Below is a step-by-step procedure to login to Transit.
???- question "Enjoy a video?"
See how to log in to Transit as a video.
Get inside the university networks.
???- question "Forgot how to get within SUNET?"
See the 'get inside the university networks' page [here](../getting_started/
On your local computer, start a terminal
and use ssh
to login to Transit:
ssh [username]
where [username]
is your UPPMAX username, for example:
If you haven't setup using SSH keys, you will be asked for your UPPMAX password.
If this is your first time on Transit, you will be asked for adding
it to your list of known hosts. Type yes
???- question "How does that look like?"
This is how it looks like when you are asked
for adding Transit to your list of known hosts.
![Transit is added to your list of known hosts](./img/transit_add_to_known_hosts.png)
You are now logged in to Transit!
???- question "How does that look like?"
sven@sven-N141CU:~/GitHubs/UPPMAX-documentation/docs/cluster_guides$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Tue May 14 07:32:22 2024 from
Transit server
You can mount bianca wharf with the command
mount_wharf PROJECT [path]
If you do not give a path the mount will show up as PROJECT in your home
Note; any chagnes you do to your normal home directory will not persist.