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RPC System Reference Sheet

Max Bridgland edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 4 revisions


Valheim uses an RPC system that uses a ZPackage as the data to send. The RPC system allows for communication between all clients and the host of the server. You can use the RPC system to communicate between the client and server on your own without needing any external dependencies.

What are ZPackages?

ZPackages are serializable data packets that can be sent over the RPC system. You can write almost all standard types of data to them including bool, byte, byte[], char, double, int, long, Quaternion, sbyte, float, string, uint, ulong, Vector2i, Vector3, and ZDOID. While Quaternion, Vector2i, and Vector3 are Unity types, you can still de/serialize them with ZPackages.

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