1. Color-Game : At every click you'll get a new and unique color ;)
2. Counter : In this you can increase, decrease and reset your count :)
3. Reviews : In this you'll get people's reviews ;)
4. Navbar : In this you'll get simple functionality added in the navbar :)
5. Sidebar : In this you'll get a beautiful view of sidebar ;)
6. Modal : In this you'll get a view of Modal projects :)
7. Questions and Answers : In this you can add any question and get the answer accordingly by clicking on the + button ;)
8. Menu : In this you can select food according to your prefernece by choosing All,Breakfast,Lunch,Shakes and Dinner :)
9. Video : In this you'll able to play and pause the video by using the button displayed on the screen ;)
10. Scroll website : In this you can scroll the site or just click on the particular section from navbar to land on that section directly :)
11. About-Tabs : In this you can click on the preferred tabs like history,vision,goals and it'll give you information accordingly ;)
12. Countdown Timer : In this you can sell a product by applying a timer to it :)
13. Lorem-Ipsum : In this you can generate random paragraphs as your requirement ;)
14. Grocery List : In this project you can add edit aur delete items and all the items that are added will be stored in your local storage.
15. Slider : In this you can easily go from one slide to next by just clciking on next and prev button.
16. Clock : In this you will get the live DATE and TIME of a region ;)
Stay Tuned for more crazy JS Projects :P