ba·con (bā′kən)
- The salted and smoked meat from the back and sides of a pig.
2.1. Proof that God exists and he loves us.
tel·e·graph (tĕl′ĭ-grăf′) (from Ancient Greek: τῆλε, têle, "at a distance")
- To send or convey a message to (a recipient) by telegraph.
- To give advance notice of.
- To make known (a feeling or an attitude, for example) by nonverbal means: telegraphed her derision with a smirk.
- To make known (an intended action, for example) in advance or unintentionally:
A SBC (Single Board Computer) Though initialy designed for Raspberry Pi 4 we has expanded to many others.
Fresh install of RaspberryPi OS Bullseye, though Buster is still supported until breaking changes
Love of Ham Radio
git clone ~/baconTelegraph && /bin/sh ~/baconTelegraph/
sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0
echo "$USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee "/etc/sudoers.d/dont-prompt-$USER-for-sudo-password"