This document explains how to publish the package at version x.y.z. Ensure that you’re following semver when choosing a version number.
Update to latest locally to ensure you’re on the latest commit. Make sure you have no unstaged changes.
npm version --no-git-tag-version x.y.z
cd projects/angular-ui
npm version x.y.z
git commit -s -am "ci(release): vx.y.z"
git tag vx.y.z
git push --tags or git push origin vx.y.z
git push
Next, go to and create a "draft new release". Select your tag vx.y.z and "Generate release notes", next check "Set as the latest release" and "Publish release". In the "Actions" panel, you should see that the workflow "vx.y.z publish NPM package" is triggered