Gene fusions play a major role in tumorigenesis, so it is crucial that Treehouse has a pipeline for detecting them. We have built a docker container that runs STAR-Fusion and filters the output against a list of known cancer fusion genes. There is also an option to run additional filters and generate de novo assembled fusion transcripts using the FusionInspector program.
REPOSITORY: ucsctreehouse/fusion
TAG: 0.3.0
The pipeline requires paired-end fastq files, the output directory, and the genome library directory. The genelist is already baked into the docker container, but there is an option to include a different genelist. Please refer to the STAR-Fusion documentation for creating a genome library.
Wraps STAR-Fusion program and filters output using FusionInspector.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--left-fq R1 Fastq 1
--right-fq R2 Fastq 2
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory
--tar-gz Compresses output directory to tar.gz file
--genome-lib-dir GENOME_LIB_DIR
Reference genome directory (can be tarfile)
--CPU CPU Number of jobs to run in parallel
--genelist GENELIST
--skip-filter Skips gene-list filter
-F, --run-fusion-inspector
Runs FusionInspector on STAR-Fusion output
--star-fusion-results STAR_FUSION_RESULTS
Skips STAR-Fusion and runs FusionInspector
--save-intermediates Does not delete intermediate files
--root-ownership Does not change file ownership to user
--test Runs the pipeline with dummy files
--debug Prints tool command line arguments
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/data ucsctreehouse/fusion:0.3.0 \
--left-fq 1.fq.gz \
--right-fq 2.fq.gz \
--output-dir fusion_output \
--genome-lib-dir STARFusion-GRCh38gencode23 \
STAR-Fusion Output
- STAR-Fusion candidates and fusion fragments per million mapped read values
- Fusions where donor and acceptor genes passed the gene-list filter
FusionInspector Output
- FusionInspector candidates and fusion fragments per million mapped read values where donor and acceptor passed gene-list filter
- IGV input files for visualization
- FusionInspector.fa
- FusionInspector.gtf
- FusionInspector.junction_reads.bam
- FusionInspector.spanning_reads.bam
Fusion predictions with a large anchor support (YES_LDAS) and total FFPM > 0.1 are considered significant.
Different output files are generated depending on the amount of evidence supporting the fusion calls. If contains no fusions, FusionInspector does not run and no output file is generated. If contains fusions, FusionInspector runs. If the fusions meet FusionInspector's criteria, an output file is generated containing fusions. If they do not, an output file is generated containing column headings but no fusion data.
This repo ("fusion-for-core") contains a change in that renames to, which is consistent with the output generated by the docker we use (ucsctreehouse/fusion@sha256:3faac562666363fa4a80303943a8f5c14854a5f458676e1248a956c13fb534fd) and not with the repository.