Ensemble PyTorch is a unified ensemble framework for PyTorch to easily improve the performance and robustness of your deep learning model. It provides:
- Easy ways to improve the performance and robustness of your deep learning model.
- Easy-to-use APIs on training and evaluating the ensemble.
- High training efficiency with parallelization.
- To get started, please refer to Quick Start;
- To learn more about ensemble methods supported, please refer to Introduction;
- If you are confused on which ensemble method to use, our experiments and the instructions in guidance may be helpful.
from torchensemble import VotingClassifier # voting is a classic ensemble strategy
# Load data
train_loader = DataLoader(...)
test_loader = DataLoader(...)
# Define the ensemble
ensemble = VotingClassifier(
estimator=base_estimator, # here is your deep learning model
n_estimators=10, # number of base estimators
# Set the criterion
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # training objective
# Set the optimizer
"Adam", # type of parameter optimizer
lr=learning_rate, # learning rate of parameter optimizer
weight_decay=weight_decay, # weight decay of parameter optimizer
# Set the learning rate scheduler
"CosineAnnealingLR", # type of learning rate scheduler
T_max=epochs, # additional arguments on the scheduler
# Train the ensemble
epochs=epochs, # number of training epochs
# Evaluate the ensemble
acc = ensemble.predict(test_loader) # testing accuracy
.. toctree:: :caption: For Users :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: Quick Start <quick_start> Introduction <introduction> Guidance <guide> Experiment <experiment> API Reference <parameters>
.. toctree:: :caption: For Developers :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: Changelog <changelog> Roadmap <roadmap> Contributors <contributors> Code of Conduct <code_of_conduct>