#WIP, see here
per EP, issue with descriptive name -> branch name auto-generated from GUI -> every commit message references that issue:
clone control-broker at 3-implement-asynchronous-client-layer
cdk deploy
clone control-broker-codepipeline-example
add outputs from original control-broker
deployment output to cdk.json
of control-broker-codepipeline-example
cdk deploy
initial commit to CodeCommit repo should have noncompliant IaC
pipeline should fail
comment out failMeQueue
, commit it, it should pass
- toggle code input to get different results
- toggle PaC files, redeploy to get different results
- check s3 for ResultsReport
- check ddb for logging
- see Issue #4 for API Contract
- create a EventBridge rule that listens for a type of violation