This repository provides a step-by-step pipeline for processing germline variant analysis using genomic sequencing data. The pipeline includes raw data preprocessing, alignment, variant calling, and annotation using widely used bioinformatics tools.
- Server Information
- Genomic Sequencing Data
- QC raw reads
- Align reads
- Sort alignment
- Mark duplicates
- Index BAM file
- Variant Calling
- Combine Variants
- Genotype Variants
- Variant Filtering
- Genotype Concordance
- Variant Annotation
- Extract Variant Fields
- Class Exercise
- Tools: Install PuTTY, FileZilla, IGV
- Server Details:
- IP Address:
- Port:
- Access: Requires JABSOM or UH network (use VPN for remote access).
- Note: With PuTTY and FileZilla you can connect to server.
- IP Address:
- Avoid multiple failed login attempts to prevent account locking.
- Use strong passwords or SSH keys.
- Log out after completing tasks.
source ~/.bashrc
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
# conda install mamba
# mamba install sra-tools fastqc trimmomatic multiqc curl
# mamba install bwa samtools picard gatk4
# mamba install snpeff snpsift
- The sequencing data can be retrieved from publicly available datasets: The identifiers SRR1972917 and SRR1972918 correspond to sequencing runs from a study on the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak in Sierra Leone. These runs are part of the BioProject PRJNA257197 and were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. The data consists of 101 base pair paired-end reads obtained from patient blood samples through metagenomic RNA sequencing approaches. The resulting sequences belong to the SL3 clade of the Makona variant of Zaire ebolavirus.
- Study on the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak in Sierra Leone (PMC4503805)
- SRA ID: SRR1972917
- SRA ID: SRR1972918
- We’ll only use 100k reads
- Use
to download paired-end reads:
mkdir Germline_Variants
cd Germline_Variants/
# Download raw sequencing data
fastq-dump --split-files -X 100000 SRR1972917
fastq-dump --split-files -X 100000 SRR1972918
- Quality control (QC) ensures high-quality sequencing reads by identifying and filtering low-quality sequences.
- Input: Raw FASTQ files.
- Output: Quality-controlled and trimmed FASTQ files.
mkdir qc
fastqc *.fastq -o qc/
# Download adapter file and trim sequences
curl -OL > adapters.fa
trimmomatic PE SRR1972917_1.fastq SRR1972917_2.fastq \
SRR1972917_trimmed_1.fastq SRR1972917_unpaired_1.fastq \
SRR1972917_trimmed_2.fastq SRR1972917_unpaired_2.fastq \
trimmomatic PE SRR1972918_1.fastq SRR1972918_2.fastq \
SRR1972918_trimmed_1.fastq SRR1972918_unpaired_1.fastq \
SRR1972918_trimmed_2.fastq SRR1972918_unpaired_2.fastq \
mkdir qc_trimmed
fastqc *trimmed_*.fastq -o qc_trimmed/
- Reads are aligned to the reference genome using BWA MEM, which is optimized for mapping short reads.
- Input: Trimmed FASTQ files.
- Output: SAM file with aligned reads.
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:SRR1972917\tSM:SRR1972917\tPL:ILLUMINA\tLB:SRR1972917' \
/home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa SRR1972917_trimmed_1.fastq SRR1972917_trimmed_2.fastq > SRR1972917_raw.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:SRR1972918\tSM:SRR1972918\tPL:ILLUMINA\tLB:SRR1972918' \
/home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa SRR1972918_trimmed_1.fastq SRR1972918_trimmed_2.fastq > SRR1972918_raw.sam
- Sorting the aligned reads is necessary to optimize downstream processing.
- Input: SAM file.
- Output: Sorted BAM file.
samtools sort SRR1972917_raw.sam > SRR1972917_sort.bam
samtools sort SRR1972918_raw.sam > SRR1972918_sort.bam
- Marking duplicates using Picard's MarkDuplicates identifies and flags duplicate reads that originate from PCR amplification, reducing bias in downstream analyses such as variant calling.
- Input: Sorted BAM file.
- Output: BAM file with marked duplicates.
# Mark Duplicates
picard MarkDuplicates -Xmx10g I=SRR1972917_sort.bam O=SRR1972917_dedup.bam M=SRR1972917_dedup.txt
# Collect Alignment Metrics
picard CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -Xmx10g INPUT=SRR1972917_dedup.bam OUTPUT=SRR1972917_aln_metrics.txt REFERENCE_SEQUENCE=/home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa
# Provides summary of alignment statistics
samtools flagstat SRR1972917_dedup.bam
picard MarkDuplicates -Xmx10g I=SRR1972918_sort.bam O=SRR1972918_dedup.bam M=SRR1972918_dedup.txt
picard CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -Xmx10g INPUT=SRR1972918_dedup.bam OUTPUT=SRR1972918_aln_metrics.txt REFERENCE_SEQUENCE=/home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa
samtools flagstat SRR1972918_dedup.bam
- Indexing enables fast access to specific genomic regions in BAM files.
- Input: Deduplicated BAM file.
- Output: Indexed BAM file.
samtools index SRR1972917_dedup.bam
samtools index SRR1972918_dedup.bam
Note: Base Quality Score Recalibration (BQSR) is generally recommended before running GATK HaplotypeCaller for WGS or WES data.
- Corrects systematic errors in base quality scores.
- Improves variant calling accuracy.
- Recommended for large datasets.
- Skip if working with RNA-seq data.
- Skip if your sequencing technology already produces high-quality base scores.
- Skip if you lack a reliable set of known variants for your population.
- HaplotypeCaller is a tool from the GATK (Genome Analysis Toolkit) used for variant discovery (i.e., finding SNPs and small indels).
- HaplotypeCaller identifies potential germline variants in the sequencing data.
- Input: Indexed BAM file.
- Output: GVCF files with called variants.
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa -I SRR1972917_dedup.bam -O SRR1972917.g.vcf -ERC GVCF
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa -I SRR1972918_dedup.bam -O SRR1972918.g.vcf -ERC GVCF
- This instructs HaplotypeCaller to output an intermediate GVCF (Genomic VCF) file.
- Unlike a standard VCF which contains only sites determined to be variant, a GVCF contains information for all sites in the genome (both variant and non-variant), accompanied by reference confidence information.
- GVCF output is especially useful to perform joint genotyping on multiple samples later.
- This command merges individual GVCF files into one combined GVCF file.
- Input: Multiple GVCF files.
- Output: Combined GVCF file.
gatk CombineGVCFs -R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa -V SRR1972917.g.vcf -V SRR1972918.g.vcf -O combined.g.vcf
- This command uses the combined GVCF file (
) to perform the final joint genotyping step and produce a standard VCF (combined.vcf
) containing the called variants for all samples. - Input: Combined GVCF file.
- Output: Final VCF file with genotyped variants.
gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa -V combined.g.vcf -O combined.vcf
- GVCF (Genomic VCF) is an intermediate format containing both variant sites and non-variant sites with reference confidence intervals useful for multi-sample workflows.
- VCF (Variant Call Format) is the final output that contains only the detected variants.
- This command applies variant filtration to the
file. - The output vcf file contains all variants from input vcf file but those that do not meet the filtering (quality and depth thresholds) criteria are flagged with "lowQualDp".
- You can later remove or ignore these flagged variants depending on your analysis needs.
- Arguments:
-R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa
: Specifies the reference genome file (AF086833.fa).-V combined.vcf
: Input VCF file (combined.vcf).-O combined.filter1.vcf
: Output VCF file (combined.filter1.vcf) after applying the variant filters.-filter *QUAL < 30.0 || DP < 10*
Applies a filter to flag variants with:- QUAL < 30.0: Variants with a quality score lower than 30.
- DP < 10: Variants with a depth (number of supporting reads) lower than 10.
--filter-name lowQualDp
: Labels filtered variants as "lowQualDp" in the VCF file.
gatk VariantFiltration -R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa -V combined.vcf -O combined.filter1.vcf \
-filter "QUAL < 30.0 || DP < 10" --filter-name lowQualDp
- This step flags low-confidence genotype calls at the sample level.
- Helps ensuring that only reliable genotype calls are retained.
- Arguments:
-R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa
: Specifies the reference genome file (AF086833.fa).-V combined.filter1.vcf
: Takes the previously filtered VCF file (combined.filter1.vcf) as input.-O combined.filter2.vcf
: Outputs a new VCF file (combined.filter2.vcf) after applying genotype filters.-G-filter "GQ < 20.0"
: Applies a genotype-level filter to flag individual genotype calls where:- GQ < 20.0: Genotype quality score is below 20.
-G-filter-name lowGQ
: Labels filtered genotype calls as "lowGQ" in the VCF file.
gatk VariantFiltration -R /home/bqhs/ebola/AF086833.fa -V combined.filter1.vcf -O combined.filter2.vcf \
-G-filter "GQ < 20.0" -G-filter-name lowGQ
- The first step ensures only high-confidence variant sites are considered.
- QUAL represents the probability that the site contains a variant rather than being a sequencing error.
- The second step ensures only high-confidence genotypes are retained for each individual sample.
- A higher GQ score means higher confidence that the called genotype (e.g., 0/0, 0/1, 1/1) is correct.
- This two-step approach is critical in multi-sample studies, where some samples may have poor genotype confidence even if the site passes the variant-level filters.
- Evaluates the accuracy of genotype calls by comparing them to known truth datasets.
- Arguments:
-CV combined.filter2.vcf
: Callset VCF file (the file you generated from variant calling).-TV /home/bqhs/ebola/ebola-samples.vcf
: Truth VCF file (a reference VCF containing known variants).-O SRR1972917.concordance.grp
: Output concordance report.-CS SRR1972917
: Callset sample name.-TS SRR1972917
: Truth sample name.
gatk GenotypeConcordance \
-CV combined.filter2.vcf \
-TV /home/bqhs/ebola/ebola-samples.vcf \
-O SRR1972917.concordance.grp \
-CS SRR1972917 \
-TS SRR1972917
- If you have a known truth dataset (e.g., HapMap, GIAB) and want to evaluate accuracy.
- If you're comparing different variant calling methods or different filtering strategies.
- If you need to ensure consistency in genotyping across samples or sequencing batches
- Useful in clinical and forensic applications where accurate genotyping is critical.
- If you are working with de novo variant calls and don't have a truth set for comparison.
- If your dataset lacks matched ground truth genotypes.
- SnpEff annotates variants with functional information, including their impact on genes.
- Learn more on SnpEff & SnpSift
- Arguments:
snpEff ann
Annotation mode (ann stands for "annotate").-v
Verbose mode (useful for debugging).-c /home/vedbar_2025/miniconda3/share/snpeff-5.2-1/snpEff.config
Specifies the configuration file location.-s snpeff.html
Generates a summary HTML report (snpeff.html).AF086833
The reference genome name (must match a genome database in snpEff).combined.filter2.vcf
Input VCF file with variants to annotate.combined.ann.vcf
Output as a new annotated VCF file.
# mamba install snpeff snpsift
snpEff ann -v \
-c /home/vedbar_2025/miniconda3/share/snpeff-5.2-1/snpEff.config \
-s snpeff.html \
AF086833 \
combined.filter2.vcf > combined.ann.vcf
- Extracts relevant fields from annotated variant files for downstream analysis.
- Input: Annotated VCF file.
- Output: Extracted variant fields in tabular format.
SnpSift extractFields combined.ann.vcf \
GEN[0].GT GEN[0].GQ GEN[0].FT \
GEN[1].GT GEN[1].GQ GEN[1].FT > combined.txt
→ Variant ID (if available)CHROM
→ Chromosome namePOS
→ Position of the variantREF
→ Reference alleleALT
→ Alternate allele(s)QUAL
→ Quality scoreDP
→ Read depthFILTER
→ Filter status (PASS or other filters)ANN[0].GENE
→ Gene name affected by the variantANN[0].GENEID
→ Gene ID (if available)ANN[0].EFFECT
→ Predicted effect of the variant (e.g., missense_variant, synonymous_variant)ANN[0].IMPACT
→ Impact classification (HIGH, MODERATE, LOW, MODIFIER)ANN[0].BIOTYPE
→ Gene biotype (protein-coding, lncRNA, etc.)ANN[0].HGVS_C
→ HGVS notation for coding sequence changeANN[0].HGVS_P
→ HGVS notation for protein changeGEN[0].GT
→ Genotype of the first sample (0/1, 1/1, etc.)GEN[0].GQ
→ Genotype quality for the first sampleGEN[0].FT
→ Filter status for the first sampleGEN[1].GT
→ Genotype of the second sample (if applicable)GEN[1].GQ
→ Genotype quality for the second sampleGEN[1].FT
→ Filter status for the second sample
mkdir Class
cd Class
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa -I /home/bqhs/dna/mother.bam -O mother.g.vcf -ERC GVCF
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa -I /home/bqhs/dna/father.bam -O father.g.vcf -ERC GVCF
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa -I /home/bqhs/dna/son.bam -O son.g.vcf -ERC GVCF
gatk CombineGVCFs -R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa -V mother.g.vcf -V father.g.vcf -V son.g.vcf -O family.g.vcf
Note: Running GATK on big files takes time. So, you can copy vcf files and proceed to downstream analysis.
cp /home/bqhs/dna/Results/*vcf* ./
gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa -V family.g.vcf -O family.vcf
gatk VariantFiltration \
-R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa \
-V family.vcf \
-O family.filter.vcf \
-filter "QUAL < 30.0 || DP < 10" \
--filter-name lowQualDp
# Check the flags
grep "lowQualDp" family.filter.vcf
gatk CalculateGenotypePosteriors
is used to refine genotype calls by incorporating population-level allele frequency data and Mendelian inheritance priors (if family data is available).- This step improves genotype accuracy by adjusting posterior probabilities of genotypes based on additional information.
cp /home/bqhs/dna/trio.ped ./
gatk CalculateGenotypePosteriors \
-R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa \
-V family.filter.vcf \
-ped trio.ped \
-supporting /home/bqhs/hg38/1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg38.vcf.gz \
-O family.CGP.vcf
- Reduces Genotyping Errors: Especially useful for low-depth variants.
- Improves Call Confidence: Helps resolve ambiguous genotype calls (e.g., between heterozygous and homozygous states). Improves GQ scores, making genotype calls more accurate.
- Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) Expectations: Adjusts genotype probabilities based on expected allele distributions.
- Enhances Rare Variant Detection: Uses prior knowledge to detect true low-frequency variants that may be overlooked.
Note: It is recommended to run CalculateGenotypePosteriors before VariantFiltration.
gatk VariantFiltration \
-R /home/bqhs/hg38/genome.fa \
-V family.CGP.vcf \
-O family.CGP.filter.vcf \
-G-filter "GQ < 20.0" \
-G-filter-name lowGQ
# Check the flags
grep "lowGQ" family.CGP.filter.vcf
- CollectVariantCallingMetrics is a quality control (QC) tool used to assess the performance of variant calling by comparing a VCF file against a known database (e.g., dbSNP).
- It generates variant calling statistics, helping to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of detected variants.
gatk CollectVariantCallingMetrics \
-I family.CGP.filter.vcf \
--DBSNP /home/bqhs/hg38/dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz \
-O family.CGP.filter.metrics
- GenotypeConcordance is used to compare two VCF files and measure agreement between genotype calls.
# gatk GenotypeConcordance -CV [your callset vcf] -TV [truth set vcf] -O [output name] -CS [sample name in your callset] -TS [sample name in truth set]
#conda install snpeff
#conda install snpsift
#snpEff ann
#SnpSift extractFields
snpEff -Xmx10g ann hg38 -v -s snpeff.html family.CGP.filter.vcf > family.ann.vcf
SnpSift annotate /home/bqhs/hg38/dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz family.ann.vcf > family.ann2.vcf
SnpSift extractFields family.ann2.vcf \
GEN[0].GT GEN[0].GQ GEN[0].FT \
GEN[1].GT GEN[1].GQ GEN[1].FT \
GEN[2].GT GEN[2].GQ GEN[2].FT > family.txt