From ef76fd0fe7e32a4187cb6ca604974130db32389b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Selvin Ortiz Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 21:29:53 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix issue where contracts were using a root-relative path for imports and failing when running tests --- contracts/CreatorToken.sol | 4 ++-- contracts/VestedToken.sol | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/contracts/CreatorToken.sol b/contracts/CreatorToken.sol index 7fa91e6..3192acc 100644 --- a/contracts/CreatorToken.sol +++ b/contracts/CreatorToken.sol @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ //SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity 0.8.6; -import "./@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; -import "./@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; +import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; +import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; import "./curves/BondingCurve.sol"; // import "hardhat/console.sol"; diff --git a/contracts/VestedToken.sol b/contracts/VestedToken.sol index 2e1aba4..e3d4ebb 100644 --- a/contracts/VestedToken.sol +++ b/contracts/VestedToken.sol @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ //SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense pragma solidity 0.8.6; -import "./@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol"; -import "./@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; +import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol"; +import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; // import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; // import { From e4ac27fe33374b9143379dcb4d21b27ef475247d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Selvin Ortiz Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 21:36:15 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Uncomment creator token test --- test/CreatorToken.ts | 430 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 215 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/CreatorToken.ts b/test/CreatorToken.ts index d6c5b61..db2d636 100644 --- a/test/CreatorToken.ts +++ b/test/CreatorToken.ts @@ -1,215 +1,215 @@ -// import { ethers } from "hardhat"; -// import { BigNumber, Contract, Signer } from "ethers"; -// import chai from "chai"; -// import { solidity } from "ethereum-waffle"; -// import { getAddress } from "@ethersproject/address"; - -// chai.use(solidity); -// const { expect } = chai; -// const INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT = ethers.BigNumber.from("1000000000000000000000") as BigNumber; -// const ONE_FINNEY = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "finney") as BigNumber; -// const ONE_ETH = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "ether") as BigNumber; - - -// describe("CreatorToken", () => { -// let CreatorToken: any, token: Contract, owner: Signer, addr1: Signer, addresses: Signer[] -// const setupCreatorToken = async () => { -// [owner, addr1, ...addresses] = await ethers.getSigners(); -// CreatorToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("CreatorToken"); -// token = await CreatorToken.deploy(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT, "CreatorTest", "TST", await owner.getAddress()); -// await token.deployed(); -// } - -// describe("Deployment", () => { -// beforeEach(setupCreatorToken) - -// it("Should create a token on deploying a contract", async () => { -// expect(await"CreatorTest"); -// expect(await token.symbol()).to.equal("TST"); -// expect(await token.totalSupply()).to.equal(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT); - -// let ownerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) -// expect(ownerBalance).to.equal(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT); -// }); - -// it("Should let user deposit ETH to mine tokens, giving 90% of newly minted tokens to person staking", async () => { -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) - -// const senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) -// const expected = ethers.BigNumber.from("40764525136982090668373") -// expect(senderBalance).to.equal(expected); -// }) - -// it("Should give 10% of the newly minted tokens to the contract owner", async () => { -// let ownerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) -// let newOwnerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) as BigNumber; -// let ownerBalanceDiff = newOwnerBalance.sub(ownerBalance) -// expect(ownerBalanceDiff).to.equal(ethers.BigNumber.from("4529391681886898963152")); -// }) - -// it("Should emit a 'Distributed' event on minting", async () => { -// const msgMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY } -// const expectedTotal = ethers.BigNumber.from("93204408653311889782") as BigNumber; -// const expectedBuyer = ethers.BigNumber.from("83883967787980700804"); -// const expectedOwner = expectedTotal.mul(10).div(100) -// await expect( -// token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(msgMetadata)) -// .to.emit(token, 'Distributed') -// .withArgs(await addr1.getAddress(), ONE_FINNEY, expectedTotal, expectedBuyer, expectedOwner); -// }) - -// it("Should let user buy tokens from the contract, and the price increasing the more ether is staked", async () => { -// const oneEthTxMetadata = { value: ONE_ETH } -// const twoEthTxMetadata = { value: ONE_ETH.mul(ethers.BigNumber.from("2")) } -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) -// let senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) as BigNumber; -// let senderBalanceFirst = senderBalance -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) -// senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()); -// let senderBalanceSecond = senderBalance -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) -// senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()); -// let senderBalanceThird = senderBalance -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) -// senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()); -// let senderBalanceFourth = senderBalance - -// const firstDiff = senderBalanceSecond.sub(senderBalanceFirst) -// const secondDiff = senderBalanceThird.sub(senderBalanceSecond) -// const thirdDiff = senderBalanceFourth.sub(senderBalanceThird) - -// //More tokens should be minted on the first try -// expect(; -// expect(; -// }) - -// it("Should transfer the token ownership to an account decided on the constructor", async () => { -// token = await CreatorToken.deploy(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT, "CreatorTest", "TST", await addr1.getAddress()); -// await token.deployed() -// expect(await token.owner()).to.equal(await addr1.getAddress()); -// }); -// }) - -// describe("Founder Percentage", () => { -// beforeEach(setupCreatorToken) - -// it("Should allow for the founder percentage to be reconfigured by the owner", async () => { -// const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY }; -// await token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(20); - -// let ownerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata); -// let newOwnerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) -// let ownerBalanceDiff = newOwnerBalance - ownerBalance; -// expect(ownerBalanceDiff).to.equal(18640881730662433000); -// }) - -// it("Should not allow for a non owner to change the founder percentage", async () => { -// await expect( -// token.connect(addr1).changeFounderPercentage(20) -// )"Ownable: caller is not the owner"); -// }) - -// it("Should not allow for owner to change to a percentage > 100", async () => { -// await expect( -// token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(101) -// )''); -// }) - -// it("Should not give all newly minted tokens to buyer if percentage is 100", async () => { -// const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "finney").toNumber() }; -// await token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(100) -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata) -// const senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) -// expect(senderBalance).to.equal(0); -// }) - -// it("Should not give any newly minted tokens to founder if percentage is 0", async () => { -// const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY }; -// await token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(0) -// const ownerTokenBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()); -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata) -// const ownerTokenBalanceAfterTransaction = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()); -// const senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) -// expect(senderBalance).to.equal(ethers.BigNumber.from("93204408653311889783")); -// expect(ownerTokenBalance).to.equal(ownerTokenBalanceAfterTransaction) -// }) -// }) -// describe("Withdrawals", () => { -// const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY }; - -// beforeEach(setupCreatorToken); - -// it("Should allow users to withdraw all the ETH from the contract", async () => { -// await token.connect(owner).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata); -// const initialOwnerBalance = parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatEther(await owner.getBalance())); -// const ownerSupply = await token.connect(owner).balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) - -// await token.connect(owner).sellTokensForEth(ownerSupply); -// const finalOwnerBalance = parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatEther(await owner.getBalance())); -// expect(floatDifferenceIsWithinDelta(initialOwnerBalance, finalOwnerBalance)).to.equal(true); -// expect(await ethers.getDefaultProvider().getBalance(token.address)).to.equal(0); -// }) - -// it("The ETH withdrawal should be proportionate to the balance in the contract", async () => { -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }); -// const initialUserEthBalance = await addr1.getBalance() as BigNumber; -// const userTokenBalance = await token.connect(addr1).balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) as BigNumber; - -// await token.connect(addr1).sellTokensForEth(userTokenBalance); -// const finalUserEthBalance = await addr1.getBalance() as BigNumber; - -// expect(; -// }) - -// it("Should not allow users to withdraw more tokens than what they own", async () => { -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata); -// const userSupply = await token.connect(addr1).balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) - -// await expect( -// token.connect(addr1).sellTokensForEth(userSupply.add(ethers.BigNumber.from("1"))) -// )"not enough tokens"); -// }) -// }) -// describe("View", () => { -// beforeEach(setupCreatorToken) - -// it("Should let users see how many tokens will be deployed", async () => { -// const [toBuyer, toOwner] = await token.connect(addr1).calculateTokenBuyReturns(ONE_FINNEY) -// expect(toBuyer.toString()).to.equal('83883967787980700804'); -// expect(toOwner.toString()).to.equal('9320440865331188978'); -// const [toBuyer2, toOwner2] = await token.connect(addr1).calculateTokenBuyReturns(ethers.utils.parseUnits("2.0", "ether")) -// expect(toBuyer2.toString()).to.equal('54023820594276909688566'); -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_FINNEY }); -// expect(await token.connect(addr1).balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress())).to.equal(toBuyer); -// }) - -// it("Should let users see how many tokens will be deployed", async () => { -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "ether") }); -// const tokens = await token.connect(addr1).calculateTokenBuyReturns(ONE_FINNEY) -// expect(tokens[0].toString()).to.equal('33294996610667861090'); -// }) - -// it("Should let users see how much ETH will be returned from selling tokens", async () => { -// await token.connect(owner).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) -// await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) - -// const initialUserEthBalance = await owner.getBalance() as BigNumber; -// const userTokenBalance = await token.connect(owner).balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) as BigNumber; - -// const saleReturns = await token.connect(owner).calculateTotalSaleReturn(userTokenBalance) -// const tx = await token.connect(owner).sellTokensForEth(userTokenBalance); -// const maxGasFee = tx.gasPrice.mul(tx.gasLimit); - -// const expectedBalance = initialUserEthBalance.add(saleReturns) -// const finalUserEthBalance = await owner.getBalance() as BigNumber; - -// expect(expectedBalance.sub(finalUserEthBalance).lt(maxGasFee)).to.equal(true); -// }) -// }) -// }); - -// const floatDifferenceIsWithinDelta = (floatOne: number, floatTwo: number, delta = 0.001) : Boolean => { -// return Math.abs(floatOne - floatTwo) < delta; -// } +import { ethers } from "hardhat"; +import { BigNumber, Contract, Signer } from "ethers"; +import chai from "chai"; +import { solidity } from "ethereum-waffle"; +import { getAddress } from "@ethersproject/address"; + +chai.use(solidity); +const { expect } = chai; +const INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT = ethers.BigNumber.from("1000000000000000000000") as BigNumber; +const ONE_FINNEY = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "finney") as BigNumber; +const ONE_ETH = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "ether") as BigNumber; + + +describe("CreatorToken", () => { + let CreatorToken: any, token: Contract, owner: Signer, addr1: Signer, addresses: Signer[] + const setupCreatorToken = async () => { + [owner, addr1, ...addresses] = await ethers.getSigners(); + CreatorToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("CreatorToken"); + token = await CreatorToken.deploy(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT, "CreatorTest", "TST", await owner.getAddress()); + await token.deployed(); + } + + describe("Deployment", () => { + beforeEach(setupCreatorToken) + + it("Should create a token on deploying a contract", async () => { + expect(await"CreatorTest"); + expect(await token.symbol()).to.equal("TST"); + expect(await token.totalSupply()).to.equal(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT); + + let ownerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) + expect(ownerBalance).to.equal(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT); + }); + + it("Should let user deposit ETH to mine tokens, giving 90% of newly minted tokens to person staking", async () => { + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) + + const senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) + const expected = ethers.BigNumber.from("40764525136982090668373") + expect(senderBalance).to.equal(expected); + }) + + it("Should give 10% of the newly minted tokens to the contract owner", async () => { + let ownerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) + let newOwnerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) as BigNumber; + let ownerBalanceDiff = newOwnerBalance.sub(ownerBalance) + expect(ownerBalanceDiff).to.equal(ethers.BigNumber.from("4529391681886898963152")); + }) + + it("Should emit a 'Distributed' event on minting", async () => { + const msgMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY } + const expectedTotal = ethers.BigNumber.from("93204408653311889782") as BigNumber; + const expectedBuyer = ethers.BigNumber.from("83883967787980700804"); + const expectedOwner = expectedTotal.mul(10).div(100) + await expect( + token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(msgMetadata)) + .to.emit(token, 'Distributed') + .withArgs(await addr1.getAddress(), ONE_FINNEY, expectedTotal, expectedBuyer, expectedOwner); + }) + + it("Should let user buy tokens from the contract, and the price increasing the more ether is staked", async () => { + const oneEthTxMetadata = { value: ONE_ETH } + const twoEthTxMetadata = { value: ONE_ETH.mul(ethers.BigNumber.from("2")) } + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) + let senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) as BigNumber; + let senderBalanceFirst = senderBalance + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) + senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()); + let senderBalanceSecond = senderBalance + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) + senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()); + let senderBalanceThird = senderBalance + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneEthTxMetadata) + senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()); + let senderBalanceFourth = senderBalance + + const firstDiff = senderBalanceSecond.sub(senderBalanceFirst) + const secondDiff = senderBalanceThird.sub(senderBalanceSecond) + const thirdDiff = senderBalanceFourth.sub(senderBalanceThird) + + //More tokens should be minted on the first try + expect(; + expect(; + }) + + it("Should transfer the token ownership to an account decided on the constructor", async () => { + token = await CreatorToken.deploy(INITIAL_SUPPLY_AMOUNT, "CreatorTest", "TST", await addr1.getAddress()); + await token.deployed() + expect(await token.owner()).to.equal(await addr1.getAddress()); + }); + }) + + describe("Founder Percentage", () => { + beforeEach(setupCreatorToken) + + it("Should allow for the founder percentage to be reconfigured by the owner", async () => { + const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY }; + await token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(20); + + let ownerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata); + let newOwnerBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) + let ownerBalanceDiff = newOwnerBalance - ownerBalance; + expect(ownerBalanceDiff).to.equal(18640881730662433000); + }) + + it("Should not allow for a non owner to change the founder percentage", async () => { + await expect( + token.connect(addr1).changeFounderPercentage(20) + )"Ownable: caller is not the owner"); + }) + + it("Should not allow for owner to change to a percentage > 100", async () => { + await expect( + token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(101) + )''); + }) + + it("Should not give all newly minted tokens to buyer if percentage is 100", async () => { + const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "finney").toNumber() }; + await token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(100) + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata) + const senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) + expect(senderBalance).to.equal(0); + }) + + it("Should not give any newly minted tokens to founder if percentage is 0", async () => { + const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY }; + await token.connect(owner).changeFounderPercentage(0) + const ownerTokenBalance = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()); + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata) + const ownerTokenBalanceAfterTransaction = await token.balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()); + const senderBalance = await token.balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) + expect(senderBalance).to.equal(ethers.BigNumber.from("93204408653311889783")); + expect(ownerTokenBalance).to.equal(ownerTokenBalanceAfterTransaction) + }) + }) + describe("Withdrawals", () => { + const oneFinneyTxMetadata = { value: ONE_FINNEY }; + + beforeEach(setupCreatorToken); + + it("Should allow users to withdraw all the ETH from the contract", async () => { + await token.connect(owner).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata); + const initialOwnerBalance = parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatEther(await owner.getBalance())); + const ownerSupply = await token.connect(owner).balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) + + await token.connect(owner).sellTokensForEth(ownerSupply); + const finalOwnerBalance = parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatEther(await owner.getBalance())); + expect(floatDifferenceIsWithinDelta(initialOwnerBalance, finalOwnerBalance)).to.equal(true); + expect(await ethers.getDefaultProvider().getBalance(token.address)).to.equal(0); + }) + + it("The ETH withdrawal should be proportionate to the balance in the contract", async () => { + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }); + const initialUserEthBalance = await addr1.getBalance() as BigNumber; + const userTokenBalance = await token.connect(addr1).balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) as BigNumber; + + await token.connect(addr1).sellTokensForEth(userTokenBalance); + const finalUserEthBalance = await addr1.getBalance() as BigNumber; + + expect(; + }) + + it("Should not allow users to withdraw more tokens than what they own", async () => { + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens(oneFinneyTxMetadata); + const userSupply = await token.connect(addr1).balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress()) + + await expect( + token.connect(addr1).sellTokensForEth(userSupply.add(ethers.BigNumber.from("1"))) + )"not enough tokens"); + }) + }) + describe("View", () => { + beforeEach(setupCreatorToken) + + it("Should let users see how many tokens will be deployed", async () => { + const [toBuyer, toOwner] = await token.connect(addr1).calculateTokenBuyReturns(ONE_FINNEY) + expect(toBuyer.toString()).to.equal('83883967787980700804'); + expect(toOwner.toString()).to.equal('9320440865331188978'); + const [toBuyer2, toOwner2] = await token.connect(addr1).calculateTokenBuyReturns(ethers.utils.parseUnits("2.0", "ether")) + expect(toBuyer2.toString()).to.equal('54023820594276909688566'); + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_FINNEY }); + expect(await token.connect(addr1).balanceOf(await addr1.getAddress())).to.equal(toBuyer); + }) + + it("Should let users see how many tokens will be deployed", async () => { + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ethers.utils.parseUnits("1.0", "ether") }); + const tokens = await token.connect(addr1).calculateTokenBuyReturns(ONE_FINNEY) + expect(tokens[0].toString()).to.equal('33294996610667861090'); + }) + + it("Should let users see how much ETH will be returned from selling tokens", async () => { + await token.connect(owner).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) + await token.connect(addr1).buyNewTokens({ value: ONE_ETH }) + + const initialUserEthBalance = await owner.getBalance() as BigNumber; + const userTokenBalance = await token.connect(owner).balanceOf(await owner.getAddress()) as BigNumber; + + const saleReturns = await token.connect(owner).calculateTotalSaleReturn(userTokenBalance) + const tx = await token.connect(owner).sellTokensForEth(userTokenBalance); + const maxGasFee = tx.gasPrice.mul(tx.gasLimit); + + const expectedBalance = initialUserEthBalance.add(saleReturns) + const finalUserEthBalance = await owner.getBalance() as BigNumber; + + expect(expectedBalance.sub(finalUserEthBalance).lt(maxGasFee)).to.equal(true); + }) + }) +}); + +const floatDifferenceIsWithinDelta = (floatOne: number, floatTwo: number, delta = 0.001) : Boolean => { + return Math.abs(floatOne - floatTwo) < delta; +}