In the homepage, you can choose either to import data from an external CSV file (with the left-hand-side panel), or create your own data using the mask on the right-hand side. The supported format and questionnaire types are as follow. You could also find this information in the homepage.
Data import: Use the button "IMPORTIEREN" to import CSV data. The application generates a unique id for each row if your data does not contain a column called "id".
Data editing: Double click on table cells to edit their values. Use the button "DATEN EINSTELLUNGEN" to add/delete columns, or to change type of questionnaire.
Data transformation: In the "DATEN EINSTELLUNGEN" panel, you can find a field "Transformierung hinzufügen". You can type in formulas to create a transformation.
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Supported function are as followed. You could also find the same information by click on the help button in the "DATEN EINSTELLUNGEN" panel.
Plotting: On the right-hand side is the "modification" panel. You can choose a type of diagram, and enter the required information. When you edit your data, the diagrams will change dynamically.
Data report: Click on the button "DATEN-REPORT" to learn more information about your data. If you have set the type of your questionnaire, it also calculate the score for your data.