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Smoothed Robust DRL Agents with Enhanced Utility and Robustness

This is the official repository for the ICML 2024 paper: Breaking the Barrier: Enhanced Utility and Robustness in Smoothed DRL Agents.


  • Recently, there is a growing interest on enabling certifiable robustness in DRL agents using Randomized Smoothing (RS), transforming agents into their smoothed counterparts during testing. Unfortunately, we found that existing smoothed agents (in brown color) demonstrate a notable deficiency: they yield substantially lower clean reward and little improvement in robustness compared to their non-smoothed counterparts (in grey color).

  • To address the limitations, in this work we introduce the first robust DRL training algorithms utilizing Randomized Smoothing. Our agents (S-DQN and S-PPO, in red boxes) achieved state-of-the-art performance in clean reward, robust reward, and robustness guarantee, outperforming the existing smoothed agents by 2.16× and non-smoothed robust agents by 2.13× under the strongest attack.


Our code is based on [SADQN]( and [SAPPO]( We used the [auto_Lirpa]( library for computing convex relaxations of neural networks. First, clone our repository. There will be two folders for our SDQN and SPPO implementation.

S-DQN (Smoothed - Deep Q Network)


git clone
cd auto_LiRPA
git checkout f4492caea9d7f1e6bcee52e70dbcda6b747f43da
python install
cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt

Pretrained Models

Our pretrained models can be found in models/. We set the smoothing variance sigma to 0.1 for Pong, 0.1 for Freeway, and 0.05 for RoadRunner.

S-PGD Attack

To test S-DQN (Vanilla) against S-PGD attack with budget epsilon=0.01 in the Pong environment, run

python --config config/Pong_denoiser.json test_config:m=100 test_config:sigma=0.1 test_config:smooth=true test_config:max_frames_per_episode=50000 test_config:attack_config:params:epsilon=0.01 test_config:attack_config:norm_type=l_inf test_config:num_episodes=5 training_config:use_async_env=false

Switch the config to Pong_rad_denoiser.json to evaluate S-DQN (Radial), and Pong_denoiser_adv.json to evaluate S-DQN (S-PGD). Set test_config:attack_config:norm_type=l_2 to switch L-infinity attack to L-2 attack. sigma=0.1 is the smoothing variance (should be set to 0.1 for Pong, 0.1 for Freeway, and 0.05 for RoadRunner), m=100 is the number of Monte Carlo samples, and epsilon=0.01 is the attack budget.

S-PA-AD attack

To test S-DQN (Vanilla) against S-PA-AD attack with budget epsilon=0.01 in the Pong environment, first train an S-PA-AD attacker

python --config config/Pong_denoiser.json --sigma 0.1 --epsilon 0.01 --algo ppo --num-steps 64 --lr 5e-4 --use-linear-lr-decay --clip-param 0.1 --num-env-steps 1000000

then, attack the agents with the trained attacker

python --config config/Pong_denoiser.json --sigma 0.1 --epsilon 0.01 --attacker paad --log-interval 1000 --cuda-deterministic > ./Pong_denoiser_eps_0.01.txt

Switch the config to Pong_rad_denoiser.json to evaluate S-DQN (Radial), and Pong_denoiser_adv.json to evaluate S-DQN (S-PGD).

Certified radius

To evaluate the average certified radius of S-DQN (Vanilla), run

python --config config/Pong_denoiser.json test_config:m=100 test_config:sigma=0.1 test_config:smooth=true test_config:max_frames_per_episode=500 test_config:num_episodes=1

Switch the config to Pong_rad_denoiser.json to evaluate S-DQN (Radial), and Pong_denoiser_adv.json to evaluate S-DQN (S-PGD).

Reward lower bound

To evaluate the reward lower bound of S-DQN (Vanilla), run

python --config config/Pong_denoiser.json test_config:m=1 test_config:sigma=0.1 test_config:smooth=true test_config:max_frames_per_episode=50000 test_config:attack_config:params:epsilon=0.0 test_config:attack_config:norm_type=l_inf test_config:num_episodes=1000 training_config:use_async_env=false

and then, run


Switch the config to Pong_rad_denoiser.json to evaluate S-DQN (Radial), and Pong_denoiser_adv.json to evaluate S-DQN (S-PGD).


To train S-DQN (Vanilla) in Pong environment, run

python --config config/Pong_denoiser.json

Switch the config to Pong_rad_denoiser.json to evaluate S-DQN (Radial), and Pong_denoiser_adv.json to evaluate S-DQN (S-PGD). The result will be save to PongNoFrameskip-v4_denoiser_0.1. You can find the denoiser model with the name denoiser_frame_300000.pth, and the original DQN model used for training denoiser dqn_frame_300000.pth.

S-PPO (Smoothed - Proximal Policy Optimization)


git clone
cd auto_LiRPA
git checkout 389dc72fcff606944dca0504cc77f52fef024c4e
python install
cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, follow the instructions here to install mujoco

Pretrained Models

Our pretrained models can be found in median_models/. We report the median result of the 15 models while testing. Note that PPO learning algorithms have large variances across different training runs. For a fair comparison, it is necessary to train each environment at least 15 times and report the median reward among the 15 agents. The 15 agents for every algorithm can be also found in models/. We set the smoothing variance sigma to 0.2 for Walker, 0.3 for Hopper, and 0.4 for Humanoid during the training.

Clean reward, MAD Attack, min-RS attack

cd src

To test the clean reward of S-PPO (Vanilla) in the Walker environment, run

python --config-path config_walker_sppo.json --load-model median_models/walker_sppo_median.model --deterministic

To test the clean reward of the state-of-the-art S-PPO (SGLD) in the Walker environment, run

python --config-path config_walker_sppo_sgld.json --load-model median_models/walker_sppo_sgld_median.model --deterministic

To attack S-PPO with MAD(Maximal Action Difference) attack and min-RS(robust Sarsa) attack in the Walker environment, run

scan_attacks median_models/walker_sppo_median.model config_walker_sppo.json sarsa_walker_sppo

To evaluate other agents, change the model name and config name. For example, median_models/walker_sppo_sgld_median.model will evaluate S-PPO (SGLD). The implementation of S-PPO (WocaR) is in the src_wocar/ folder, and S-PPO (S-PA-ATLA) is in the src_pa_atla/ folder.

Optimal attack

cd optimal_attack

To attack S-PPO with the Optimal attack in the Walker environment, first train the optimal attacker

cd configs
# This will generate 216 config files inside agent_configs_attack_ppo_ant.
cd ..
# This command will run 216 configurations using all available CPUs. 
python configs/agent_configs_attack_sppo_walker_scan/ --out-dir-prefix=configs/agents_attack_sppo_walker_scan > attack_sppo_walker_scan.log

After finishing training the attacker, run the script to attack


Need to change the line

scan_exp_folder <config file> <path to trained optimal attack adversarial> <path to the victim agent model> $semaphorename

Parse the results

python configs/agents_attack_sppo_walker_scan/attack_sppo_walker/agents

To evaluate other agents, change the corresponding command. For example, python will evaluate S-PPO (SGLD).

PA-AD attack

cd pa_ad

To attack S-PPO with the PA-AD attack in the Walker environment, first train the PA-AD attacker

cd configs
# This will generate 216 config files inside agent_configs_attack_ppo_ant.
cd ..
# This command will run 216 configurations using all available CPUs. 
python configs/agent_configs_attack_sppo_walker_scan/ --out-dir-prefix=configs/agents_attack_sppo_walker_scan > attack_sppo_walker_scan.log

After finishing training the attacker, run the script to attack


Need to change the line

scan_exp_folder <config file> <path to trained paad attack adversarial> <path to the victim agent model> $semaphorename

Parse the results

python configs/agents_attack_sppo_walker_scan/attack_sppo_walker/agents

To evaluate other agents, change the corresponding command. For example, python will evaluate S-PPO (SGLD).


To get the ADIV S-PPO (Vanilla) in the Walker environment, run

python --config-path config_walker_sppo.json --load-model median_models/walker_sppo_median.model --deterministic

To evaluate other agents, change the model name and config name. For example, median_models/walker_sppo_sgld_median.model will evaluate S-PPO (SGLD).

Reward lower bound

To evaluate the reward lower bound of S-PPO in the Walker environment, run

python --config-path config_walker_sppo.json --load-model median_models/walker_sppo_median.model --num-episodes 1000 --testing-m 1 --deterministic

and then, run


To evaluate other agents, change the model name. For example, median_models/walker_sppo_sgldmedian.model will evaluate S-PPO (SGLD).


To train S-PPO (Vanilla) in the Walker environment, run

python --config-path config_walker_sppo.json

To train other agents, change the config name. For example, config_walker_sppo_sgld.json will train S-PPO (SGLD). The implementation of S-PPO (WocaR) is in the src_wocar/ folder, and S-PPO (S-PA-ATLA) is in the src_pa_atla/ folder.

Cite this work

Chung-En Sun, Sicun Gao, Tsui-Wei Weng. "Breaking the Barrier: Enhanced Utility and Robustness in Smoothed DRL Agents". ICML 2024

   title={Breaking the Barrier: Enhanced Utility and Robustness in Smoothed DRL Agents},
   author={Chung-En Sun, Sicun Gao, Tsui-Wei Weng},