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File metadata and controls

69 lines (57 loc) · 2.41 KB

Running a Server

Now that you've read about the project, it's time to set up a server to play with your friends! We'll walk through the "traditional" way of running a PGM server, similar to how you would run a Bukkit server. If you want to learn more about running servers, please see some additional documentation here.


  1. Select the folder where you want to store your server files.
cd /path/to/folder
  1. Download the latest version of SportPaper, a fork of the Minecraft 1.8 server.
curl -Lo sportpaper.jar
curl -Lo sportpaper.yml
  1. Create a plugins folder and download the latest version of PGM.
mkdir plugins
curl -Lo plugins/pgm.jar
  1. Add your maps to the maps folder, if you don't have any, skip this step.
cp -r /path/to/map-0/ plugins/PGM/maps/map-0
  1. Run the server and enjoy playing PvP games with your friends!
java -jar sportpaper.jar nogui


You can also run an "out-of-the-box" PGM server as a container. This is a more advanced method of running a server and is only recommended if you have some basic knowledge about Docker.

  1. Pull the latest version of the PGM server.
docker pull electroid/pgm:latest # Gets the latest version
docker pull electroid/pgm:2019-10-25 # Gets the version on a specific date
  1. Run a PGM server with 1 GB of RAM and 2 CPUs. Read here for more detailed documentation.
docker run \
    -dit \
    -p 25565:25565 \
    --restart=unless-stopped \
    --memory-swappiness=100 \
    --memory=1G \
    --cpus=2 \
    --name=myserver \
  1. You can also run other docker commands to interact with the PGM server.
docker ps # List all servers
docker logs -f myserver # Tails the logs from the server
docker attach myserver # Access and run commands on the server
docker stop myserver # Stops the server, will not restart
docker start myserver # Starts a server, if stopped
docker restart myserver # Restarts the server
docker rm -f myserver # Stops and delete the server