Yes, please! Feel free to contribute to the project.
I would be glad if you do! There are only a few things to keep in mind.
This project follows PEP 8, and uses black to format/check the files
If there are more exceptions from it, which I don't know about it, please try to be consistent! And please try to avoid to mix big style changes with feature changes!
Thanks! :-)
The documentation lies on the branch gh-pages.
In order to build these, change into the folder docs/ and run make html. The files will be output into docs/_build/. The relevant files are under docs/_build/html/. These are the ones that are on the gh-pages branch.
- The easiest way to update the documentation would be to:
- git clone python-mattermost-driver-docs
- cd python-mattermost-driver-docs
- git checkout gh-pages
- cp -r python-mattermostdriver/docs/_build/html/. python-mattermost-driver-docs/
- Check the changed files with git status
- Add them and commit/push