 + (call $f17 ;; code offset: 0x52a (local.get $0) ) @@ -1761,18 +1761,18 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) ) ) - (func $13 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (func $f13 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) (local $4 i32) ;; code offset: 0x549 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x547 (local.tee $3 ;; code offset: 0x546 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x542 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x544 (i32.const 16) ) @@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x566 (br_if $label$1 ;; code offset: 0x564 - (call $8 + (call $f8 ;; code offset: 0x562 (local.get $0) ) @@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ) ) ;; code offset: 0x5c9 - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x5c8 (i32.add ;; code offset: 0x5c4 @@ -1939,7 +1939,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x5cb (local.get $2) ) - (func $14 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f14 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) ;; code offset: 0x5e2 @@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x5e8 (local.set $2 ;; code offset: 0x5e6 - (call $15 + (call $f15 ;; code offset: 0x5e4 (local.get $1) ) @@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x5f7 (i32.lt_s ;; code offset: 0x5f3 - (call $12 + (call $f12 ;; code offset: 0x5ef (local.get $0) ;; code offset: 0x5f1 @@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x634 (i32.shr_s ;; code offset: 0x630 - (call $13 + (call $f13 ;; code offset: 0x62c (local.get $1) ;; code offset: 0x62e @@ -2074,7 +2074,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local.get $2) (then ;; code offset: 0x63e - (call $16 + (call $f16 ;; code offset: 0x63c (local.get $1) ) @@ -2083,15 +2083,15 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x641 (local.get $0) ) - (func $15 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f15 (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x646 (i32.const 1) ) - (func $16 (param $0 i32) + (func $f16 (param $0 i32) ;; code offset: 0x64b (nop) ) - (func $17 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f17 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) (local $2 i32) (local $3 i32) @@ -2282,21 +2282,21 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $18 (result i32) + (func $f18 (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x6e5 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) - (func $19 (param $0 i32) + (func $f19 (param $0 i32) ;; code offset: 0x6ec - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x6ea (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $20 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f20 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (local $1 i32) ;; code offset: 0x6fd - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 ;; code offset: 0x6fb (local.tee $1 ;; code offset: 0x6fa @@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x6f7 (i32.sub ;; code offset: 0x6f3 - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ;; code offset: 0x6f5 (local.get $0) ) @@ -2316,7 +2316,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x6ff (local.get $1) ) - (func $21 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i64) (param $3 i32) (result i64) + (func $f21 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i64) (param $3 i32) (result i64) ;; code offset: 0x70c (call_indirect (type $6) ;; code offset: 0x704 @@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local.get $0) ) ) - (func $22 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) + (func $f22 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (param $2 i32) (param $3 i32) (param $4 i32) (result i32) (local $5 i64) ;; code offset: 0x72c (call $fimport$2 @@ -2340,7 +2340,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: ;; code offset: 0x726 (local.tee $5 ;; code offset: 0x724 - (call $21 + (call $f21 ;; code offset: 0x714 (local.get $0) ;; code offset: 0x716 @@ -2378,7 +2378,7 @@ file_names[ 1]: (local.get $5) ) ) - (func $23 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (func $f23 (param $0 i32) (result i32) ;; code offset: 0x736 (memory.grow ;; code offset: 0x734 diff --git a/test/passes/roundtrip.txt b/test/passes/roundtrip.txt index 84e95488787..01e28b2d507 100644 --- a/test/passes/roundtrip.txt +++ b/test/passes/roundtrip.txt @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ ) ) (module - (memory $0 1 1) - (table $0 0 funcref) + (memory $m0 1 1) + (table $t0 0 funcref) ) diff --git a/test/passes/roundtrip_signed.bin.txt b/test/passes/roundtrip_signed.bin.txt index 686a35260a5..32116d3c64f 100644 --- a/test/passes/roundtrip_signed.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/roundtrip_signed.bin.txt @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) - (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) - (memory $0 16 17) - (export "as-br_table-index" (func $0)) - (export "as-local.set-value" (func $0)) - (func $0 + (global $g0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) + (memory $m0 16 17) + (export "as-br_table-index" (func $f0)) + (export "as-local.set-value" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (if (i32.eqz - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) ) (then (return) ) ) - (global.set $global$0 + (global.set $g0 (i32.sub - (global.get $global$0) + (global.get $g0) (i32.const 1) ) ) diff --git a/test/passes/safe-heap_disable-simd.txt b/test/passes/safe-heap_disable-simd.txt index e3ff8f6c2e4..49c334626ba 100644 --- a/test/passes/safe-heap_disable-simd.txt +++ b/test/passes/safe-heap_disable-simd.txt @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (func $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_1_1 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local.set $2 @@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $foo (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (func $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_1_1 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (local.set $2 @@ -4955,7 +4955,7 @@ (type $9 (func (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (export "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $foo)) (func $foo (result i32) (drop diff --git a/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt b/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt index ffc912a3c74..fbdbaa9adfc 100644 --- a/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt +++ b/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 100 100 shared) + (memory $m0 100 100 shared) (func $loads (drop (call $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_4_4 @@ -4019,7 +4019,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 100 100) + (memory $m0 100 100) (func $loads (drop (call $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_4_4 diff --git a/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd64.txt b/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd64.txt index 38482cd7d1c..3c9469917c6 100644 --- a/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd64.txt +++ b/test/passes/safe-heap_enable-threads_enable-simd64.txt @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i64))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 i64 100 100 shared) + (memory $m0 i64 100 100 shared) (func $loads (drop (call $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_4_4 @@ -4125,7 +4125,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i64))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 i64 100 100) + (memory $m0 i64 100 100) (func $loads (drop (call $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_4_4 diff --git a/test/passes/safe-heap_low-memory-unused_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt b/test/passes/safe-heap_low-memory-unused_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt index 72b68f218e5..594bc327298 100644 --- a/test/passes/safe-heap_low-memory-unused_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt +++ b/test/passes/safe-heap_low-memory-unused_enable-threads_enable-simd.txt @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 100 100 shared) + (memory $m0 100 100 shared) (func $loads (drop (call $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_4_4 @@ -4019,7 +4019,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 100 100) + (memory $m0 100 100) (func $loads (drop (call $SAFE_HEAP_LOAD_i32_4_4 diff --git a/test/passes/safe-heap_start-function.txt b/test/passes/safe-heap_start-function.txt index a2445b18da3..078e2ffe927 100644 --- a/test/passes/safe-heap_start-function.txt +++ b/test/passes/safe-heap_start-function.txt @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ (import "env" "emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr" (func $emscripten_get_sbrk_ptr (result i32))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault)) (import "env" "alignfault" (func $alignfault)) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (start $mystart) (func $mystart ( diff --git a/test/passes/simplify-locals-nostructure.txt b/test/passes/simplify-locals-nostructure.txt index 18b7052d4e2..e44bf40c32e 100644 --- a/test/passes/simplify-locals-nostructure.txt +++ b/test/passes/simplify-locals-nostructure.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func)) (type $1 (func (param i32 i32) (result f64))) (type $2 (func (param i32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 1) + (memory $m0 1) (func $contrast (local $x i32) (local $y i32) diff --git a/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features.txt b/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features.txt index befbe33efb7..72e10dc2eb5 100644 --- a/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features.txt +++ b/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features.txt @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ (import "env" "lp" (func $lp (type $9) (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "fuzzing-support" "log-f32" (func $fimport$0 (type $10) (param f32))) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $contrast (type $FUNCSIG$v) (local $x i32) (local $y i32) @@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ (import "fuzzing-support" "log2" (func $fimport$1 (type $4) (param i32))) (import "fuzzing-support" "log3" (func $fimport$2 (type $7) (param f32))) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) - (memory $0 256 256 shared) + (memory $m0 256 256 shared) (func $nonatomics (type $FUNCSIG$i) (result i32) (local $x i32) (nop) @@ -1815,7 +1815,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 "hello, there!") (func $memory-init-load (type $0) (local $x i32) diff --git a/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features_disable-exception-handling.txt b/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features_disable-exception-handling.txt index 111223c49c5..21ffa68b0ff 100644 --- a/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features_disable-exception-handling.txt +++ b/test/passes/simplify-locals_all-features_disable-exception-handling.txt @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ (import "env" "lp" (func $lp (type $9) (param i32 i32) (result i32))) (import "fuzzing-support" "log-f32" (func $fimport$0 (type $10) (param f32))) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (func $contrast (type $FUNCSIG$v) (local $x i32) (local $y i32) @@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ (import "fuzzing-support" "log2" (func $fimport$1 (type $4) (param i32))) (import "fuzzing-support" "log3" (func $fimport$2 (type $7) (param f32))) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) - (memory $0 256 256 shared) + (memory $m0 256 256 shared) (func $nonatomics (type $FUNCSIG$i) (result i32) (local $x i32) (nop) @@ -1809,7 +1809,7 @@ ) (module (type $0 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) + (memory $m0 256 256) (data $0 "hello, there!") (func $memory-init-load (type $0) (local $x i32) diff --git a/test/passes/sparse_matrix_liveness.bin.txt b/test/passes/sparse_matrix_liveness.bin.txt index 62f7582c8f6..9f419ee0a31 100644 --- a/test/passes/sparse_matrix_liveness.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/sparse_matrix_liveness.bin.txt @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ total LocalSet : 1 (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (export "foo" (func $0)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (export "foo" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (local.set $0 (i32.const 0) diff --git a/test/passes/spill-pointers.txt b/test/passes/spill-pointers.txt index 0c51683efdf..aeab8121e9f 100644 --- a/test/passes/spill-pointers.txt +++ b/test/passes/spill-pointers.txt @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ (import "env" "STACKTOP" (global $STACKTOP$asm2wasm$import i32)) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault (param i32))) (global $stack_ptr (mut i32) (global.get $STACKTOP$asm2wasm$import)) - (memory $0 10) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (memory $m0 10) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0)) (func $nothing (nop) @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ (type $5 (func (param f64))) (import "env" "segfault" (func $segfault (param i32))) (global $stack_ptr (mut i32) (i32.const 1716592)) - (memory $0 10) - (table $0 1 1 funcref) + (memory $m0 10) + (table $t0 1 1 funcref) (elem $0 (i32.const 0)) (export "stackSave" (func $stack_save)) (func $stack_save (result i32) diff --git a/test/passes/ssa-nomerge_enable-simd.txt b/test/passes/ssa-nomerge_enable-simd.txt index 4c7a186ebce..33006b52578 100644 --- a/test/passes/ssa-nomerge_enable-simd.txt +++ b/test/passes/ssa-nomerge_enable-simd.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ (type $1 (func (param i32 i32))) (type $2 (func)) (global $global$0 (mut i32) (i32.const 1)) - (memory $0 1 1) + (memory $m0 1 1) (func $basics (param $x i32) (local $y i32) (local $z f32) diff --git a/test/passes/ssa_fuzz-exec_enable-threads.txt b/test/passes/ssa_fuzz-exec_enable-threads.txt index 04d6ef59a6e..089f14ca65d 100644 --- a/test/passes/ssa_fuzz-exec_enable-threads.txt +++ b/test/passes/ssa_fuzz-exec_enable-threads.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) (memory $0 1 1 shared) - (table $0 0 0 funcref) + (table $t0 0 0 funcref) (export "func_0" (func $0)) (func $0 (result i32) (local $var$0 i32) diff --git a/test/passes/strip-debug.bin.txt b/test/passes/strip-debug.bin.txt index 817b55a04b0..c66d681ebce 100644 --- a/test/passes/strip-debug.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/strip-debug.bin.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (result i32))) (import "env" "__linear_memory" (memory $mimport$0 0)) (import "env" "__indirect_function_table" (table $timport$0 0 funcref)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (func $f0 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (local.set $0 (i32.const 1) diff --git a/test/passes/strip-dwarf.bin.txt b/test/passes/strip-dwarf.bin.txt index f41f8a513ef..0c615ddf3f5 100644 --- a/test/passes/strip-dwarf.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/strip-dwarf.bin.txt @@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ (import "env" "stackAlloc" (func $fimport$5 (param i32) (result i32))) (import "env" "stackRestore" (func $fimport$6 (param i32))) (import "env" "__growWasmMemory" (func $fimport$7 (param i32) (result i32))) - (global $global$0 i32 (i32.const 1532)) + (global $g0 i32 (i32.const 1532)) (export "__wasm_call_ctors" (func $fimport$0)) (export "_Z3foov" (func $fimport$0)) - (export "__errno_location" (func $0)) + (export "__errno_location" (func $f0)) (export "setThrew" (func $fimport$3)) (export "malloc" (func $fimport$1)) (export "free" (func $fimport$2)) - (export "__data_end" (global $global$0)) + (export "__data_end" (global $g0)) (export "stackSave" (func $fimport$4)) (export "stackAlloc" (func $fimport$5)) (export "stackRestore" (func $fimport$6)) (export "__growWasmMemory" (func $fimport$7)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (func $f0 (result i32) (i32.const 1024) ) ;; custom section "sourceMappingURL", size 15 diff --git a/test/passes/strip-producers.bin.txt b/test/passes/strip-producers.bin.txt index df8ffb0231e..f11bf17ea1a 100644 --- a/test/passes/strip-producers.bin.txt +++ b/test/passes/strip-producers.bin.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ (type $0 (func (result i32))) (import "env" "__linear_memory" (memory $mimport$0 0)) (import "env" "__indirect_function_table" (table $timport$0 0 funcref)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (func $f0 (result i32) (local $0 i32) (local.set $0 (i32.const 1) diff --git a/test/passes/vacuum_ignore-implicit-traps.txt b/test/passes/vacuum_ignore-implicit-traps.txt index 49fd9285cb8..d7ad4bd6a1c 100644 --- a/test/passes/vacuum_ignore-implicit-traps.txt +++ b/test/passes/vacuum_ignore-implicit-traps.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) (type $1 (func)) - (memory $0 1) + (memory $m0 1) (func $load-would-normally-have-side-effects (result i32) (i64.ge_s (i64.const 2912825531628789796) diff --git a/test/reduce/atomics-and-bulk-memory.wast.txt b/test/reduce/atomics-and-bulk-memory.wast.txt index 2b1e8aed05e..e961392d6e5 100644 --- a/test/reduce/atomics-and-bulk-memory.wast.txt +++ b/test/reduce/atomics-and-bulk-memory.wast.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (memory $0 1 1) - (export "foo" (func $0)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (memory $m0 1 1) + (export "foo" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (result i32) (i32.atomic.store8 (i32.const 0) (i32.const 99) diff --git a/test/reduce/destructive.wast.txt b/test/reduce/destructive.wast.txt index ad4c7b2bc7c..b2534f27186 100644 --- a/test/reduce/destructive.wast.txt +++ b/test/reduce/destructive.wast.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (param i32) (result i32))) - (export "x" (func $0)) - (func $0 (param $0 i32) (result i32) + (export "x" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (param $0 i32) (result i32) (i32.const 100) ) ) diff --git a/test/reduce/imports.wast.txt b/test/reduce/imports.wast.txt index f7e68fa636a..b8b03563939 100644 --- a/test/reduce/imports.wast.txt +++ b/test/reduce/imports.wast.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (export "x" (func $0)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (export "x" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (result i32) (i32.const 5678) ) ) diff --git a/test/reduce/memory_table.wast.txt b/test/reduce/memory_table.wast.txt index ca2fde91414..e376108130f 100644 --- a/test/reduce/memory_table.wast.txt +++ b/test/reduce/memory_table.wast.txt @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) (type $1 (func)) - (memory $0 256 256) - (table $0 354 354 i31ref) - (elem $0 (table $0) (i32.const 0) i31ref (item (ref.i31 + (memory $m0 256 256) + (table $t0 354 354 i31ref) + (elem $0 (table $t0) (i32.const 0) i31ref (item (ref.i31 (i32.const 0) )) (item (ref.i31 (i32.const 42) ))) - (export "f1" (func $0)) - (export "f2" (func $1)) - (export "f4" (func $2)) - (export "f5" (func $3)) - (func $0 + (export "f1" (func $f0)) + (export "f2" (func $f1)) + (export "f4" (func $f2)) + (export "f5" (func $f3)) + (func $f0 ) - (func $1 (result i32) + (func $f1 (result i32) ( (i32.const 0) (i32.const 65530) @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ (i32.const 0) ) ) - (func $2 (result i32) + (func $f2 (result i32) (i32.add - (call $1) + (call $f1) (i32.const 1234) ) ) - (func $3 (result i32) + (func $f3 (result i32) (i31.get_u - (table.get $0 + (table.get $t0 (i32.const 1) ) ) diff --git a/test/reduce/simple.wast.txt b/test/reduce/simple.wast.txt index f7e68fa636a..b8b03563939 100644 --- a/test/reduce/simple.wast.txt +++ b/test/reduce/simple.wast.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (export "x" (func $0)) - (func $0 (result i32) + (export "x" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (result i32) (i32.const 5678) ) ) diff --git a/test/stacky.wasm.fromBinary b/test/stacky.wasm.fromBinary index 9891e10716c..444ba3f9bc1 100644 --- a/test/stacky.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/stacky.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ (module (type $0 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32))) - (memory $0 256 256) - (export "add" (func $0)) - (func $0 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) + (memory $m0 256 256) + (export "add" (func $f0)) + (func $f0 (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32) (local $2 i32) (i32.add (block (result i32) diff --git a/test/try-delegate.wasm.fromBinary b/test/try-delegate.wasm.fromBinary index 07aee56113c..3e876d97e35 100644 --- a/test/try-delegate.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/try-delegate.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (module (type $0 (func)) (tag $tag$0) - (func $0 + (func $f0 (try $label$6 (do (block $label$1 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ) ) ) - (func $1 + (func $f1 (try $label$9 (do (block $label$1 diff --git a/test/unreachable-pops.wasm.fromBinary b/test/unreachable-pops.wasm.fromBinary index 08af405f262..a950b03df13 100644 --- a/test/unreachable-pops.wasm.fromBinary +++ b/test/unreachable-pops.wasm.fromBinary @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) - (func $0 (result i32) + (func $f0 (result i32) (block $label$1 (result i32) (unreachable) ) diff --git a/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js index cbad74a7383..6ce39a072de 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { } return { - "atomic_fence": $0 + "atomic_fence": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js.opt index cbad74a7383..6ce39a072de 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/atomic_fence.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { } return { - "atomic_fence": $0 + "atomic_fence": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/br.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/br.2asm.js index a0e9239793d..5d42df96990 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/br.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/br.2asm.js @@ -18,556 +18,556 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1() { + function f1() { } - function $2() { + function f2() { } - function $3() { + function f3() { } - function $4() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f4() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $5() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0; + function f5() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $0_1 = 2; + $0 = 2; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; break block; } i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $6() { - var $0_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f6() { + var $0 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $0_1 = Math_fround(3.0); + $0 = Math_fround(3.0); break block; } - return Math_fround($0_1); + return Math_fround($0); } - function $7() { - var $0_1 = 0.0; + function f7() { + var $0 = 0.0; block : { - $0_1 = 4.0; + $0 = 4.0; break block; } - return +$0_1; + return +$0; } - function $8() { + function f8() { } - function $9() { + function f9() { block : { dummy(); break block; } } - function $10() { + function f10() { block : { dummy(); break block; } } - function $11() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f11() { + var $0 = 0; block : { dummy(); - $0_1 = 2; + $0 = 2; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $12() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f12() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $3 = 0; block : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { - $0_1 = 3; + $0 = 3; break block; }; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $13() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f13() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $3 = 0; block : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { dummy(); - $0_1 = 4; + $0 = 4; break block; }; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $14() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f14() { + var $0 = 0; block : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { dummy(); - $0_1 = 5; + $0 = 5; break block; }; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $15() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f15() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 9; + $0 = 9; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $16() { + function f16() { } - function $17() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f17() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $18() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f18() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 9; + $0 = 9; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $19() { + function f19() { } - function $20() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f20() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 10; + $0 = 10; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $21() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f21() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 11; + $0 = 11; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $22() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0; + function f22() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $0_1 = 7; + $0 = 7; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; break block; } i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $23() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0; + function f23() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 2; + $0 = 2; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $24($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f24($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { - if ($0_1) { - $3_1 = 3; + if ($0) { + $3 = 3; break block; } else { - $5_1 = $1_1 + $5 = $1 } - $3_1 = $5_1; + $3 = $5; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $25($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f25($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { - if ($0_1) { - $5_1 = $1_1 + if ($0) { + $5 = $1 } else { - $4_1 = 4; + $4 = 4; break block; } - $4_1 = $5_1; + $4 = $5; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $26($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f26($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = 5; + $2 = 5; break block; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $27($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f27($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = $0_1; - $3_1 = 6; + $2 = $0; + $3 = 6; break block; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $28() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f28() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 7; + $0 = 7; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function f($0_1, $1_1, $2_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; + function f($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; return -1 | 0; } - function $29() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f29() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 12; + $0 = 12; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $30() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f30() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 13; + $0 = 13; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $31() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f31() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 14; + $0 = 14; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $32() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f32() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 20; + $0 = 20; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $33() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f33() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 21; + $0 = 21; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $34() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f34() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 22; + $0 = 22; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $35() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f35() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 23; + $0 = 23; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $36() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f36() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 17; + $1 = 17; break block; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $37() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f37() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 1; + $1 = 1; break block; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $38() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f38() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $39() { - var $0_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f39() { + var $0 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $0_1 = Math_fround(1.7000000476837158); + $0 = Math_fround(1.7000000476837158); break block; } - return Math_fround($0_1); + return Math_fround($0); } - function $40() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0; + function f40() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $0_1 = 30; + $0 = 30; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; break block; } i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $41() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f41() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 30; + $0 = 30; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $42() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f42() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 31; + $0 = 31; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $43() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f43() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 32; + $0 = 32; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $44() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f44() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 33; + $0 = 33; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $45() { - var $0_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f45() { + var $0 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $0_1 = Math_fround(3.4000000953674316); + $0 = Math_fround(3.4000000953674316); break block; } - return Math_fround($0_1); + return Math_fround($0); } - function $46() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f46() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 3; + $0 = 3; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $47() { - var $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + function f47() { + var $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 45; + $0 = 45; $0$hi = 0; break block; } i64toi32_i32$1 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $48() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f48() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 44; + $0 = 44; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $49() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f49() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 43; + $0 = 43; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $50() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f50() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 42; + $0 = 42; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $51() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f51() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 41; + $0 = 41; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $52() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f52() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 40; + $0 = 40; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $53() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f53() { + var $0 = 0; block : { dummy(); - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } - return 1 + $0_1 | 0 | 0; + return 1 + $0 | 0 | 0; } - function $54() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f54() { + var $0 = 0; block : { block0 : { - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } } - return 1 + $0_1 | 0 | 0; + return 1 + $0 | 0 | 0; } - function $55() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0; + function f55() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } - return 1 + $0_1 | 0 | 0; + return 1 + $0 | 0 | 0; } - function $56() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f56() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } - return 1 + $0_1 | 0 | 0; + return 1 + $0 | 0 | 0; } - function $57() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f57() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } - return 1 + $0_1 | 0 | 0; + return 1 + $0 | 0 | 0; } - function $58() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f58() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 8; + $0 = 8; break block; } - return 1 + $0_1 | 0 | 0; + return 1 + $0 | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$5() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5() | 0; + function legalstub$f5() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f5() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -575,21 +575,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$22() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $22() | 0; + function legalstub$f22() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f22() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -597,21 +597,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$40() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $40() | 0; + function legalstub$f40() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f40() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -619,21 +619,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$47() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $47() | 0; + function legalstub$f47() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f47() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -641,76 +641,76 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } return { - "type_i32": $0, - "type_i64": $1, - "type_f32": $2, - "type_f64": $3, - "type_i32_value": $4, - "type_i64_value": legalstub$5, - "type_f32_value": $6, - "type_f64_value": $7, - "as_block_first": $8, - "as_block_mid": $9, - "as_block_last": $10, - "as_block_value": $11, - "as_loop_first": $12, - "as_loop_mid": $13, - "as_loop_last": $14, - "as_br_value": $15, - "as_br_if_cond": $16, - "as_br_if_value": $17, - "as_br_if_value_cond": $18, - "as_br_table_index": $19, - "as_br_table_value": $20, - "as_br_table_value_index": $21, - "as_return_value": legalstub$22, - "as_if_cond": $23, - "as_if_then": $24, - "as_if_else": $25, - "as_select_first": $26, - "as_select_second": $27, - "as_select_cond": $28, - "as_call_first": $29, - "as_call_mid": $30, - "as_call_last": $31, - "as_call_indirect_func": $32, - "as_call_indirect_first": $33, - "as_call_indirect_mid": $34, - "as_call_indirect_last": $35, - "as_local_set_value": $36, - "as_local_tee_value": $37, - "as_global_set_value": $38, - "as_load_address": $39, - "as_loadN_address": legalstub$40, - "as_store_address": $41, - "as_store_value": $42, - "as_storeN_address": $43, - "as_storeN_value": $44, - "as_unary_operand": $45, - "as_binary_left": $46, - "as_binary_right": legalstub$47, - "as_test_operand": $48, - "as_compare_left": $49, - "as_compare_right": $50, - "as_convert_operand": $51, - "as_memory_grow_size": $52, - "nested_block_value": $53, - "nested_br_value": $54, - "nested_br_if_value": $55, - "nested_br_if_value_cond": $56, - "nested_br_table_value": $57, - "nested_br_table_value_index": $58 + "type_i32": f0, + "type_i64": f1, + "type_f32": f2, + "type_f64": f3, + "type_i32_value": f4, + "type_i64_value": legalstub$f5, + "type_f32_value": f6, + "type_f64_value": f7, + "as_block_first": f8, + "as_block_mid": f9, + "as_block_last": f10, + "as_block_value": f11, + "as_loop_first": f12, + "as_loop_mid": f13, + "as_loop_last": f14, + "as_br_value": f15, + "as_br_if_cond": f16, + "as_br_if_value": f17, + "as_br_if_value_cond": f18, + "as_br_table_index": f19, + "as_br_table_value": f20, + "as_br_table_value_index": f21, + "as_return_value": legalstub$f22, + "as_if_cond": f23, + "as_if_then": f24, + "as_if_else": f25, + "as_select_first": f26, + "as_select_second": f27, + "as_select_cond": f28, + "as_call_first": f29, + "as_call_mid": f30, + "as_call_last": f31, + "as_call_indirect_func": f32, + "as_call_indirect_first": f33, + "as_call_indirect_mid": f34, + "as_call_indirect_last": f35, + "as_local_set_value": f36, + "as_local_tee_value": f37, + "as_global_set_value": f38, + "as_load_address": f39, + "as_loadN_address": legalstub$f40, + "as_store_address": f41, + "as_store_value": f42, + "as_storeN_address": f43, + "as_storeN_value": f44, + "as_unary_operand": f45, + "as_binary_left": f46, + "as_binary_right": legalstub$f47, + "as_test_operand": f48, + "as_compare_left": f49, + "as_compare_right": f50, + "as_convert_operand": f51, + "as_memory_grow_size": f52, + "nested_block_value": f53, + "nested_br_value": f54, + "nested_br_if_value": f55, + "nested_br_if_value_cond": f56, + "nested_br_table_value": f57, + "nested_br_table_value_index": f58 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/br_table.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/br_table.2asm.js index 93670ee62eb..f3f0fcc56a2 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/br_table.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/br_table.2asm.js @@ -18,39 +18,39 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1() { + function f1() { } - function $2() { + function f2() { } - function $3() { + function f3() { } - function $4() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f4() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 1; + $1 = 1; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $5() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f5() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (0 | 0) { default: @@ -59,55 +59,55 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $6() { - var $1_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f6() { + var $1 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $1_1 = Math_fround(3.0); + $1 = Math_fround(3.0); switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return Math_fround($1_1); + return Math_fround($1); } - function $7() { - var $1_1 = 0.0; + function f7() { + var $1 = 0.0; block : { - $1_1 = 4.0; + $1 = 4.0; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return +$1_1; + return +$1; } - function $8($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; return 22 | 0; } - function $9($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0; + function f9($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $3 = 0; block : { - $3_1 = 33; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $3 = 33; + switch ($0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $10($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f10($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; block : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { default: return 20 | 0; case 0: @@ -117,30 +117,30 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 22 | 0; } - function $11($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f11($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $4 = 0, $3 = 0; block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 33; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 33; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; default: break block0; }; } - $4_1 = 32; + $4 = 32; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $12($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f12($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; block3 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 3: return 100 | 0; case 2: @@ -156,21 +156,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 104 | 0; } - function $13($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $1_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $8_1 = 0; + function f13($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $1 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; block3 : { block : { block0 : { block1 : { block2 : { - $3_1 = 200; - $4_1 = $3_1; - $5_1 = $3_1; - $6_1 = $3_1; - $7_1 = $3_1; - $8_1 = $3_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $3 = 200; + $4 = $3; + $5 = $3; + $6 = $3; + $7 = $3; + $8 = $3; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -183,26 +183,26 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block3; }; } - $1_1 = $7_1; - return $1_1 + 10 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $7; + return $1 + 10 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $6_1; - return $1_1 + 11 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $6; + return $1 + 11 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $5_1; - return $1_1 + 12 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $5; + return $1 + 12 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $4_1; - return $1_1 + 13 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $4; + return $1 + 13 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $8_1; - return $1_1 + 14 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $8; + return $1 + 14 | 0 | 0; } - function $14($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f14($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; block0 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: case 2: case 4: @@ -12519,11 +12519,11 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 1 | 0; } - function $15() { + function f15() { } - function $16() { + function f16() { block : { dummy(); switch (0 | 0) { @@ -12533,7 +12533,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } } - function $17() { + function f17() { block : { dummy(); switch (0 | 0) { @@ -12543,136 +12543,136 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } } - function $18() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f18() { + var $1 = 0; block : { dummy(); - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $19() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f19() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; label : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { - $1_1 = 3; + $1 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break label; }; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $20() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f20() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; label : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { dummy(); - $1_1 = 4; + $1 = 4; switch (-1 | 0) { default: break label; }; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $21() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f21() { + var $1 = 0; label : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { dummy(); - $1_1 = 5; + $1 = 5; switch (1 | 0) { default: break label; }; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $22() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f22() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 9; + $1 = 9; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $23() { + function f23() { } - function $24() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f24() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 8; + $1 = 8; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $25() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f25() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 9; + $1 = 9; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $26() { + function f26() { } - function $27() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f27() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 10; + $1 = 10; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $28() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f28() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 11; + $1 = 11; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $29() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f29() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 7; + $1 = 7; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (0 | 0) { default: @@ -12681,52 +12681,52 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $30() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0; + function f30() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $31($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $4_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0; + function f31($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $4 = 0, $6 = 0; block : { - if ($0_1) { - $4_1 = 3; + if ($0) { + $4 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } else { - $6_1 = $1_1 + $6 = $1 } - $4_1 = $6_1; + $4 = $6; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $32($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0, $7_1 = 0; + function f32($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; block : { label : { - if ($0_1) { - $7_1 = $1_1 + if ($0) { + $7 = $1 } else { - $4_1 = 4; - $5_1 = $4_1; - $6_1 = $4_1; + $4 = 4; + $5 = $4; + $6 = $4; switch (0 | 0) { case 0: break block; @@ -12734,198 +12734,198 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break label; }; } - $6_1 = $7_1; + $6 = $7; } - $5_1 = $6_1; + $5 = $6; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $33($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f33($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { - $3_1 = 5; + $3 = 5; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $34($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f34($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = $0_1; - $4_1 = 6; + $2 = $0; + $4 = 6; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $35() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f35() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 7; + $1 = 7; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function f($0_1, $1_1, $2_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; + function f($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; return -1 | 0; } - function $36() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f36() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 12; + $1 = 12; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $37() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f37() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 13; + $1 = 13; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $38() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f38() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 14; + $1 = 14; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $39() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f39() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 20; + $1 = 20; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $40() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f40() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 21; + $1 = 21; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $41() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f41() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 22; + $1 = 22; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $42() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f42() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 23; + $1 = 23; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $43() { - var $2_1 = 0; + function f43() { + var $2 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = 17; + $2 = 17; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $44() { - var $2_1 = 0; + function f44() { + var $2 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = 1; + $2 = 1; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $45() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f45() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 1; + $1 = 1; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $46() { - var $1_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f46() { + var $1 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $1_1 = Math_fround(1.7000000476837158); + $1 = Math_fround(1.7000000476837158); switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return Math_fround($1_1); + return Math_fround($1); } - function $47() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f47() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 30; + $1 = 30; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (1 | 0) { default: @@ -12934,86 +12934,86 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $48() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f48() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 30; + $1 = 30; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $49() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f49() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 31; + $1 = 31; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $50() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f50() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 32; + $1 = 32; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $51() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f51() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 33; + $1 = 33; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $52() { - var $1_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f52() { + var $1 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $1_1 = Math_fround(3.4000000953674316); + $1 = Math_fround(3.4000000953674316); switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return Math_fround($1_1); + return Math_fround($1); } - function $53() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f53() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 3; + $1 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $54() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + function f54() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 45; + $1 = 45; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (0 | 0) { default: @@ -13022,80 +13022,80 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $55() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f55() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 44; + $1 = 44; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $56() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f56() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 43; + $1 = 43; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $57() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f57() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 42; + $1 = 42; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $58() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f58() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 41; + $1 = 41; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $59() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f59() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 40; + $1 = 40; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $60($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f60($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $3 = 0; block1 : { block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 16; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 16; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13104,24 +13104,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 2 + $3_1 | 0; + $4 = 2 + $3 | 0; } - $5_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $5 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $61($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f61($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { block0 : { block1 : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13130,24 +13130,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 16; + $4 = 16; } - $3_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $3 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $62($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f62($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block1 : { block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13156,44 +13156,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 16; + $4 = 16; } - $5_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $5 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $63($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f63($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 1: break block0; default: break block; }; } - $4_1 = 1 + $3_1 | 0; + $4 = 1 + $3 | 0; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $64($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f64($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block1 : { block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13202,69 +13202,69 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 16; + $4 = 16; } - $5_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $5 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $65($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f65($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 1: break block0; default: break block; }; } - $4_1 = 1 + $3_1 | 0; + $4 = 1 + $3 | 0; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $66($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $4_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0; + function f66($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $4 = 0, $9 = 0; label : while (1) { block : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: continue label; default: break block; }; } - $4_1 = 0; + $4 = 0; break label; }; - $0_1 = $4_1; + $0 = $4; label0 : while (1) { block0 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block0; default: continue label0; }; } - $9_1 = 3; + $9 = 3; break label0; }; - return $9_1 | 0; + return $9 | 0; } - function legalstub$5() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5() | 0; + function legalstub$f5() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f5() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -13272,21 +13272,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$29() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $29() | 0; + function legalstub$f29() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f29() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -13294,21 +13294,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$47() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $47() | 0; + function legalstub$f47() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f47() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -13316,21 +13316,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$54() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $54() | 0; + function legalstub$f54() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f54() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -13338,84 +13338,84 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } return { - "type_i32": $0, - "type_i64": $1, - "type_f32": $2, - "type_f64": $3, - "type_i32_value": $4, - "type_i64_value": legalstub$5, - "type_f32_value": $6, - "type_f64_value": $7, - "empty": $8, - "empty_value": $9, - "singleton": $10, - "singleton_value": $11, - "multiple": $12, - "multiple_value": $13, - "large": $14, - "as_block_first": $15, - "as_block_mid": $16, - "as_block_last": $17, - "as_block_value": $18, - "as_loop_first": $19, - "as_loop_mid": $20, - "as_loop_last": $21, - "as_br_value": $22, - "as_br_if_cond": $23, - "as_br_if_value": $24, - "as_br_if_value_cond": $25, - "as_br_table_index": $26, - "as_br_table_value": $27, - "as_br_table_value_index": $28, - "as_return_value": legalstub$29, - "as_if_cond": $30, - "as_if_then": $31, - "as_if_else": $32, - "as_select_first": $33, - "as_select_second": $34, - "as_select_cond": $35, - "as_call_first": $36, - "as_call_mid": $37, - "as_call_last": $38, - "as_call_indirect_first": $39, - "as_call_indirect_mid": $40, - "as_call_indirect_last": $41, - "as_call_indirect_func": $42, - "as_local_set_value": $43, - "as_local_tee_value": $44, - "as_global_set_value": $45, - "as_load_address": $46, - "as_loadN_address": legalstub$47, - "as_store_address": $48, - "as_store_value": $49, - "as_storeN_address": $50, - "as_storeN_value": $51, - "as_unary_operand": $52, - "as_binary_left": $53, - "as_binary_right": legalstub$54, - "as_test_operand": $55, - "as_compare_left": $56, - "as_compare_right": $57, - "as_convert_operand": $58, - "as_memory_grow_size": $59, - "nested_block_value": $60, - "nested_br_value": $61, - "nested_br_if_value": $62, - "nested_br_if_value_cond": $63, - "nested_br_table_value": $64, - "nested_br_table_value_index": $65, - "nested_br_table_loop_block": $66 + "type_i32": f0, + "type_i64": f1, + "type_f32": f2, + "type_f64": f3, + "type_i32_value": f4, + "type_i64_value": legalstub$f5, + "type_f32_value": f6, + "type_f64_value": f7, + "empty": f8, + "empty_value": f9, + "singleton": f10, + "singleton_value": f11, + "multiple": f12, + "multiple_value": f13, + "large": f14, + "as_block_first": f15, + "as_block_mid": f16, + "as_block_last": f17, + "as_block_value": f18, + "as_loop_first": f19, + "as_loop_mid": f20, + "as_loop_last": f21, + "as_br_value": f22, + "as_br_if_cond": f23, + "as_br_if_value": f24, + "as_br_if_value_cond": f25, + "as_br_table_index": f26, + "as_br_table_value": f27, + "as_br_table_value_index": f28, + "as_return_value": legalstub$f29, + "as_if_cond": f30, + "as_if_then": f31, + "as_if_else": f32, + "as_select_first": f33, + "as_select_second": f34, + "as_select_cond": f35, + "as_call_first": f36, + "as_call_mid": f37, + "as_call_last": f38, + "as_call_indirect_first": f39, + "as_call_indirect_mid": f40, + "as_call_indirect_last": f41, + "as_call_indirect_func": f42, + "as_local_set_value": f43, + "as_local_tee_value": f44, + "as_global_set_value": f45, + "as_load_address": f46, + "as_loadN_address": legalstub$f47, + "as_store_address": f48, + "as_store_value": f49, + "as_storeN_address": f50, + "as_storeN_value": f51, + "as_unary_operand": f52, + "as_binary_left": f53, + "as_binary_right": legalstub$f54, + "as_test_operand": f55, + "as_compare_left": f56, + "as_compare_right": f57, + "as_convert_operand": f58, + "as_memory_grow_size": f59, + "nested_block_value": f60, + "nested_br_value": f61, + "nested_br_if_value": f62, + "nested_br_if_value_cond": f63, + "nested_br_table_value": f64, + "nested_br_table_value_index": f65, + "nested_br_table_loop_block": f66 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js index 9bc6cafa4f3..e9fb124a465 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js @@ -14,39 +14,39 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1() { + function f1() { } - function $2() { + function f2() { } - function $3() { + function f3() { } - function $4() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f4() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 1; + $1 = 1; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $5() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f5() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (0 | 0) { default: @@ -54,55 +54,55 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { }; } i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $6() { - var $1_1 = Math_fround(0); + function f6() { + var $1 = Math_fround(0); block : { - $1_1 = Math_fround(3.0); + $1 = Math_fround(3.0); switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return Math_fround($1_1); + return Math_fround($1); } - function $7() { - var $1_1 = 0.0; + function f7() { + var $1 = 0.0; block : { - $1_1 = 4.0; + $1 = 4.0; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return +$1_1; + return +$1; } - function $8($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; return 22 | 0; } - function $9($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0; + function f9($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $3 = 0; block : { - $3_1 = 33; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $3 = 33; + switch ($0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $10($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f10($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; block : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { default: return 20 | 0; case 0: @@ -112,30 +112,30 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 22 | 0; } - function $11($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f11($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $4 = 0, $3 = 0; block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 33; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 33; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; default: break block0; }; } - $4_1 = 32; + $4 = 32; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $12($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f12($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; block3 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 3: return 100 | 0; case 2: @@ -151,21 +151,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 104 | 0; } - function $13($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $1_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $8_1 = 0; + function f13($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $1 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; block3 : { block : { block0 : { block1 : { block2 : { - $3_1 = 200; - $4_1 = $3_1; - $5_1 = $3_1; - $6_1 = $3_1; - $7_1 = $3_1; - $8_1 = $3_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $3 = 200; + $4 = $3; + $5 = $3; + $6 = $3; + $7 = $3; + $8 = $3; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -178,26 +178,26 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block3; }; } - $1_1 = $7_1; - return $1_1 + 10 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $7; + return $1 + 10 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $6_1; - return $1_1 + 11 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $6; + return $1 + 11 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $5_1; - return $1_1 + 12 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $5; + return $1 + 12 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $4_1; - return $1_1 + 13 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $4; + return $1 + 13 | 0 | 0; } - $1_1 = $8_1; - return $1_1 + 14 | 0 | 0; + $1 = $8; + return $1 + 14 | 0 | 0; } - function $14($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f14($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; block0 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: case 2: case 4: @@ -12514,11 +12514,11 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 1 | 0; } - function $15() { + function f15() { } - function $16() { + function f16() { block : { dummy(); switch (0 | 0) { @@ -12528,7 +12528,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } } - function $17() { + function f17() { block : { dummy(); switch (0 | 0) { @@ -12538,133 +12538,133 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } } - function $18() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f18() { + var $1 = 0; block : { dummy(); - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $19() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f19() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; label : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { - $1_1 = 3; + $1 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break label; }; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $20() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f20() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; label : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { dummy(); - $1_1 = 4; + $1 = 4; switch (-1 | 0) { default: break label; }; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $21() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f21() { + var $1 = 0; label : { $null_Name_ : while (1) { dummy(); - $1_1 = 5; + $1 = 5; switch (1 | 0) { default: break label; }; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $22() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f22() { + var $0 = 0; block : { - $0_1 = 9; + $0 = 9; break block; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $23() { + function f23() { } - function $24() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f24() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 8; + $1 = 8; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $25() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f25() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 9; + $1 = 9; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $26() { + function f26() { } - function $27() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f27() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 10; + $1 = 10; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $28() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f28() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 11; + $1 = 11; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $29() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f29() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 7; + $1 = 7; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (0 | 0) { default: @@ -12672,52 +12672,52 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { }; } i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $30() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0; + function f30() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $31($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $4_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0; + function f31($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $4 = 0, $6 = 0; block : { - if ($0_1) { - $4_1 = 3; + if ($0) { + $4 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } else { - $6_1 = $1_1 + $6 = $1 } - $4_1 = $6_1; + $4 = $6; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $32($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0, $7_1 = 0; + function f32($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; block : { label : { - if ($0_1) { - $7_1 = $1_1 + if ($0) { + $7 = $1 } else { - $4_1 = 4; - $5_1 = $4_1; - $6_1 = $4_1; + $4 = 4; + $5 = $4; + $6 = $4; switch (0 | 0) { case 0: break block; @@ -12725,174 +12725,174 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break label; }; } - $6_1 = $7_1; + $6 = $7; } - $5_1 = $6_1; + $5 = $6; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $33($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f33($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { - $3_1 = 5; + $3 = 5; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $34($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f34($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = $0_1; - $4_1 = 6; + $2 = $0; + $4 = 6; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $35() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f35() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 7; + $1 = 7; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function f($0_1, $1_1, $2_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; + function f($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; return -1 | 0; } - function $36() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f36() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 12; + $1 = 12; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $37() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f37() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 13; + $1 = 13; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $38() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f38() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 14; + $1 = 14; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $39() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f39() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 20; + $1 = 20; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $40() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f40() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 21; + $1 = 21; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $41() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f41() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 22; + $1 = 22; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $42() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f42() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 23; + $1 = 23; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $43() { - var $2_1 = 0; + function f43() { + var $2 = 0; block : { - $2_1 = 17; + $2 = 17; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $44() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f44() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $45() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f45() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 30; + $1 = 30; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (1 | 0) { default: @@ -12900,166 +12900,166 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { }; } i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $46() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f46() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 30; + $1 = 30; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $47() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f47() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 31; + $1 = 31; switch (1 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $48() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f48() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 32; + $1 = 32; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $49() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f49() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 33; + $1 = 33; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $50() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f50() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 3; + $1 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $51() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f51() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 3; + $1 = 3; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $52() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f52() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 45; + $1 = 45; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $53() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f53() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 44; + $1 = 44; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $54() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f54() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 43; + $1 = 43; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $55() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f55() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 42; + $1 = 42; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $56() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f56() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 41; + $1 = 41; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $57() { - var $1_1 = 0; + function f57() { + var $1 = 0; block : { - $1_1 = 40; + $1 = 40; switch (0 | 0) { default: break block; }; } - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function $58($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f58($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $3 = 0; block1 : { block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 16; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 16; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13068,24 +13068,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 2 + $3_1 | 0; + $4 = 2 + $3 | 0; } - $5_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $5 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $59($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f59($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block : { block0 : { block1 : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13094,24 +13094,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 16; + $4 = 16; } - $3_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $3 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $60($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f60($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block1 : { block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13120,44 +13120,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 16; + $4 = 16; } - $5_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $5 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $61($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f61($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 1: break block0; default: break block; }; } - $4_1 = 1 + $3_1 | 0; + $4 = 1 + $3 | 0; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } - function $62($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + function f62($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0; block1 : { block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - $5_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + $5 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: break block; case 1: @@ -13166,98 +13166,98 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break block1; }; } - $4_1 = 16; + $4 = 16; } - $5_1 = 1 + $4_1 | 0; + $5 = 1 + $4 | 0; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } - function $63($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $3_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f63($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $3 = 0, $2 = 0, $4 = 0; block0 : { block : { - $2_1 = 8; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + $2 = 8; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; + switch ($0 | 0) { case 1: break block0; default: break block; }; } - $4_1 = 1 + $3_1 | 0; + $4 = 1 + $3 | 0; } - return $4_1 | 0; + return $4 | 0; } return { - "type_i32": $0, - "type_i64": $1, - "type_f32": $2, - "type_f64": $3, - "type_i32_value": $4, - "type_i64_value": $5, - "type_f32_value": $6, - "type_f64_value": $7, - "empty": $8, - "empty_value": $9, - "singleton": $10, - "singleton_value": $11, - "multiple": $12, - "multiple_value": $13, - "large": $14, - "as_block_first": $15, - "as_block_mid": $16, - "as_block_last": $17, - "as_block_value": $18, - "as_loop_first": $19, - "as_loop_mid": $20, - "as_loop_last": $21, - "as_br_value": $22, - "as_br_if_cond": $23, - "as_br_if_value": $24, - "as_br_if_value_cond": $25, - "as_br_table_index": $26, - "as_br_table_value": $27, - "as_br_table_value_index": $28, - "as_return_value": $29, - "as_if_cond": $30, - "as_if_then": $31, - "as_if_else": $32, - "as_select_first": $33, - "as_select_second": $34, - "as_select_cond": $35, - "as_call_first": $36, - "as_call_mid": $37, - "as_call_last": $38, - "as_call_indirect_first": $39, - "as_call_indirect_mid": $40, - "as_call_indirect_last": $41, - "as_call_indirect_func": $42, - "as_local_set_value": $43, - "as_load_address": $44, - "as_loadN_address": $45, - "as_store_address": $46, - "as_store_value": $47, - "as_storeN_address": $48, - "as_storeN_value": $49, - "as_unary_operand": $50, - "as_binary_left": $51, - "as_binary_right": $52, - "as_test_operand": $53, - "as_compare_left": $54, - "as_compare_right": $55, - "as_convert_operand": $56, - "as_memory_grow_size": $57, - "nested_block_value": $58, - "nested_br_value": $59, - "nested_br_if_value": $60, - "nested_br_if_value_cond": $61, - "nested_br_table_value": $62, - "nested_br_table_value_index": $63 + "type_i32": f0, + "type_i64": f1, + "type_f32": f2, + "type_f64": f3, + "type_i32_value": f4, + "type_i64_value": f5, + "type_f32_value": f6, + "type_f64_value": f7, + "empty": f8, + "empty_value": f9, + "singleton": f10, + "singleton_value": f11, + "multiple": f12, + "multiple_value": f13, + "large": f14, + "as_block_first": f15, + "as_block_mid": f16, + "as_block_last": f17, + "as_block_value": f18, + "as_loop_first": f19, + "as_loop_mid": f20, + "as_loop_last": f21, + "as_br_value": f22, + "as_br_if_cond": f23, + "as_br_if_value": f24, + "as_br_if_value_cond": f25, + "as_br_table_index": f26, + "as_br_table_value": f27, + "as_br_table_value_index": f28, + "as_return_value": f29, + "as_if_cond": f30, + "as_if_then": f31, + "as_if_else": f32, + "as_select_first": f33, + "as_select_second": f34, + "as_select_cond": f35, + "as_call_first": f36, + "as_call_mid": f37, + "as_call_last": f38, + "as_call_indirect_first": f39, + "as_call_indirect_mid": f40, + "as_call_indirect_last": f41, + "as_call_indirect_func": f42, + "as_local_set_value": f43, + "as_load_address": f44, + "as_loadN_address": f45, + "as_store_address": f46, + "as_store_value": f47, + "as_storeN_address": f48, + "as_storeN_value": f49, + "as_unary_operand": f50, + "as_binary_left": f51, + "as_binary_right": f52, + "as_test_operand": f53, + "as_compare_left": f54, + "as_compare_right": f55, + "as_convert_operand": f56, + "as_memory_grow_size": f57, + "nested_block_value": f58, + "nested_br_value": f59, + "nested_br_if_value": f60, + "nested_br_if_value_cond": f61, + "nested_br_table_value": f62, + "nested_br_table_value_index": f63 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js.opt index b64e46a77a3..35113c16953 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/br_table_temp.2asm.js.opt @@ -14,33 +14,33 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } - function $4() { + function f4() { return 1; } - function $5() { + function f5() { return 2; } - function $6() { + function f6() { return Math_fround(Math_fround(3.0)); } - function $7() { + function f7() { return 4.0; } - function $8($0) { + function f8($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return 22; } - function $9($0) { + function f9($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return 33; } - function $10($0) { + function f10($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; if ($0) { return 20 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 22; } - function $11($0) { + function f11($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; if ($0) { $0 = 33 @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $0 | 0; } - function $12($0) { + function f12($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; block3 : { switch ($0 | 0) { @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 104; } - function $13($0) { + function f13($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; block3 : { switch ($0 | 0) { @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 214; } - function $14($0) { + function f14($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; block0 : { switch ($0 | 0) { @@ -12416,39 +12416,39 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 1; } - function $19() { + function f19() { return 3; } - function $20() { + function f20() { return 4; } - function $21() { + function f21() { return 5; } - function $22() { + function f22() { return 9; } - function $24() { + function f24() { return 8; } - function $27() { + function f27() { return 10; } - function $28() { + function f28() { return 11; } - function $29() { + function f29() { return 7; } - function $31($0, $1) { + function f31($0, $1) { $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; if ($0) { @@ -12457,7 +12457,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $1 | 0; } - function $32($0, $1) { + function f32($0, $1) { $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; if (!$0) { @@ -12466,91 +12466,91 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $1 | 0; } - function $33($0, $1) { + function f33($0, $1) { $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; return 5; } - function $34($0, $1) { + function f34($0, $1) { $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; return 6; } - function $36() { + function f36() { return 12; } - function $37() { + function f37() { return 13; } - function $38() { + function f38() { return 14; } - function $39() { + function f39() { return 20; } - function $40() { + function f40() { return 21; } - function $41() { + function f41() { return 22; } - function $42() { + function f42() { return 23; } - function $43() { + function f43() { return 17; } - function $45() { + function f45() { return 30; } - function $47() { + function f47() { return 31; } - function $48() { + function f48() { return 32; } - function $49() { + function f49() { return 33; } - function $52() { + function f52() { return 45; } - function $53() { + function f53() { return 44; } - function $54() { + function f54() { return 43; } - function $55() { + function f55() { return 42; } - function $56() { + function f56() { return 41; } - function $57() { + function f57() { return 40; } - function $58($0) { + function f58($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; var $1 = 0; $1 = 16; @@ -12568,7 +12568,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $1 | 0; } - function $59($0) { + function f59($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; var $1 = 0; $1 = 8; @@ -12586,7 +12586,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $1 | 0; } - function $60($0) { + function f60($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; var $1 = 0; $1 = 8; @@ -12604,7 +12604,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $1 | 0; } - function $61($0) { + function f61($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; if (($0 | 0) == 1) { $0 = 8 @@ -12619,66 +12619,66 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { "type_i64": dummy, "type_f32": dummy, "type_f64": dummy, - "type_i32_value": $4, - "type_i64_value": $5, - "type_f32_value": $6, - "type_f64_value": $7, - "empty": $8, - "empty_value": $9, - "singleton": $10, - "singleton_value": $11, - "multiple": $12, - "multiple_value": $13, - "large": $14, + "type_i32_value": f4, + "type_i64_value": f5, + "type_f32_value": f6, + "type_f64_value": f7, + "empty": f8, + "empty_value": f9, + "singleton": f10, + "singleton_value": f11, + "multiple": f12, + "multiple_value": f13, + "large": f14, "as_block_first": dummy, "as_block_mid": dummy, "as_block_last": dummy, - "as_block_value": $5, - "as_loop_first": $19, - "as_loop_mid": $20, - "as_loop_last": $21, - "as_br_value": $22, + "as_block_value": f5, + "as_loop_first": f19, + "as_loop_mid": f20, + "as_loop_last": f21, + "as_br_value": f22, "as_br_if_cond": dummy, - "as_br_if_value": $24, - "as_br_if_value_cond": $22, + "as_br_if_value": f24, + "as_br_if_value_cond": f22, "as_br_table_index": dummy, - "as_br_table_value": $27, - "as_br_table_value_index": $28, - "as_return_value": $29, - "as_if_cond": $5, - "as_if_then": $31, - "as_if_else": $32, - "as_select_first": $33, - "as_select_second": $34, - "as_select_cond": $29, - "as_call_first": $36, - "as_call_mid": $37, - "as_call_last": $38, - "as_call_indirect_first": $39, - "as_call_indirect_mid": $40, - "as_call_indirect_last": $41, - "as_call_indirect_func": $42, - "as_local_set_value": $43, - "as_load_address": $5, - "as_loadN_address": $45, - "as_store_address": $45, - "as_store_value": $47, - "as_storeN_address": $48, - "as_storeN_value": $49, - "as_unary_operand": $19, - "as_binary_left": $19, - "as_binary_right": $52, - "as_test_operand": $53, - "as_compare_left": $54, - "as_compare_right": $55, - "as_convert_operand": $56, - "as_memory_grow_size": $57, - "nested_block_value": $58, - "nested_br_value": $59, - "nested_br_if_value": $60, - "nested_br_if_value_cond": $61, - "nested_br_table_value": $60, - "nested_br_table_value_index": $61 + "as_br_table_value": f27, + "as_br_table_value_index": f28, + "as_return_value": f29, + "as_if_cond": f5, + "as_if_then": f31, + "as_if_else": f32, + "as_select_first": f33, + "as_select_second": f34, + "as_select_cond": f29, + "as_call_first": f36, + "as_call_mid": f37, + "as_call_last": f38, + "as_call_indirect_first": f39, + "as_call_indirect_mid": f40, + "as_call_indirect_last": f41, + "as_call_indirect_func": f42, + "as_local_set_value": f43, + "as_load_address": f5, + "as_loadN_address": f45, + "as_store_address": f45, + "as_store_value": f47, + "as_storeN_address": f48, + "as_storeN_value": f49, + "as_unary_operand": f19, + "as_binary_left": f19, + "as_binary_right": f52, + "as_test_operand": f53, + "as_compare_left": f54, + "as_compare_right": f55, + "as_convert_operand": f56, + "as_memory_grow_size": f57, + "nested_block_value": f58, + "nested_br_value": f59, + "nested_br_if_value": f60, + "nested_br_if_value_cond": f61, + "nested_br_table_value": f60, + "nested_br_table_value_index": f61 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/break-drop.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/break-drop.2asm.js index c288eb77683..a3efe64f2bc 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/break-drop.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/break-drop.2asm.js @@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1() { + function f1() { } - function $2() { + function f2() { } return { - "br": $0, - "br_if": $1, - "br_table": $2 + "br": f0, + "br_if": f1, + "br_table": f2 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js index 4f25b9bd8ba..e90232602b9 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js @@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; - wasm2js_memory_fill($0_1, $1_1, $2); + wasm2js_memory_fill($0, $1, $2); } - function $1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 >> 0] | 0 | 0; + function f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 >> 0] | 0 | 0; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "fill": $0, - "load8_u": $1 + "fill": f0, + "load8_u": f1 }; } @@ -147,16 +147,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; - wasm2js_memory_copy($0_1, $1_1, $2); + wasm2js_memory_copy($0, $1, $2); } - function $1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 >> 0] | 0 | 0; + function f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 >> 0] | 0 | 0; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "copy": $0, - "load8_u": $1 + "copy": f0, + "load8_u": f1 }; } @@ -225,16 +225,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; - wasm2js_memory_init(0, $0_1, $1_1, $2); + wasm2js_memory_init(0, $0, $1, $2); } - function $1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 >> 0] | 0 | 0; + function f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 >> 0] | 0 | 0; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "init": $0, - "load8_u": $1 + "init": f0, + "load8_u": f1 }; } @@ -332,19 +332,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { wasm2js_data_drop(0); } - function $1() { + function f1() { wasm2js_memory_init(0, 0, 0, 0); } - function $2() { + function f2() { wasm2js_data_drop(1); } - function $3() { + function f3() { wasm2js_memory_init(1, 0, 0, 0); } @@ -377,10 +377,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "drop_passive": $0, - "init_passive": $1, - "drop_active": $2, - "init_active": $3 + "drop_passive": f0, + "init_passive": f1, + "drop_active": f2, + "init_active": f3 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js.opt index 620f181fcd0..53dc9694432 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/bulk-memory.2asm.js.opt @@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; - wasm2js_memory_fill($0_1, $1_1, $2); + wasm2js_memory_fill($0, $1, $2); } - function $1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 | 0]; + function f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 | 0]; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "fill": $0, - "load8_u": $1 + "fill": f0, + "load8_u": f1 }; } @@ -147,16 +147,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; - wasm2js_memory_copy($0_1, $1_1, $2); + wasm2js_memory_copy($0, $1, $2); } - function $1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 | 0]; + function f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 | 0]; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "copy": $0, - "load8_u": $1 + "copy": f0, + "load8_u": f1 }; } @@ -225,16 +225,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; - wasm2js_memory_init(0, $0_1, $1_1, $2); + wasm2js_memory_init(0, $0, $1, $2); } - function $1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 | 0]; + function f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 | 0]; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -265,8 +265,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "init": $0, - "load8_u": $1 + "init": f0, + "load8_u": f1 }; } @@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1() { + function f1() { if (__wasm_memory_size() << 16 >>> 0 < 0) { wasm2js_trap() } @@ -336,10 +336,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "drop_passive": $0, - "init_passive": $1, - "drop_active": $0, - "init_active": $1 + "drop_passive": f0, + "init_passive": f1, + "drop_active": f0, + "init_active": f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js index ec12c7e5fba..c2d44ab97bb 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = x; @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -61,118 +61,118 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return x | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; return x | 0; } - function $3(x) { + function f3(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return ~~x | 0; } - function $4(x) { + function f4(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return ~~x >>> 0 | 0; } - function $5(x) { + function f5(x) { x = +x; return ~~x | 0; } - function $6(x) { + function f6(x) { x = +x; return ~~x >>> 0 | 0; } - function $7(x) { + function f7(x) { x = Math_fround(x); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $4 = 0, $5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_fround(Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > Math_fround(0.0)) { - $4_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 } else { - $4_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 } - $5_1 = $4_1; + $5 = $4; } else { - $5_1 = 0 + $5 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; } - function $8(x) { + function f8(x) { x = Math_fround(x); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $4 = 0, $5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_fround(Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > Math_fround(0.0)) { - $4_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 } else { - $4_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 } - $5_1 = $4_1; + $5 = $4; } else { - $5_1 = 0 + $5 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; } - function $9(x) { + function f9(x) { x = +x; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > 0.0) { - $4_1 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 } else { - $4_1 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 } - $5_1 = $4_1; + $5 = $4; } else { - $5_1 = 0 + $5 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; } - function $10(x) { + function f10(x) { x = +x; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > 0.0) { - $4_1 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 } else { - $4_1 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 + $4 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 } - $5_1 = $4_1; + $5 = $4; } else { - $5_1 = 0 + $5 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; } - function $11(x) { + function f11(x) { x = x | 0; return Math_fround(Math_fround(x | 0)); } - function $12(x, x$hi) { + function f12(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -180,12 +180,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return Math_fround(Math_fround(+(x >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 | 0))); } - function $13(x) { + function f13(x) { x = x | 0; return +(+(x | 0)); } - function $14(x, x$hi) { + function f14(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return +(+(x >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 | 0)); } - function $15(x) { + function f15(x) { x = x | 0; return Math_fround(Math_fround(x >>> 0)); } - function $16(x, x$hi) { + function f16(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -206,12 +206,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return Math_fround(Math_fround(+(x >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0))); } - function $17(x) { + function f17(x) { x = x | 0; return +(+(x >>> 0)); } - function $18(x, x$hi) { + function f18(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -219,22 +219,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return +(+(x >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0)); } - function $19(x) { + function f19(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return +(+x); } - function $20(x) { + function f20(x) { x = +x; return Math_fround(Math_fround(x)); } - function $21(x) { + function f21(x) { x = x | 0; return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, x), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); } - function $22(x, x$hi) { + function f22(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -244,12 +244,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return +(+wasm2js_scratch_load_f64()); } - function $23(x) { + function f23(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(x), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $24(x) { + function f24(x) { x = +x; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+x); @@ -259,12 +259,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $0($0_1 | 0) | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f0($0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -272,22 +272,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $1($0_1 | 0) | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f1($0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -295,50 +295,50 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$7($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $7(Math_fround($0_1)) | 0; + function legalstub$f7($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f7(Math_fround($0)) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -346,22 +346,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function legalstub$8($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $8(Math_fround($0_1)) | 0; + function legalstub$f8($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f8(Math_fround($0)) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -369,22 +369,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function legalstub$9($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $9(+$0_1) | 0; + function legalstub$f9($0) { + $0 = +$0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f9(+$0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -392,22 +392,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function legalstub$10($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $10(+$0_1) | 0; + function legalstub$f10($0) { + $0 = +$0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f10(+$0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -415,162 +415,162 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } - function legalstub$12($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f12($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($12(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(f12(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); } - function legalstub$14($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f14($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$14(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); + return +(+f14(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); } - function legalstub$16($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f16($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($16(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(f16(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); } - function legalstub$18($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f18($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$18(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); + return +(+f18(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); } - function legalstub$22($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f22($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$22(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); + return +(+f22(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); } - function legalstub$24($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $24(+$0_1) | 0; + function legalstub$f24($0) { + $0 = +$0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $8 = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f24(+$0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -578,42 +578,42 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $8 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $8_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $8 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($8_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($8 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - return $1_1 | 0; + return $1 | 0; } return { - "i64_extend_s_i32": legalstub$0, - "i64_extend_u_i32": legalstub$1, - "i32_wrap_i64": legalstub$2, - "i32_trunc_s_f32": $3, - "i32_trunc_u_f32": $4, - "i32_trunc_s_f64": $5, - "i32_trunc_u_f64": $6, - "i64_trunc_s_f32": legalstub$7, - "i64_trunc_u_f32": legalstub$8, - "i64_trunc_s_f64": legalstub$9, - "i64_trunc_u_f64": legalstub$10, - "f32_convert_s_i32": $11, - "f32_convert_s_i64": legalstub$12, - "f64_convert_s_i32": $13, - "f64_convert_s_i64": legalstub$14, - "f32_convert_u_i32": $15, - "f32_convert_u_i64": legalstub$16, - "f64_convert_u_i32": $17, - "f64_convert_u_i64": legalstub$18, - "f64_promote_f32": $19, - "f32_demote_f64": $20, - "f32_reinterpret_i32": $21, - "f64_reinterpret_i64": legalstub$22, - "i32_reinterpret_f32": $23, - "i64_reinterpret_f64": legalstub$24 + "i64_extend_s_i32": legalstub$f0, + "i64_extend_u_i32": legalstub$f1, + "i32_wrap_i64": legalstub$f2, + "i32_trunc_s_f32": f3, + "i32_trunc_u_f32": f4, + "i32_trunc_s_f64": f5, + "i32_trunc_u_f64": f6, + "i64_trunc_s_f32": legalstub$f7, + "i64_trunc_u_f32": legalstub$f8, + "i64_trunc_s_f64": legalstub$f9, + "i64_trunc_u_f64": legalstub$f10, + "f32_convert_s_i32": f11, + "f32_convert_s_i64": legalstub$f12, + "f64_convert_s_i32": f13, + "f64_convert_s_i64": legalstub$f14, + "f32_convert_u_i32": f15, + "f32_convert_u_i64": legalstub$f16, + "f64_convert_u_i32": f17, + "f64_convert_u_i64": legalstub$f18, + "f64_promote_f32": f19, + "f32_demote_f64": f20, + "f32_reinterpret_i32": f21, + "f64_reinterpret_i64": legalstub$f22, + "i32_reinterpret_f32": f23, + "i64_reinterpret_f64": legalstub$f24 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js.opt index 5eb7435ee84..c8bdd46c9f1 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/conversions-modified.2asm.js.opt @@ -44,83 +44,83 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $3($0) { + function f3($0) { $0 = Math_fround($0); return ~~$0 | 0; } - function $4($0) { + function f4($0) { $0 = Math_fround($0); return ~~$0 >>> 0 | 0; } - function $5($0) { + function f5($0) { $0 = +$0; return ~~$0 | 0; } - function $6($0) { + function f6($0) { $0 = +$0; return ~~$0 >>> 0 | 0; } - function $11($0) { + function f11($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 | 0)); } - function $13($0) { + function f13($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return +($0 | 0); } - function $15($0) { + function f15($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 >>> 0)); } - function $17($0) { + function f17($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return +($0 >>> 0); } - function $19($0) { + function f19($0) { $0 = Math_fround($0); return +$0; } - function $20($0) { + function f20($0) { $0 = +$0; return Math_fround(Math_fround($0)); } - function $21($0) { + function f21($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, $0), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); } - function $23($0) { + function f23($0) { $0 = Math_fround($0); return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32($0), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0) { + function legalstub$f0($0) { i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0 >> 31; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $0; } - function legalstub$1($0) { + function legalstub$f1($0) { i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; setTempRet0(0); return $0; } - function legalstub$2($0, $1) { + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { return $0; } - function legalstub$7($0) { + function legalstub$f7($0) { var $1 = 0, $2 = 0; $2 = ~~$0 >>> 0; if (Math_fround(Math_abs($0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $2; } - function legalstub$9($0) { + function legalstub$f9($0) { var $1 = 0, $2 = 0; $2 = ~~$0 >>> 0; if (Math_abs($0) >= 1.0) { @@ -146,29 +146,29 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $2; } - function legalstub$12($0, $1) { + function legalstub$f12($0, $1) { return Math_fround(+($0 >>> 0) + +($1 | 0) * 4294967296.0); } - function legalstub$14($0, $1) { + function legalstub$f14($0, $1) { return +($0 >>> 0) + +($1 | 0) * 4294967296.0; } - function legalstub$16($0, $1) { + function legalstub$f16($0, $1) { return Math_fround(+($0 >>> 0) + +($1 >>> 0) * 4294967296.0); } - function legalstub$18($0, $1) { + function legalstub$f18($0, $1) { return +($0 >>> 0) + +($1 >>> 0) * 4294967296.0; } - function legalstub$22($0, $1) { + function legalstub$f22($0, $1) { wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0, $0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1, $1 | 0); return +wasm2js_scratch_load_f64(); } - function legalstub$24($0) { + function legalstub$f24($0) { var $1 = 0, $2 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+$0); $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; @@ -179,31 +179,31 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i64_extend_s_i32": legalstub$0, - "i64_extend_u_i32": legalstub$1, - "i32_wrap_i64": legalstub$2, - "i32_trunc_s_f32": $3, - "i32_trunc_u_f32": $4, - "i32_trunc_s_f64": $5, - "i32_trunc_u_f64": $6, - "i64_trunc_s_f32": legalstub$7, - "i64_trunc_u_f32": legalstub$7, - "i64_trunc_s_f64": legalstub$9, - "i64_trunc_u_f64": legalstub$9, - "f32_convert_s_i32": $11, - "f32_convert_s_i64": legalstub$12, - "f64_convert_s_i32": $13, - "f64_convert_s_i64": legalstub$14, - "f32_convert_u_i32": $15, - "f32_convert_u_i64": legalstub$16, - "f64_convert_u_i32": $17, - "f64_convert_u_i64": legalstub$18, - "f64_promote_f32": $19, - "f32_demote_f64": $20, - "f32_reinterpret_i32": $21, - "f64_reinterpret_i64": legalstub$22, - "i32_reinterpret_f32": $23, - "i64_reinterpret_f64": legalstub$24 + "i64_extend_s_i32": legalstub$f0, + "i64_extend_u_i32": legalstub$f1, + "i32_wrap_i64": legalstub$f2, + "i32_trunc_s_f32": f3, + "i32_trunc_u_f32": f4, + "i32_trunc_s_f64": f5, + "i32_trunc_u_f64": f6, + "i64_trunc_s_f32": legalstub$f7, + "i64_trunc_u_f32": legalstub$f7, + "i64_trunc_s_f64": legalstub$f9, + "i64_trunc_u_f64": legalstub$f9, + "f32_convert_s_i32": f11, + "f32_convert_s_i64": legalstub$f12, + "f64_convert_s_i32": f13, + "f64_convert_s_i64": legalstub$f14, + "f32_convert_u_i32": f15, + "f32_convert_u_i64": legalstub$f16, + "f64_convert_u_i32": f17, + "f64_convert_u_i64": legalstub$f18, + "f64_promote_f32": f19, + "f32_demote_f64": f20, + "f32_reinterpret_i32": f21, + "f64_reinterpret_i64": legalstub$f22, + "i32_reinterpret_f32": f23, + "i64_reinterpret_f64": legalstub$f24 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js index 6ab56747baf..659847e3309 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; // EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS ; - function $0() { + function f0() { return __wasm_memory_size() | 0; } @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "get_size": $0, + "get_size": f0, "memory": Object.create(Object.prototype, { "grow": { "value": __wasm_memory_grow diff --git a/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js.opt index 6ab56747baf..659847e3309 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/emscripten-grow-yes.2asm.js.opt @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; // EMSCRIPTEN_START_FUNCS ; - function $0() { + function f0() { return __wasm_memory_size() | 0; } @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "get_size": $0, + "get_size": f0, "memory": Object.create(Object.prototype, { "grow": { "value": __wasm_memory_grow diff --git a/test/wasm2js/endianness.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/endianness.2asm.js index 5e29d67c345..7d0447572a5 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/endianness.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/endianness.2asm.js @@ -72,22 +72,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { address = address | 0; value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9 = 0, $6 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = value$hi; i32_store_little(address | 0, value | 0); - $6_1 = address + 4 | 0; + $6 = address + 4 | 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = value; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $9_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $9 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - i32_store_little($6_1 | 0, $9_1 | 0); + i32_store_little($6 | 0, $9 | 0); } function i16_load_little(address) { @@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { function i64_load_little(address) { address = address | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = i32_load_little(address | 0) | 0; + $3 = i32_load_little(address | 0) | 0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = i32_load_little(address + 4 | 0 | 0) | 0; @@ -113,41 +113,41 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $9_1 = 0; + $9 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $9_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $9; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$2; return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $0(value) { + function f0(value) { value = value | 0; i16_store_little(0 | 0, value | 0); return HEAP16[0 >> 1] | 0 | 0; } - function $1(value) { + function f1(value) { value = value | 0; i16_store_little(0 | 0, value | 0); return HEAPU16[0 >> 1] | 0 | 0; } - function $2(value) { + function f2(value) { value = value | 0; i32_store_little(0 | 0, value | 0); return HEAP32[0 >> 2] | 0 | 0; } - function $3(value, value$hi) { + function f3(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $4(value, value$hi) { + function f4(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $5(value, value$hi) { + function f5(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $6(value, value$hi) { + function f6(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $7(value, value$hi) { + function f7(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -208,13 +208,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $8(value) { + function f8(value) { value = Math_fround(value); i32_store_little(0 | 0, (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(value), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0); return Math_fround(Math_fround(HEAPF32[0 >> 2])); } - function $9(value) { + function f9(value) { value = +value; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+value); @@ -223,19 +223,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return +(+HEAPF64[0 >> 3]); } - function $10(value) { + function f10(value) { value = value | 0; HEAP16[0 >> 1] = value; return i16_load_little(0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $11(value) { + function f11(value) { value = value | 0; HEAP32[0 >> 2] = value; return i32_load_little(0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $12(value, value$hi) { + function f12(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $13(value, value$hi) { + function f13(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $14(value, value$hi) { + function f14(value, value$hi) { value = value | 0; value$hi = value$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -273,13 +273,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $15(value) { + function f15(value) { value = Math_fround(value); HEAPF32[0 >> 2] = value; return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, i32_load_little(0 | 0) | 0), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); } - function $16(value) { + function f16(value) { value = +value; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; HEAPF64[0 >> 3] = value; @@ -290,34 +290,34 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return +(+wasm2js_scratch_load_f64()); } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -325,44 +325,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$4($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f4($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $4(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f4(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -370,44 +370,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$5($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f5($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -415,44 +415,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$6($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f6($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $6(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f6(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -460,44 +460,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$7($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f7($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $7(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f7(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -505,44 +505,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$12($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f12($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $12(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f12(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -550,44 +550,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$13($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f13($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $13(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f13(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -595,44 +595,44 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$14($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12_1 = 0, $13_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f14($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $12_1 = 0; + $12 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $12_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $12 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $12_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $14(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f14(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -640,14 +640,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $13_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $13 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $13_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $13 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($13_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -678,23 +678,23 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_load16_s": $0, - "i32_load16_u": $1, - "i32_load": $2, - "i64_load16_s": legalstub$3, - "i64_load16_u": legalstub$4, - "i64_load32_s": legalstub$5, - "i64_load32_u": legalstub$6, - "i64_load": legalstub$7, - "f32_load": $8, - "f64_load": $9, - "i32_store16": $10, - "i32_store": $11, - "i64_store16": legalstub$12, - "i64_store32": legalstub$13, - "i64_store": legalstub$14, - "f32_store": $15, - "f64_store": $16 + "i32_load16_s": f0, + "i32_load16_u": f1, + "i32_load": f2, + "i64_load16_s": legalstub$f3, + "i64_load16_u": legalstub$f4, + "i64_load32_s": legalstub$f5, + "i64_load32_u": legalstub$f6, + "i64_load": legalstub$f7, + "f32_load": f8, + "f64_load": f9, + "i32_store16": f10, + "i32_store": f11, + "i64_store16": legalstub$f12, + "i64_store32": legalstub$f13, + "i64_store": legalstub$f14, + "f32_store": f15, + "f64_store": f16 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js index 61c28d76589..8199eeb8507 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var global0 = 655360; - function $0() { + function f0() { return 42 | 0; } @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { global0 = _global0; } }, - "helloWorld": $0 + "helloWorld": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js.opt index 6706698f9cc..2317443d152 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/export_global.2asm.js.opt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var global0 = 655360; - function $0() { + function f0() { return 42; } @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { global0 = _global0; } }, - "helloWorld": $0 + "helloWorld": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/f32.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/f32.2asm.js index 4301a6bae31..cf7e2e4de55 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/f32.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/f32.2asm.js @@ -10,63 +10,63 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x + y)); } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x - y)); } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x * y)); } - function $3(x, y) { + function f3(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x / y)); } - function $4(x) { + function f4(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_sqrt(x))); } - function $5(x, y) { + function f5(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_min(x, y))); } - function $6(x, y) { + function f6(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_max(x, y))); } - function $7(x) { + function f7(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_ceil(x))); } - function $8(x) { + function f8(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_floor(x))); } - function $9(x) { + function f9(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_trunc(x))); } - function $10(x) { + function f10(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(__wasm_nearest_f32(Math_fround(x)))); } @@ -88,17 +88,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "add": $0, - "sub": $1, - "mul": $2, - "div": $3, - "sqrt": $4, - "min": $5, - "max": $6, - "ceil": $7, - "floor": $8, - "trunc": $9, - "nearest": $10 + "add": f0, + "sub": f1, + "mul": f2, + "div": f3, + "sqrt": f4, + "min": f5, + "max": f6, + "ceil": f7, + "floor": f8, + "trunc": f9, + "nearest": f10 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/f32_cmp.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/f32_cmp.2asm.js index 0cb2c69e7c8..bea8d61a4d1 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/f32_cmp.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/f32_cmp.2asm.js @@ -10,49 +10,49 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return x == y | 0; } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return x != y | 0; } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return x < y | 0; } - function $3(x, y) { + function f3(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return x <= y | 0; } - function $4(x, y) { + function f4(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return x > y | 0; } - function $5(x, y) { + function f5(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return x >= y | 0; } return { - "eq": $0, - "ne": $1, - "lt": $2, - "le": $3, - "gt": $4, - "ge": $5 + "eq": f0, + "ne": f1, + "lt": f2, + "le": f3, + "gt": f4, + "ge": f5 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/f64_cmp.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/f64_cmp.2asm.js index 947d32a7483..30ec8a49297 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/f64_cmp.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/f64_cmp.2asm.js @@ -10,49 +10,49 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return x == y | 0; } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return x != y | 0; } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return x < y | 0; } - function $3(x, y) { + function f3(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return x <= y | 0; } - function $4(x, y) { + function f4(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return x > y | 0; } - function $5(x, y) { + function f5(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return x >= y | 0; } return { - "eq": $0, - "ne": $1, - "lt": $2, - "le": $3, - "gt": $4, - "ge": $5 + "eq": f0, + "ne": f1, + "lt": f2, + "le": f3, + "gt": f4, + "ge": f5 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/fac.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/fac.2asm.js index b98604c0ec9..4105dd9252a 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/fac.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/fac.2asm.js @@ -14,27 +14,27 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8 = 0, $8$hi = 0, $6 = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; - if (($0_1 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & ($0$hi | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0) { + if (($0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & ($0$hi | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0) { $8 = 1; $8$hi = 0; } else { - i64toi32_i32$3 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 1; i64toi32_i32$5 = (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 0 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = $0$hi - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$5 = $0(i64toi32_i32$3 - i64toi32_i32$1 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$5 = f0(i64toi32_i32$3 - i64toi32_i32$1 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $6 = i64toi32_i32$5; $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$3; i64toi32_i32$3 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$5 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$5 = __wasm_i64_mul($0_1 | 0, $0$hi | 0, $6 | 0, i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$5 = __wasm_i64_mul($0 | 0, $0$hi | 0, $6 | 0, i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $8 = i64toi32_i32$5; $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$3; @@ -76,20 +76,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $2_1 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, $1 = 0, $2$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - $1_1 = $0_1; + $1 = $0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $2_1 = 1; + $2 = 1; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; block : { label : while (1) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; if ((i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0) { @@ -99,29 +99,29 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $2$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_i64_mul($1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, $2_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_i64_mul($1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, $2 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$0; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 1; i64toi32_i32$5 = (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$3 - i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$3 - i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; } continue label; }; } i64toi32_i32$5 = $2$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $2_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $2; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$5; return i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; } - function $2(n, n$hi) { + function f2(n, n$hi) { n = n | 0; n$hi = n$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i = 0, res$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, res = 0; @@ -166,16 +166,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; } - function $3($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f3($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $1$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $1$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $10 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $1_1 = 1; + $1 = 1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; block : { i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 2; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) < (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { @@ -201,22 +201,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_i64_mul($1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, $0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_i64_mul($1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, $0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $0; i64toi32_i32$0 = -1; i64toi32_i32$1 = -1; - i64toi32_i32$4 = $0_1 + i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; + i64toi32_i32$4 = $0 + i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 + i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; if (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$5 + 1 | 0 } - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$4; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$4; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 1; if ((i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) > (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0)) { @@ -241,20 +241,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { }; } i64toi32_i32$2 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$5 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$5 = $1; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$2; return i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f0(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -288,18 +288,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$fac_rec_named($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$fac_rec_named($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = fac_rec_named(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -333,18 +333,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -378,18 +378,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -423,18 +423,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -451,9 +451,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int3mul3Mul3mul17h070e9a1c69faec5bE(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -558,11 +558,11 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "fac_rec": legalstub$0, + "fac_rec": legalstub$f0, "fac_rec_named": legalstub$fac_rec_named, - "fac_iter": legalstub$1, - "fac_iter_named": legalstub$2, - "fac_opt": legalstub$3 + "fac_iter": legalstub$f1, + "fac_iter_named": legalstub$f2, + "fac_opt": legalstub$f3 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js index eacfc01ebab..07a03ca9d63 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js @@ -10,495 +10,495 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 + $1_1)); + function f0($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 + $1)); } - function $1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 - $1_1)); + function f1($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 - $1)); } - function $2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 * $1_1)); + function f2($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 * $1)); } - function $3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 / $1_1)); + function f3($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 / $1)); } - function $4($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 + $1_1); + function f4($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 + $1); } - function $5($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 - $1_1); + function f5($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 - $1); } - function $6($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 * $1_1); + function f6($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 * $1); } - function $7($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 / $1_1); + function f7($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 / $1); } - function $8($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 == $1_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 == $1 | 0; } - function $9($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 != $1_1 | 0; + function f9($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 != $1 | 0; } - function $10($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 >= $1_1 | 0; + function f10($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 >= $1 | 0; } - function $11($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 > $1_1 | 0; + function f11($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 > $1 | 0; } - function $12($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 <= $1_1 | 0; + function f12($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 <= $1 | 0; } - function $13($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 < $1_1 | 0; + function f13($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 < $1 | 0; } - function $14($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 == $1_1 | 0; + function f14($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 == $1 | 0; } - function $15($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 != $1_1 | 0; + function f15($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 != $1 | 0; } - function $16($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 >= $1_1 | 0; + function f16($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 >= $1 | 0; } - function $17($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 > $1_1 | 0; + function f17($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 > $1 | 0; } - function $18($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 <= $1_1 | 0; + function f18($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 <= $1 | 0; } - function $19($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 < $1_1 | 0; + function f19($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 < $1 | 0; } - function $20($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_min($0_1, $1_1))); + function f20($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_min($0, $1))); } - function $21($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_max($0_1, $1_1))); + function f21($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_max($0, $1))); } - function $22($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +Math_min($0_1, $1_1); + function f22($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +Math_min($0, $1); } - function $23($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +Math_max($0_1, $1_1); + function f23($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +Math_max($0, $1); } - function $24($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return +(+$0_1); + function f24($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return +(+$0); } - function $25($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1)); + function f25($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0)); } - function $26($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_floor($0_1))); + function f26($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_floor($0))); } - function $27($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_ceil($0_1))); + function f27($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_ceil($0))); } - function $28($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +Math_floor($0_1); + function f28($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +Math_floor($0); } - function $29($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +Math_ceil($0_1); + function f29($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +Math_ceil($0); } - function $30($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_sqrt($0_1))); + function f30($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_sqrt($0))); } - function $31($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +Math_sqrt($0_1); + function f31($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +Math_sqrt($0); } - function $32($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 | 0)); + function f32($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 | 0)); } - function $33($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return +(+($0_1 | 0)); + function f33($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return +(+($0 | 0)); } - function $34($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 >>> 0)); + function f34($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 >>> 0)); } - function $35($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return +(+($0_1 >>> 0)); + function f35($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return +(+($0 >>> 0)); } - function $36($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return ~~$0_1 | 0; + function f36($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return ~~$0 | 0; } - function $37($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return ~~$0_1 | 0; + function f37($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return ~~$0 | 0; } - function $38($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return ~~$0_1 >>> 0 | 0; + function f38($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return ~~$0 >>> 0 | 0; } - function $39($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return ~~$0_1 >>> 0 | 0; + function f39($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return ~~$0 >>> 0 | 0; } - function $40($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f40($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return Math_fround(Math_fround(+($0_1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 | 0))); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(+($0 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 | 0))); } - function $41($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f41($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return +(+($0_1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 | 0)); + return +(+($0 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 | 0)); } - function $42($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f42($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return Math_fround(Math_fround(+($0_1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0))); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(+($0 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0))); } - function $43($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f43($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return +(+($0_1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0)); + return +(+($0 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0)); } - function $44($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $0_1; + function f44($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $3 = 0, $4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $0; if (Math_fround(Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > Math_fround(0.0)) { - $3_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 } else { - $3_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 } - $4_1 = $3_1; + $4 = $3; } else { - $4_1 = 0 + $4 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $4; return (~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 | 0) == (0 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $45($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $0_1; + function f45($0) { + $0 = +$0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $0; if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > 0.0) { - $3_1 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 } else { - $3_1 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 } - $4_1 = $3_1; + $4 = $3; } else { - $4_1 = 0 + $4 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $4; return (~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 | 0) == (0 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $46($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $0_1; + function f46($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $3 = 0, $4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $0; if (Math_fround(Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > Math_fround(0.0)) { - $3_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 } else { - $3_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 } - $4_1 = $3_1; + $4 = $3; } else { - $4_1 = 0 + $4 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $4; return (~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 | 0) == (0 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $47($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $0_1; + function f47($0) { + $0 = +$0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $0; if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > 0.0) { - $3_1 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 } else { - $3_1 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 + $3 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 } - $4_1 = $3_1; + $4 = $3; } else { - $4_1 = 0 + $4 = 0 } - i64toi32_i32$1 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $4; return (~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 | 0) == (0 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$40($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f40($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($40(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(f40(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); } - function legalstub$41($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f41($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$41(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); + return +(+f41(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); } - function legalstub$42($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f42($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($42(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(f42(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0))); } - function legalstub$43($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f43($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $10_1 = 0; + $10 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $10_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $10 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$43(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); + return +(+f43(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0)); } return { - "f32_add": $0, - "f32_sub": $1, - "f32_mul": $2, - "f32_div": $3, - "f64_add": $4, - "f64_sub": $5, - "f64_mul": $6, - "f64_div": $7, - "f32_eq": $8, - "f32_ne": $9, - "f32_ge": $10, - "f32_gt": $11, - "f32_le": $12, - "f32_lt": $13, - "f64_eq": $14, - "f64_ne": $15, - "f64_ge": $16, - "f64_gt": $17, - "f64_le": $18, - "f64_lt": $19, - "f32_min": $20, - "f32_max": $21, - "f64_min": $22, - "f64_max": $23, - "f64_promote": $24, - "f32_demote": $25, - "f32_floor": $26, - "f32_ceil": $27, - "f64_floor": $28, - "f64_ceil": $29, - "f32_sqrt": $30, - "f64_sqrt": $31, - "i32_to_f32": $32, - "i32_to_f64": $33, - "u32_to_f32": $34, - "u32_to_f64": $35, - "f32_to_i32": $36, - "f64_to_i32": $37, - "f32_to_u32": $38, - "f64_to_u32": $39, - "i64_to_f32": legalstub$40, - "i64_to_f64": legalstub$41, - "u64_to_f32": legalstub$42, - "u64_to_f64": legalstub$43, - "f32_to_i64": $44, - "f64_to_i64": $45, - "f32_to_u64": $46, - "f64_to_u64": $47 + "f32_add": f0, + "f32_sub": f1, + "f32_mul": f2, + "f32_div": f3, + "f64_add": f4, + "f64_sub": f5, + "f64_mul": f6, + "f64_div": f7, + "f32_eq": f8, + "f32_ne": f9, + "f32_ge": f10, + "f32_gt": f11, + "f32_le": f12, + "f32_lt": f13, + "f64_eq": f14, + "f64_ne": f15, + "f64_ge": f16, + "f64_gt": f17, + "f64_le": f18, + "f64_lt": f19, + "f32_min": f20, + "f32_max": f21, + "f64_min": f22, + "f64_max": f23, + "f64_promote": f24, + "f32_demote": f25, + "f32_floor": f26, + "f32_ceil": f27, + "f64_floor": f28, + "f64_ceil": f29, + "f32_sqrt": f30, + "f64_sqrt": f31, + "i32_to_f32": f32, + "i32_to_f64": f33, + "u32_to_f32": f34, + "u32_to_f64": f35, + "f32_to_i32": f36, + "f64_to_i32": f37, + "f32_to_u32": f38, + "f64_to_u32": f39, + "i64_to_f32": legalstub$f40, + "i64_to_f64": legalstub$f41, + "u64_to_f32": legalstub$f42, + "u64_to_f64": legalstub$f43, + "f32_to_i64": f44, + "f64_to_i64": f45, + "f32_to_u64": f46, + "f64_to_u64": f47 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js.opt index 9475a4698f6..e6a9f9f949c 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/float-ops.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,317 +10,317 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 + $1_1)); + function f0($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 + $1)); } - function $1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 - $1_1)); + function f1($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 - $1)); } - function $2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 * $1_1)); + function f2($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 * $1)); } - function $3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 / $1_1)); + function f3($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 / $1)); } - function $4($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 + $1_1); + function f4($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 + $1); } - function $5($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 - $1_1); + function f5($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 - $1); } - function $6($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 * $1_1); + function f6($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 * $1); } - function $7($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +($0_1 / $1_1); + function f7($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +($0 / $1); } - function $8($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 == $1_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 == $1 | 0; } - function $9($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 != $1_1 | 0; + function f9($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 != $1 | 0; } - function $10($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 >= $1_1 | 0; + function f10($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 >= $1 | 0; } - function $11($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 > $1_1 | 0; + function f11($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 > $1 | 0; } - function $12($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 <= $1_1 | 0; + function f12($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 <= $1 | 0; } - function $13($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return $0_1 < $1_1 | 0; + function f13($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return $0 < $1 | 0; } - function $14($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 == $1_1 | 0; + function f14($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 == $1 | 0; } - function $15($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 != $1_1 | 0; + function f15($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 != $1 | 0; } - function $16($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 >= $1_1 | 0; + function f16($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 >= $1 | 0; } - function $17($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 > $1_1 | 0; + function f17($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 > $1 | 0; } - function $18($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 <= $1_1 | 0; + function f18($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 <= $1 | 0; } - function $19($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return $0_1 < $1_1 | 0; + function f19($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return $0 < $1 | 0; } - function $20($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_min($0_1, $1_1))); + function f20($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_min($0, $1))); } - function $21($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_max($0_1, $1_1))); + function f21($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_max($0, $1))); } - function $22($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +Math_min($0_1, $1_1); + function f22($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +Math_min($0, $1); } - function $23($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; - return +Math_max($0_1, $1_1); + function f23($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; + return +Math_max($0, $1); } - function $24($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return +$0_1; + function f24($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return +$0; } - function $25($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1)); + function f25($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0)); } - function $26($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_floor($0_1))); + function f26($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_floor($0))); } - function $27($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_ceil($0_1))); + function f27($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_ceil($0))); } - function $28($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +Math_floor($0_1); + function f28($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +Math_floor($0); } - function $29($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +Math_ceil($0_1); + function f29($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +Math_ceil($0); } - function $30($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_sqrt($0_1))); + function f30($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_sqrt($0))); } - function $31($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +Math_sqrt($0_1); + function f31($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +Math_sqrt($0); } - function $32($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 | 0)); + function f32($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 | 0)); } - function $33($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return +($0_1 | 0); + function f33($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return +($0 | 0); } - function $34($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 >>> 0)); + function f34($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return Math_fround(Math_fround($0 >>> 0)); } - function $35($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return +($0_1 >>> 0); + function f35($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return +($0 >>> 0); } - function $36($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return ~~$0_1 | 0; + function f36($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return ~~$0 | 0; } - function $37($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return ~~$0_1 | 0; + function f37($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return ~~$0 | 0; } - function $38($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return ~~$0_1 >>> 0 | 0; + function f38($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return ~~$0 >>> 0 | 0; } - function $39($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return ~~$0_1 >>> 0 | 0; + function f39($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return ~~$0 >>> 0 | 0; } - function $44($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - var $1_1 = 0; - if (Math_fround(Math_abs($0_1)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { - $1_1 = ~~($0_1 > Math_fround(0.0) ? Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround($0_1 * Math_fround(2.3283064365386963e-10)))), Math_fround(4294967296.0))) : Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround($0_1 - Math_fround(~~$0_1 >>> 0 >>> 0)) * Math_fround(2.3283064365386963e-10))))) >>> 0 + function f44($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + var $1 = 0; + if (Math_fround(Math_abs($0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { + $1 = ~~($0 > Math_fround(0.0) ? Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround($0 * Math_fround(2.3283064365386963e-10)))), Math_fround(4294967296.0))) : Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround($0 - Math_fround(~~$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) * Math_fround(2.3283064365386963e-10))))) >>> 0 } else { - $1_1 = 0 + $1 = 0 } - return !($1_1 | ~~$0_1 >>> 0) | 0; + return !($1 | ~~$0 >>> 0) | 0; } - function $45($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - var $1_1 = 0; - if (Math_abs($0_1) >= 1.0) { - $1_1 = ~~($0_1 > 0.0 ? Math_min(Math_floor($0_1 * 2.3283064365386963e-10), 4294967295.0) : Math_ceil(($0_1 - +(~~$0_1 >>> 0 >>> 0)) * 2.3283064365386963e-10)) >>> 0 + function f45($0) { + $0 = +$0; + var $1 = 0; + if (Math_abs($0) >= 1.0) { + $1 = ~~($0 > 0.0 ? Math_min(Math_floor($0 * 2.3283064365386963e-10), 4294967295.0) : Math_ceil(($0 - +(~~$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) * 2.3283064365386963e-10)) >>> 0 } else { - $1_1 = 0 + $1 = 0 } - return !($1_1 | ~~$0_1 >>> 0) | 0; + return !($1 | ~~$0 >>> 0) | 0; } - function legalstub$40($0_1, $1_1) { - return Math_fround(+($0_1 >>> 0) + +($1_1 | 0) * 4294967296.0); + function legalstub$f40($0, $1) { + return Math_fround(+($0 >>> 0) + +($1 | 0) * 4294967296.0); } - function legalstub$41($0_1, $1_1) { - return +($0_1 >>> 0) + +($1_1 | 0) * 4294967296.0; + function legalstub$f41($0, $1) { + return +($0 >>> 0) + +($1 | 0) * 4294967296.0; } - function legalstub$42($0_1, $1_1) { - return Math_fround(+($0_1 >>> 0) + +($1_1 >>> 0) * 4294967296.0); + function legalstub$f42($0, $1) { + return Math_fround(+($0 >>> 0) + +($1 >>> 0) * 4294967296.0); } - function legalstub$43($0_1, $1_1) { - return +($0_1 >>> 0) + +($1_1 >>> 0) * 4294967296.0; + function legalstub$f43($0, $1) { + return +($0 >>> 0) + +($1 >>> 0) * 4294967296.0; } return { - "f32_add": $0, - "f32_sub": $1, - "f32_mul": $2, - "f32_div": $3, - "f64_add": $4, - "f64_sub": $5, - "f64_mul": $6, - "f64_div": $7, - "f32_eq": $8, - "f32_ne": $9, - "f32_ge": $10, - "f32_gt": $11, - "f32_le": $12, - "f32_lt": $13, - "f64_eq": $14, - "f64_ne": $15, - "f64_ge": $16, - "f64_gt": $17, - "f64_le": $18, - "f64_lt": $19, - "f32_min": $20, - "f32_max": $21, - "f64_min": $22, - "f64_max": $23, - "f64_promote": $24, - "f32_demote": $25, - "f32_floor": $26, - "f32_ceil": $27, - "f64_floor": $28, - "f64_ceil": $29, - "f32_sqrt": $30, - "f64_sqrt": $31, - "i32_to_f32": $32, - "i32_to_f64": $33, - "u32_to_f32": $34, - "u32_to_f64": $35, - "f32_to_i32": $36, - "f64_to_i32": $37, - "f32_to_u32": $38, - "f64_to_u32": $39, - "i64_to_f32": legalstub$40, - "i64_to_f64": legalstub$41, - "u64_to_f32": legalstub$42, - "u64_to_f64": legalstub$43, - "f32_to_i64": $44, - "f64_to_i64": $45, - "f32_to_u64": $44, - "f64_to_u64": $45 + "f32_add": f0, + "f32_sub": f1, + "f32_mul": f2, + "f32_div": f3, + "f64_add": f4, + "f64_sub": f5, + "f64_mul": f6, + "f64_div": f7, + "f32_eq": f8, + "f32_ne": f9, + "f32_ge": f10, + "f32_gt": f11, + "f32_le": f12, + "f32_lt": f13, + "f64_eq": f14, + "f64_ne": f15, + "f64_ge": f16, + "f64_gt": f17, + "f64_le": f18, + "f64_lt": f19, + "f32_min": f20, + "f32_max": f21, + "f64_min": f22, + "f64_max": f23, + "f64_promote": f24, + "f32_demote": f25, + "f32_floor": f26, + "f32_ceil": f27, + "f64_floor": f28, + "f64_ceil": f29, + "f32_sqrt": f30, + "f64_sqrt": f31, + "i32_to_f32": f32, + "i32_to_f64": f33, + "u32_to_f32": f34, + "u32_to_f64": f35, + "f32_to_i32": f36, + "f64_to_i32": f37, + "f32_to_u32": f38, + "f64_to_u32": f39, + "i64_to_f32": legalstub$f40, + "i64_to_f64": legalstub$f41, + "u64_to_f32": legalstub$f42, + "u64_to_f64": legalstub$f43, + "f32_to_i64": f44, + "f64_to_i64": f45, + "f32_to_u64": f44, + "f64_to_u64": f45 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js index 1a2b86331cb..e101e68390f 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js @@ -32,127 +32,127 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { + function f0() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $1() { + function f1() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $2() { + function f2() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(-NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $3() { + function f3() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $4() { + function f4() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $5() { + function f5() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(-NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $6() { + function f6() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $7() { + function f7() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $8() { + function f8() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(-NaN)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $9() { + function f9() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(Infinity)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $10() { + function f10() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(Infinity)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $11() { + function f11() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(-Infinity)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $12() { + function f12() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $13() { + function f13() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $14() { + function f14() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(-0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $15() { + function f15() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(6.2831854820251465)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $16() { + function f16() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.401298464324817e-45)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $17() { + function f17() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.1754943508222875e-38)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $18() { + function f18() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(3402823466385288598117041.0e14)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $19() { + function f19() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.1754942106924411e-38)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $20() { + function f20() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1024.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $21() { + function f21() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $22() { + function f22() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $23() { + function f23() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(-0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $24() { + function f24() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(6.2831854820251465)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $25() { + function f25() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.401298464324817e-45)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $26() { + function f26() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.1754943508222875e-38)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $27() { + function f27() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.1754942106924411e-38)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $28() { + function f28() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(3402823466385288598117041.0e14)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $29() { + function f29() { return (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(1.0e10)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0; } - function $30() { + function f30() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $31() { + function f31() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $32() { + function f32() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(-NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $33() { + function f33() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $34() { + function f34() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $35() { + function f35() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(-NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $36() { + function f36() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $37() { + function f37() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $38() { + function f38() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(-NaN)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $39() { + function f39() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(Infinity)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $40() { + function f40() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(Infinity)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $41() { + function f41() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(-Infinity)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $42() { + function f42() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $43() { + function f43() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $44() { + function f44() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(-0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $45() { + function f45() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(6.283185307179586)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $46() { + function f46() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(5.0e-324)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $47() { + function f47() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(2.2250738585072014e-308)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $48() { + function f48() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(2.225073858507201e-308)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $49() { + function f49() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(1797693134862315708145274.0e284)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $50() { + function f50() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(1267650600228229401496703.0e6)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $51() { + function f51() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $52() { + function f52() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $53() { + function f53() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(-0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $54() { + function f54() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(6.283185307179586)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $55() { + function f55() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(5.0e-324)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $56() { + function f56() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(2.2250738585072014e-308)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $57() { + function f57() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(2.225073858507201e-308)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $58() { + function f58() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(1797693134862315708145274.0e284)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $59() { + function f59() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(1.e+100)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -422,11 +422,11 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$30() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $30() | 0; + function legalstub$f30() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f30() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -434,21 +434,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$31() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $31() | 0; + function legalstub$f31() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f31() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -456,21 +456,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$32() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $32() | 0; + function legalstub$f32() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f32() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -478,21 +478,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$33() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $33() | 0; + function legalstub$f33() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f33() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -500,21 +500,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$34() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $34() | 0; + function legalstub$f34() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f34() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -522,21 +522,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$35() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $35() | 0; + function legalstub$f35() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f35() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -544,21 +544,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$36() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $36() | 0; + function legalstub$f36() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f36() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -566,21 +566,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$37() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $37() | 0; + function legalstub$f37() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f37() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -588,21 +588,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$38() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $38() | 0; + function legalstub$f38() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f38() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -610,21 +610,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$39() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $39() | 0; + function legalstub$f39() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f39() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -632,21 +632,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$40() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $40() | 0; + function legalstub$f40() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f40() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -654,21 +654,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$41() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $41() | 0; + function legalstub$f41() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f41() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -676,21 +676,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$42() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $42() | 0; + function legalstub$f42() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f42() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -698,21 +698,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$43() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $43() | 0; + function legalstub$f43() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f43() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -720,21 +720,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$44() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $44() | 0; + function legalstub$f44() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f44() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -742,21 +742,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$45() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $45() | 0; + function legalstub$f45() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f45() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -764,21 +764,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$46() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $46() | 0; + function legalstub$f46() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f46() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -786,21 +786,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$47() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $47() | 0; + function legalstub$f47() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f47() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -808,21 +808,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$48() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $48() | 0; + function legalstub$f48() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f48() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -830,21 +830,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$49() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $49() | 0; + function legalstub$f49() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f49() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -852,21 +852,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$50() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $50() | 0; + function legalstub$f50() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f50() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -874,21 +874,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$51() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $51() | 0; + function legalstub$f51() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f51() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -896,21 +896,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$52() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $52() | 0; + function legalstub$f52() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f52() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -918,21 +918,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$53() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $53() | 0; + function legalstub$f53() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f53() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -940,21 +940,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$54() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $54() | 0; + function legalstub$f54() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f54() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -962,21 +962,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$55() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $55() | 0; + function legalstub$f55() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f55() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -984,21 +984,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$56() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $56() | 0; + function legalstub$f56() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f56() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -1006,21 +1006,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$57() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $57() | 0; + function legalstub$f57() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f57() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -1028,21 +1028,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$58() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $58() | 0; + function legalstub$f58() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f58() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -1050,21 +1050,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$59() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $59() | 0; + function legalstub$f59() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f59() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -1072,77 +1072,77 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } return { - "f32_nan": $0, - "f32_positive_nan": $1, - "f32_negative_nan": $2, - "f32_plain_nan": $3, - "f32_informally_known_as_plain_snan": $4, - "f32_all_ones_nan": $5, - "f32_misc_nan": $6, - "f32_misc_positive_nan": $7, - "f32_misc_negative_nan": $8, - "f32_infinity": $9, - "f32_positive_infinity": $10, - "f32_negative_infinity": $11, - "f32_zero": $12, - "f32_positive_zero": $13, - "f32_negative_zero": $14, - "f32_misc": $15, - "f32_min_positive": $16, - "f32_min_normal": $17, - "f32_max_finite": $18, - "f32_max_subnormal": $19, - "f32_trailing_dot": $20, - "f32_dec_zero": $21, - "f32_dec_positive_zero": $22, - "f32_dec_negative_zero": $23, - "f32_dec_misc": $24, - "f32_dec_min_positive": $25, - "f32_dec_min_normal": $26, - "f32_dec_max_subnormal": $27, - "f32_dec_max_finite": $28, - "f32_dec_trailing_dot": $29, - "f64_nan": legalstub$30, - "f64_positive_nan": legalstub$31, - "f64_negative_nan": legalstub$32, - "f64_plain_nan": legalstub$33, - "f64_informally_known_as_plain_snan": legalstub$34, - "f64_all_ones_nan": legalstub$35, - "f64_misc_nan": legalstub$36, - "f64_misc_positive_nan": legalstub$37, - "f64_misc_negative_nan": legalstub$38, - "f64_infinity": legalstub$39, - "f64_positive_infinity": legalstub$40, - "f64_negative_infinity": legalstub$41, - "f64_zero": legalstub$42, - "f64_positive_zero": legalstub$43, - "f64_negative_zero": legalstub$44, - "f64_misc": legalstub$45, - "f64_min_positive": legalstub$46, - "f64_min_normal": legalstub$47, - "f64_max_subnormal": legalstub$48, - "f64_max_finite": legalstub$49, - "f64_trailing_dot": legalstub$50, - "f64_dec_zero": legalstub$51, - "f64_dec_positive_zero": legalstub$52, - "f64_dec_negative_zero": legalstub$53, - "f64_dec_misc": legalstub$54, - "f64_dec_min_positive": legalstub$55, - "f64_dec_min_normal": legalstub$56, - "f64_dec_max_subnormal": legalstub$57, - "f64_dec_max_finite": legalstub$58, - "f64_dec_trailing_dot": legalstub$59 + "f32_nan": f0, + "f32_positive_nan": f1, + "f32_negative_nan": f2, + "f32_plain_nan": f3, + "f32_informally_known_as_plain_snan": f4, + "f32_all_ones_nan": f5, + "f32_misc_nan": f6, + "f32_misc_positive_nan": f7, + "f32_misc_negative_nan": f8, + "f32_infinity": f9, + "f32_positive_infinity": f10, + "f32_negative_infinity": f11, + "f32_zero": f12, + "f32_positive_zero": f13, + "f32_negative_zero": f14, + "f32_misc": f15, + "f32_min_positive": f16, + "f32_min_normal": f17, + "f32_max_finite": f18, + "f32_max_subnormal": f19, + "f32_trailing_dot": f20, + "f32_dec_zero": f21, + "f32_dec_positive_zero": f22, + "f32_dec_negative_zero": f23, + "f32_dec_misc": f24, + "f32_dec_min_positive": f25, + "f32_dec_min_normal": f26, + "f32_dec_max_subnormal": f27, + "f32_dec_max_finite": f28, + "f32_dec_trailing_dot": f29, + "f64_nan": legalstub$f30, + "f64_positive_nan": legalstub$f31, + "f64_negative_nan": legalstub$f32, + "f64_plain_nan": legalstub$f33, + "f64_informally_known_as_plain_snan": legalstub$f34, + "f64_all_ones_nan": legalstub$f35, + "f64_misc_nan": legalstub$f36, + "f64_misc_positive_nan": legalstub$f37, + "f64_misc_negative_nan": legalstub$f38, + "f64_infinity": legalstub$f39, + "f64_positive_infinity": legalstub$f40, + "f64_negative_infinity": legalstub$f41, + "f64_zero": legalstub$f42, + "f64_positive_zero": legalstub$f43, + "f64_negative_zero": legalstub$f44, + "f64_misc": legalstub$f45, + "f64_min_positive": legalstub$f46, + "f64_min_normal": legalstub$f47, + "f64_max_subnormal": legalstub$f48, + "f64_max_finite": legalstub$f49, + "f64_trailing_dot": legalstub$f50, + "f64_dec_zero": legalstub$f51, + "f64_dec_positive_zero": legalstub$f52, + "f64_dec_negative_zero": legalstub$f53, + "f64_dec_misc": legalstub$f54, + "f64_dec_min_positive": legalstub$f55, + "f64_dec_min_normal": legalstub$f56, + "f64_dec_max_subnormal": legalstub$f57, + "f64_dec_max_finite": legalstub$f58, + "f64_dec_trailing_dot": legalstub$f59 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js.opt index f1290f96f12..34c305c6d3a 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/float_literals-modified.2asm.js.opt @@ -28,319 +28,319 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { + function f0() { return 2143289344; } - function $2() { + function f2() { return -4194304; } - function $4() { + function f4() { return 2141192192; } - function $5() { + function f5() { return -1; } - function $6() { + function f6() { return 2139169605; } - function $7() { + function f7() { return 2142257232; } - function $8() { + function f8() { return -5587746; } - function $9() { + function f9() { return 2139095040; } - function $11() { + function f11() { return -8388608; } - function $12() { + function f12() { return 0; } - function $14() { + function f14() { return -2147483648; } - function $15() { + function f15() { return 1086918619; } - function $16() { + function f16() { return 1; } - function $17() { + function f17() { return 8388608; } - function $18() { + function f18() { return 2139095039; } - function $19() { + function f19() { return 8388607; } - function $20() { + function f20() { return 1149239296; } - function $29() { + function f29() { return 1343554297; } - function legalstub$30() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f30() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$32() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f32() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(-NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$34() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f34() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$35() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f35() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(-NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$36() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f36() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$37() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f37() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$38() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f38() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(-NaN); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$39() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f39() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(Infinity); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$41() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f41() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(-Infinity); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$42() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f42() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(0.0); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$44() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f44() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(-0.0); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$45() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f45() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(6.283185307179586); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$46() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f46() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(5.0e-324); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$47() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f47() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(2.2250738585072014e-308); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$48() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f48() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(2.225073858507201e-308); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$49() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f49() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(1797693134862315708145274.0e284); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$50() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f50() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(1267650600228229401496703.0e6); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } - function legalstub$59() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function legalstub$f59() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(1.e+100); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $0; setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); return $1; } return { - "f32_nan": $0, - "f32_positive_nan": $0, - "f32_negative_nan": $2, - "f32_plain_nan": $0, - "f32_informally_known_as_plain_snan": $4, - "f32_all_ones_nan": $5, - "f32_misc_nan": $6, - "f32_misc_positive_nan": $7, - "f32_misc_negative_nan": $8, - "f32_infinity": $9, - "f32_positive_infinity": $9, - "f32_negative_infinity": $11, - "f32_zero": $12, - "f32_positive_zero": $12, - "f32_negative_zero": $14, - "f32_misc": $15, - "f32_min_positive": $16, - "f32_min_normal": $17, - "f32_max_finite": $18, - "f32_max_subnormal": $19, - "f32_trailing_dot": $20, - "f32_dec_zero": $12, - "f32_dec_positive_zero": $12, - "f32_dec_negative_zero": $14, - "f32_dec_misc": $15, - "f32_dec_min_positive": $16, - "f32_dec_min_normal": $17, - "f32_dec_max_subnormal": $19, - "f32_dec_max_finite": $18, - "f32_dec_trailing_dot": $29, - "f64_nan": legalstub$30, - "f64_positive_nan": legalstub$30, - "f64_negative_nan": legalstub$32, - "f64_plain_nan": legalstub$30, - "f64_informally_known_as_plain_snan": legalstub$34, - "f64_all_ones_nan": legalstub$35, - "f64_misc_nan": legalstub$36, - "f64_misc_positive_nan": legalstub$37, - "f64_misc_negative_nan": legalstub$38, - "f64_infinity": legalstub$39, - "f64_positive_infinity": legalstub$39, - "f64_negative_infinity": legalstub$41, - "f64_zero": legalstub$42, - "f64_positive_zero": legalstub$42, - "f64_negative_zero": legalstub$44, - "f64_misc": legalstub$45, - "f64_min_positive": legalstub$46, - "f64_min_normal": legalstub$47, - "f64_max_subnormal": legalstub$48, - "f64_max_finite": legalstub$49, - "f64_trailing_dot": legalstub$50, - "f64_dec_zero": legalstub$42, - "f64_dec_positive_zero": legalstub$42, - "f64_dec_negative_zero": legalstub$44, - "f64_dec_misc": legalstub$45, - "f64_dec_min_positive": legalstub$46, - "f64_dec_min_normal": legalstub$47, - "f64_dec_max_subnormal": legalstub$48, - "f64_dec_max_finite": legalstub$49, - "f64_dec_trailing_dot": legalstub$59 + "f32_nan": f0, + "f32_positive_nan": f0, + "f32_negative_nan": f2, + "f32_plain_nan": f0, + "f32_informally_known_as_plain_snan": f4, + "f32_all_ones_nan": f5, + "f32_misc_nan": f6, + "f32_misc_positive_nan": f7, + "f32_misc_negative_nan": f8, + "f32_infinity": f9, + "f32_positive_infinity": f9, + "f32_negative_infinity": f11, + "f32_zero": f12, + "f32_positive_zero": f12, + "f32_negative_zero": f14, + "f32_misc": f15, + "f32_min_positive": f16, + "f32_min_normal": f17, + "f32_max_finite": f18, + "f32_max_subnormal": f19, + "f32_trailing_dot": f20, + "f32_dec_zero": f12, + "f32_dec_positive_zero": f12, + "f32_dec_negative_zero": f14, + "f32_dec_misc": f15, + "f32_dec_min_positive": f16, + "f32_dec_min_normal": f17, + "f32_dec_max_subnormal": f19, + "f32_dec_max_finite": f18, + "f32_dec_trailing_dot": f29, + "f64_nan": legalstub$f30, + "f64_positive_nan": legalstub$f30, + "f64_negative_nan": legalstub$f32, + "f64_plain_nan": legalstub$f30, + "f64_informally_known_as_plain_snan": legalstub$f34, + "f64_all_ones_nan": legalstub$f35, + "f64_misc_nan": legalstub$f36, + "f64_misc_positive_nan": legalstub$f37, + "f64_misc_negative_nan": legalstub$f38, + "f64_infinity": legalstub$f39, + "f64_positive_infinity": legalstub$f39, + "f64_negative_infinity": legalstub$f41, + "f64_zero": legalstub$f42, + "f64_positive_zero": legalstub$f42, + "f64_negative_zero": legalstub$f44, + "f64_misc": legalstub$f45, + "f64_min_positive": legalstub$f46, + "f64_min_normal": legalstub$f47, + "f64_max_subnormal": legalstub$f48, + "f64_max_finite": legalstub$f49, + "f64_trailing_dot": legalstub$f50, + "f64_dec_zero": legalstub$f42, + "f64_dec_positive_zero": legalstub$f42, + "f64_dec_negative_zero": legalstub$f44, + "f64_dec_misc": legalstub$f45, + "f64_dec_min_positive": legalstub$f46, + "f64_dec_min_normal": legalstub$f47, + "f64_dec_max_subnormal": legalstub$f48, + "f64_dec_max_finite": legalstub$f49, + "f64_dec_trailing_dot": legalstub$f59 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/float_misc.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/float_misc.2asm.js index 7a7a3dce81c..5428630efa4 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/float_misc.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/float_misc.2asm.js @@ -40,133 +40,133 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x + y)); } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x - y)); } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x * y)); } - function $3(x, y) { + function f3(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(x / y)); } - function $4(x) { + function f4(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_sqrt(x))); } - function $5(x) { + function f5(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_abs(x))); } - function $6(x) { + function f6(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(-x)); } - function $7(x, y) { + function f7(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(x), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) & 2147483647 | 0 | ((wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(y), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) & -2147483648 | 0) | 0), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); } - function $8(x) { + function f8(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_ceil(x))); } - function $9(x) { + function f9(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_floor(x))); } - function $10(x) { + function f10(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_trunc(x))); } - function $11(x) { + function f11(x) { x = Math_fround(x); return Math_fround(Math_fround(__wasm_nearest_f32(Math_fround(x)))); } - function $12(x, y) { + function f12(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_min(x, y))); } - function $13(x, y) { + function f13(x, y) { x = Math_fround(x); y = Math_fround(y); return Math_fround(Math_fround(Math_max(x, y))); } - function $14(x, y) { + function f14(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +(x + y); } - function $15(x, y) { + function f15(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +(x - y); } - function $16(x, y) { + function f16(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +(x * y); } - function $17(x, y) { + function f17(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +(x / y); } - function $18(x) { + function f18(x) { x = +x; return +Math_sqrt(x); } - function $19(x) { + function f19(x) { x = +x; return +Math_abs(x); } - function $20(x) { + function f20(x) { x = +x; return +-x; } - function $21(x, y) { + function f21(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+x); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 2147483647; i64toi32_i32$3 = -1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; - $4_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $4 = i64toi32_i32$2 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+y); i64toi32_i32$1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -174,45 +174,45 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = -2147483648; i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$0 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $4; i64toi32_i32$0 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $7_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $7; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$2 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0); return +(+wasm2js_scratch_load_f64()); } - function $22(x) { + function f22(x) { x = +x; return +Math_ceil(x); } - function $23(x) { + function f23(x) { x = +x; return +Math_floor(x); } - function $24(x) { + function f24(x) { x = +x; return +Math_trunc(x); } - function $25(x) { + function f25(x) { x = +x; return +(+__wasm_nearest_f64(+x)); } - function $26(x, y) { + function f26(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +Math_min(x, y); } - function $27(x, y) { + function f27(x, y) { x = +x; y = +y; return +Math_max(x, y); @@ -251,34 +251,34 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "f32_add": $0, - "f32_sub": $1, - "f32_mul": $2, - "f32_div": $3, - "f32_sqrt": $4, - "f32_abs": $5, - "f32_neg": $6, - "f32_copysign": $7, - "f32_ceil": $8, - "f32_floor": $9, - "f32_trunc": $10, - "f32_nearest": $11, - "f32_min": $12, - "f32_max": $13, - "f64_add": $14, - "f64_sub": $15, - "f64_mul": $16, - "f64_div": $17, - "f64_sqrt": $18, - "f64_abs": $19, - "f64_neg": $20, - "f64_copysign": $21, - "f64_ceil": $22, - "f64_floor": $23, - "f64_trunc": $24, - "f64_nearest": $25, - "f64_min": $26, - "f64_max": $27 + "f32_add": f0, + "f32_sub": f1, + "f32_mul": f2, + "f32_div": f3, + "f32_sqrt": f4, + "f32_abs": f5, + "f32_neg": f6, + "f32_copysign": f7, + "f32_ceil": f8, + "f32_floor": f9, + "f32_trunc": f10, + "f32_nearest": f11, + "f32_min": f12, + "f32_max": f13, + "f64_add": f14, + "f64_sub": f15, + "f64_mul": f16, + "f64_div": f17, + "f64_sqrt": f18, + "f64_abs": f19, + "f64_neg": f20, + "f64_copysign": f21, + "f64_ceil": f22, + "f64_floor": f23, + "f64_trunc": f24, + "f64_nearest": f25, + "f64_min": f26, + "f64_max": f27 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js index dcac8386ef4..48008b101a8 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 3 | 0; } - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return FUNCTION_TABLE[$0_1 | 0]() | 0 | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return FUNCTION_TABLE[$0 | 0]() | 0 | 0; } var FUNCTION_TABLE = [null, t1, t2, t3]; return { - "call": $0 + "call": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js.opt index e5ad86908db..8c1e55b0ba5 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/func-ptr-offset.2asm.js.opt @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 3; } - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return FUNCTION_TABLE[$0_1 | 0]() | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return FUNCTION_TABLE[$0 | 0]() | 0; } var FUNCTION_TABLE = [null, t1, t2, t3]; return { - "call": $0 + "call": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/func_ptrs.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/func_ptrs.2asm.js index 3e5c82e78c6..d25b9de411d 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/func_ptrs.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/func_ptrs.2asm.js @@ -13,30 +13,30 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var spectest = imports.spectest; var print = spectest.print_i32; - function $2() { + function f2() { return 13 | 0; } - function $3($0) { + function f3($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; return $0 + 1 | 0 | 0; } - function $4(a) { + function f4(a) { a = a | 0; return a - 2 | 0 | 0; } - function $5($0) { + function f5($0) { $0 = $0 | 0; print($0 | 0); } return { - "one": $2, - "two": $3, - "three": $4, - "four": $5 + "one": f2, + "two": f3, + "three": f4, + "four": f5 }; } @@ -79,20 +79,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 5 | 0; } - function $0(i) { + function f0(i) { i = i | 0; return FUNCTION_TABLE[i | 0]() | 0 | 0; } - function $1(i) { + function f1(i) { i = i | 0; return FUNCTION_TABLE[i | 0]() | 0 | 0; } var FUNCTION_TABLE = [t1, t2, t3, u1, u2, t1, t3]; return { - "callt": $0, - "callu": $1 + "callt": f0, + "callu": f1 }; } @@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 2 | 0; } - function $0(i) { + function f0(i) { i = i | 0; return FUNCTION_TABLE[i | 0]() | 0 | 0; } var FUNCTION_TABLE = [t1, t2]; return { - "callt": $0 + "callt": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js index 9712ee38edc..5a6c3d7841f 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $9$hi = 0; @@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = r$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $9$hi; - return ($0_1 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (r$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; + return ($0 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (r$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1, $2) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $3 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; - $3 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; $5 = $1; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return $0($3 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f0($3 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$0 + "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js.opt index 208f50343ba..be4b9add710 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/get-set-local.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function legalstub$0($0, $1, $2) { + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2) { return !$2 & ($0 | 0) == ($1 | 0); } return { - "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$0 + "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/get_local.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/get_local.2asm.js index 3727c8b488a..73cccc2e9a6 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/get_local.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/get_local.2asm.js @@ -14,88 +14,88 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { - var $0_1 = 0; - return $0_1 | 0; + function f0() { + var $0 = 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $1() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $0_1 = 0; + function f1() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $2() { - var $0_1 = Math_fround(0); - return Math_fround($0_1); + function f2() { + var $0 = Math_fround(0); + return Math_fround($0); } - function $3() { - var $0_1 = 0.0; - return +$0_1; + function f3() { + var $0 = 0.0; + return +$0; } - function $4($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return $0_1 | 0; + function f4($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $5($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f5($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $6($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - return Math_fround($0_1); + function f6($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + return Math_fround($0); } - function $7($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - return +$0_1; + function f7($0) { + $0 = +$0; + return +$0; } - function $8($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $5_1 = Math_fround(0), $6$hi = 0, $6_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $7_1 = 0, $8_1 = 0.0; + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $5 = Math_fround(0), $6$hi = 0, $6 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0.0; } - function $9($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f9($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $6$hi = 0, $10 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $7$hi = 0, $7_1 = 0; + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $6$hi = 0, $10 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $7$hi = 0, $7 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $0; $10 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $6$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = 6; $21 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $7_1; - return +($10 + (+$1_1 + ($2_1 + (+($3_1 >>> 0) + (+($4_1 | 0) + (+Math_fround(5.5) + ($21 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + 8.0)))))))); + i64toi32_i32$1 = $7; + return +($10 + (+$1 + ($2 + (+($3 >>> 0) + (+($4 | 0) + (+Math_fround(5.5) + ($21 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + 8.0)))))))); } - function legalstub$1() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $1() | 0; + function legalstub$f1() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f1() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$5($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f5($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -155,22 +155,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$8($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -183,26 +183,26 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $10$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $7_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $7; i64toi32_i32$2 = $10$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $14; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $8(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0); + f8(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0); } - function legalstub$9($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f9($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -215,24 +215,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $10$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $7_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $7; i64toi32_i32$2 = $10$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $14; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$9(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0)); + return +(+f9(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0)); } return { - "type_local_i32": $0, - "type_local_i64": legalstub$1, - "type_local_f32": $2, - "type_local_f64": $3, - "type_param_i32": $4, - "type_param_i64": legalstub$5, - "type_param_f32": $6, - "type_param_f64": $7, - "type_mixed": legalstub$8, - "read": legalstub$9 + "type_local_i32": f0, + "type_local_i64": legalstub$f1, + "type_local_f32": f2, + "type_local_f64": f3, + "type_param_i32": f4, + "type_param_i64": legalstub$f5, + "type_param_f32": f6, + "type_param_f64": f7, + "type_mixed": legalstub$f8, + "read": legalstub$f9 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i32.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/i32.2asm.js index 691ff7bb25c..3ff65caa222 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i32.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/i32.2asm.js @@ -10,171 +10,171 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x + y | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x - y | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return Math_imul(x, y) | 0; } - function $3(x, y) { + function f3(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) / (y | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $4(x, y) { + function f4(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x >>> 0) / (y >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $5(x, y) { + function f5(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) % (y | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $6(x, y) { + function f6(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x >>> 0) % (y >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $7(x, y) { + function f7(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x & y | 0 | 0; } - function $8(x, y) { + function f8(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x | y | 0 | 0; } - function $9(x, y) { + function f9(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x ^ y | 0 | 0; } - function $10(x, y) { + function f10(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x << y | 0 | 0; } - function $11(x, y) { + function f11(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x >> y | 0 | 0; } - function $12(x, y) { + function f12(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x >>> y | 0 | 0; } - function $13(x, y) { + function f13(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return __wasm_rotl_i32(x | 0, y | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $14(x, y) { + function f14(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return __wasm_rotr_i32(x | 0, y | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $15(x) { + function f15(x) { x = x | 0; return Math_clz32(x) | 0; } - function $16(x) { + function f16(x) { x = x | 0; return __wasm_ctz_i32(x | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $17(x) { + function f17(x) { x = x | 0; return __wasm_popcnt_i32(x | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $18(x) { + function f18(x) { x = x | 0; return !x | 0; } - function $19(x, y) { + function f19(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) == (y | 0) | 0; } - function $20(x, y) { + function f20(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) != (y | 0) | 0; } - function $21(x, y) { + function f21(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) < (y | 0) | 0; } - function $22(x, y) { + function f22(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x >>> 0 < y >>> 0 | 0; } - function $23(x, y) { + function f23(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) <= (y | 0) | 0; } - function $24(x, y) { + function f24(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x >>> 0 <= y >>> 0 | 0; } - function $25(x, y) { + function f25(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) > (y | 0) | 0; } - function $26(x, y) { + function f26(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x >>> 0 > y >>> 0 | 0; } - function $27(x, y) { + function f27(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) >= (y | 0) | 0; } - function $28(x, y) { + function f28(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x >>> 0 >= y >>> 0 | 0; @@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { function __wasm_popcnt_i32(var$0) { var$0 = var$0 | 0; - var var$1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + var var$1 = 0, $5 = 0; label$1 : { label$2 : while (1) { - $5_1 = var$1; + $5 = var$1; if (!var$0) { break label$1 } @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { continue label$2; }; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } function __wasm_rotl_i32(var$0, var$1) { @@ -224,35 +224,35 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "add": $0, - "sub": $1, - "mul": $2, - "div_s": $3, - "div_u": $4, - "rem_s": $5, - "rem_u": $6, - "and": $7, - "or": $8, - "xor": $9, - "shl": $10, - "shr_s": $11, - "shr_u": $12, - "rotl": $13, - "rotr": $14, - "clz": $15, - "ctz": $16, - "popcnt": $17, - "eqz": $18, - "eq": $19, - "ne": $20, - "lt_s": $21, - "lt_u": $22, - "le_s": $23, - "le_u": $24, - "gt_s": $25, - "gt_u": $26, - "ge_s": $27, - "ge_u": $28 + "add": f0, + "sub": f1, + "mul": f2, + "div_s": f3, + "div_u": f4, + "rem_s": f5, + "rem_u": f6, + "and": f7, + "or": f8, + "xor": f9, + "shl": f10, + "shr_s": f11, + "shr_u": f12, + "rotl": f13, + "rotr": f14, + "clz": f15, + "ctz": f16, + "popcnt": f17, + "eqz": f18, + "eq": f19, + "ne": f20, + "lt_s": f21, + "lt_u": f22, + "le_s": f23, + "le_u": f24, + "gt_s": f25, + "gt_u": f26, + "ge_s": f27, + "ge_u": f28 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js index 419b96e3912..5ae8c3b3e01 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js @@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, $5$hi = 0; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; - i64toi32_i32$4 = $0_1 + i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; + i64toi32_i32$4 = $0 + i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = $0$hi + $1$hi | 0; if (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$5 + 1 | 0 @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) == (r$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$5 = (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) + $1$hi | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$0 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; @@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1_1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $3 = $3 | 0; $4 = $4 | 0; $5 = $5 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $13 = 0, $13$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19 = 0, $19$hi = 0, $22$hi = 0, $23 = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -135,22 +135,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $17$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $23$hi; - return $0($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f0($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $3 = $3 | 0; $4 = $4 | 0; $5 = $5 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $13 = 0, $13$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19 = 0, $19$hi = 0, $22$hi = 0, $23 = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -218,12 +218,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $17$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $23$hi; - return $1($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f1($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "check_add_i64": legalstub$0, - "check_sub_i64": legalstub$1 + "check_add_i64": legalstub$f0, + "check_sub_i64": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js.opt index f2e5367fb73..ca9ab51be24 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-add-sub.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function legalstub$0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { $1 = $1 + $3 | 0; $0 = $0 + $2 | 0; $1 = $2 >>> 0 > $0 >>> 0 ? $1 + 1 | 0 : $1; return ($0 | 0) == ($4 | 0) & ($1 | 0) == ($5 | 0); } - function legalstub$1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { return ($4 | 0) == ($0 - $2 | 0) & ($5 | 0) == ($1 - (($0 >>> 0 < $2 >>> 0) + $3 | 0) | 0); } return { - "check_add_i64": legalstub$0, - "check_sub_i64": legalstub$1 + "check_add_i64": legalstub$f0, + "check_sub_i64": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js index 3462a6dc9f2..76856deff10 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js @@ -10,209 +10,209 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return ($0_1 | 0) == ($1_1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; + return ($0 | 0) == ($1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return ($0_1 | 0) != ($1_1 | 0) | (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) != ($1$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; + return ($0 | 0) != ($1 | 0) | (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) != ($1$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f2($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) > ($1$hi | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) >= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10; + $8 = $10; } - return $8_1 | 0; + return $8 | 0; } - function $3($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f3($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) > ($1$hi | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) >= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 <= i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10; + $8 = $10; } - return $8_1 | 0; + return $8 | 0; } - function $4($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f4($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) < ($1$hi | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) <= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 > i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10; + $8 = $10; } - return $8_1 | 0; + return $8 | 0; } - function $5($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f5($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) < ($1$hi | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) <= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 >= i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10; + $8 = $10; } - return $8_1 | 0; + return $8 | 0; } - function $6($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f6($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 > $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0_1 >>> 0 >= $1_1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 > $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0 >>> 0 >= $1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $7($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f7($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 > $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0_1 >>> 0 > $1_1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 > $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0 >>> 0 > $1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $8($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 < $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0_1 >>> 0 <= $1_1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 < $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0 >>> 0 <= $1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $9($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f9($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 < $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0_1 >>> 0 < $1_1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 < $1$hi >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($1$hi | 0) & $0 >>> 0 < $1 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -225,17 +225,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -256,20 +256,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $0($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f0($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -282,17 +282,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -313,20 +313,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $1($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f1($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -339,17 +339,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -370,20 +370,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $2($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -427,20 +427,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $3($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$4($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f4($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -453,17 +453,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -484,20 +484,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $4($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f4($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$5($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f5($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -510,17 +510,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -541,20 +541,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $5($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f5($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$6($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f6($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -567,17 +567,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -598,20 +598,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $6($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f6($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$7($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f7($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -624,17 +624,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -655,20 +655,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $7($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f7($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$8($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -681,17 +681,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -712,20 +712,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $8($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f8($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$9($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f9($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -738,17 +738,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -769,20 +769,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $9($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f9($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "eq_i64": legalstub$0, - "ne_i64": legalstub$1, - "ge_s_i64": legalstub$2, - "gt_s_i64": legalstub$3, - "le_s_i64": legalstub$4, - "lt_s_i64": legalstub$5, - "ge_u_i64": legalstub$6, - "gt_u_i64": legalstub$7, - "le_u_i64": legalstub$8, - "lt_u_i64": legalstub$9 + "eq_i64": legalstub$f0, + "ne_i64": legalstub$f1, + "ge_s_i64": legalstub$f2, + "gt_s_i64": legalstub$f3, + "le_s_i64": legalstub$f4, + "lt_s_i64": legalstub$f5, + "ge_u_i64": legalstub$f6, + "gt_u_i64": legalstub$f7, + "le_u_i64": legalstub$f8, + "lt_u_i64": legalstub$f9 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js.opt index 8deb524fcee..49d541e1403 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-lowering.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,57 +10,57 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function legalstub$0($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($0 | 0) == ($2 | 0) & ($1 | 0) == ($3 | 0); } - function legalstub$1($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($0 | 0) != ($2 | 0) | ($1 | 0) != ($3 | 0); } - function legalstub$2($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($1 | 0) >= ($3 | 0) & $0 >>> 0 >= $2 >>> 0 | ($1 | 0) > ($3 | 0); } - function legalstub$3($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2, $3) { return $0 >>> 0 > $2 >>> 0 & ($1 | 0) >= ($3 | 0) | ($1 | 0) > ($3 | 0); } - function legalstub$4($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f4($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($1 | 0) <= ($3 | 0) & $0 >>> 0 <= $2 >>> 0 | ($1 | 0) < ($3 | 0); } - function legalstub$5($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f5($0, $1, $2, $3) { return $0 >>> 0 < $2 >>> 0 & ($1 | 0) <= ($3 | 0) | ($1 | 0) < ($3 | 0); } - function legalstub$6($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f6($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($1 | 0) == ($3 | 0) & $0 >>> 0 >= $2 >>> 0 | $1 >>> 0 > $3 >>> 0; } - function legalstub$7($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f7($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($1 | 0) == ($3 | 0) & $0 >>> 0 > $2 >>> 0 | $1 >>> 0 > $3 >>> 0; } - function legalstub$8($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($1 | 0) == ($3 | 0) & $0 >>> 0 <= $2 >>> 0 | $1 >>> 0 < $3 >>> 0; } - function legalstub$9($0, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f9($0, $1, $2, $3) { return ($1 | 0) == ($3 | 0) & $0 >>> 0 < $2 >>> 0 | $1 >>> 0 < $3 >>> 0; } return { - "eq_i64": legalstub$0, - "ne_i64": legalstub$1, - "ge_s_i64": legalstub$2, - "gt_s_i64": legalstub$3, - "le_s_i64": legalstub$4, - "lt_s_i64": legalstub$5, - "ge_u_i64": legalstub$6, - "gt_u_i64": legalstub$7, - "le_u_i64": legalstub$8, - "lt_u_i64": legalstub$9 + "eq_i64": legalstub$f0, + "ne_i64": legalstub$f1, + "ge_s_i64": legalstub$f2, + "gt_s_i64": legalstub$f3, + "le_s_i64": legalstub$f4, + "lt_s_i64": legalstub$f5, + "ge_u_i64": legalstub$f6, + "gt_u_i64": legalstub$f7, + "le_u_i64": legalstub$f8, + "lt_u_i64": legalstub$f9 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js index 81f716e7d5a..d2d9ddc0d68 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $2$hi = $2$hi | 0; @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_rotl_i64($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_rotl_i64($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $2$hi; @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) == ($2 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $2$hi = $2$hi | 0; @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_rotr_i64($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_rotr_i64($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $2$hi; @@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) == ($2 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1_1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $3 = $3 | 0; $4 = $4 | 0; $5 = $5 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $13 = 0, $13$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19 = 0, $19$hi = 0, $22$hi = 0, $23 = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -135,22 +135,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $17$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $23$hi; - return $0($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f0($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $3 = $3 | 0; $4 = $4 | 0; $5 = $5 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $13 = 0, $13$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19 = 0, $19$hi = 0, $22$hi = 0, $23 = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $17$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $23$hi; - return $1($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f1($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } function __wasm_rotl_i64(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "rotl": legalstub$0, - "rotr": legalstub$1 + "rotl": legalstub$f0, + "rotr": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js.opt index c4023b9000b..28523d22e31 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-rotate.2asm.js.opt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function legalstub$0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { var $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; $8 = $0; $0 = 0; @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return ($0 | 0) == ($4 | 0) & ($5 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); } - function legalstub$1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { var $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; $8 = $0; $7 = $2 & 63; @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "rotl": legalstub$0, - "rotr": legalstub$1 + "rotl": legalstub$f0, + "rotr": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js index 82018a8e22c..136286475d5 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $2$hi = $2$hi | 0; @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi, $2, $2$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $2$hi = $2$hi | 0; @@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> 31 | 0; @@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == ($2$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1_1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $3 = $3 | 0; $4 = $4 | 0; $5 = $5 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $13 = 0, $13$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19 = 0, $19$hi = 0, $22$hi = 0, $23 = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -152,22 +152,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $17$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $23$hi; - return $0($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f0($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $2 = $2 | 0; $3 = $3 | 0; $4 = $4 | 0; $5 = $5 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $26 = 0, $27 = 0, $28 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $13 = 0, $13$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19 = 0, $19$hi = 0, $22$hi = 0, $23 = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -235,12 +235,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $17$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $23$hi; - return $1($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f1($11 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $17 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $23 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "shl_i64": legalstub$0, - "shr_i64": legalstub$1 + "shl_i64": legalstub$f0, + "shr_i64": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js.opt index 1b6712a823d..375d7afe86d 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/i64-shifts.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function legalstub$0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + function legalstub$f0($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { $3 = $0; $0 = $2 & 31; if (($2 & 63) >>> 0 >= 32) { @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return ($0 | 0) == ($4 | 0) & ($1 | 0) == ($5 | 0); } - function legalstub$1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { $3 = $0; $0 = $2 & 31; if (($2 & 63) >>> 0 >= 32) { @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "shl_i64": legalstub$0, - "shr_i64": legalstub$1 + "shl_i64": legalstub$f0, + "shr_i64": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/int_exprs.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/int_exprs.2asm.js index 824e3313ca4..35b9ee5a0cf 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/int_exprs.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/int_exprs.2asm.js @@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x + 1 | 0 | 0) < (y + 1 | 0 | 0) | 0; } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x + 1 | 0) >>> 0 < (y + 1 | 0) >>> 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; y = y | 0; y$hi = y$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $5$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, $13 = 0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $5$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = x; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { if (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$5 + 1 | 0 } - $3_1 = i64toi32_i32$4; + $3 = i64toi32_i32$4; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; i64toi32_i32$5 = y$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = y; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$4; i64toi32_i32$4 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$5 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$5 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = $5$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$1; if ((i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) < (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0)) { @@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $13 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; y = y | 0; y$hi = y$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $5$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $5$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = x; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { if (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$5 + 1 | 0 } - $3_1 = i64toi32_i32$4; + $3 = i64toi32_i32$4; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; i64toi32_i32$5 = y$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = y; @@ -99,23 +99,23 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$4; i64toi32_i32$4 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$5 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$5 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = $5$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$4 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 | ((i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$5 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -159,20 +159,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -192,10 +192,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -216,14 +216,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "i32_no_fold_cmp_s_offset": $0, - "i32_no_fold_cmp_u_offset": $1, - "i64_no_fold_cmp_s_offset": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_cmp_u_offset": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_cmp_s_offset": f0, + "i32_no_fold_cmp_u_offset": f1, + "i64_no_fold_cmp_s_offset": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_cmp_u_offset": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x, x$hi) { + function f0(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f0(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i64_no_fold_wrap_extend_s": legalstub$0 + "i64_no_fold_wrap_extend_s": legalstub$f0 }; } @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x, x$hi) { + function f0(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -340,12 +340,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return x | 0; } - function legalstub$0($0_1, $1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f0($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $1 = $1 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f0(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i64_no_fold_wrap_extend_u": legalstub$0 + "i64_no_fold_wrap_extend_u": legalstub$f0 }; } @@ -410,17 +410,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x << 1 | 0) >> 1 | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x << 1 | 0) >>> 1 | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; @@ -484,15 +484,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -509,9 +509,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -526,18 +526,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -554,9 +554,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -571,14 +571,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } return { - "i32_no_fold_shl_shr_s": $0, - "i32_no_fold_shl_shr_u": $1, - "i64_no_fold_shl_shr_s": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_shl_shr_u": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_shl_shr_s": f0, + "i32_no_fold_shl_shr_u": f1, + "i64_no_fold_shl_shr_s": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_shl_shr_u": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -605,17 +605,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >> 1 | 0) << 1 | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 1 | 0) << 1 | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; @@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0; @@ -679,15 +679,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -704,9 +704,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -721,18 +721,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -749,9 +749,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -766,14 +766,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } return { - "i32_no_fold_shr_s_shl": $0, - "i32_no_fold_shr_u_shl": $1, - "i64_no_fold_shr_s_shl": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_shr_u_shl": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_shr_s_shl": f0, + "i32_no_fold_shr_u_shl": f1, + "i64_no_fold_shr_s_shl": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_shr_u_shl": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -802,17 +802,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return Math_imul((x | 0) / (6 | 0) | 0, 6) | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return Math_imul((x >>> 0) / (6 >>> 0) | 0, 6) | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $4 = 0; @@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $4 = 0; @@ -844,15 +844,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -869,9 +869,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -886,18 +886,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -914,9 +914,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int3mul3Mul3mul17h070e9a1c69faec5bE(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -1580,10 +1580,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_div_s_mul": $0, - "i32_no_fold_div_u_mul": $1, - "i64_no_fold_div_s_mul": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_div_u_mul": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_div_s_mul": f0, + "i32_no_fold_div_u_mul": f1, + "i64_no_fold_div_s_mul": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_div_u_mul": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -1612,17 +1612,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (x | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) / (x >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -1646,15 +1646,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -1671,9 +1671,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -1688,18 +1688,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -1716,9 +1716,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Div3div17he78fc483e41d7ec7E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -2296,10 +2296,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_div_s_self": $0, - "i32_no_fold_div_u_self": $1, - "i64_no_fold_div_s_self": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_div_u_self": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_div_s_self": f0, + "i32_no_fold_div_u_self": f1, + "i64_no_fold_div_s_self": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_div_u_self": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -2328,17 +2328,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) % (x | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) % (x >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -2362,15 +2362,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -2387,9 +2387,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -2404,18 +2404,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -2432,9 +2432,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Mod4mod_17h2cbb7bbf36e41d68E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -2994,10 +2994,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_rem_s_self": $0, - "i32_no_fold_rem_u_self": $1, - "i64_no_fold_rem_s_self": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_rem_u_self": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_rem_s_self": f0, + "i32_no_fold_rem_u_self": f1, + "i64_no_fold_rem_s_self": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_rem_u_self": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -3026,17 +3026,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (Math_imul(x, 6) | 0) / (6 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (Math_imul(x, 6) >>> 0) / (6 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $4 = 0; @@ -3052,7 +3052,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $4 = 0; @@ -3068,15 +3068,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -3093,9 +3093,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -3110,18 +3110,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -3138,9 +3138,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -3155,7 +3155,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int3mul3Mul3mul17h070e9a1c69faec5bE(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -3804,10 +3804,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_mul_div_s": $0, - "i32_no_fold_mul_div_u": $1, - "i64_no_fold_mul_div_s": legalstub$2, - "i64_no_fold_mul_div_u": legalstub$3 + "i32_no_fold_mul_div_s": f0, + "i32_no_fold_mul_div_u": f1, + "i64_no_fold_mul_div_s": legalstub$f2, + "i64_no_fold_mul_div_u": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -3836,12 +3836,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x, x$hi) { + function f1(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -3853,15 +3853,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -3878,7 +3878,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; @@ -4458,8 +4458,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_div_s_2": $0, - "i64_no_fold_div_s_2": legalstub$1 + "i32_no_fold_div_s_2": f0, + "i64_no_fold_div_s_2": legalstub$f1 }; } @@ -4486,12 +4486,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) % (2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x, x$hi) { + function f1(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -4503,15 +4503,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -4528,7 +4528,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; @@ -5090,8 +5090,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_rem_s_2": $0, - "i64_no_fold_rem_s_2": legalstub$1 + "i32_no_fold_rem_s_2": f0, + "i64_no_fold_rem_s_2": legalstub$f1 }; } @@ -5118,17 +5118,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) / (0 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -5140,7 +5140,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -5152,15 +5152,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -5177,9 +5177,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -5194,18 +5194,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -5222,9 +5222,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -5239,7 +5239,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Div3div17he78fc483e41d7ec7E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -5802,10 +5802,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_div_s_0": $0, - "i32_div_u_0": $1, - "i64_div_s_0": legalstub$2, - "i64_div_u_0": legalstub$3 + "i32_div_s_0": f0, + "i32_div_u_0": f1, + "i64_div_s_0": legalstub$f2, + "i64_div_u_0": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -5834,17 +5834,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (3 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) / (3 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -5856,7 +5856,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -5868,15 +5868,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -5893,9 +5893,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -5910,18 +5910,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -5938,9 +5938,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -5955,7 +5955,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Div3div17he78fc483e41d7ec7E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -6518,10 +6518,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_div_s_3": $0, - "i32_div_u_3": $1, - "i64_div_s_3": legalstub$2, - "i64_div_u_3": legalstub$3 + "i32_div_s_3": f0, + "i32_div_u_3": f1, + "i64_div_s_3": legalstub$f2, + "i64_div_u_3": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -6550,17 +6550,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (5 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) / (5 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -6572,7 +6572,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -6584,15 +6584,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -6609,9 +6609,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -6626,18 +6626,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -6654,9 +6654,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -6671,7 +6671,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Div3div17he78fc483e41d7ec7E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -7234,10 +7234,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_div_s_5": $0, - "i32_div_u_5": $1, - "i64_div_s_5": legalstub$2, - "i64_div_u_5": legalstub$3 + "i32_div_s_5": f0, + "i32_div_u_5": f1, + "i64_div_s_5": legalstub$f2, + "i64_div_u_5": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -7266,17 +7266,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (7 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) / (7 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -7288,7 +7288,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -7300,15 +7300,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -7325,9 +7325,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -7342,18 +7342,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -7370,9 +7370,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -7387,7 +7387,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Div3div17he78fc483e41d7ec7E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -7950,10 +7950,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_div_s_7": $0, - "i32_div_u_7": $1, - "i64_div_s_7": legalstub$2, - "i64_div_u_7": legalstub$3 + "i32_div_s_7": f0, + "i32_div_u_7": f1, + "i64_div_s_7": legalstub$f2, + "i64_div_u_7": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -7982,17 +7982,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) % (3 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) % (3 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -8004,7 +8004,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -8016,15 +8016,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -8041,9 +8041,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -8058,18 +8058,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -8086,9 +8086,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -8103,7 +8103,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Mod4mod_17h2cbb7bbf36e41d68E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -8648,10 +8648,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_rem_s_3": $0, - "i32_rem_u_3": $1, - "i64_rem_s_3": legalstub$2, - "i64_rem_u_3": legalstub$3 + "i32_rem_s_3": f0, + "i32_rem_u_3": f1, + "i64_rem_s_3": legalstub$f2, + "i64_rem_u_3": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -8680,17 +8680,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) % (5 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) % (5 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -8702,7 +8702,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -8714,15 +8714,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -8739,9 +8739,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -8756,18 +8756,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -8784,9 +8784,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -8801,7 +8801,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Mod4mod_17h2cbb7bbf36e41d68E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -9346,10 +9346,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_rem_s_5": $0, - "i32_rem_u_5": $1, - "i64_rem_s_5": legalstub$2, - "i64_rem_u_5": legalstub$3 + "i32_rem_s_5": f0, + "i32_rem_u_5": f1, + "i64_rem_s_5": legalstub$f2, + "i64_rem_u_5": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -9378,17 +9378,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) % (7 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = x | 0; return (x >>> 0) % (7 >>> 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -9400,7 +9400,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -9412,15 +9412,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -9437,9 +9437,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f2(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -9454,18 +9454,18 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -9482,9 +9482,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f3(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -9499,7 +9499,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Mod4mod_17h2cbb7bbf36e41d68E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -10044,10 +10044,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_rem_s_7": $0, - "i32_rem_u_7": $1, - "i64_rem_s_7": legalstub$2, - "i64_rem_u_7": legalstub$3 + "i32_rem_s_7": f0, + "i32_rem_u_7": f1, + "i64_rem_s_7": legalstub$f2, + "i64_rem_u_7": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -10076,12 +10076,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = x | 0; return (x | 0) / (-1 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1(x, x$hi) { + function f1(x, x$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -10093,15 +10093,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -10118,7 +10118,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; @@ -10698,8 +10698,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_no_fold_div_neg1": $0, - "i64_no_fold_div_neg1": legalstub$1 + "i32_no_fold_div_neg1": f0, + "i64_no_fold_div_neg1": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/labels.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/labels.2asm.js index ac29783006e..52b4445c99e 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/labels.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/labels.2asm.js @@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f0() { + var $0 = 0; exit : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break exit; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $1() { - var i = 0, $6_1 = 0; + function f1() { + var i = 0, $6 = 0; i = 0; exit : { cont : while (1) { i = i + 1 | 0; if ((i | 0) == (5 | 0)) { - $6_1 = i; + $6 = i; break exit; } continue cont; }; } - return $6_1 | 0; + return $6 | 0; } - function $2() { - var i = 0, $8_1 = 0; + function f2() { + var i = 0, $8 = 0; i = 0; exit : { cont : while (1) { @@ -45,72 +45,72 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { continue cont } if ((i | 0) == (8 | 0)) { - $8_1 = i; + $8 = i; break exit; } i = i + 1 | 0; continue cont; }; } - return $8_1 | 0; + return $8 | 0; } - function $3() { - var i = 0, $6_1 = 0; + function f3() { + var i = 0, $6 = 0; i = 0; exit : { cont : while (1) { i = i + 1 | 0; if ((i | 0) == (5 | 0)) { - $6_1 = i; + $6 = i; break exit; } break cont; }; - $6_1 = i; + $6 = i; } - return $6_1 | 0; + return $6 | 0; } - function $4(max) { + function f4(max) { max = max | 0; - var i = 0, $9_1 = 0; + var i = 0, $9 = 0; i = 1; exit : { cont : while (1) { i = i + i | 0; if (i >>> 0 > max >>> 0) { - $9_1 = i; + $9 = i; break exit; } continue cont; }; } - return $9_1 | 0; + return $9 | 0; } - function $5() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f5() { + var $0 = 0; l : while (1) { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break l; }; - return $0_1 + 1 | 0 | 0; + return $0 + 1 | 0 | 0; } - function $6() { - var $2_1 = 0; + function f6() { + var $2 = 0; label : while (1) { if (0) { continue label } - $2_1 = 3; + $2 = 3; break label; }; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $7() { + function f7() { var i = 0; i = 0; l : { @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i | 0; } - function $8() { + function f8() { var i = 0; i = 0; label : { @@ -162,36 +162,36 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i | 0; } - function $9($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f9($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0; ret : { exit : { $0 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 1: case 2: - $2_1 = 2; + $2 = 2; break exit; case 3: - $3_1 = 3; + $3 = 3; break ret; default: case 0: break $0; }; } - $2_1 = 5; + $2 = 5; } - $3_1 = Math_imul(10, $2_1); + $3 = Math_imul(10, $2); } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $10($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f10($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $1 : { - switch ($0_1 | 0) { + switch ($0 | 0) { case 0: return 0 | 0; default: @@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 2 | 0; } - function $11() { - var i = 0, $10_1 = 0; + function f11() { + var i = 0, $10 = 0; i = 0; outer : { inner : { @@ -216,122 +216,122 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i = i | 2 | 0; } i = i | 4 | 0; - $10_1 = i; + $10 = i; if (0) { break outer } i = i | 8 | 0; i = i | 16 | 0; - $10_1 = i; + $10 = i; if (1) { break outer } i = i | 32 | 0; - $10_1 = i; + $10 = i; } - return $10_1 | 0; + return $10 | 0; } - function $12() { - var $2_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0; + function f12() { + var $2 = 0, $0 = 0; l0 : { l1 : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break l1; } - $2_1 = $0_1; + $2 = $0; if (1) { break l0 } - $2_1 = 0; + $2 = 0; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $13() { - var $2_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0; + function f13() { + var $2 = 0, $0 = 0; l0 : { l1 : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break l1; } - $2_1 = $0_1; + $2 = $0; if (1) { break l0 } - $2_1 = 0; + $2 = 0; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $14() { - var i1 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f14() { + var i1 = 0, $7 = 0, $3 = 0; l0 : { i1 = 1; - $3_1 = i1; + $3 = i1; i1 = 2; - $7_1 = $3_1; + $7 = $3; if (i1) { break l0 } - $7_1 = 0; + $7 = 0; } return i1 | 0; } - function $15() { - var $2_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + function f15() { + var $2 = 0, $0 = 0, $3 = 0; l0 : { l1 : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break l1; } - $2_1 = $0_1; + $2 = $0; break l0; } - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function $16() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function f16() { + var $0 = 0; l1 : { - $0_1 = 1; + $0 = 1; break l1; } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function $17() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0; + function f17() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0; l1 : { - $1_1 = 2; + $1 = 2; l11 : { - $2_1 = 3; + $2 = 3; break l11; } } - return $1_1 + $2_1 | 0 | 0; + return $1 + $2 | 0 | 0; } return { - "block": $0, - "loop1": $1, - "loop2": $2, - "loop3": $3, - "loop4": $4, - "loop5": $5, - "loop6": $6, - "if_": $7, - "if2": $8, - "switch_": $9, - "return_": $10, - "br_if0": $11, - "br_if1": $12, - "br_if2": $13, - "br_if3": $14, - "br": $15, - "shadowing": $16, - "redefinition": $17 + "block": f0, + "loop1": f1, + "loop2": f2, + "loop3": f3, + "loop4": f4, + "loop5": f5, + "loop6": f6, + "if_": f7, + "if2": f8, + "switch_": f9, + "return_": f10, + "br_if0": f11, + "br_if1": f12, + "br_if2": f13, + "br_if3": f14, + "br": f15, + "shadowing": f16, + "redefinition": f17 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/left-to-right.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/left-to-right.2asm.js index 6553cbc11d5..293adee043e 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/left-to-right.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/left-to-right.2asm.js @@ -49,55 +49,55 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function i32_t0($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function i32_t0($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; return -1 | 0; } - function i32_t1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function i32_t1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; return -2 | 0; } - function i64_t0($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function i64_t0($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; return -1 | 0; } - function i64_t1($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function i64_t1($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; return -2 | 0; } - function f32_t0($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); + function f32_t0($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); return -1 | 0; } - function f32_t1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); + function f32_t1($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); return -2 | 0; } - function f64_t0($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; + function f64_t0($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; return -1 | 0; } - function f64_t1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; + function f64_t1($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; return -2 | 0; } @@ -218,220 +218,220 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 0 | 0; } - function i32_dummy($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function i32_dummy($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; } - function i64_dummy($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $1$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function i64_dummy($0, $0$hi, $1, $1$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; $1$hi = $1$hi | 0; } - function f32_dummy($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); + function f32_dummy($0, $1) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); + $1 = Math_fround($1); } - function f64_dummy($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; - $1_1 = +$1_1; + function f64_dummy($0, $1) { + $0 = +$0; + $1 = +$1; } - function $0() { + function f0() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $1() { + function f1() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $2() { + function f2() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $3() { + function f3() { reset(); (i32_left() | 0 | 0) / (i32_right() | 0 | 0) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $4() { + function f4() { reset(); ((i32_left() | 0) >>> 0) / ((i32_right() | 0) >>> 0) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $5() { + function f5() { reset(); (i32_left() | 0 | 0) % (i32_right() | 0 | 0) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $6() { + function f6() { reset(); ((i32_left() | 0) >>> 0) % ((i32_right() | 0) >>> 0) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $7() { + function f7() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $8() { + function f8() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $9() { + function f9() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $10() { + function f10() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $11() { + function f11() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $12() { + function f12() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $13() { + function f13() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $14() { + function f14() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $15() { + function f15() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $16() { + function f16() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $17() { + function f17() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $18() { + function f18() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $19() { + function f19() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $20() { + function f20() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $21() { + function f21() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $22() { + function f22() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $23() { + function f23() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = i32_right() | 0), HEAP32[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 2] = wasm2js_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $24() { + function f24() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = i32_right() | 0), HEAP8[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 0] = wasm2js_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $25() { + function f25() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = i32_right() | 0), HEAP16[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 1] = wasm2js_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $26() { + function f26() { reset(); i32_dummy(i32_left() | 0 | 0, i32_right() | 0 | 0); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $27() { + function f27() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0, wasm2js_i32$2 = 0; reset(); ((wasm2js_i32$1 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$2 = i32_right() | 0), wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_callee() | 0 | 0), FUNCTION_TABLE[wasm2js_i32$0](wasm2js_i32$1 | 0, wasm2js_i32$2 | 0) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $28() { + function f28() { reset(); i32_left() | 0; i32_right() | 0; @@ -439,21 +439,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $29() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f29() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; - i64toi32_i32$4 = $0_1 + i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; + i64toi32_i32$4 = $0 + i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$0 + i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; if (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$5 + 1 | 0 @@ -461,126 +461,126 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $30() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f30() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$5 = (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) + i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$0 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $31() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f31() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_mul($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_mul($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $32() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f32() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_sdiv($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_sdiv($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $33() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f33() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_udiv($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_udiv($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $34() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f34() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_srem($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_srem($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $35() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f35() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_urem($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_urem($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $36() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f36() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; @@ -588,16 +588,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $37() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f37() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; @@ -605,16 +605,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $38() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f38() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; @@ -622,390 +622,390 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $39() { - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f39() { + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $9_1 = 0; + $9 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $40() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + function f40() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $9_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $9 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $41() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + function f41() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $9 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> 31 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $9_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $9 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $42() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f42() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $43() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f43() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $44() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + function f44() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) < (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) <= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 >= i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10_1 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { - $10_1 = 0 + $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10_1; + $8 = $10; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $45() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + function f45() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) < (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) <= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 > i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10_1 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { - $10_1 = 0 + $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10_1; + $8 = $10; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $46() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f46() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $47() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f47() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $48() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + function f48() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) > (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) >= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 <= i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10_1 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { - $10_1 = 0 + $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10_1; + $8 = $10; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $49() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $9_1 = 0, $10_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; + function f49() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0, $10 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $0; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $1; if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) > (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { - $8_1 = 1 + $8 = 1 } else { if ((i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) >= (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0) { - $9_1 = 0 + $9 = 0 } else { - $9_1 = 1 + $9 = 1 } - $10_1 = $9_1; + $10 = $9; } else { - $10_1 = 0 + $10 = 0 } - $8_1 = $10_1; + $8 = $10; } return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $50() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f50() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $51() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f51() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $52() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $1_1 = 0; + function f52() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $1 = 0; reset(); - $0_1 = i32_left() | 0; + $0 = i32_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $0_1; - HEAP32[i64toi32_i32$0 >> 2] = $1_1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $0; + HEAP32[i64toi32_i32$0 >> 2] = $1; HEAP32[(i64toi32_i32$0 + 4 | 0) >> 2] = i64toi32_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $53() { + function f53() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0), HEAP8[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 0] = wasm2js_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $54() { + function f54() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0), HEAP16[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 1] = wasm2js_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $55() { + function f55() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = 0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0), HEAP32[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 2] = wasm2js_i32$1; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $56() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f56() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - i64_dummy($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0); + i64_dummy($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, $1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $57() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; + function f57() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $1$hi; - FUNCTION_TABLE[i64_callee() | 0 | 0]($0_1, i64toi32_i32$0, $1_1, i64toi32_i32$1) | 0; + FUNCTION_TABLE[i64_callee() | 0 | 0]($0, i64toi32_i32$0, $1, i64toi32_i32$1) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $58() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1_1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0; + function f58() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, $1 = 0, $1$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0; reset(); i64toi32_i32$0 = i64_left() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64_right() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $1_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $1 = i64toi32_i32$1; $1$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64_bool() | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; @@ -1013,118 +1013,118 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $59() { + function f59() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $60() { + function f60() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $61() { + function f61() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $62() { + function f62() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $63() { + function f63() { reset(); (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(f32_left())), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) & 2147483647 | 0; (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(f32_right())), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) & -2147483648 | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $64() { + function f64() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $65() { + function f65() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $66() { + function f66() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $67() { + function f67() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $68() { + function f68() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $69() { + function f69() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $70() { + function f70() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $71() { + function f71() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $72() { + function f72() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_f32$0 = Math_fround(0); reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_f32$0 = Math_fround(f32_right())), HEAPF32[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 2] = wasm2js_f32$0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $73() { + function f73() { reset(); f32_dummy(Math_fround(Math_fround(f32_left())), Math_fround(Math_fround(f32_right()))); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $74() { + function f74() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_f32$0 = Math_fround(0), wasm2js_f32$1 = Math_fround(0); reset(); ((wasm2js_f32$0 = Math_fround(f32_left()), wasm2js_f32$1 = Math_fround(f32_right())), wasm2js_i32$0 = f32_callee() | 0 | 0), FUNCTION_TABLE[wasm2js_i32$0](Math_fround(wasm2js_f32$0), Math_fround(wasm2js_f32$1)) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $75() { + function f75() { reset(); Math_fround(f32_left()); Math_fround(f32_right()); @@ -1132,36 +1132,36 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $76() { + function f76() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $77() { + function f77() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $78() { + function f78() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $79() { + function f79() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $80() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0; + function f80() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0; reset(); wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(+f64_left())); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 2147483647; i64toi32_i32$3 = -1; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(+f64_right())); i64toi32_i32$1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; @@ -1177,12 +1177,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = -2147483648; i64toi32_i32$3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $5_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $5 = i64toi32_i32$0 & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $2_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $2; i64toi32_i32$0 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $5; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$2 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0); @@ -1190,83 +1190,83 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $81() { + function f81() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $82() { + function f82() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $83() { + function f83() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $84() { + function f84() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $85() { + function f85() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $86() { + function f86() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $87() { + function f87() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $88() { + function f88() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $89() { + function f89() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_f64$0 = 0.0; reset(); (wasm2js_i32$0 = i32_left() | 0, wasm2js_f64$0 = +f64_right()), HEAPF64[wasm2js_i32$0 >> 3] = wasm2js_f64$0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $90() { + function f90() { reset(); f64_dummy(+(+f64_left()), +(+f64_right())); return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $91() { + function f91() { var wasm2js_i32$0 = 0, wasm2js_f64$0 = 0.0, wasm2js_f64$1 = 0.0; reset(); ((wasm2js_f64$0 = +f64_left(), wasm2js_f64$1 = +f64_right()), wasm2js_i32$0 = f64_callee() | 0 | 0), FUNCTION_TABLE[wasm2js_i32$0](+wasm2js_f64$0, +wasm2js_f64$1) | 0; return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $92() { + function f92() { reset(); +f64_left(); +f64_right(); @@ -1274,27 +1274,27 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return get() | 0 | 0; } - function $93() { - var $3_1 = 0; + function f93() { + var $3 = 0; block : { reset(); - $3_1 = i32_left() | 0; + $3 = i32_left() | 0; if ((i32_right() | 0) & 0 | 0) { break block } - $3_1 = get() | 0; + $3 = get() | 0; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } - function $94() { - var $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $4_1 = 0; + function f94() { + var $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $4 = 0; a : { reset(); b : { - $2_1 = i32_left() | 0; - $3_1 = $2_1; - $4_1 = $2_1; + $2 = i32_left() | 0; + $3 = $2; + $4 = $2; switch (i32_right() | 0 | 0) { case 0: break a; @@ -1302,9 +1302,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { break b; }; } - $3_1 = get() | 0; + $3 = get() | 0; } - return $3_1 | 0; + return $3 | 0; } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int3mul3Mul3mul17h070e9a1c69faec5bE(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -1312,27 +1312,27 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var$0$hi = var$0$hi | 0; var$1 = var$1 | 0; var$1$hi = var$1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, var$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, var$3 = 0, var$4 = 0, var$5 = 0, $21_1 = 0, $22_1 = 0, var$6 = 0, $24_1 = 0, $17_1 = 0, $18_1 = 0, $23_1 = 0, $29_1 = 0, $45_1 = 0, $56$hi = 0, $62$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, var$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, var$3 = 0, var$4 = 0, var$5 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, var$6 = 0, $24 = 0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $23 = 0, $29 = 0, $45 = 0, $56$hi = 0, $62$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$1$hi; var$2 = var$1; var$4 = var$2 >>> 16 | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$0$hi; var$3 = var$0; var$5 = var$3 >>> 16 | 0; - $17_1 = Math_imul(var$4, var$5); - $18_1 = var$2; + $17 = Math_imul(var$4, var$5); + $18 = var$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$3; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $21_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $21 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $21_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $21 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - $23_1 = $17_1 + Math_imul($18_1, $21_1) | 0; + $23 = $17 + Math_imul($18, $21) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -1340,35 +1340,35 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $22_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $22 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $22_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $22 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - $29_1 = $23_1 + Math_imul($22_1, var$3) | 0; + $29 = $23 + Math_imul($22, var$3) | 0; var$2 = var$2 & 65535 | 0; var$3 = var$3 & 65535 | 0; var$6 = Math_imul(var$2, var$3); var$2 = (var$6 >>> 16 | 0) + Math_imul(var$2, var$5) | 0; - $45_1 = $29_1 + (var$2 >>> 16 | 0) | 0; + $45 = $29 + (var$2 >>> 16 | 0) | 0; var$2 = (var$2 & 65535 | 0) + Math_imul(var$4, var$3) | 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $45_1 + (var$2 >>> 16 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $45 + (var$2 >>> 16 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $24_1 = 0; + $24 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $24_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $24 = i64toi32_i32$1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $56$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; $62$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $56$hi; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $24_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $24; i64toi32_i32$1 = $62$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = var$2 << 16 | 0 | (var$6 & 65535 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; @@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var$0$hi = var$0$hi | 0; var$1 = var$1 | 0; var$1$hi = var$1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, var$2 = 0, var$2$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$6 = 0, $21_1 = 0, $22_1 = 0, $23_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17_1 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $23$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, var$2 = 0, var$2$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$6 = 0, $21 = 0, $22 = 0, $23 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17 = 0, $17$hi = 0, $23$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -1390,12 +1390,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> 31 | 0; - $21_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $21 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $21_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $21 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - var$2 = $21_1; + var$2 = $21; var$2$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$2$hi; @@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$6 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$6 + i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$4; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$4; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; i64toi32_i32$5 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$1; @@ -1422,12 +1422,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> 31 | 0; - $22_1 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; + $22 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; - $22_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + $22 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; } - var$2 = $22_1; + var$2 = $22; var$2$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$2$hi; @@ -1448,9 +1448,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $16$hi = i64toi32_i32$4; i64toi32_i32$4 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $16$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_udiv($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$4 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_udiv($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$4 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $17_1 = i64toi32_i32$1; + $17 = i64toi32_i32$1; $17$hi = i64toi32_i32$4; i64toi32_i32$4 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$4 = var$0$hi; @@ -1465,15 +1465,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 >> 31 | 0; - $23_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >> i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; + $23 = i64toi32_i32$1 >> i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 >> i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; - $23_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0; + $23 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$4 >>> i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) | 0; } - var$0 = $23_1; + var$0 = $23; var$0$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $17$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $17_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $17; i64toi32_i32$4 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = var$0; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$2 ^ i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; @@ -1496,7 +1496,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var$0$hi = var$0$hi | 0; var$1 = var$1 | 0; var$1$hi = var$1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, var$2$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$6 = 0, var$2 = 0, $20_1 = 0, $21_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $9_1 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, var$2$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$6 = 0, var$2 = 0, $20 = 0, $21 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $16$hi = 0, $17$hi = 0, $19$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -1504,12 +1504,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> 31 | 0; - $20_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $20 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $20_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $20 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - var$2 = $20_1; + var$2 = $20; var$2$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$2$hi; @@ -1527,7 +1527,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$6 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0 < i64toi32_i32$3 >>> 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$6 + i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 - i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; - $9_1 = i64toi32_i32$4; + $9 = i64toi32_i32$4; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; i64toi32_i32$5 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$1; @@ -1536,12 +1536,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> 31 | 0; - $21_1 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; + $21 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$5 >> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; - $21_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + $21 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$5 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; } - var$0 = $21_1; + var$0 = $21; var$0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$0$hi; @@ -1562,7 +1562,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $16$hi = i64toi32_i32$4; i64toi32_i32$4 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $16$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_urem($9_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$4 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = __wasm_i64_urem($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$4 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $17$hi = i64toi32_i32$4; i64toi32_i32$4 = var$2$hi; @@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var$0$hi = var$0$hi | 0; var$1 = var$1 | 0; var$1$hi = var$1$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, var$2 = 0, var$3 = 0, var$4 = 0, var$5 = 0, var$5$hi = 0, var$6 = 0, var$6$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$6 = 0, $37_1 = 0, $38_1 = 0, $39_1 = 0, $40_1 = 0, $41_1 = 0, $42_1 = 0, $43_1 = 0, $44_1 = 0, var$8$hi = 0, $45_1 = 0, $46_1 = 0, $47_1 = 0, $48_1 = 0, var$7$hi = 0, $49_1 = 0, $63$hi = 0, $65_1 = 0, $65$hi = 0, $120$hi = 0, $129$hi = 0, $134$hi = 0, var$8 = 0, $140 = 0, $140$hi = 0, $142$hi = 0, $144 = 0, $144$hi = 0, $151 = 0, $151$hi = 0, $154$hi = 0, var$7 = 0, $165$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, var$2 = 0, var$3 = 0, var$4 = 0, var$5 = 0, var$5$hi = 0, var$6 = 0, var$6$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$6 = 0, $37 = 0, $38 = 0, $39 = 0, $40 = 0, $41 = 0, $42 = 0, $43 = 0, $44 = 0, var$8$hi = 0, $45 = 0, $46 = 0, $47 = 0, $48 = 0, var$7$hi = 0, $49 = 0, $63$hi = 0, $65 = 0, $65$hi = 0, $120$hi = 0, $129$hi = 0, $134$hi = 0, var$8 = 0, $140 = 0, $140$hi = 0, $142$hi = 0, $144 = 0, $144$hi = 0, $151 = 0, $151$hi = 0, $154$hi = 0, var$7 = 0, $165$hi = 0; label$1 : { label$2 : { label$3 : { @@ -1609,12 +1609,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $37_1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $37 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $37_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $37 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - var$2 = $37_1; + var$2 = $37; if (var$2) { i64toi32_i32$1 = var$1$hi; var$3 = var$1; @@ -1627,12 +1627,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $38_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $38 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $38_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $38 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$0 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - var$4 = $38_1; + var$4 = $38; if (!var$4) { break label$9 } @@ -1670,12 +1670,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $39_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $39 = i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $39_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $39 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - var$3 = $39_1; + var$3 = $39; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$0$hi; if (!var$0) { break label$7 @@ -1694,10 +1694,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $40_1 = 0; + $40 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$3 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $40_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $40 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $63$hi = i64toi32_i32$3; i64toi32_i32$3 = var$0$hi; @@ -1705,12 +1705,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = -1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$3 & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $65_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; + $65 = i64toi32_i32$1 & i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; $65$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $63$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $40_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $40; i64toi32_i32$1 = $65$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $65_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $65; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 | i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = i64toi32_i32$3 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; @@ -1740,12 +1740,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $41_1 = 0; + $41 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $41_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $41 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } - __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = $41_1; + __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = $41; __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$4; @@ -1775,12 +1775,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $42_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $42 = i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $42_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $42 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - i64toi32_i32$3 = $42_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $42; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; } @@ -1797,12 +1797,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $43_1 = i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $43 = i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$3 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $43_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $43 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - var$5 = $43_1; + var$5 = $43; var$5$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; @@ -1814,12 +1814,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$3 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $44_1 = 0; + $44 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$3 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $44_1 = i64toi32_i32$3 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $44 = i64toi32_i32$3 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } - var$0 = $44_1; + var$0 = $44; var$0$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; label$13 : { if (var$2) { @@ -1842,12 +1842,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; - $45_1 = 0; + $45 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$1 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) | 0; - $45_1 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $45 = i64toi32_i32$2 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; } - $140 = $45_1; + $140 = $45; $140$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = var$0$hi; i64toi32_i32$5 = var$0; @@ -1856,16 +1856,16 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$3 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $46_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; + $46 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; - $46_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$5 >>> i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) | 0; + $46 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$5 >>> i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) | 0; } $142$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = $140$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = $140; i64toi32_i32$5 = $142$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $46_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $46; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 | i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; var$5 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; var$5$hi = i64toi32_i32$5; @@ -1887,12 +1887,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$4 >> 31 | 0; - $47_1 = i64toi32_i32$4 >> i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; + $47 = i64toi32_i32$4 >> i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$4 >> i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; - $47_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$5 >>> i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; + $47 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$5 >>> i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0; } - var$6 = $47_1; + var$6 = $47; var$6$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$6$hi; @@ -1919,15 +1919,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $48_1 = 0; + $48 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$5 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $48_1 = i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $48 = i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $154$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$7$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $154$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $48_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $48; i64toi32_i32$5 = var$7$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$7; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 | i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; @@ -1961,15 +1961,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$0 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$0 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $49_1 = 0; + $49 = 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$2 = ((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$5 >>> (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$3 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; - $49_1 = i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $49 = i64toi32_i32$5 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } $165$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = var$6$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $165$hi; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $49_1; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $49; i64toi32_i32$5 = var$6$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$6; i64toi32_i32$5 = i64toi32_i32$2 | i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; @@ -2109,101 +2109,101 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_add": $0, - "i32_sub": $1, - "i32_mul": $2, - "i32_div_s": $3, - "i32_div_u": $4, - "i32_rem_s": $5, - "i32_rem_u": $6, - "i32_and": $7, - "i32_or": $8, - "i32_xor": $9, - "i32_shl": $10, - "i32_shr_u": $11, - "i32_shr_s": $12, - "i32_eq": $13, - "i32_ne": $14, - "i32_lt_s": $15, - "i32_le_s": $16, - "i32_lt_u": $17, - "i32_le_u": $18, - "i32_gt_s": $19, - "i32_ge_s": $20, - "i32_gt_u": $21, - "i32_ge_u": $22, - "i32_store": $23, - "i32_store8": $24, - "i32_store16": $25, - "i32_call": $26, - "i32_call_indirect": $27, - "i32_select": $28, - "i64_add": $29, - "i64_sub": $30, - "i64_mul": $31, - "i64_div_s": $32, - "i64_div_u": $33, - "i64_rem_s": $34, - "i64_rem_u": $35, - "i64_and": $36, - "i64_or": $37, - "i64_xor": $38, - "i64_shl": $39, - "i64_shr_u": $40, - "i64_shr_s": $41, - "i64_eq": $42, - "i64_ne": $43, - "i64_lt_s": $44, - "i64_le_s": $45, - "i64_lt_u": $46, - "i64_le_u": $47, - "i64_gt_s": $48, - "i64_ge_s": $49, - "i64_gt_u": $50, - "i64_ge_u": $51, - "i64_store": $52, - "i64_store8": $53, - "i64_store16": $54, - "i64_store32": $55, - "i64_call": $56, - "i64_call_indirect": $57, - "i64_select": $58, - "f32_add": $59, - "f32_sub": $60, - "f32_mul": $61, - "f32_div": $62, - "f32_copysign": $63, - "f32_eq": $64, - "f32_ne": $65, - "f32_lt": $66, - "f32_le": $67, - "f32_gt": $68, - "f32_ge": $69, - "f32_min": $70, - "f32_max": $71, - "f32_store": $72, - "f32_call": $73, - "f32_call_indirect": $74, - "f32_select": $75, - "f64_add": $76, - "f64_sub": $77, - "f64_mul": $78, - "f64_div": $79, - "f64_copysign": $80, - "f64_eq": $81, - "f64_ne": $82, - "f64_lt": $83, - "f64_le": $84, - "f64_gt": $85, - "f64_ge": $86, - "f64_min": $87, - "f64_max": $88, - "f64_store": $89, - "f64_call": $90, - "f64_call_indirect": $91, - "f64_select": $92, - "br_if": $93, - "br_table": $94 + "i32_add": f0, + "i32_sub": f1, + "i32_mul": f2, + "i32_div_s": f3, + "i32_div_u": f4, + "i32_rem_s": f5, + "i32_rem_u": f6, + "i32_and": f7, + "i32_or": f8, + "i32_xor": f9, + "i32_shl": f10, + "i32_shr_u": f11, + "i32_shr_s": f12, + "i32_eq": f13, + "i32_ne": f14, + "i32_lt_s": f15, + "i32_le_s": f16, + "i32_lt_u": f17, + "i32_le_u": f18, + "i32_gt_s": f19, + "i32_ge_s": f20, + "i32_gt_u": f21, + "i32_ge_u": f22, + "i32_store": f23, + "i32_store8": f24, + "i32_store16": f25, + "i32_call": f26, + "i32_call_indirect": f27, + "i32_select": f28, + "i64_add": f29, + "i64_sub": f30, + "i64_mul": f31, + "i64_div_s": f32, + "i64_div_u": f33, + "i64_rem_s": f34, + "i64_rem_u": f35, + "i64_and": f36, + "i64_or": f37, + "i64_xor": f38, + "i64_shl": f39, + "i64_shr_u": f40, + "i64_shr_s": f41, + "i64_eq": f42, + "i64_ne": f43, + "i64_lt_s": f44, + "i64_le_s": f45, + "i64_lt_u": f46, + "i64_le_u": f47, + "i64_gt_s": f48, + "i64_ge_s": f49, + "i64_gt_u": f50, + "i64_ge_u": f51, + "i64_store": f52, + "i64_store8": f53, + "i64_store16": f54, + "i64_store32": f55, + "i64_call": f56, + "i64_call_indirect": f57, + "i64_select": f58, + "f32_add": f59, + "f32_sub": f60, + "f32_mul": f61, + "f32_div": f62, + "f32_copysign": f63, + "f32_eq": f64, + "f32_ne": f65, + "f32_lt": f66, + "f32_le": f67, + "f32_gt": f68, + "f32_ge": f69, + "f32_min": f70, + "f32_max": f71, + "f32_store": f72, + "f32_call": f73, + "f32_call_indirect": f74, + "f32_select": f75, + "f64_add": f76, + "f64_sub": f77, + "f64_mul": f78, + "f64_div": f79, + "f64_copysign": f80, + "f64_eq": f81, + "f64_ne": f82, + "f64_lt": f83, + "f64_le": f84, + "f64_gt": f85, + "f64_ge": f86, + "f64_min": f87, + "f64_max": f88, + "f64_store": f89, + "f64_call": f90, + "f64_call_indirect": f91, + "f64_select": f92, + "br_if": f93, + "br_table": f94 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js index b8eabb02478..2f87cd9aa3d 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return (($0_1 | 0) < (0 | 0) ? -1 : ($0_1 | 0) > (0 | 0) ? 1 : 0) | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return (($0 | 0) < (0 | 0) ? -1 : ($0 | 0) > (0 | 0) ? 1 : 0) | 0; } return { - "sign": $0 + "sign": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js.opt index 49913e99e68..70a3c01fe3b 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/nested-selects.2asm.js.opt @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return (($0_1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : ($0_1 | 0) > 0) | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return (($0 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : ($0 | 0) > 0) | 0; } return { - "sign": $0 + "sign": f0 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js index 1e6339fb421..b366bb678ae 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js @@ -40,35 +40,35 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return ((wasm2js_scratch_store_f32((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, $0_1), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0) == ($0_1 | 0) | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return ((wasm2js_scratch_store_f32((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, $0), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)) | 0) == ($0 | 0) | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $3$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0 | 0, $0_1 | 0); + wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0 | 0, $0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(+wasm2js_scratch_load_f64())); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $3$hi; - return (wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0 | 0) | 0 | 0) == ($0_1 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($0$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; + return (wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0 | 0) | 0 | 0) == ($0 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == ($0$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return $1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "i32_roundtrip": $0, - "i64_roundtrip": legalstub$1 + "i32_roundtrip": f0, + "i64_roundtrip": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js.opt index 20235972cb2..5e44202d43a 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/reinterpret.2asm.js.opt @@ -32,23 +32,23 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; return 1; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1) { + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { var $2 = 0; - wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0, $0_1 | 0); + wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0, $0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1, $1 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+wasm2js_scratch_load_f64()); $2 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; - return (wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0) == ($0_1 | 0) & ($1 | 0) == ($2 | 0); + return (wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0) == ($0 | 0) & ($1 | 0) == ($2 | 0); } return { - "i32_roundtrip": $0, - "i64_roundtrip": legalstub$1 + "i32_roundtrip": f0, + "i64_roundtrip": legalstub$f1 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/set_local.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/set_local.2asm.js index e74c6427fb6..ff8e5a91adf 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/set_local.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/set_local.2asm.js @@ -14,68 +14,68 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1() { + function f1() { } - function $2() { + function f2() { } - function $3() { + function f3() { } - function $4($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f4($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; } - function $5($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f5($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; } - function $6($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); + function f6($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); } - function $7($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; + function f7($0) { + $0 = +$0; } - function $8($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; } - function $9($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f9($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $6$hi = 0, $10 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $7$hi = 0, $7_1 = 0; + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0.0, $14 = 0, $15 = 0, $6$hi = 0, $10 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0, $7$hi = 0, $7 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $0; $10 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $6$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = 6; $21 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $7_1; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $10 + (+Math_fround(-.30000001192092896) + ($2_1 + (+(40 >>> 0) + (+(-7 | 0) + (+Math_fround(5.5) + ($21 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + 8.0))))))); + i64toi32_i32$1 = $7; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $10 + (+Math_fround(-.30000001192092896) + ($2 + (+(40 >>> 0) + (+(-7 | 0) + (+Math_fround(5.5) + ($21 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + 8.0))))))); if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$3) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$3 > 0.0) { $14 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$3 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 @@ -92,15 +92,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function legalstub$5($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f5($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -113,26 +113,26 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); + f5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); } - function legalstub$8($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -145,26 +145,26 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $10$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $7_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $7; i64toi32_i32$2 = $10$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $14; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $8(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0); + f8(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0); } - function legalstub$9($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $8$hi = 0, $11$hi = 0, $6_1 = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f9($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $8 = 0, $8$hi = 0, $11$hi = 0, $6 = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = $0_1; + $8 = $0; $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $8$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $8_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $8; i64toi32_i32$2 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $16; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $9(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f9(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $6_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $6 = i64toi32_i32$2; $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -198,20 +198,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($17 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - return $6_1 | 0; + return $6 | 0; } return { - "type_local_i32": $0, - "type_local_i64": $1, - "type_local_f32": $2, - "type_local_f64": $3, - "type_param_i32": $4, - "type_param_i64": legalstub$5, - "type_param_f32": $6, - "type_param_f64": $7, - "type_mixed": legalstub$8, - "write": legalstub$9 + "type_local_i32": f0, + "type_local_i64": f1, + "type_local_f32": f2, + "type_local_f64": f3, + "type_param_i32": f4, + "type_param_i64": legalstub$f5, + "type_param_f32": f6, + "type_param_f64": f7, + "type_mixed": legalstub$f8, + "write": legalstub$f9 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/switch.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/switch.2asm.js index 8c4a1f0dd93..9b26244b68a 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/switch.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/switch.2asm.js @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(i) { + function f0(i) { i = i | 0; var j = 0; j = 100; @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return j | 0; } - function $1(i, i$hi) { + function f1(i, i$hi) { i = i | 0; i$hi = i$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, j = 0, j$hi = 0; @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; } - function $2(i) { + function f2(i) { i = i | 0; var $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0, $8 = 0, $9 = 0; $2 : { @@ -124,19 +124,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $8 | 0; } - function $3() { + function f3() { return 1 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f1(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } return { - "stmt": $0, - "expr": legalstub$1, - "arg": $2, - "corner": $3 + "stmt": f0, + "expr": legalstub$f1, + "arg": f2, + "corner": f3 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/tee_local.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/tee_local.2asm.js index 318e5f99503..7ef268a9845 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/tee_local.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/tee_local.2asm.js @@ -14,32 +14,32 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { + function f0() { return 0 | 0; } - function $1() { + function f1() { var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$0; return 0 | 0; } - function $2() { + function f2() { return Math_fround(Math_fround(0.0)); } - function $3() { + function f3() { return +(0.0); } - function $4($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f4($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; return 10 | 0; } - function $5($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f5($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -47,51 +47,51 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return 11 | 0; } - function $6($0_1) { - $0_1 = Math_fround($0_1); + function f6($0) { + $0 = Math_fround($0); return Math_fround(Math_fround(11.100000381469727)); } - function $7($0_1) { - $0_1 = +$0_1; + function f7($0) { + $0 = +$0; return +(12.2); } - function $8($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; } - function $9($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f9($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0.0, $5_1 = Math_fround(0), $6_1 = 0, $8_1 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $6$hi = 0, $16 = 0.0, $27 = 0.0, $7$hi = 0, $7_1 = 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround(-.30000001192092896); - $3_1 = 40; - $4_1 = -7; - $5_1 = Math_fround(5.5); + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0.0, $5 = Math_fround(0), $6 = 0, $8 = 0.0, $17 = 0, $18 = 0, $6$hi = 0, $16 = 0.0, $27 = 0.0, $7$hi = 0, $7 = 0; + $1 = Math_fround(-.30000001192092896); + $3 = 40; + $4 = -7; + $5 = Math_fround(5.5); i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $6_1 = 6; + $6 = 6; $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; - $8_1 = 8.0; + $8 = 8.0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $0; $16 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $6$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $6_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $6; $27 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $7_1; - i64toi32_i32$3 = $16 + (+$1_1 + ($2_1 + (+($3_1 >>> 0) + (+($4_1 | 0) + (+$5_1 + ($27 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + $8_1))))))); + i64toi32_i32$1 = $7; + i64toi32_i32$3 = $16 + (+$1 + ($2 + (+($3 >>> 0) + (+($4 | 0) + (+$5 + ($27 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + $8))))))); if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$3) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$3 > 0.0) { $17 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$3 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 @@ -108,30 +108,30 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return i64toi32_i32$1 | 0; } - function $10($0_1, $0$hi, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f10($0, $0$hi, $1, $2, $3, $4) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; - $1_1 = Math_fround($1_1); - $2_1 = +$2_1; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $10_1 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0; + $1 = Math_fround($1); + $2 = +$2; + $3 = $3 | 0; + $4 = $4 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $10 = 0.0, $21 = 0.0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 1; - $10_1 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); + $10 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 6; $21 = +(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - return +($10_1 + (+Math_fround(2.0) + (3.3 + (+(4 >>> 0) + (+(5 | 0) + (+Math_fround(5.5) + ($21 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + 8.0)))))))); + return +($10 + (+Math_fround(2.0) + (3.3 + (+(4 >>> 0) + (+(5 | 0) + (+Math_fround(5.5) + ($21 + (+(i64toi32_i32$1 >>> 0) + 4294967296.0 * +(i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0) + 8.0)))))))); } - function legalstub$1() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $1() | 0; + function legalstub$f1() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f1() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -139,25 +139,25 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$5($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2_1 = 0, $2$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f5($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $13 = 0, $4 = 0, $4$hi = 0, $7$hi = 0, $2 = 0, $2$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $4_1 = $0_1; + $4 = $0; $4$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $4$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $4_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $4; i64toi32_i32$2 = $7$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f5(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $2_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $2 = i64toi32_i32$2; $2$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -191,22 +191,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($13 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $2$hi; - return $2_1 | 0; + return $2 | 0; } - function legalstub$8($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -219,26 +219,26 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $10$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $7_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $7; i64toi32_i32$2 = $10$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $14; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - $8(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0); + f8(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0); } - function legalstub$9($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $8_1 = 0, $8$hi = 0, $11$hi = 0, $6_1 = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f9($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $16 = 0, $17 = 0, $8 = 0, $8$hi = 0, $11$hi = 0, $6 = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $8_1 = $0_1; + $8 = $0; $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $8$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $8_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $8; i64toi32_i32$2 = $11$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $16; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $9(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$2 = f9(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $6_1 = i64toi32_i32$2; + $6 = i64toi32_i32$2; $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; @@ -272,22 +272,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } setTempRet0($17 | 0); i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; - return $6_1 | 0; + return $6 | 0; } - function legalstub$10($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1, $4_1, $5_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = Math_fround($2_1); - $3_1 = +$3_1; - $4_1 = $4_1 | 0; - $5_1 = $5_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f10($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = Math_fround($2); + $3 = +$3; + $4 = $4 | 0; + $5 = $5 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $14 = 0, $7 = 0, $7$hi = 0, $10$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = $0_1; + $7 = $0; $7$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -300,25 +300,25 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $10$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $7$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $7_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $7; i64toi32_i32$2 = $10$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $14; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return +(+$10(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2_1), +$3_1, $4_1 | 0, $5_1 | 0)); + return +(+f10(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0, Math_fround($2), +$3, $4 | 0, $5 | 0)); } return { - "type_local_i32": $0, - "type_local_i64": legalstub$1, - "type_local_f32": $2, - "type_local_f64": $3, - "type_param_i32": $4, - "type_param_i64": legalstub$5, - "type_param_f32": $6, - "type_param_f64": $7, - "type_mixed": legalstub$8, - "write": legalstub$9, - "result": legalstub$10 + "type_local_i32": f0, + "type_local_i64": legalstub$f1, + "type_local_f32": f2, + "type_local_f64": f3, + "type_param_i32": f4, + "type_param_i64": legalstub$f5, + "type_param_f32": f6, + "type_param_f64": f7, + "type_mixed": legalstub$f8, + "write": legalstub$f9, + "result": legalstub$f10 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/traps.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/traps.2asm.js index f7a469ebe2c..093c911f662 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/traps.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/traps.2asm.js @@ -13,19 +13,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; (x | 0) / (y | 0) | 0; } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; (x >>> 0) / (y >>> 0) | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; y = y | 0; @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { __wasm_i64_sdiv(x | 0, x$hi | 0, y | 0, y$hi | 0) | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; y = y | 0; @@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { __wasm_i64_udiv(x | 0, x$hi | 0, y | 0, y$hi | 0) | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - $2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); + f2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - $3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); + f3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Div3div17he78fc483e41d7ec7E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -715,10 +715,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "no_dce_i32_div_s": $0, - "no_dce_i32_div_u": $1, - "no_dce_i64_div_s": legalstub$2, - "no_dce_i64_div_u": legalstub$3 + "no_dce_i32_div_s": f0, + "no_dce_i32_div_u": f1, + "no_dce_i64_div_s": legalstub$f2, + "no_dce_i64_div_u": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -743,19 +743,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64 = 0; var __wasm_intrinsics_temp_i64$hi = 0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0(x, y) { + function f0(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; (x | 0) % (y | 0) | 0; } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; (x >>> 0) % (y >>> 0) | 0; } - function $2(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { + function f2(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; y = y | 0; @@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { __wasm_i64_srem(x | 0, x$hi | 0, y | 0, y$hi | 0) | 0; } - function $3(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { + function f3(x, x$hi, y, y$hi) { x = x | 0; x$hi = x$hi | 0; y = y | 0; @@ -771,17 +771,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { __wasm_i64_urem(x | 0, x$hi | 0, y | 0, y$hi | 0) | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -801,10 +801,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -825,20 +825,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - $2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); + f2($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -858,10 +858,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - $3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); + f3($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0); } function _ZN17compiler_builtins3int4sdiv3Mod4mod_17h2cbb7bbf36e41d68E(var$0, var$0$hi, var$1, var$1$hi) { @@ -1427,10 +1427,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "no_dce_i32_rem_s": $0, - "no_dce_i32_rem_u": $1, - "no_dce_i64_rem_s": legalstub$2, - "no_dce_i64_rem_u": legalstub$3 + "no_dce_i32_rem_s": f0, + "no_dce_i32_rem_u": f1, + "no_dce_i64_rem_s": legalstub$f2, + "no_dce_i64_rem_u": legalstub$f3 }; } @@ -1452,103 +1452,103 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(x) { + function f0(x) { x = Math_fround(x); ~~x; } - function $1(x) { + function f1(x) { x = Math_fround(x); ~~x >>> 0; } - function $2(x) { + function f2(x) { x = +x; ~~x; } - function $3(x) { + function f3(x) { x = +x; ~~x >>> 0; } - function $4(x) { + function f4(x) { x = Math_fround(x); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $2 = 0, $3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_fround(Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > Math_fround(0.0)) { - $2_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 } else { - $2_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 } - $3_1 = $2_1; + $3 = $2; } else { - $3_1 = 0 + $3 = 0 } ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; } - function $5(x) { + function f5(x) { x = Math_fround(x); - var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = Math_fround(0), $2 = 0, $3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_fround(Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0)) >= Math_fround(1.0)) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > Math_fround(0.0)) { - $2_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_fround(Math_min(Math_fround(Math_floor(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))), Math_fround(Math_fround(4294967296.0) - Math_fround(1.0)))) >>> 0 } else { - $2_1 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_fround(Math_ceil(Math_fround(Math_fround(i64toi32_i32$0 - Math_fround(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / Math_fround(4294967296.0)))) >>> 0 } - $3_1 = $2_1; + $3 = $2; } else { - $3_1 = 0 + $3 = 0 } ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; } - function $6(x) { + function f6(x) { x = +x; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > 0.0) { - $2_1 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 } else { - $2_1 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 } - $3_1 = $2_1; + $3 = $2; } else { - $3_1 = 0 + $3 = 0 } ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; } - function $7(x) { + function f7(x) { x = +x; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0.0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = x; if (Math_abs(i64toi32_i32$0) >= 1.0) { if (i64toi32_i32$0 > 0.0) { - $2_1 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_min(Math_floor(i64toi32_i32$0 / 4294967296.0), 4294967296.0 - 1.0) >>> 0 } else { - $2_1 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 + $2 = ~~Math_ceil((i64toi32_i32$0 - +(~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0 >>> 0)) / 4294967296.0) >>> 0 } - $3_1 = $2_1; + $3 = $2; } else { - $3_1 = 0 + $3 = 0 } ~~i64toi32_i32$0 >>> 0; } return { - "no_dce_i32_trunc_f32_s": $0, - "no_dce_i32_trunc_f32_u": $1, - "no_dce_i32_trunc_f64_s": $2, - "no_dce_i32_trunc_f64_u": $3, - "no_dce_i64_trunc_f32_s": $4, - "no_dce_i64_trunc_f32_u": $5, - "no_dce_i64_trunc_f64_s": $6, - "no_dce_i64_trunc_f64_u": $7 + "no_dce_i32_trunc_f32_s": f0, + "no_dce_i32_trunc_f32_u": f1, + "no_dce_i32_trunc_f64_s": f2, + "no_dce_i32_trunc_f64_u": f3, + "no_dce_i64_trunc_f32_s": f4, + "no_dce_i64_trunc_f32_u": f5, + "no_dce_i64_trunc_f64_s": f6, + "no_dce_i64_trunc_f64_u": f7 }; } @@ -1583,32 +1583,32 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0(i) { + function f0(i) { i = i | 0; HEAP32[i >> 2] | 0; } - function $1(i) { + function f1(i) { i = i | 0; HEAP16[i >> 1] | 0; } - function $2(i) { + function f2(i) { i = i | 0; HEAPU16[i >> 1] | 0; } - function $3(i) { + function f3(i) { i = i | 0; HEAP8[i >> 0] | 0; } - function $4(i) { + function f4(i) { i = i | 0; HEAPU8[i >> 0] | 0; } - function $5(i) { + function f5(i) { i = i | 0; var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$2 = i; @@ -1616,45 +1616,45 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { HEAP32[i64toi32_i32$2 >> 2] | 0; } - function $6(i) { + function f6(i) { i = i | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = HEAP32[i >> 2] | 0; } - function $7(i) { + function f7(i) { i = i | 0; HEAP32[i >> 2] | 0; } - function $8(i) { + function f8(i) { i = i | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = HEAP16[i >> 1] | 0; } - function $9(i) { + function f9(i) { i = i | 0; HEAPU16[i >> 1] | 0; } - function $10(i) { + function f10(i) { i = i | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = HEAP8[i >> 0] | 0; } - function $11(i) { + function f11(i) { i = i | 0; HEAPU8[i >> 0] | 0; } - function $12(i) { + function f12(i) { i = i | 0; Math_fround(HEAPF32[i >> 2]); } - function $13(i) { + function f13(i) { i = i | 0; +HEAPF64[i >> 3]; } @@ -1685,20 +1685,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "no_dce_i32_load": $0, - "no_dce_i32_load16_s": $1, - "no_dce_i32_load16_u": $2, - "no_dce_i32_load8_s": $3, - "no_dce_i32_load8_u": $4, - "no_dce_i64_load": $5, - "no_dce_i64_load32_s": $6, - "no_dce_i64_load32_u": $7, - "no_dce_i64_load16_s": $8, - "no_dce_i64_load16_u": $9, - "no_dce_i64_load8_s": $10, - "no_dce_i64_load8_u": $11, - "no_dce_f32_load": $12, - "no_dce_f64_load": $13 + "no_dce_i32_load": f0, + "no_dce_i32_load16_s": f1, + "no_dce_i32_load16_u": f2, + "no_dce_i32_load8_s": f3, + "no_dce_i32_load8_u": f4, + "no_dce_i64_load": f5, + "no_dce_i64_load32_s": f6, + "no_dce_i64_load32_u": f7, + "no_dce_i64_load16_s": f8, + "no_dce_i64_load16_u": f9, + "no_dce_i64_load8_s": f10, + "no_dce_i64_load8_u": f11, + "no_dce_f32_load": f12, + "no_dce_f64_load": f13 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js index bf33c2d789a..25ea4502dc6 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js @@ -54,93 +54,93 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { - var $0_1 = 0; - $0_1 = 0; - return HEAPU8[$0_1 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0 | 0; + function f0() { + var $0 = 0; + $0 = 0; + return HEAPU8[$0 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1() { - var $2_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $2_1 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = HEAPU8[$2_1 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = HEAPU8[($2_1 + 4 | 0) >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2_1 + 5 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2_1 + 6 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2_1 + 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0; + function f1() { + var $2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + $2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = HEAPU8[$2 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = HEAPU8[($2 + 4 | 0) >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2 + 5 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2 + 6 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($2 + 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$1; return i64toi32_i32$0 | 0; } - function $2() { - var $0_1 = 0; - $0_1 = 0; - return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, HEAPU8[$0_1 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); + function f2() { + var $0 = 0; + $0 = 0; + return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, HEAPU8[$0 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($0 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); } - function $3() { - var $1_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; - $1_1 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = HEAPU8[($1_1 + 4 | 0) >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1_1 + 5 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1_1 + 6 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1_1 + 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0; - wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0 | 0, HEAPU8[$1_1 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0 | 0); + function f3() { + var $1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; + $1 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$1 = HEAPU8[($1 + 4 | 0) >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1 + 5 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1 + 6 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1 + 7 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0; + wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0 | 0, HEAPU8[$1 >> 0] | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 8 | 0) | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 16 | 0 | ((HEAPU8[($1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] | 0) << 24 | 0) | 0) | 0 | 0); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0); return +(+wasm2js_scratch_load_f64()); } - function $4() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0; - $0_1 = 0; - $1_1 = 0; - HEAP8[$0_1 >> 0] = $1_1; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 8 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 16 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 24 | 0; + function f4() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; + $0 = 0; + $1 = 0; + HEAP8[$0 >> 0] = $1; + HEAP8[($0 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 8 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 16 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 24 | 0; } - function $5() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0; - $0_1 = 0; - $1_1 = 0; - HEAP8[$0_1 >> 0] = $1_1; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 8 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 16 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 24 | 0; - $2_1 = 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 4 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 5 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1 >>> 8 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 6 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1 >>> 16 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 7 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1 >>> 24 | 0; + function f5() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0, $2 = 0; + $0 = 0; + $1 = 0; + HEAP8[$0 >> 0] = $1; + HEAP8[($0 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 8 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 16 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 24 | 0; + $2 = 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 4 | 0) >> 0] = $2; + HEAP8[($0 + 5 | 0) >> 0] = $2 >>> 8 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 6 | 0) >> 0] = $2 >>> 16 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 7 | 0) >> 0] = $2 >>> 24 | 0; } - function $6() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1_1 = 0; - $0_1 = 0; - $1_1 = (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)); - HEAP8[$0_1 >> 0] = $1_1; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 8 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 16 | 0; - HEAP8[($0_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $1_1 >>> 24 | 0; + function f6() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; + $0 = 0; + $1 = (wasm2js_scratch_store_f32(Math_fround(0.0)), wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(2)); + HEAP8[$0 >> 0] = $1; + HEAP8[($0 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 8 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 16 | 0; + HEAP8[($0 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $1 >>> 24 | 0; } - function $7() { - var $1_1 = 0, $2_1 = 0, $3_1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; + function f7() { + var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(+(0.0)); i64toi32_i32$0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1 | 0) | 0; - $1_1 = 0; - $2_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0 | 0) | 0; - HEAP8[$1_1 >> 0] = $2_1; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1 >>> 8 | 0; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1 >>> 16 | 0; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $2_1 >>> 24 | 0; - $3_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 4 | 0) >> 0] = $3_1; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 5 | 0) >> 0] = $3_1 >>> 8 | 0; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 6 | 0) >> 0] = $3_1 >>> 16 | 0; - HEAP8[($1_1 + 7 | 0) >> 0] = $3_1 >>> 24 | 0; + $1 = 0; + $2 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0 | 0) | 0; + HEAP8[$1 >> 0] = $2; + HEAP8[($1 + 1 | 0) >> 0] = $2 >>> 8 | 0; + HEAP8[($1 + 2 | 0) >> 0] = $2 >>> 16 | 0; + HEAP8[($1 + 3 | 0) >> 0] = $2 >>> 24 | 0; + $3 = i64toi32_i32$0; + HEAP8[($1 + 4 | 0) >> 0] = $3; + HEAP8[($1 + 5 | 0) >> 0] = $3 >>> 8 | 0; + HEAP8[($1 + 6 | 0) >> 0] = $3 >>> 16 | 0; + HEAP8[($1 + 7 | 0) >> 0] = $3 >>> 24 | 0; } - function legalstub$1() { - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7_1 = 0, $0_1 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $1() | 0; + function legalstub$f1() { + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $7 = 0, $0 = 0, $0$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = f1() | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; - $0_1 = i64toi32_i32$0; + $0 = i64toi32_i32$0; $0$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; @@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; if (32 >>> 0 <= (i64toi32_i32$3 & 63 | 0) >>> 0) { i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $7_1 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; + $7 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; } else { i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0; - $7_1 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; + $7 = (((1 << i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) - 1 | 0) & i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) << (32 - i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0 | (i64toi32_i32$2 >>> i64toi32_i32$4 | 0) | 0; } - setTempRet0($7_1 | 0); + setTempRet0($7 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -164,14 +164,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_load": $0, - "i64_load": legalstub$1, - "f32_load": $2, - "f64_load": $3, - "i32_store": $4, - "i64_store": $5, - "f32_store": $6, - "f64_store": $7 + "i32_load": f0, + "i64_load": legalstub$f1, + "f32_load": f2, + "f64_load": f3, + "i32_store": f4, + "i64_store": f5, + "f32_store": f6, + "f64_store": f7 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js.opt index 552868ded2b..0fa59bee60d 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/unaligned.2asm.js.opt @@ -50,30 +50,30 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var env = imports.env; var setTempRet0 = env.setTempRet0; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0() { + function f0() { return HEAPU8[0] | HEAPU8[1] << 8 | (HEAPU8[2] << 16 | HEAPU8[3] << 24); } - function $2() { + function f2() { return Math_fround((wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(2, HEAPU8[0] | HEAPU8[1] << 8 | (HEAPU8[2] << 16 | HEAPU8[3] << 24)), wasm2js_scratch_load_f32())); } - function $3() { - var $0_1 = 0; - $0_1 = HEAPU8[4] | HEAPU8[5] << 8 | (HEAPU8[6] << 16 | HEAPU8[7] << 24); + function f3() { + var $0 = 0; + $0 = HEAPU8[4] | HEAPU8[5] << 8 | (HEAPU8[6] << 16 | HEAPU8[7] << 24); wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(0, HEAPU8[0] | HEAPU8[1] << 8 | (HEAPU8[2] << 16 | HEAPU8[3] << 24)); - wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1, $0_1 | 0); + wasm2js_scratch_store_i32(1, $0 | 0); return +wasm2js_scratch_load_f64(); } - function $4() { + function f4() { HEAP8[0] = 0; HEAP8[1] = 0; HEAP8[2] = 0; HEAP8[3] = 0; } - function $5() { + function f5() { HEAP8[0] = 0; HEAP8[1] = 0; HEAP8[2] = 0; @@ -84,27 +84,27 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { HEAP8[7] = 0; } - function $7() { - var $0_1 = 0, $1 = 0; + function f7() { + var $0 = 0, $1 = 0; wasm2js_scratch_store_f64(0.0); - $0_1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; + $0 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(1) | 0; $1 = wasm2js_scratch_load_i32(0) | 0; HEAP8[0] = $1; HEAP8[1] = $1 >>> 8; HEAP8[2] = $1 >>> 16; HEAP8[3] = $1 >>> 24; - HEAP8[4] = $0_1; - HEAP8[5] = $0_1 >>> 8; - HEAP8[6] = $0_1 >>> 16; - HEAP8[7] = $0_1 >>> 24; + HEAP8[4] = $0; + HEAP8[5] = $0 >>> 8; + HEAP8[6] = $0 >>> 16; + HEAP8[7] = $0 >>> 24; } - function legalstub$1() { - var $0_1 = 0; + function legalstub$f1() { + var $0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = HEAPU8[4] | HEAPU8[5] << 8 | (HEAPU8[6] << 16 | HEAPU8[7] << 24); - $0_1 = HEAPU8[0] | HEAPU8[1] << 8 | (HEAPU8[2] << 16 | HEAPU8[3] << 24); + $0 = HEAPU8[0] | HEAPU8[1] << 8 | (HEAPU8[2] << 16 | HEAPU8[3] << 24); setTempRet0(i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); - return $0_1; + return $0; } bufferView = HEAPU8; @@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_load": $0, - "i64_load": legalstub$1, - "f32_load": $2, - "f64_load": $3, - "i32_store": $4, - "i64_store": $5, - "f32_store": $4, - "f64_store": $7 + "i32_load": f0, + "i64_load": legalstub$f1, + "f32_load": f2, + "f64_load": f3, + "i32_store": f4, + "i64_store": f5, + "f32_store": f4, + "f64_store": f7 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js b/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js index b415f218666..14430f23174 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js @@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return __wasm_popcnt_i32($0_1 | 0) | 0 | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return __wasm_popcnt_i32($0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $1($0_1, $0$hi, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f1($0, $0$hi, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_popcnt_i64($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_popcnt_i64($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = r$hi; @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $2($0_1, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f2($0, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, $3$hi = 0; @@ -42,49 +42,49 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = r$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $3$hi; - return ($0_1 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (r$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; + return ($0 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (r$hi | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $3($0_1, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f3($0, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $3$hi = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $0; i64toi32_i32$0 = i64toi32_i32$1 >> 31 | 0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = r$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = $3$hi; i64toi32_i32$1 = r$hi; - return ($0_1 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return ($0 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $4($0_1, $0$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f4($0, $0$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - return !($0_1 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + return !($0 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; } - function $5($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return Math_clz32($0_1) | 0; + function f5($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return Math_clz32($0) | 0; } - function $6($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return __wasm_ctz_i32($0_1 | 0) | 0 | 0; + function f6($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return __wasm_ctz_i32($0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $7($0_1, $0$hi, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f7($0, $0$hi, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $9 = 0, $3$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $0_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $0; i64toi32_i32$3 = Math_clz32(i64toi32_i32$0); i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; if ((i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) == (32 | 0)) { @@ -101,14 +101,14 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$3 | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function $8($0_1, $0$hi, r, r$hi) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f8($0, $0$hi, r, r$hi) { + $0 = $0 | 0; $0$hi = $0$hi | 0; r = r | 0; r$hi = r$hi | 0; var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = $0$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_ctz_i64($0_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; + i64toi32_i32$0 = __wasm_ctz_i64($0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0; i64toi32_i32$1 = i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = r$hi; @@ -118,17 +118,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return (i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) == (r | 0) & (i64toi32_i32$1 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$0 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -141,17 +141,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -172,20 +172,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $1($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f1($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1_1, $2_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $3 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; + $3 = $0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $1_1; + $5 = $1; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $2; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -198,24 +198,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return $2($3_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f2($3 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1_1, $2_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $12 = 0, $3 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0; + $3 = $0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $1_1; + $5 = $1; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $2_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $2; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -228,22 +228,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $12; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return $3($3_1 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f3($3 | 0, i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$4($0_1, $1_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3_1 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f4($0, $1) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $10 = 0, $3 = 0, $3$hi = 0, $6$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $3_1 = $0_1; + $3 = $0; $3$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -256,24 +256,24 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $6$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $3$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $3; i64toi32_i32$2 = $6$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $10; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; - return $4(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f4(i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$7($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f7($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -286,17 +286,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -317,20 +317,20 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $7($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f7($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } - function legalstub$8($0_1, $1_1, $2_1, $3_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - $1_1 = $1_1 | 0; - $2_1 = $2_1 | 0; - $3_1 = $3_1 | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + $1 = $1 | 0; + $2 = $2 | 0; + $3 = $3 | 0; + var i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, $19 = 0, $20 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $8$hi = 0, $9 = 0, $9$hi = 0, $11 = 0, $11$hi = 0, $14$hi = 0, $15 = 0, $15$hi = 0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - $5_1 = $0_1; + $5 = $0; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$2 = $1_1; + i64toi32_i32$2 = $1; i64toi32_i32$1 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -343,17 +343,17 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } $8$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$0 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$0 = $5; i64toi32_i32$2 = $8$hi; i64toi32_i32$3 = $19; i64toi32_i32$2 = i64toi32_i32$1 | i64toi32_i32$2 | 0; $9 = i64toi32_i32$0 | i64toi32_i32$3 | 0; $9$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - $11 = $2_1; + $11 = $2; $11$hi = i64toi32_i32$2; i64toi32_i32$2 = 0; - i64toi32_i32$1 = $3_1; + i64toi32_i32$1 = $3; i64toi32_i32$0 = 0; i64toi32_i32$3 = 32; i64toi32_i32$4 = i64toi32_i32$3 & 31 | 0; @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { $15$hi = i64toi32_i32$1; i64toi32_i32$1 = $9$hi; i64toi32_i32$2 = $15$hi; - return $8($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; + return f8($9 | 0, i64toi32_i32$1 | 0, $15 | 0, i64toi32_i32$2 | 0) | 0 | 0; } function __wasm_ctz_i32(var$0) { @@ -434,10 +434,10 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { function __wasm_popcnt_i32(var$0) { var$0 = var$0 | 0; - var var$1 = 0, $5_1 = 0; + var var$1 = 0, $5 = 0; label$1 : { label$2 : while (1) { - $5_1 = var$1; + $5 = var$1; if (!var$0) { break label$1 } @@ -446,22 +446,22 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { continue label$2; }; } - return $5_1 | 0; + return $5 | 0; } function __wasm_popcnt_i64(var$0, var$0$hi) { var$0 = var$0 | 0; var$0$hi = var$0$hi | 0; - var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, var$1$hi = 0, var$1 = 0, $4_1 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $9$hi = 0; + var i64toi32_i32$0 = 0, i64toi32_i32$2 = 0, i64toi32_i32$5 = 0, i64toi32_i32$4 = 0, i64toi32_i32$3 = 0, i64toi32_i32$1 = 0, var$1$hi = 0, var$1 = 0, $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $5$hi = 0, $9$hi = 0; label$1 : { label$2 : while (1) { i64toi32_i32$0 = var$1$hi; i64toi32_i32$0 = var$0$hi; - $4_1 = !(var$0 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0); + $4 = !(var$0 | i64toi32_i32$0 | 0); i64toi32_i32$0 = var$1$hi; - $5_1 = var$1; + $5 = var$1; $5$hi = i64toi32_i32$0; - if ($4_1) { + if ($4) { break label$1 } i64toi32_i32$0 = var$0$hi; @@ -494,21 +494,21 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { }; } i64toi32_i32$4 = $5$hi; - i64toi32_i32$5 = $5_1; + i64toi32_i32$5 = $5; i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = i64toi32_i32$4; return i64toi32_i32$5 | 0; } return { - "i32_popcnt": $0, - "check_popcnt_i64": legalstub$1, - "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$2, - "check_extend_si32": legalstub$3, - "check_eqz_i64": legalstub$4, - "i32_clz": $5, - "i32_ctz": $6, - "check_clz_i64": legalstub$7, - "check_ctz_i64": legalstub$8 + "i32_popcnt": f0, + "check_popcnt_i64": legalstub$f1, + "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$f2, + "check_extend_si32": legalstub$f3, + "check_eqz_i64": legalstub$f4, + "i32_clz": f5, + "i32_ctz": f6, + "check_clz_i64": legalstub$f7, + "check_ctz_i64": legalstub$f8 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js.opt b/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js.opt index f5d49d3f619..6c58a9b39a4 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js.opt +++ b/test/wasm2js/unary-ops.2asm.js.opt @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; - function $0($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; + function f0($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; var $1 = 0; while (1) { - if ($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 - 1 & $0_1; + if ($0) { + $0 = $0 - 1 & $0; $1 = $1 + 1 | 0; continue; } @@ -25,71 +25,71 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { return $1 | 0; } - function $5($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - return Math_clz32($0_1) | 0; + function f5($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + return Math_clz32($0) | 0; } - function $6($0_1) { - $0_1 = $0_1 | 0; - if ($0_1) { - $0_1 = 31 - Math_clz32($0_1 - 1 ^ $0_1) | 0 + function f6($0) { + $0 = $0 | 0; + if ($0) { + $0 = 31 - Math_clz32($0 - 1 ^ $0) | 0 } else { - $0_1 = 32 + $0 = 32 } - return $0_1 | 0; + return $0 | 0; } - function legalstub$1($0_1, $1, $2, $3) { - var $4 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0; - $4 = $0_1; + function legalstub$f1($0, $1, $2, $3) { + var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0; + $4 = $0; while (1) { if ($1 | $4) { - $0_1 = $4; - $4 = $0_1 & $0_1 - 1; - $1 = $1 - !$0_1 & $1; - $5_1 = $5_1 + 1 | 0; - $6_1 = $5_1 ? $6_1 : $6_1 + 1 | 0; + $0 = $4; + $4 = $0 & $0 - 1; + $1 = $1 - !$0 & $1; + $5 = $5 + 1 | 0; + $6 = $5 ? $6 : $6 + 1 | 0; continue; } break; }; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $6_1; - return ($2 | 0) == ($5_1 | 0) & ($3 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = $6; + return ($2 | 0) == ($5 | 0) & ($3 | 0) == (i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS | 0); } - function legalstub$2($0_1, $1, $2) { - return !$2 & ($0_1 | 0) == ($1 | 0); + function legalstub$f2($0, $1, $2) { + return !$2 & ($0 | 0) == ($1 | 0); } - function legalstub$3($0_1, $1, $2) { - return ($0_1 | 0) == ($1 | 0) & ($2 | 0) == $0_1 >> 31; + function legalstub$f3($0, $1, $2) { + return ($0 | 0) == ($1 | 0) & ($2 | 0) == $0 >> 31; } - function legalstub$4($0_1, $1) { - return !($0_1 | $1); + function legalstub$f4($0, $1) { + return !($0 | $1); } - function legalstub$7($0_1, $1, $2, $3) { + function legalstub$f7($0, $1, $2, $3) { var $4 = 0; - $4 = Math_clz32($0_1) + 32 | 0; - $0_1 = Math_clz32($1); - return !$3 & ($2 | 0) == ((($0_1 | 0) == 32 ? $4 : $0_1) | 0); + $4 = Math_clz32($0) + 32 | 0; + $0 = Math_clz32($1); + return !$3 & ($2 | 0) == ((($0 | 0) == 32 ? $4 : $0) | 0); } - function legalstub$8($0_1, $1, $2, $3) { - var $4 = 0, $5_1 = 0, $6_1 = 0, $7 = 0; + function legalstub$f8($0, $1, $2, $3) { + var $4 = 0, $5 = 0, $6 = 0, $7 = 0; __inlined_func$__wasm_ctz_i64$3 : { - if ($1 | $0_1) { + if ($1 | $0) { $4 = $1 - 1 | 0; - $5_1 = $4 + 1 | 0; - $6_1 = $4; - $4 = $0_1 - 1 | 0; - $7 = Math_clz32($0_1 ^ $4) + 32 | 0; - $0_1 = Math_clz32($1 ^ (($4 | 0) != -1 ? $5_1 : $6_1)); - $0_1 = ($0_1 | 0) == 32 ? $7 : $0_1; - $1 = 63 - $0_1 | 0; - i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0 - ($0_1 >>> 0 > 63) | 0; + $5 = $4 + 1 | 0; + $6 = $4; + $4 = $0 - 1 | 0; + $7 = Math_clz32($0 ^ $4) + 32 | 0; + $0 = Math_clz32($1 ^ (($4 | 0) != -1 ? $5 : $6)); + $0 = ($0 | 0) == 32 ? $7 : $0; + $1 = 63 - $0 | 0; + i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0 - ($0 >>> 0 > 63) | 0; break __inlined_func$__wasm_ctz_i64$3; } i64toi32_i32$HIGH_BITS = 0; @@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ function asmFunc(imports) { } return { - "i32_popcnt": $0, - "check_popcnt_i64": legalstub$1, - "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$2, - "check_extend_si32": legalstub$3, - "check_eqz_i64": legalstub$4, - "i32_clz": $5, - "i32_ctz": $6, - "check_clz_i64": legalstub$7, - "check_ctz_i64": legalstub$8 + "i32_popcnt": f0, + "check_popcnt_i64": legalstub$f1, + "check_extend_ui32": legalstub$f2, + "check_extend_si32": legalstub$f3, + "check_eqz_i64": legalstub$f4, + "i32_clz": f5, + "i32_ctz": f6, + "check_clz_i64": legalstub$f7, + "check_ctz_i64": legalstub$f8 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.asserts.js b/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.asserts.js index 19b97844eae..84450716f41 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.asserts.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.asserts.js @@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ function asmFunc0(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x + y | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) / (y | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "empty": $0, - "add": $1, - "div_s": $2 + "empty": f0, + "add": f1, + "div_s": f2 }; } diff --git a/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.traps.js b/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.traps.js index 307827362ef..f6138c27e23 100644 --- a/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.traps.js +++ b/test/wasm2js/wasm2js.traps.js @@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ function asmFunc0(imports) { var Math_ceil = Math.ceil; var Math_trunc = Math.trunc; var Math_sqrt = Math.sqrt; - function $0() { + function f0() { } - function $1(x, y) { + function f1(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return x + y | 0 | 0; } - function $2(x, y) { + function f2(x, y) { x = x | 0; y = y | 0; return (x | 0) / (y | 0) | 0 | 0; } return { - "empty": $0, - "add": $1, - "div_s": $2 + "empty": f0, + "add": f1, + "div_s": f2 }; }