#!/usr/bin/env bats
# Test various upgrade scenarios.


load common

	# Set up the first repository.

	create_pkg_buildinfo "refresh-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat1" \
	create_pkg_comment "refresh-1.0" "Package should be refreshed"
	create_pkg_file "refresh-1.0" "share/doc/refresh"
	create_pkg "refresh-1.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "upgrade-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat1" \
	create_pkg_comment "upgrade-1.0" "Package should be upgraded"
	create_pkg_file "upgrade-1.0" "share/doc/upgrade"
	create_pkg "upgrade-1.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "pkgpath-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat2" \
	create_pkg_comment "pkgpath-1.0" "PKGPATH differs to pkgpath-2.0"
	create_pkg_file "pkgpath-1.0" "share/doc/pkgpath"
	create_pkg "pkgpath-1.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "pkgpath-2.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat2" \
	create_pkg_comment "pkgpath-2.0" "PKGPATH differs to pkgpath-1.0"
	create_pkg_file "pkgpath-2.0" "share/doc/pkgpath"
	create_pkg "pkgpath-2.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "deptree-bottom-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat3" \
	create_pkg_comment "deptree-bottom-1.0" \
	    "Package is at the bottom of a dependency tree"
	create_pkg_file "deptree-bottom-1.0" "share/doc/deptree-bottom"
	create_pkg "deptree-bottom-1.0" -P "refresh>=1.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "deptree-top-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat3" \
	create_pkg_comment "deptree-top-1.0" \
	    "Package is at the top of a dependency tree"
	create_pkg_file "deptree-top-1.0" "share/doc/deptree-top"
	create_pkg "deptree-top-1.0" -P "deptree-bottom>=1.0"

	create_pkg_summary "${REPO_DATE}"

	# Set up the second repository.  This tests some basic upgrade
	# scenarios.

	create_pkg_buildinfo "refresh-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat1" \
	create_pkg_comment "refresh-1.0" "Package should be refreshed"
	create_pkg_file "refresh-1.0" "share/doc/refresh"
	create_pkg "refresh-1.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "upgrade-2.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat1" \
	create_pkg_comment "upgrade-2.0" "Package should be upgraded"
	create_pkg_file "upgrade-2.0" "share/doc/upgrade"
	create_pkg "upgrade-2.0"

	# Retain original BUILD_DATE for pkgpath, just so we have a package
	# that should be marked as do nothing when upgrading.
	create_pkg_buildinfo "pkgpath-1.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat2" \
	create_pkg_comment "pkgpath-1.0" "PKGPATH differs to pkgpath-2.0"
	create_pkg_file "pkgpath-1.0" "share/doc/pkgpath"
	create_pkg "pkgpath-1.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "pkgpath-2.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat2" \
	create_pkg_comment "pkgpath-2.0" "PKGPATH differs to pkgpath-1.0"
	create_pkg_file "pkgpath-2.0" "share/doc/pkgpath"
	create_pkg "pkgpath-2.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "deptree-bottom-2.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat3" \
	create_pkg_comment "deptree-bottom-2.0" \
	    "Package is at the bottom of a dependency tree"
	create_pkg_file "deptree-bottom-2.0" "share/doc/deptree-bottom"
	create_pkg "deptree-bottom-2.0"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "deptree-middle-2.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat3" \
	create_pkg_comment "deptree-middle-2.0" \
	    "Package is in the middle of a dependency tree"
	create_pkg_file "deptree-middle-2.0" "share/doc/deptree-middle"
	create_pkg "deptree-middle-2.0" -P "deptree-bottom-[0-9]*"

	create_pkg_buildinfo "deptree-top-2.0" \
	    "CATEGORIES=cat3" \
	create_pkg_comment "deptree-top-2.0" \
	    "Package is at the top of a dependency tree"
	create_pkg_file "deptree-top-2.0" "share/doc/deptree-top"
	create_pkg "deptree-top-2.0" -P "deptree-middle>=2.0"

	create_pkg_summary "${REPO_DATE}"

	# Start with the first repository, we'll switch to subsequent
	# repositories by updating the symlink.
	ln -s repo1 ${SUITE_WORKDIR}/packages


@test "${SUITE} install initial packages" {
	# Use pkg_add for the first package to help 0.9.x which does not
	# support installing from scratch.
	export PKG_PATH=${SUITE_WORKDIR}/repo1/All
	run pkg_add refresh
	[ $status -eq 0 ]
	[ -z "${output}" ]

	run pkgin -y install deptree-top pkgpath-1.0 upgrade
	[ $status -eq 0 ]

@test "${SUITE} verify initial BUILD_DATE" {
	run pkg_info -Q BUILD_DATE refresh
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
	[ "${output}" = "${BUILD_DATE_1}" ]

@test "${SUITE} switch to updated repository" {
	run rm ${SUITE_WORKDIR}/packages
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	run ln -s repo2 ${SUITE_WORKDIR}/packages
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001000 ]; then
		run pkgin -fy update
		[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

# XXX: fix
# The keep package installed from the previous repository should not
# match the BUILD_DATE of the current repository, and the version should not
# change during the following upgrades, making it a good candidate to ensure
# that refresh works.
# We also need to verify that it is currently in the cache directory, to test
# that we can detect the download needs to be performed even if the sizes
# happen to match.
#@test "${SUITE} ensure BUILD_DATE is not current" {
#	skip_if_version -lt 001000 "Does not support BUILD_DATE"
#	run pkg_info -Q BUILD_DATE refresh-1.0
#	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
#	[ -n "${output}" ]
#	[ "${output}" != "${REPO_BUILD_DATE}" ]
#@test "${SUITE} ensure BUILD_DATE package exists in the cache" {
#	skip_if_version -lt 001000 "Does not support BUILD_DATE"
#	run [ -f ${TEST_PKGIN_CACHE}/refresh-1.0.tgz ]
#	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

# Test all parts of a full-upgrade, including no-op output, download only, and
# an actual install.  Sprinkle some -f to ensure forced updates are correct.
@test "${SUITE} test pkgin full-upgrade (output only)" {
	run pkgin -n fug
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
	if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001000 ]; then
		output_match "3 packages to be upgraded"
		output_match "4 packages to be installed"
	elif [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001100 ]; then
		output_match "4 packages to be upgraded"
		output_match "5 packages to be installed"
	elif [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 221000 ]; then
		output_match "1 to refresh, 3 to upgrade, 1 to install"
		file_match "full-upgrade-output-only.regex"
@test "${SUITE} test pkgin full-upgrade (download only)" {
	skip_if_version -lt 001002 "not supported"
	run pkgin -dfy fug
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 221000 ]; then
		output_match "5 packages .* download"
		output_match "downloading deptree-bottom-2.0.tgz done."
		output_match "downloading deptree-middle-2.0.tgz done."
		output_match "downloading deptree-top-2.0.tgz done."
		output_match "downloading refresh-1.0.tgz done."
		output_match "downloading upgrade-2.0.tgz done."
		file_match "full-upgrade-download-only.regex"
@test "${SUITE} test pkgin full-upgrade (output only after download)" {
	skip_if_version -eq 001000 "buggy release"
	skip_if_version -eq 001001 "buggy release"
	run pkgin -fn fug
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001000 ]; then
		output_match "3 packages to be upgraded"
		output_match "4 packages to be installed"
	elif [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001100 ]; then
		output_match "4 packages to be upgraded"
		output_match "5 packages to be installed"
	elif [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 221000 ]; then
		output_match "1 package to refresh"
		output_match "3 packages to upgrade"
		output_match "1 package to install"
		file_match "full-upgrade-output-only-2.regex"
@test "${SUITE} test pkgin full-upgrade" {
	run pkgin -y fug
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001100 ]; then
		output_match "installing deptree-bottom-2.0..."
		output_match "installing deptree-middle-2.0..."
		output_match "installing deptree-top-2.0..."
		if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -ge 001000 ]; then
			output_match "installing refresh-1.0..."
		output_match "installing upgrade-2.0..."
	elif [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 221000 ]; then
		output_match "1 to refresh, 3 to upgrade, 1 to install"
		output_match "refreshing refresh-1.0..."
		output_match "upgrading deptree-bottom-2.0..."
		output_match "upgrading deptree-top-2.0..."
		output_match "upgrading upgrade-2.0..."
		output_match "installing deptree-middle-2.0..."
		file_match "full-upgrade.regex"

@test "${SUITE} perform upgrade" {
	run pkgin -y full-upgrade
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

@test "${SUITE} verify refreshed BUILD_DATE" {
	skip_if_version -lt 001000 "Does not support BUILD_DATE"
	run pkg_info -Q BUILD_DATE refresh
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
	[ "${output}" = "${BUILD_DATE_2}" ]

# Ensure that upgrades did not change status of keep/no-keep packages.
@test "${SUITE} verify keep/no-keep post-upgrade" {
	for cmd in show-keep sk; do
		run pkgin_sorted ${cmd}
		[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
		if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 211201 ]; then
			line_match 0 "deptree-top-2.0 is marked as non-auto"
			line_match 1 "pkgpath-1.0 is marked as non-auto"
			line_match 2 "refresh-1.0 is marked as non-auto"
			line_match 3 "upgrade-2.0 is marked as non-auto"
			compare_output "pkgin.show-keep"
	for cmd in show-no-keep snk; do
		run pkgin_sorted ${cmd}
		[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
		if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 211201 ]; then
			line_match 0 "deptree-bottom-2.0 is marked as auto"
			line_match 1 "deptree-middle-2.0 is marked as auto"
			compare_output "pkgin.show-no-keep"

# Now verify that the refresh package has been refreshed with the current
# repository BUILD_DATE
@test "${SUITE} verify BUILD_DATE refresh" {
	skip_if_version -lt 001000 "Does not support BUILD_DATE"
	run pkg_info -Q BUILD_DATE refresh-1.0
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
	[ -n "${output}" ]
	[ "${output}" = "${BUILD_DATE_2}" ]

# Verify behaviour of PKGPATH with regards to upgrades:
#  1. An upgrade should not consider a newer version if PKGPATH does not match.
#  2. A "pkgin import" using the original PKGPATH should not either.
#  3. An explicit "pkgin install" of a different PKGPATH should upgrade.
# Versions of pkgin prior to 0.11.2 do not handle #2 correctly, they only
# match on PKGNAME not FULLPKGNAME and end up performing an upgrade, so that
# test is skipped.
@test "${SUITE} verify PKGPATH change prevented upgrade" {
	run pkg_info -qe pkgpath-1.0
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
@test "${SUITE} test pkgin import does not upgrade PKGPATH" {
	skip_if_version -lt 001102

	echo "cat2/pkgpath1" >${SUITE_WORKDIR}/import-pkgpath1
	run pkgin -y import ${SUITE_WORKDIR}/import-pkgpath1
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	run pkg_info -qe pkgpath-1.0
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
@test "${SUITE} test install of package where PKGPATH changed" {
	run pkgin -y install pkgpath-2.0
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	if [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -lt 001100 ]; then
		output_match "1 package.* to be upgraded"
		output_match "1 package.* to be installed"
		output_match "removing pkgpath-1.0..."
		output_match "installing pkgpath-2.0..."
	elif [ ${PKGIN_VERSION} -le 221000 ]; then
		output_match "1 package to upgrade"
		output_match "upgrading pkgpath-2.0..."
		output_match "0 to refresh, 1 to upgrade, 0 to install"
		file_match "install-pkgpath-upgrade.regex"
# Just for completeness sake do a full downgrade and upgrade using
# "pkgin import", ending up back where we started for verification.
@test "${SUITE} test installing PKGPATH changes via import" {
	skip_if_version -lt 001102

	echo "cat2/pkgpath1" >${SUITE_WORKDIR}/import-pkgpath1
	run pkgin -y import ${SUITE_WORKDIR}/import-pkgpath1
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	run pkg_info -qe pkgpath-1.0
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	echo "cat2/pkgpath2" >${SUITE_WORKDIR}/import-pkgpath2
	run pkgin -y import ${SUITE_WORKDIR}/import-pkgpath2
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

	run pkg_info -qe pkgpath-2.0
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]

# Verify final contents.
@test "${SUITE} verify pkg_info" {
	compare_pkg_info "pkg_info.final"
@test "${SUITE} verify pkgin list" {
	skip_if_version -eq 000700 "NetBSDfr/pkgin#46 (uses parseable output)"
	skip_if_version -eq 000800 "NetBSDfr/pkgin#46 (uses parseable output)"
	compare_pkgin_list "pkgin-list.final"
@test "${SUITE} verify package file contents" {
	run cat ${LOCALBASE}/share/doc/*
	[ ${status} -eq 0 ]
	compare_output "cat-share-doc-all.out"